bikerangelo wrote: »Now everyone gets to feel how imbalanced poisons and siege are without CP.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »@MyNameIsElias We are aware of that behavior and will be adjusting values of Outposts, Resources and Keeps after the event.
Makes you wonder if the meeting at corporate with all the streamers/known players that they discussed PvP with no CP and thought of all the good that would come of it.
I'd say it's likely as server performance isn't great and the games better off on balance with no CP involved.
Also what kind of nonscientific approach for the topic is that. You simply won´t get any worthwhile results @ZOS_BrianWheeler because people can not play the same way with CP compared to playing without.
They simply can´t use their skills in the same way.
Actually, it is very scientific. They observed a phenomenon and they are testing it throughout multiple different servers. Assuming that Azura's Star is the control (as it always was a non-cp campaign), they get to see how Haderus and True Flame is affected by the 1 week change, and then compare it to Azura's Star.
Also, I can assure the console that they won't have to deal with this test.
They will basically get no usable result because ppl just can´t play the same way.
The game works differently without CP (ie you can´t spam skills as easily). It´s a useless test.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »@MyNameIsElias We are aware of that behavior and will be adjusting values of Outposts, Resources and Keeps after the event.
NightbladeMechanics wrote: »@Derra so cp facilitating spamming healing springs for 10 minutes isn't cp contributing to lag if the healing springs spam contributes to lag?
It sounds like your sorc build is refined to take advantage of the stat inflation that cp gives us. No wonder you're so against it!Make a few slight adjustments to trade some of that crit for regen and you'll function fine. It won't be min maxed, but very few people will be during this test. Imagine the "average player" pug with one or two item sets and not much gold. He won't be changing anything. You're resisting this test to preserve your own gold and time and build, but this is about the future of the game, not you. We differ on ideology here.
Ppl spent weeks grinding their gear for CP builds and millions of gold upgrading all of this but yeeeeeh, who cares about PVPers in this game anyway right?
Also the funniest part of this is that removing CP won't help with server performance AT ALL, because this game was laggy for many months BEFORE they even introduced CP!
Whilst the idea of a "level playing field" is okay, it removes the incentive to level. What return on the huge time sink do people get if they are getting no return for their efforts with regards to CP?
Would it not be more productive to have a few CP campaigns and few non-CP campaigns? The fact that on PS4 there is only one non-CP (and its a longer campaign) can be off-putting for some.
Maybe if you did the "double" or "1.5" AP return in those campaigns, you'd find more in there and it would even out the CP and non-CP campaigns - and give players a greater choice.
IMO, people PvP for the sake of the actual fights. If the fights are better (and IMO, they are without CP), than that is all the incentive we [should] need.
This. If they removed resource cost poisons and ...did something to siege. Id be all for removing CP from the game permanently, CP is also why the zone pve is sooo f boring cause every mob die to 2 hits.
The whole game is (in)balanced around CP.
Strange - i find noncp fights so repellent i´m actually downloading witcher III to finally play both DLCs during that week ._.
Personally, I prefer fights that require resource management. That was the limiting factor in the original combat design which rejected cool down timers on skills. When they removed soft caps and then added CP, it broke that original system. The system that replaced it favors broken min/max builds - either super bursty DPS or never run out of resources tanks.
@Derra Just l2p withouth CP, is not even a big change. Most (if not all) builds that work no regular campains, work on non-cp campains with minor adjustments (change mundus, food, or 1 or 2 jewerly enchants) and you are g2g. If you know how to managed your resources, you won't have any trouble.
You are overreacting af, i constantly switch from Cp to Non-Cp campain withouth any trouble, i don't even need to switch gear, just changing food and 1 ring enchant and done.