NightbladeMechanics wrote: »Lol at everyone thinking the world is burning.
@Derra refusing to play during the test because you don't have a perfect little build for no-cp shows how little you care about the health and future of the game.
@Koolio they aren't considering removing cp campaigns. They are considering reworking all of those little cp passives that trigger, for example, a heal every time you're crit. Those create tons of server calculations in large aoe fights. They are turning off cp for the week to test the impact o not having those calculations on the main servers when TF prime time is in full swing. After the test, the stars inflating your stats will likely stay intact. The little passives and actives will likely change. We will see.
Overall, this is a GREAT step forward for pvp, and any serious pvper should welcome this week and play as much pvp as possible during the test. I certainly will.
Also no-cp pvp isn't that bad. Damage, sustain, and survivability feel great imo. It's external factors like poisons, siege, and procs that felt bad. I look forward to actually having to manage resources for a week!!this move by ZOS. We as the PvP community can only benefit from this.
I´m relying on 58% critchance to heal - which makes thief mandatory. I also loose 12% crit flatout.
I´m using witchmother food providing me with regen.
I have 2x magrec on jewelry enchanted already.
Tell me how should i adjust my build without loosing the ability to heal? By enchanting an extra 169 rec instead of the one spelldmg glyph i have? Really?
But ofc that´s all a nonissue if you´re running in a 20 man grp.
It is the way to go. It shouldn't have been added in the 1st place.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »@MyNameIsElias We are aware of that behavior and will be adjusting values of Outposts, Resources and Keeps after the event.
Probably changing mundus and witchmodes for the regular max health+mag regen food is enought. You will loss some healing? ofc, everyone does on non-cp campaing. Just try and see how the build still works, the damage is WAY lower on non-cp.
From what you are saying, i assume you are playing a magsorc with power surge as healing, In the worst case scenario just change your 5 pieces dmg set for something like amberplasm or seducer and done, you don't need to stack dmg to the roof on non-cp.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »I'm looking forward to this only specifically because this is the first time I've seen the PvP team take such huge lengths to fix Cyrodiil performance.
With that said, I hope you all at ZoS realize that removing CP completely eventually in PvP is the wrong decision as a permanent "solution". There are players who specifically only PvP, and you would be basically giving them the middle finger. So, no matter what data you gather, I hope you keep CP in. The game + gear + playstyles are now balanced around CP.
If you ABSOLUTELY RELY on CP for your build to be viable, and they remove CP, you will have to change your build. Pretty much all of us have had to change our builds at some point, in response to some skill/system change or because of new gear and playstyles.
As things stand now, we see a wide variety of viable builds from all classes on Azuras. We also, IMO, see a lot fewer completely broken builds.
When CPs were introduced two years there were endless discussions about how unbalanced characters would be as CP scaled up over time. We are seeing this behavior play out in front of our eyes.
I think that if this experiment confirms that CP is the culprit for Cyro lag, the ZOS team needs to do some serious soul-searching about their intention for the CP system. Bee is correct in the assessment that gear / game / mechanics are "balanced" around CP now. People are emotionally and time-invested in the system.
However, CP is totally boring as a simple percentage of dmg increases or dmg reductions. Maybe a totally re-thought system where CPs are the next level of customization for a character.
I´ve already played noncp before homestead and all i can reply is:
You have absolutely not the slightest idea what you´re talking about. I don´t even know where to begin.
Ofc i could do a completely new build like you´re suggesting with changing my 5p sets. But that´s the whole point i´m annoyed about no?
When CPs were introduced two years there were endless discussions about how unbalanced characters would be as CP scaled up over time. We are seeing this behavior play out in front of our eyes.
I think that if this experiment confirms that CP is the culprit for Cyro lag, the ZOS team needs to do some serious soul-searching about their intention for the CP system. Bee is correct in the assessment that gear / game / mechanics are "balanced" around CP now. People are emotionally and time-invested in the system.
However, CP is totally boring as a simple percentage of dmg increases or dmg reductions. Maybe a totally re-thought system where CPs are the next level of customization for a character.
I just spent 2 years getting as much CP as possible to play Pvp. I don't think removing them is a good way to go. Not a good idea.
I personally love NO CP. Of course it is not flawless and Battlespirit and especially Poisons might need some adjustments later on. However I actually think people finally NEED TO USE THEIR BRAIN again.
- People actually have to learn to create builds
- No more insane damage and sustain
- Permablock? sure but you aint got no damage no more
- People will actually die. No joke.
First of all, i'm getting tired of your actitude, already participated in another threads and your actitude of "i'm better than you just because" is patetic, i probably have 3x times more playtime of noncp than you but i don't need to bridge those commets to make my point valid, so that kind of commets of "you have absolutley no idea", save them, this is a discussion, not a D measuring contest.
Many players constantly switch from cp to non-cp campains withouth too much trouble, the problem is that you can't see a build past the cp-campain mentality of having super damage + super healing + unlimited resources, in non-cp you have to sacrifice something, simple as that. I'm pretty sure that if you put 30minutes of effort, you can adapt your build a few small changes, but well, keep crying like a baby instead, that will take you far.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »@MyNameIsElias We are aware of that behavior and will be adjusting values of Outposts, Resources and Keeps after the event.
bikerangelo wrote: »Now everyone gets to feel how imbalanced poisons and siege are without CP.
Wow,ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »Hey gang!
As you saw in Matt’s 2017 roadmap, we are making Cyrodiil performance evaluation and fixing a priority this year. We want to make sure that Cyrodiil is a great PvP experience for everyone. Over the last year, we’ve made some good strides towards refining server performance across all campaigns, and we will continue down that path.
When looking into Cyrodiil issues, we definitely see (both in-game and through monitoring) situations where client and server performance degrade significantly when under high load. The small incremental changes we’ve made over the last year have helped, but they alone are not enough. So, we’re going to change our strategy a bit – which is the point of this post.
Simply put, Azura’s Star (the non-Champion Point campaign) runs much better, more efficiently, and is overall a much better PvP experience than the standard campaigns such as Trueflame or Haderus. Now that we’ve had a significant population density in Azura’s Star, we strongly suspect what has been theorized for a long time: Champion Rank passives and abilities are causing too much server load, especially in situations like Keep battles where there are tons of players in one place.
Because of this, we are going to run a series of PvP performance tests, and because it is impossible to simulate PvP load on our internal test servers (or on PTS), we will do this on all live servers on the dates of February 27 – March 6. This is not something we take lightly, and it is important that we evaluate performance when the server is under real-world load situations.
Our first test will be set up as follows:We encourage all players to continue their PvP activities in their respective Home, Guest, and Friends campaigns – we will be taking feedback and monitoring data on a daily basis during this test, and look forward to reading your constructive posts about server performance during the time of the test.
- For a period of one week, all Champion Points will be disabled on all Campaigns on all platforms and megaservers
- During this time, AP gains in all Campaigns will be doubled, both to compensate for lack of CP and also to incentivize players to PvP so we can record as much data as possible
- Campaign durations and leaderboards will not be adjusted during this week
The results of this test will determine the next course of action for refining Cyrodiil server performance. Thank you for your perseverance and patience – we thoroughly appreciate your time, efforts, and feedback!
Thanks again, and see you in Cyrodiil!