Stovahkiin wrote: »Stovahkiin wrote: »Kinda sounds like you baited him a bit though. Not sure what you were expecting.
Seems as though the OP was being condescending and was called out for it. I don't see the point in bringing this to the forums tbh.
I receive challenges all the time. I don't feel the need to rush to the forums and ridicule my challengers. Since it's just a game, I simply honor their challenge. Win or lose, the duel usually ends with a /bow and we both move forward with a sense of respect for each other.
I guess chivalry is simply lost on some folks.
Alright, I guess the emotes in the game are now off limits, otherwise you are condescending? And evidently the modern term for chivalry is basically just bowing down to someone's pathetic cries to "come fite me bruh", if so then I want none of it. Either way, there is no use in posting anything further.
If you use emotes in such a way, then sure, it can be condescending. And if you equate the acceptance of duels with that of bowing down, then it's obvious you have no idea what chivalry means.
Sounds like that lone DC isn't the only one that's "butthurt." Did you come here expecting everyone to pat you on the back for your courageous acts? All hail the mighty Stovahkiin, the greatest keyboardsman whoever lived!
Why thank you, that last line is of course exactly what I had hoped for. My life is now complete, thank you good sir.
Stovahkiin wrote: »and I sure as hell don't need to "man up" and 1v1 someone who throws a fit when they die. .
Stovahkiin wrote: »and I sure as hell don't need to "man up" and 1v1 someone who throws a fit when they die. .
So... you didnt 1v1 him?
MaximillianDiE wrote: »There is a particularly crazy AD zerging Templar at them moment who puts me on ignore or goes into offline mode who sends me and pretty much anyone I group with pages of bizarrely worded rage tells, every time we wipe her or her group which is fairly often. I can't respond as I get the account not found message, but cannot bring myself to put her on ignore as they're too damn funny. The best one last night when coincidentally I'd just got home from dinner with my kids and my parents as it was fathers day here yesterday - essentially telling me in particularly broken English that I didn't know who my mother was, which was kind of ironic. Now I've played since beta and been on the receiving end of the greats of rage telling such as Sarenvog and Khaz Khan, however this individual lifts the rage tell game to whole new heights as they're simply so incoherent and actually really (unintentionally I'm sure) funny!
MaximillianDiE wrote: »There is a particularly crazy AD zerging Templar at them moment who puts me on ignore or goes into offline mode who sends me and pretty much anyone I group with pages of bizarrely worded rage tells, every time we wipe her or her group which is fairly often. I can't respond as I get the account not found message, but cannot bring myself to put her on ignore as they're too damn funny. The best one last night when coincidentally I'd just got home from dinner with my kids and my parents as it was fathers day here yesterday - essentially telling me in particularly broken English that I didn't know who my mother was, which was kind of ironic. Now I've played since beta and been on the receiving end of the greats of rage telling such as Sarenvog and Khaz Khan, however this individual lifts the rage tell game to whole new heights as they're simply so incoherent and actually really (unintentionally I'm sure) funny!
MaximillianDiE wrote: »There is a particularly crazy AD zerging Templar at them moment who puts me on ignore or goes into offline mode who sends me and pretty much anyone I group with pages of bizarrely worded rage tells, every time we wipe her or her group which is fairly often. I can't respond as I get the account not found message, but cannot bring myself to put her on ignore as they're too damn funny. The best one last night when coincidentally I'd just got home from dinner with my kids and my parents as it was fathers day here yesterday - essentially telling me in particularly broken English that I didn't know who my mother was, which was kind of ironic. Now I've played since beta and been on the receiving end of the greats of rage telling such as Sarenvog and Khaz Khan, however this individual lifts the rage tell game to whole new heights as they're simply so incoherent and actually really (unintentionally I'm sure) funny!, you can just imagine whoever it is, literally spitting with rage.
It amuses me when I get these sort of whispers too, and if you type lol to everything they rant, it seems to annoy them even more.
I have no idea why
MaximillianDiE wrote: »MaximillianDiE wrote: »There is a particularly crazy AD zerging Templar at them moment who puts me on ignore or goes into offline mode who sends me and pretty much anyone I group with pages of bizarrely worded rage tells, every time we wipe her or her group which is fairly often. I can't respond as I get the account not found message, but cannot bring myself to put her on ignore as they're too damn funny. The best one last night when coincidentally I'd just got home from dinner with my kids and my parents as it was fathers day here yesterday - essentially telling me in particularly broken English that I didn't know who my mother was, which was kind of ironic. Now I've played since beta and been on the receiving end of the greats of rage telling such as Sarenvog and Khaz Khan, however this individual lifts the rage tell game to whole new heights as they're simply so incoherent and actually really (unintentionally I'm sure) funny!, you can just imagine whoever it is, literally spitting with rage.
It amuses me when I get these sort of whispers too, and if you type lol to everything they rant, it seems to annoy them even more.
I have no idea why
You EU guys must get all sorts of awesome whispers from the English as a second language players who use google translate to find their insults.
MaximillianDiE wrote: »There is a particularly crazy AD zerging Templar at them moment who puts me on ignore or goes into offline mode who sends me and pretty much anyone I group with pages of bizarrely worded rage tells, every time we wipe her or her group which is fairly often. I can't respond as I get the account not found message, but cannot bring myself to put her on ignore as they're too damn funny. The best one last night when coincidentally I'd just got home from dinner with my kids and my parents as it was fathers day here yesterday - essentially telling me in particularly broken English that I didn't know who my mother was, which was kind of ironic. Now I've played since beta and been on the receiving end of the greats of rage telling such as Sarenvog and Khaz Khan, however this individual lifts the rage tell game to whole new heights as they're simply so incoherent and actually really (unintentionally I'm sure) funny!