lordrichter wrote: »Jester's Day is in late Rain's Hand (April), by the Arena calendar. When is this Festival?
I would assume around April Fool's.
@ZOS_GinaBruno A bit of a tangential question, since the timing is similar: With this festival going, will there still be the anniversary cake event this year? I have a relatively new alt account that desperately needs the cake memento...
lordrichter wrote: »
This is why I was asking. I was more expecting a February event than an April event, but the event they picked is closer to the April event.
For Jester Emeric's quest... the part in town using the dazzlers in the group of ppl..... well I had no "E" prompt, nor could I use the item from my inventory (the item was there, under quest items, but it had no prompt to be used)... i submitted a feedback ticket. I logged out, hoping it would help, nope... then abandoned, and had to find the ingredients again.... couldn't be bothered again lol
We've identified an issue with the use of dazzlers around Daggerfall and have resolved it internally and will push the fix as soon as possible. Basically, a player who has active werewolf points cannot use the Dazzlers, even if they are no longer in werewolf form.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for the reports!
StopDropAndBear wrote: »I'm not actually sure I should have gotten Princess Rescuer though; I could have sworn I got spotted by the Butcher at the halfway mark. She yelled at me and I got a bounty so I was sure I'd been spotted, but I still got the achievement at the end? I'll have to try on another character and see.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »[*] Did you have any trouble obtaining any of the achievements?
JasonSilverSpring wrote: »
@Dominoid, thank you for uploading this video. Would you please tell me which addon you are using that adds the icons and numbers to the dialog options? I have never seen that before, but I like it.
Haven't really gotten any. The runebox I did get, the Cherry Blossom Branch memento, doesn't do anything but make a sound. There's an animation of tossing flowers out, but nothing happens. The same thing happens with Jester Queen Ayrenn's quest. The consumable dazzlers are neat, but we either need to get more of them per reward box, or there needs to be a vendor selling them like the mints and beer for New Life.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
- What did you think of the rewards you received from the daily quests? What was your favorite?
At first I had some confusion about where they all were, as I wanted Jester Queen Ayrenn first, but it showed Jester King Jorunn's location. Would be best if the quest stated that they're located in the starter zones near the first towns. The box with star icon is a great unique identifier for the event, however.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
- Were you able to easily locate the quest givers?
On the contrary, I had too easy a time getting Princess Rescuer. I had no idea what I was doing, and certainly got spotted by the butcher multiple times, and I still got the achievement.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
- Did you have any trouble obtaining any of the achievements?
Jester King Emeric's first quest doesn't seem very April Fools-y. I don't quite see how those reagents get turned into fireworks, as none of them inherently explode. Maybe add some lore that explains it? Otherwise it's a boring 3-part dungeon delve for random unrelated parts. Also, there's no festival vendor with other goodies like New Life had. I loved that vendor and the unique, fun, things for sale they had. This event definitely needs one of those.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
- Any other feedback on this event?
For addon authors, the recipe IDs are:
120767, 120768, 120769, 120770