Who am I justifying myself to?
Waffennacht wrote: »
Every forum thread creater whom's thread gets ignored because someone that won't be contributing to the community's thread went off the first page.
Absolutely hilarious that people can still think these things are good for the game. Any money made from these stupid ass items will not go back into the game. You will not see new devs being hired. You will not see more content being made, in fact you will be seeing less content being made as more work goes into these stupid ass crates. You think class/item balance is bad now? Lack of content? Wait till the devs are suddenly tasked with putting more *** into crates and trying to juggle all of that. Which one do you think is going to take priority?
The people who are against these things are for the longevity of the game. These things are a fast track to turning a game into a complete *** hole as has happened to EVERY SINGLE OTHER GAME that adds these in. You magically think that this will be the one game that won't be like the rest? HAHAHA.
Look, I get it. This is your first MMO. You're excited to gamble to get these new shiny things. Hell, I use to buy them in other games until I realized that the money I (and everyone else) was spending on them was not going back into the game and the game got worse and worse because of these dumb ass things.
Yall can post about how you can't wait for these crates and how we're stupid because we're whining about them. Yall can argue with us but the fact of the matter is that we've been there and seen first hand what happens when a game goes this route. Every single bad thing that ANYONE has posted on these here forums about these crates are FACT. Go back and look through all the crown crate threads. Every single person that is warning people about these things are telling the truth.
While it's fine that you're not personally bothered by the exclusive cosmetics, it is very clearly already an issue for those of us who value fair access to the cosmetics being produced.
Aww thank youThat actually makes me feel better about the whole thing.
My biggest problem will be how to keep in touch with people on here without discussing ESO :I May have to find other ways to keep in touch.
RAGUNAnoOne wrote: »Actually FB is a universal means of communication and un-moderated (unless you are a "mod" or creator in a group) perhaps you should create a group for all of us.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »
Cazzy does not want to be here for it . Her thread , basic post goes to the op . Standard forums reply etiquette .
prettynink wrote: »
oh ok I see thanks for clearing that up for me, but why @cazzy do you not want to be here if or when they release?
SantieClaws wrote: »recent silence raises the hairs on the back of the neck also. This one she would like not to feel so very suspicious but cannot help it somehow. Busy is busy yes of course but this one feels there is more in the works apart from the housing and this one she just cannot help but feel that not all it may be so good.
SantieClaws wrote: »Khajiit will explain briefly why the con crates they are objected to yes.
They will probably dictate the future content of the store and the game itself - if they prove popular then all of the best items will be crate exclusive. This is the biggest concern for this one. When the Tamriel becomes nothing but a casino and great shiny shopping mall then many of us will cease to enjoy travelling there.
A lot of people aren't even bothering to read our posts that explains those things over and over and over again. It's exasperating, isn't it? xD
Maybe not. But I will post this same message in every thread that comes up about these dumb f'in things. On the off chance that even one person reads it and sees the bad behind it then it's worth it. I have pity for anyone that rolls their at eyes at people who post against these things. They're either new people to MMOs who really need a history on these things or they are MMO hoppers who don't care what happens to a game and will just hop around to the next shiny thing. Those people don't matter.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We'll be releasing Crown Crates later this week, and will be publishing an article on our website tomorrow with all the details.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We'll be releasing Crown Crates later this week, and will be publishing an article on our website tomorrow with all the details.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We'll be releasing Crown Crates later this week, and will be publishing an article on our website tomorrow with all the details.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We'll be releasing Crown Crates later this week, and will be publishing an article on our website tomorrow with all the details.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We'll be releasing Crown Crates later this week, and will be publishing an article on our website tomorrow with all the details.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We'll be releasing Crown Crates later this week, and will be publishing an article on our website tomorrow with all the details.