In MMO's all over, DPS rotations that are preferred over another and following a meta has been a thing. Always. But, on a game like ESO is it really needed?
Time and time again when I'm running trials with people, I'm hearing about this and that person scored such and such Bloodspawn time. And how serious "deeps" they have. But, when we're actually in the middle of the trial? Those same people pulling the supposed "high DPS" are dying all over the place, and then blaming healers and tanks for their mistakes. When in fact, it was their faul for standing in the red or thinking they're Superman. Not cool. And all this then leads to someone trying to tell someone else their role, and you have drama erupt. When in fact, if a person who was taken along who knew the mechanics has had consistent and solid DPS should've been brought along. Not just a person who knows a rotation or 2, and cheesed the supposed test with gear and items they'd never use in an actual trial.
Which leads right into that. People in DPS tests using gear that they'd never use in an actual trial, just to appear good. Supposedly it is to simulate the buffs you get in a trial, but 9x out of 10 that isn't the case. Yesterday in getting my Shehai Shatterer for my Sorcerer, there was a gentleman who supposedly had all this damage this and that. And 1 player even called a king or God. Something along those lines. And upon running VHRC with them, their DPS was below subpar. When asked why his damage was lacking so much, his response was how if he used his DPS testing gear — he'd die all the time. And be too squishy. Eh? So he was considered, because of something he can't even reproduce in an environment where it truly matters? Really though? But, someone who was solid and could maintain solid health and high damage was cast aside due to them missing the "magic time" by 2-3 seconds for a guy who can't even come close...?
And that ties into giving people a chance to shine. Too many times I'm seeing people who are more than capable of doing content that's high-end get forgone, all due to go instead with people who have constant completions. While I understand the appeal of going with experienced players to get content done, as bosses have enrage timers and things of that sort — these trial guilds are forgetting that people have to learn eventually. And with the so-called "elite" and "hardcore" constantly quitting, or getting banned for actually exploiting some how (this is a huge problem on PS4 NA) — the people who aren't "elite" have to start from somewhere. But, it's like no one wants to help these buds grow as players. Sure you have some players who are bad at the game, and refuse to acknowledge what you say when attempting to help them get better. But, what about those who do acknowledge what is said to them? And what about those who do in fact take the words of advice to heart? I'm tired of seeing people not given a chance, that really deserve it. While the so called "elite" aren't so elite, and are basically mediocre players with reputations built on rumors and he-say-she-say.
And lastly, that ties into the "elite" controlling the game as a whole. That may sound ridiculous, but look. Peep game. You have currently hard content, or relatively hard content that is supposedly there to drop gold jewelry and things that make strong layers stronger. Right? So to say a mediocre or medium-tier player, it's out of reach. They can't get better, because they have no one who's willing to take them through the content and really work with them; to help them get this amazing gear. So what you then have there is in guild traders pieces going for ridiculous amounts of gold. And let's be honest, your average player doesn't have 750k-1M gold to bust down on some of these pieces. They don't. Unless they're buying gold off people, and spending their time farming and refining. And even then, that's time that could be spent bettering their skills and honing their knowledge of mechanics to get better.
And lastly, that ties into people basically buying their way into things. A few times now I've been confronted by people, and asked if they could pay me a few hundred thousand to carry them through a trial or dungeon. Absolutely not. That is the most disturbing thing I have come across to date while being heavy in the trial scene. But apparently, this is a very popular thing with those I've spoken with. People who supposedly aren't talented enough, or having connections tight enough to be brought along in a trial having to essentially buy their way into the scene. And that's not right. That's not right at all. That's horrible. Because first of all, it's basically running someone through something they have no clue about it. Preventing them from learning things systematically, and just speeding them through content that should be learned. Not sped through. And also, it is basically taking gold away from someone that they could be spending on some gear or items to help them improve as a player. But instead is being shelled out for the wrong reasons.
So as you can see, there's a lot of issues with things currently at the end-game PVE scene socially speaking. But, they could be fixed if enough light is shed on these things and ZOS addresses them swiftly. I'm tired of seeing and hearing horror stories of people getting mistreated by the "elite", and seeing and hearing the same people doing the mistreatment. Also, I hope this post will provide some insight on somethings for those interested in getting into serious PVE. The next time you see someone's name on a leaderboard, or hear about how "good" so and so is...? Pause for a moment, and really think about it. Take a second and wonder how it is that so and so got there, and wonder how they treat others. And be sure to wonder those things, before you go praising them as many of the clueless do. Because I can tell for a fact, that a solid 50% of "top-tier" people on PS4 NA are not who you think they are. And are quite toxic and practice predatory behavior.