How would that work? Let's say I have three characters that are all lvl 3, just starting out, and they are from the three different alliances. They group up and go to AD and start leveling from the starter area. What level are the mats? What about when they get to level 50 and move to other zones, say the starter EP zone? Do they find "champion" mats there? Now take the same group, but instead have them go EP and start leveling from the starter area. What level are the mats? What about when they get to level 50 and move to other zones, say the starter AD zone? Do they find "champion" mats there? I think there is a problem if mats aren't scaled to the character levels.Holycannoli wrote: »no way I'm reading all of thatNote that there is a problem in leaving all zones with the mat level they current have - they all have three different levels depending on the alliance! When the alliances are combined, what level will each zone get? Imagine mixed-alliance groups of players leveling up together and you start to see the difficulties.
If they can alter resources to change dynamically based on a character's level they can also make them change dynamically based on a character's alliance. They can do it, they just don't want to bother. They instead give us a half-assed "solution" that requires almost no work.Also scaling of nodes means new players or existing player wont need to buy a dlc to farm maxed mats. ZoS main focus is to keep players playing eso, this change will help a lot. Giving players the ability to gear themselves when reaching 160, without spending a small fortune. Why your main concern is I cant farm low level mats isn't valid, ZoS is more looking at how they improve the game for new players. If u feel shafted, oh well; guess what u dont have to like. You just have to deal with it.
It's not valid to think that never being able to find low level mats ever again is bad?
so from what it sounds like, selling mats is about to become useless since everyone will be getting whatever they need. So raw mats are about to become worthless gold wise?
How would that work? Let's say I have three characters that are all lvl 3, just starting out, and they are from the three different alliances. They group up and go to AD and start leveling from the starter area. What level are the mats? What about when they get to level 50 and move to other zones, say the starter EP zone? Do they find "champion" mats there? Now take the same group, but instead have them go EP and start leveling from the starter area. What level are the mats? What about when they get to level 50 and move to other zones, say the starter AD zone? Do they find "champion" mats there? I think there is a problem if mats aren't scaled to the character levels.
MasterSpatula wrote: »Well, let's see. The community has pretty much fully embraced a stupendously, mind-bogglingly terrible idea. The, when the blindingly-obvious side-effects of that terrible idea become known, they're shocked, shocked I say!
It's pretty inconsistent to be against this and be in favor of scaling the whole game.
Wait, Idea?
Do the item vendors in each area scale? (IE: Armorer, Leatherworker, Tailor, ect?)
If they didn't? As they would have no reason to be, then a DC 160 craftier could go to Wayrest & buy whatever Coffer material he needed at lvl 20 to deconstruct for one low cheap price.
& maybe if this idea works, so will this one??
@STEVIL I have thought it through. I'm a crafter who makes all level of gear, not just maxed level. One of the areas I sell gear in is a lower level area. So I could run around that area and farm that level of material while advertising for gear. Now when I farm an area I ONLY get maxed level items. If I was just trying to make as much gold as humanly possible that would be fine and I would be selling the material.
Sometimes I don't want to buy every level of material from the Traders yet now I will be FORCED to unless I want to level up a characters professions for a specific zone to farm just that material level.
Holycannoli wrote: »
It's not valid to think that never being able to find low level mats ever again is bad?
Listen, they're making us farm specific zones for specific sets in OT. Why does resource farming have to be different?
In OT you can't just go anywhere in the world and find the sets you want, you have to go to the proper zones.
-In our current version you can't just go anywhere in the world and find the resources you want, you have to go to the proper zones.
Nobody has ever complained about that. Nobody has ever said "waah why can't I find rubedite in Stormhaven?" or "waah I need ebony but I don't want to go to Coldharbour. Why can't I just stay in Auridon and farm it? It's not fair ZOS." If anything, people complained that you need DLC to find the highest level mats, but that's part of playing an MMORPG. An MMORPG expansion usually contains higher level items and you need to buy the expansion to collect them. That's just how it is. And anyway I rarely heard that complaint. Honestly, when's the last time you heard someone say "waah I want the v16 mats introduced in Orsinium but I don't want to buy Orsinium. Not fair ZOS"? You'd laugh at their ridiculous complaint.
I've watched the streams and have been on PTS - I know exactly how it works. The answer to the thread title is simple, and everyone knows it: "They won't". What you have apparently missed in the 5 pages is that there are many people don't find that acceptable, and are looking for alternatives to what is on PTS.Please stop. Many of you in the post are assuming and making queries that were literally asked and answered all weekend. You need to keep up with the information that ZOS staff lost a long weekend to give us a lot of information about the game.... or you can wait for it to come out on live in October. There are a dozen videos from Pax West. Watch them, I saw only one post in 5 pages that was not directly addressed. I linked a vid in a previous post watch them all.
Please stop. Many of you in the post are assuming and making queries that were literally asked and answered all weekend. You need to keep up with the information that ZOS staff lost a long weekend to give us a lot of information about the game.... or you can wait for it to come out on live in October. There are a dozen videos from Pax West. Watch them, I saw only one post in 5 pages that was not directly addressed. I linked a vid in a previous post watch them all.
It's probably going to come down to vendors selling the refined materials in a similar fashion to how enchanter merchants sell all the potency runes. Calling it now before update 15 when they finally get around to it.
Please stop. Many of you in the post are assuming and making queries that were literally asked and answered all weekend. You need to keep up with the information that ZOS staff lost a long weekend to give us a lot of information about the game.... or you can wait for it to come out on live in October. There are a dozen videos from Pax West. Watch them, I saw only one post in 5 pages that was not directly addressed. I linked a vid in a previous post watch them all.
frateanu.luiseb17_ESO wrote: »The nodes from zones lvl 1-50 ( the base game) must remain the same . Silver, Gold and DLCs could be scaled.
I don't like the idea all the nodes from zones to be scaled ...
It's like an apple tree could make oranges or bananas too
I hope the nodes from the base game will stay as they are now.
Thank you in advance ZOS !
Low level player deconstructs trash gear that drops from enemies, gives materials to crafter, crafter gives him the armor and weapons. Problem solved. You can get enough for a complete set of armor and weapons in 15-20 minutes grinding mobs then returning to the workbench to chop everything up. I recently leveled alts and at the end of each zone I had 2-3 stacks of every material. I sold those cheap on guild stores. And note that I was overleveled most of the times, so mobs didn't actually drop any gear. With the upcoming leveling system the drops will be far more frequent, and thus the available materials.
Low level player deconstructs trash gear that drops from enemies, gives materials to crafter, crafter gives him the armor and weapons. Problem solved. You can get enough for a complete set of armor and weapons in 15-20 minutes grinding mobs then returning to the workbench to chop everything up. I recently leveled alts and at the end of each zone I had 2-3 stacks of every material. I sold those cheap on guild stores. And note that I was overleveled most of the times, so mobs didn't actually drop any gear. With the upcoming leveling system the drops will be far more frequent, and thus the available materials.
To be honest, how many lowlevel players (Lets asume they´re new ones, since a lot of new players will arrive with One Tamriel) will realise that their low-level mats are actually worth something and sell them in guildstores? And not many new players/casual ones run around and farm lowlevel mats?? I can give you the answer = Almost no one. As someone wrote in this thread: keep cadwells silver/gold scaled to your crafting level but keep the starting zone as it is with mats. And to those who says that it´s pure laziness (this part is not for the quote) not to have 5 alts for nodefarming: Are you for real or just a troll?? And where is the logic in a character that have maxed crafting and can´t find the mats he/she wants?? It´s like a DD who only can cause damage to high level monsters but not lowlevel ones....makes no ***** sense...
frateanu.luiseb17_ESO wrote: »The nodes from zones lvl 1-50 ( the base game) must remain the same . Silver, Gold and DLCs could be scaled.
I don't like the idea all the nodes from zones to be scaled ...
It's like an apple tree could make oranges or bananas too
I hope the nodes from the base game will stay as they are now.
Thank you in advance ZOS !
This idea is actually not that bad, never thought of this one
Low level player deconstructs trash gear that drops from enemies, gives materials to crafter, crafter gives him the armor and weapons. Problem solved. You can get enough for a complete set of armor and weapons in 15-20 minutes grinding mobs then returning to the workbench to chop everything up. I recently leveled alts and at the end of each zone I had 2-3 stacks of every material. I sold those cheap on guild stores. And note that I was overleveled most of the times, so mobs didn't actually drop any gear. With the upcoming leveling system the drops will be far more frequent, and thus the available materials.
To be honest, how many lowlevel players (Lets asume they´re new ones, since a lot of new players will arrive with One Tamriel) will realise that their low-level mats are actually worth something and sell them in guildstores? And not many new players/casual ones run around and farm lowlevel mats?? I can give you the answer = Almost no one. As someone wrote in this thread: keep cadwells silver/gold scaled to your crafting level but keep the starting zone as it is with mats. And to those who says that it´s pure laziness (this part is not for the quote) not to have 5 alts for nodefarming: Are you for real or just a troll?? And where is the logic in a character that have maxed crafting and can´t find the mats he/she wants?? It´s like a DD who only can cause damage to high level monsters but not lowlevel ones....makes no ***** sense...
BlueViolet wrote: »It shouldn't even come to "problem solved"
Crafters should be able to gather all types of materials on a single character that has been dedicated to crafting. There shouldn't be any need to make alts of every level group just to be able to gather certain level materials. That seems utterly ridiculous and redundant.
This game was billed initially of being incredibly proud of it's crafting system. And in the beginning it was stated that the best gear in the game would be crafted gear.
Over the months, they've slowly picked at some aspects of crafting, that doesn't seem good for it, and this just seems like yet another nail in the coffin.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »Master Crafters cannot farm lower level mats unless they are not Lv50 and CP160+, but they CAN still get them from daily writs.
@Shadowshire says
"There is no need to make all nodes in the game yield whatever material corresponds to the PCs current crafting passive stage (i.e., for that node's material). They can continue to work just as they do in the current version."
This is imo incorrect, botj in fact and in conclusion.
Fact: nodes will scale to character level or skill level. Looks like 50/50 division.
This is ABSOLUTELY needed in OneT because the old linear traverse thru set pathway of zones vanishes.
Not only might players move to any area at anytime, quests integrated into the advancement of guilds - all guilds - will be sending them all over the world, as will writs. Sets are spread ouy, tied to zones, o even more reason to go off into different areas, not following a narrow road map with no curves or detours.
But all of those wont work well if at all if the mats you gsther along the wsy, mats needed to craft gesr you can use, are scaled to an ancient out dated levelling by zone progresdion that no longer exists.