Kinda sounds like you baited him a bit though. Not sure what you were expecting.
I had two 3v1's with some people the other day. Each time I killed 1 before the BoL spam (amoungst other things) overwhelmed me.
Then I get a msg say they want to 1v1 me.... like what?
LegendaryChef wrote: »I have to say firstly that it is silly to whisper someone because of laughing on your corpse but I have to admit I've been guilty of it before to ask just out of curiousity why they done it in the first place and just to get peace of mind what they feel it does for them.
I'd say I'm quite a competitive person but in my experience if I was doing emotes on someone's corpse I wouldn't be complaining if I got a hate whisper afterwards for sure because well, you kinda asked for it.
KisoValley wrote: »LegendaryChef wrote: »I have to say firstly that it is silly to whisper someone because of laughing on your corpse but I have to admit I've been guilty of it before to ask just out of curiousity why they done it in the first place and just to get peace of mind what they feel it does for them.
I'd say I'm quite a competitive person but in my experience if I was doing emotes on someone's corpse I wouldn't be complaining if I got a hate whisper afterwards for sure because well, you kinda asked for it.
I agree with your sig btw @LegendaryChef
Stovahkiin wrote: »So, I was in Cyrodiil today in the EP, with a small group of 3 or 4 players. All of the sudden, a single DC just runs up to us and gets slaughtered. So, naturally, I used the /laugh emote a couple times.
He then proceeds to level his butthurt skill all the way up to 100 by messaging me, basically calling me an idiot, wimp, etc, and that I should "man up" and 1v1 him, lel.
I'll tell you what, some of you folks need to stop taking yourselves so bloody seriously, it's a damn game, I don't play PvP and expect to never die, and I sure as hell don't need to "man up" and 1v1 someone who throws a fit when they die.
So there ya go, I got a good laugh from that earlier today, too bad I don't have any pics of it on my phone to upload.
kevlarto_ESO wrote: »I have pvp'ed in many games for many years, i do not teabag or make emotes over dead enemies and i stll get hate tells and whines never seen this many sore losers in one place in all my years of gaming.
Stovahkiin wrote: »
Just wait till dueling goes live. Then it will be "meet me behind the bank in Rift" or wherever. It won't just be a PvP thing either. Open a chest, harvest a node and in come a flood of duel request because someone thinks they own the entire zone and everything in it.
tinythinker wrote: »Just wait till dueling goes live. Then it will be "meet me behind the bank in Rift" or wherever. It won't just be a PvP thing either. Open a chest, harvest a node and in come a flood of duel request because someone thinks they own the entire zone and everything in it.
Now THAT'S when the laugh emote will come in handy. Will be the new type of vid to post. Some guy sending a stream of duel requests and hate tells because you "stole" their treasure chest.
Stovahkiin wrote: »All of the sudden, a single DC just runs up to us and gets slaughtered. So, naturally, I used the /laugh emote a couple of times
Kinda sounds like you baited him a bit though. Not sure what you were expecting.
Kinda sounds like you baited him a bit though. Not sure what you were expecting.
Seems as though the OP was being condescending and was called out for it. I don't see the point in bringing this to the forums tbh.
I receive challenges all the time. I don't feel the need to rush to the forums and ridicule my challengers. Since it's just a game, I simply honor their challenge. Win or lose, the duel usually ends with a /bow and we both move forward with a sense of respect for each other.
I guess chivalry is simply lost on some folks.
Stovahkiin wrote: »Kinda sounds like you baited him a bit though. Not sure what you were expecting.
Seems as though the OP was being condescending and was called out for it. I don't see the point in bringing this to the forums tbh.
I receive challenges all the time. I don't feel the need to rush to the forums and ridicule my challengers. Since it's just a game, I simply honor their challenge. Win or lose, the duel usually ends with a /bow and we both move forward with a sense of respect for each other.
I guess chivalry is simply lost on some folks.
Alright, I guess the emotes in the game are now off limits, otherwise you are condescending? And evidently the modern term for chivalry is basically just bowing down to someone's pathetic cries to "come fite me bruh", if so then I want none of it. Either way, there is no use in posting anything further.
Stovahkiin wrote: »Kinda sounds like you baited him a bit though. Not sure what you were expecting.
Seems as though the OP was being condescending and was called out for it. I don't see the point in bringing this to the forums tbh.
I receive challenges all the time. I don't feel the need to rush to the forums and ridicule my challengers. Since it's just a game, I simply honor their challenge. Win or lose, the duel usually ends with a /bow and we both move forward with a sense of respect for each other.
I guess chivalry is simply lost on some folks.
Alright, I guess the emotes in the game are now off limits, otherwise you are condescending? And evidently the modern term for chivalry is basically just bowing down to someone's pathetic cries to "come fite me bruh", if so then I want none of it. Either way, there is no use in posting anything further.
If you use emotes in such a way, then sure, it can be condescending. And if you equate the acceptance of duels with that of bowing down, then it's obvious you have no idea what chivalry means.
Sounds like that lone DC isn't the only one that's "butthurt." Did you come here expecting everyone to pat you on the back for your courageous acts? All hail the mighty Stovahkiin, the greatest keyboardsman whoever lived!