Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Icereach PC NA (Mulaamnir/Kyne/BWB NA PC - Final)

  • Adenoma
    Should have been wearing shacklebreaker if there were all those chains.
  • gabriebe
    lol it's less about you and more about the people around you getting a little bit chilly. I love it too, free gap closer :)
    Edited by gabriebe on June 25, 2017 4:19PM
    Former Empresses: Saliva Bortschion (MagBlade), Janet From Finance (PvP MagSorc), Carla Swagan (Tank DK), Estelle Born (StamBlade), Enya Arsenal (MagPlar), Anita Nurse (Magplar Healer), Bearback Brigitte (Magden), Rachel Justice (MagDK), Nicole From Payroll (Stamden), Bailiff Belinda (PvE MagSorc), Féline Dion (StamDK), Septic Tank Tina (Necro Tank)

    The runts: The Trolly Spirit (Tank Sorc), Floods-Your-Basement (Warden Healer) Dinah Asthma (Magcro), Total Top Tony (Stamcro)

    The traitor
    s: Janis Javelin (Stamplar, EP), Barbecue Becky (Magblade Healer, AD)

    PvE: Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Flawless Conqueror

    GM: Animal Control

  • Gederic
    Chains are op and very useful in achieving maximum troll. Just ask @Mjollo
    Ours is the Fury
  • Vyle_Byte
    Lmao @DCeiver0 I got there right at the end of that fight, was happily gallivanting in pve most the night and got yelled at by guildies lol! That inner fight was stupid, from what I hear it was a really long battle to get into the courtyard, then inner was like 5 seconds haha!

    Bruma was fun, we don't ever go up there but couple peeps needed gear, soa little after Roe we headed up there got into some fights with both EP and DC, idk how long that lasted but it was a grip and we had a lot of laughs. All in all for the couple hrs I was on, it was fun.
    Member of the Old Guard
    Mother of the Byte Family
    Vyle Byte||Ivana Byte||Vyible Byte||Hakate Vampler Former EMPRESS BWB||Haan Zolo {Retired} (He swung first)||Lunari ||Wardyn Chalyk Tahno||Dirti Dianah||Bonnie||
    Viva la Byte
  • Adenoma
    Hope it was a fun reign - it was a fun push to dethrone EP!
  • TheKnightHawk
    Khrogo1 wrote: »
    Raknosh wrote: »
    After hates PMs, hate mails! He sure looks at forums but too scared to post here. I guess he knows that he would get picked apart here. He's so scared of answers that he ignores right away everyone that he sends hate tells. Poor kid...
    Adenoma wrote: »
    He's a baby. Please hate mail me. He does that thing where he sends you nasty tells and then blocks you.

    I ignore you cuz if I want to listen to a bunch of teenagers to early 20yr olds give excuses/complain, argue or stroke ur ego's ill just come here and catch up. look coming up to 300 pgs and you can go thru all them and will find just about everyone here is Ad or Dc or both why is that? Cuz Ad and Dc need somewhere safe to talk about their feelings like women. ur Little circle jerk crew here can talk all the trash they want that's all they can do.
    It's funny you guys say u reroll to help noobs ect. u reroll cuz u aint top in vet the only way most of u can even make the top is by rolling over noobs with a coordinated discord grp- pathetic. YOU DONT HELP ANYONE thats why noobs in ur faction still use the wrong seige why noobs cant kill anything without outnumbering their opponent!
    You want to complain about balance you are screwing up balance in non vet the people that make Kyne campaign un-enjoyable to new players are right here in this forum. AoTD, Grave Diggers, Pugz, Byte, House Sotha, Lycans of the Pact, GoNB, ect these are some of the guilds I have been part of/ ran with over the yrs none of you can say anything you just thro noobs into zerg grps and use them like meat shields u don't teach or help anyone, ur in non vet cuz its easier to roll noobs so cut the crap!
    P.S I am older then most of you, I finished school while most of you didn't have a hair on ur nut some of u still don't and some of u just don't have nuts

    Grave Diggers doesn't even run anymore.....

    I know cause i'm a officer of the guild and next in line for guildmaster.

    plus!!! idk even remember you, so you were definitely not an important member of grave diggers.

    you salty pug.
    Edited by TheKnightHawk on June 25, 2017 8:48PM
    Yolo DK - DK Darkelf Former Empress of Blackwater Blade 3 Days 16 hours
    Tiberivs lvlis Caesar - NB Woodelf Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade 3 days 12 hours
    Nero Clavidivs Caesar - Stam Sorc Orc Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade 14 hours : Status Retired
    Commodvs Avrelivs Caesar - Stam Sorc Orc Former Emperor of Kyne 1 Day 10 hours
    Titan Flavius Caesar - Stam Sorc Orc Former Emperor of Kyne 1 day and Vivic 1 day longest.
    Death by Caesar NB argonian L41
    Marcus Avrelivs Caesar - Stam DK Former Emperor Vivic 6 hours longest
    Nero Clavdivs Caesar - Stam Warden Kyne Former Emperor 12 hours longest.
    Crystallized Frags Lvl 48, Solo mag sorc.
    Unknown Champion Of The Covenant

    Officer of Grave Diggers DC PC/NA CP 700+
  • Lumsdenml
    Adenoma wrote: »
    Hope it was a fun reign - it was a fun push to dethrone EP!

    Look... it's EP... We're just excited to crown and be relevant occasionally... ;)
    In game ID: @KnightOfTacoma
    Main: Black Knight of Tacoma - EP Lvl 50/CP 2160 Nightblade NA PC - Grand Master Crafter, adventurer and part time ganker. Rank 35 - Palatine Grade 1
    PVP Main:Knight of Tacoma - EP Lvl 50 Templar NA PC - Rank 29 - Brigadier Grade 1 - Ravenwatch veteran. Blood for the Pact!
    Guild: The Disenfranchised - ZZ!
    RIP Priest of Tacoma - EP Lvl 22 Dragon Knight NA PC Kyne - Lost in the Garden of Shadows.
    RIP.Viscount of Tacoma - EP Lvl 18 Dragon Knight NA PC Kyne - Lost in the war.
    RIP. Squire of Tacoma - EP Lvl 50 Templar NA PC - Died of Knahaten Flu.
    RIP Reaper of Tacoma - EP Lvl 50 Templar NA PC - Died of Consumption.
    RIP Sovereign of Tacoma - EP Lvl 32 NightBlade NA PC Kyne - Lost at The Battle of Brindle, December 13, 2018.
    RIP Dauphin of Tacoma - EP Lvl 50 Templar NA PC Kyne - Overdosed on Skooma.
    RIP Wraith of Tacoma - EP Lvl 10 Dragon Knight NA PC - Eaten by a dragon.
    RIP Red Knight of Tacoma - EP Lvl 50 Templar NA PC - Died at the Battle of Chalmen, March 18th, 2021.
    RIP Maharajah of Tacoma - EP Lvl 50 Templar NA PC - Lost in a sandstorm.
    RIP Vampire Of Tacoma - EP Lvl 50 Sorcerer NA PC - Fell asleep in the sun. RIP
  • TheKnightHawk
    Lumsdenml wrote: »
    Adenoma wrote: »
    Hope it was a fun reign - it was a fun push to dethrone EP!

    Look... it's EP... We're just excited to crown and be relevant occasionally... ;)

    Well i hope EP will become more active
    Yolo DK - DK Darkelf Former Empress of Blackwater Blade 3 Days 16 hours
    Tiberivs lvlis Caesar - NB Woodelf Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade 3 days 12 hours
    Nero Clavidivs Caesar - Stam Sorc Orc Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade 14 hours : Status Retired
    Commodvs Avrelivs Caesar - Stam Sorc Orc Former Emperor of Kyne 1 Day 10 hours
    Titan Flavius Caesar - Stam Sorc Orc Former Emperor of Kyne 1 day and Vivic 1 day longest.
    Death by Caesar NB argonian L41
    Marcus Avrelivs Caesar - Stam DK Former Emperor Vivic 6 hours longest
    Nero Clavdivs Caesar - Stam Warden Kyne Former Emperor 12 hours longest.
    Crystallized Frags Lvl 48, Solo mag sorc.
    Unknown Champion Of The Covenant

    Officer of Grave Diggers DC PC/NA CP 700+
  • Adenoma
    Ditto. It was super fun fighting you guys today. Nice to see a different map.
  • ColoursYouHave
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    Thats too bad, was going to hop in but I think Ill try out the new Arma map instead.

    Arma huh? You try PUBG yet? I hear it is quite popular with the Arma player base, though I can't say I've ever played Arma myself.

    Sorry I didnt see this till now. Yes, I have it. Its pretty fun. Similar to arma but faster gameplay. Cross between arma and the hunger games. Lol Its good alternative when ad is being dumb. Also... Stream sale right now. : ))

    Yeah, I've been playing it religiously since I've unofficially gone on hiatus from ESO. Outside of how great the gameplay is, I really love how transparent the dev team has been, and how dedicated they seem to improving both client-side and server-side stability. A lot of these "Early Access" games tend to stay in early access for years, but by all accounts they have every intention of being out of early access by the end of 2017. There are a lot of good signs that PUBG will be a very successful game for a long time.
    Khrogo1 wrote: »
    Raknosh wrote: »
    After hates PMs, hate mails! He sure looks at forums but too scared to post here. I guess he knows that he would get picked apart here. He's so scared of answers that he ignores right away everyone that he sends hate tells. Poor kid...
    Adenoma wrote: »
    He's a baby. Please hate mail me. He does that thing where he sends you nasty tells and then blocks you.

    I ignore you cuz if I want to listen to a bunch of teenagers to early 20yr olds give excuses/complain, argue or stroke ur ego's ill just come here and catch up. look coming up to 300 pgs and you can go thru all them and will find just about everyone here is Ad or Dc or both why is that? Cuz Ad and Dc need somewhere safe to talk about their feelings like women. ur Little circle jerk crew here can talk all the trash they want that's all they can do.
    It's funny you guys say u reroll to help noobs ect. u reroll cuz u aint top in vet the only way most of u can even make the top is by rolling over noobs with a coordinated discord grp- pathetic. YOU DONT HELP ANYONE thats why noobs in ur faction still use the wrong seige why noobs cant kill anything without outnumbering their opponent!
    You want to complain about balance you are screwing up balance in non vet the people that make Kyne campaign un-enjoyable to new players are right here in this forum. AoTD, Grave Diggers, Pugz, Byte, House Sotha, Lycans of the Pact, GoNB, ect these are some of the guilds I have been part of/ ran with over the yrs none of you can say anything you just thro noobs into zerg grps and use them like meat shields u don't teach or help anyone, ur in non vet cuz its easier to roll noobs so cut the crap!
    P.S I am older then most of you, I finished school while most of you didn't have a hair on ur nut some of u still don't and some of u just don't have nuts

    Grave Diggers doesn't even run anymore.....

    I know cause i'm a officer of the guild and next in line for guildmaster.

    plus!!! idk even remember you, so you were definitely not an important member of grave diggers.

    you salty pug.

    I'm starting to notice a pattern here...

    Can an officer from any of the guilds this guy has supposedly run with actually confirm that he was part of that guild?
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Swaye wrote: »

    Deciever, you know you broke my heart ? When you roll DC only, come back.

    ....Have I mentioned Deciever is newest member of GONB? I should mention that.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Swaye wrote: »

    Deadly. I love you though .

    Deadly is a friend to all.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Adenoma
    Ban Kyne. Bring back BwB.
  • Mjollo
    Chains are indeed ultimate bm. If a player tries roll dodge away from me ill just spam chains until they get pulled back. With one of the morphs, its a free cast every time they dont get CCd.

    Also sorry about pem, guys. Shes poopy.
    Defialed - Former Emperor of Thornblade|Mjoll The Legend - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade| Definitely Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Probably Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Mistakenly Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Blackwater Cultist - Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade | A Woman With No Name |
    "There are two kinds of people in this world, my friend. Those with loaded guns. And those who dig. You dig."
  • Swaye

    Edited by Swaye on June 26, 2017 11:14AM
  • Swaye
    Edited by Swaye on June 26, 2017 12:02PM
  • gabriebe
    Chains arent really a troll when you do want to get in the middle of the zerg though. That's why I thought it was so funny. Made my job much easier.
    Former Empresses: Saliva Bortschion (MagBlade), Janet From Finance (PvP MagSorc), Carla Swagan (Tank DK), Estelle Born (StamBlade), Enya Arsenal (MagPlar), Anita Nurse (Magplar Healer), Bearback Brigitte (Magden), Rachel Justice (MagDK), Nicole From Payroll (Stamden), Bailiff Belinda (PvE MagSorc), Féline Dion (StamDK), Septic Tank Tina (Necro Tank)

    The runts: The Trolly Spirit (Tank Sorc), Floods-Your-Basement (Warden Healer) Dinah Asthma (Magcro), Total Top Tony (Stamcro)

    The traitor
    s: Janis Javelin (Stamplar, EP), Barbecue Becky (Magblade Healer, AD)

    PvE: Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Flawless Conqueror

    GM: Animal Control

  • Stridig
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Swaye wrote: »

    I had your'e back tonight.

    I remember you btw.

    I'm still around! I just don't Kyne much these days. Not sure what having my back means without context, but I appreciate it : P
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Anlace
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    Thats too bad, was going to hop in but I think Ill try out the new Arma map instead.

    Arma huh? You try PUBG yet? I hear it is quite popular with the Arma player base, though I can't say I've ever played Arma myself.

    Sorry I didnt see this till now. Yes, I have it. Its pretty fun. Similar to arma but faster gameplay. Cross between arma and the hunger games. Lol Its good alternative when ad is being dumb. Also... Stream sale right now. : ))

    Yeah, I've been playing it religiously since I've unofficially gone on hiatus from ESO. Outside of how great the gameplay is, I really love how transparent the dev team has been, and how dedicated they seem to improving both client-side and server-side stability. A lot of these "Early Access" games tend to stay in early access for years, but by all accounts they have every intention of being out of early access by the end of 2017. There are a lot of good signs that PUBG will be a very successful game for a long time.
    Khrogo1 wrote: »
    Raknosh wrote: »
    After hates PMs, hate mails! He sure looks at forums but too scared to post here. I guess he knows that he would get picked apart here. He's so scared of answers that he ignores right away everyone that he sends hate tells. Poor kid...
    Adenoma wrote: »
    He's a baby. Please hate mail me. He does that thing where he sends you nasty tells and then blocks you.

    I ignore you cuz if I want to listen to a bunch of teenagers to early 20yr olds give excuses/complain, argue or stroke ur ego's ill just come here and catch up. look coming up to 300 pgs and you can go thru all them and will find just about everyone here is Ad or Dc or both why is that? Cuz Ad and Dc need somewhere safe to talk about their feelings like women. ur Little circle jerk crew here can talk all the trash they want that's all they can do.
    It's funny you guys say u reroll to help noobs ect. u reroll cuz u aint top in vet the only way most of u can even make the top is by rolling over noobs with a coordinated discord grp- pathetic. YOU DONT HELP ANYONE thats why noobs in ur faction still use the wrong seige why noobs cant kill anything without outnumbering their opponent!
    You want to complain about balance you are screwing up balance in non vet the people that make Kyne campaign un-enjoyable to new players are right here in this forum. AoTD, Grave Diggers, Pugz, Byte, House Sotha, Lycans of the Pact, GoNB, ect these are some of the guilds I have been part of/ ran with over the yrs none of you can say anything you just thro noobs into zerg grps and use them like meat shields u don't teach or help anyone, ur in non vet cuz its easier to roll noobs so cut the crap!
    P.S I am older then most of you, I finished school while most of you didn't have a hair on ur nut some of u still don't and some of u just don't have nuts

    Grave Diggers doesn't even run anymore.....

    I know cause i'm a officer of the guild and next in line for guildmaster.

    plus!!! idk even remember you, so you were definitely not an important member of grave diggers.

    you salty pug.

    I'm starting to notice a pattern here...

    Can an officer from any of the guilds this guy has supposedly run with actually confirm that he was part of that guild?

    This one time I ran with the Pugz of Daggerfall. Or at least one of them. The famous one. And actually I rode kind of behind them until they stopped to attack things, but I was there for that part unless I died or rode into the middle of spriggans and wisps and things, and then I actually did have to run.

    My sample size of that one time indicates that one guild does inform the noobs, eg me, and is a credit to the Covenant. Name drop + opinion woo!

    (Sorry, salty guy is so hilarious it put me in a whimsical mood.)
    Edited by Anlace on June 26, 2017 1:33AM
    Templar - Warden - Sorc
    all magicka all the time
  • ColoursYouHave
    Anlace wrote: »
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    Thats too bad, was going to hop in but I think Ill try out the new Arma map instead.

    Arma huh? You try PUBG yet? I hear it is quite popular with the Arma player base, though I can't say I've ever played Arma myself.

    Sorry I didnt see this till now. Yes, I have it. Its pretty fun. Similar to arma but faster gameplay. Cross between arma and the hunger games. Lol Its good alternative when ad is being dumb. Also... Stream sale right now. : ))

    Yeah, I've been playing it religiously since I've unofficially gone on hiatus from ESO. Outside of how great the gameplay is, I really love how transparent the dev team has been, and how dedicated they seem to improving both client-side and server-side stability. A lot of these "Early Access" games tend to stay in early access for years, but by all accounts they have every intention of being out of early access by the end of 2017. There are a lot of good signs that PUBG will be a very successful game for a long time.
    Khrogo1 wrote: »
    Raknosh wrote: »
    After hates PMs, hate mails! He sure looks at forums but too scared to post here. I guess he knows that he would get picked apart here. He's so scared of answers that he ignores right away everyone that he sends hate tells. Poor kid...
    Adenoma wrote: »
    He's a baby. Please hate mail me. He does that thing where he sends you nasty tells and then blocks you.

    I ignore you cuz if I want to listen to a bunch of teenagers to early 20yr olds give excuses/complain, argue or stroke ur ego's ill just come here and catch up. look coming up to 300 pgs and you can go thru all them and will find just about everyone here is Ad or Dc or both why is that? Cuz Ad and Dc need somewhere safe to talk about their feelings like women. ur Little circle jerk crew here can talk all the trash they want that's all they can do.
    It's funny you guys say u reroll to help noobs ect. u reroll cuz u aint top in vet the only way most of u can even make the top is by rolling over noobs with a coordinated discord grp- pathetic. YOU DONT HELP ANYONE thats why noobs in ur faction still use the wrong seige why noobs cant kill anything without outnumbering their opponent!
    You want to complain about balance you are screwing up balance in non vet the people that make Kyne campaign un-enjoyable to new players are right here in this forum. AoTD, Grave Diggers, Pugz, Byte, House Sotha, Lycans of the Pact, GoNB, ect these are some of the guilds I have been part of/ ran with over the yrs none of you can say anything you just thro noobs into zerg grps and use them like meat shields u don't teach or help anyone, ur in non vet cuz its easier to roll noobs so cut the crap!
    P.S I am older then most of you, I finished school while most of you didn't have a hair on ur nut some of u still don't and some of u just don't have nuts

    Grave Diggers doesn't even run anymore.....

    I know cause i'm a officer of the guild and next in line for guildmaster.

    plus!!! idk even remember you, so you were definitely not an important member of grave diggers.

    you salty pug.

    I'm starting to notice a pattern here...

    Can an officer from any of the guilds this guy has supposedly run with actually confirm that he was part of that guild?

    This one time I ran with the Pugz of Daggerfall. Or at least one of them. The famous one. And actually I rode kind of behind them until they stopped to attack things, but I was there for that part unless I died or rode into the middle of spriggans and wisps and things, and then I actually did have to run.

    My sample size of that one time indicates that one guild does inform the noobs, eg me, and is a credit to the Covenant. Name drop + opinion woo!

    (Sorry, salty guy is so hilarious it put me in a whimsical mood.)

    Yeah, I've never been a part of any PVP guilds, but I've ended up in PUG groups led by members of established guilds on occasion, and in my experience, they always try to help the newer players, but many of those players refuse to listen and just run around doing whatever. Now of course a PUG group is different than an actual guild group, but to me it suggests that new players need to actually be willing to listen and learn to get anything out of running with a group, and plenty of new players aren't willing to do that. I don't know enough about any of the major guilds to comment from experience on how helpful they are to new players, but I have heard plenty of good things about many of the guilds out there in that regard.
  • W0lf_z13
    LOL... its amusing having 5+ ad jump on me lol
    Breton Nightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Dragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Necro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)

    ☣☣☣   |     Alliance ~Daggerfall Covenant~     |     Server ~NA PC~     |     CP's ~2156~     |     ☣☣☣
  • gabriebe
    Ok but now we want to know who is 'the famous one' lol
    Former Empresses: Saliva Bortschion (MagBlade), Janet From Finance (PvP MagSorc), Carla Swagan (Tank DK), Estelle Born (StamBlade), Enya Arsenal (MagPlar), Anita Nurse (Magplar Healer), Bearback Brigitte (Magden), Rachel Justice (MagDK), Nicole From Payroll (Stamden), Bailiff Belinda (PvE MagSorc), Féline Dion (StamDK), Septic Tank Tina (Necro Tank)

    The runts: The Trolly Spirit (Tank Sorc), Floods-Your-Basement (Warden Healer) Dinah Asthma (Magcro), Total Top Tony (Stamcro)

    The traitor
    s: Janis Javelin (Stamplar, EP), Barbecue Becky (Magblade Healer, AD)

    PvE: Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Flawless Conqueror

    GM: Animal Control

  • Anlace
    gabriebe wrote: »
    Ok but now we want to know who is 'the famous one' lol

    It was @Raknosh in the form of a Wyvern. :)

    I'm keeping a mental scorecard of forum peeps I've encountered in game. The DC ones are easiest, but I did see Definitely Not Dixon and maybe the AD Archon. Maybe. Usually when AD is near I'm concentrating pretty hard on other things.
    Templar - Warden - Sorc
    all magicka all the time
  • MajBludd
    @Adenoma just was wondering if I ever saw you back then on EP.
  • Adenoma
    Nah, I flew under the radar and had no clue what I was doing. The first character I ever had half a clue on was a stamblade that was dw/2h on AD. He was "Adrenal Adenoma."
  • gabriebe
    I`ve noticed that the forums folks seem to target each other a lot... something about seeing a familiar name makes you want to hit them more I suppose
    Former Empresses: Saliva Bortschion (MagBlade), Janet From Finance (PvP MagSorc), Carla Swagan (Tank DK), Estelle Born (StamBlade), Enya Arsenal (MagPlar), Anita Nurse (Magplar Healer), Bearback Brigitte (Magden), Rachel Justice (MagDK), Nicole From Payroll (Stamden), Bailiff Belinda (PvE MagSorc), Féline Dion (StamDK), Septic Tank Tina (Necro Tank)

    The runts: The Trolly Spirit (Tank Sorc), Floods-Your-Basement (Warden Healer) Dinah Asthma (Magcro), Total Top Tony (Stamcro)

    The traitor
    s: Janis Javelin (Stamplar, EP), Barbecue Becky (Magblade Healer, AD)

    PvE: Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Flawless Conqueror

    GM: Animal Control

  • Anlace
    Anlace wrote: »
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    Thats too bad, was going to hop in but I think Ill try out the new Arma map instead.

    Arma huh? You try PUBG yet? I hear it is quite popular with the Arma player base, though I can't say I've ever played Arma myself.

    Sorry I didnt see this till now. Yes, I have it. Its pretty fun. Similar to arma but faster gameplay. Cross between arma and the hunger games. Lol Its good alternative when ad is being dumb. Also... Stream sale right now. : ))

    Yeah, I've been playing it religiously since I've unofficially gone on hiatus from ESO. Outside of how great the gameplay is, I really love how transparent the dev team has been, and how dedicated they seem to improving both client-side and server-side stability. A lot of these "Early Access" games tend to stay in early access for years, but by all accounts they have every intention of being out of early access by the end of 2017. There are a lot of good signs that PUBG will be a very successful game for a long time.
    Khrogo1 wrote: »
    Raknosh wrote: »
    After hates PMs, hate mails! He sure looks at forums but too scared to post here. I guess he knows that he would get picked apart here. He's so scared of answers that he ignores right away everyone that he sends hate tells. Poor kid...
    Adenoma wrote: »
    He's a baby. Please hate mail me. He does that thing where he sends you nasty tells and then blocks you.

    I ignore you cuz if I want to listen to a bunch of teenagers to early 20yr olds give excuses/complain, argue or stroke ur ego's ill just come here and catch up. look coming up to 300 pgs and you can go thru all them and will find just about everyone here is Ad or Dc or both why is that? Cuz Ad and Dc need somewhere safe to talk about their feelings like women. ur Little circle jerk crew here can talk all the trash they want that's all they can do.
    It's funny you guys say u reroll to help noobs ect. u reroll cuz u aint top in vet the only way most of u can even make the top is by rolling over noobs with a coordinated discord grp- pathetic. YOU DONT HELP ANYONE thats why noobs in ur faction still use the wrong seige why noobs cant kill anything without outnumbering their opponent!
    You want to complain about balance you are screwing up balance in non vet the people that make Kyne campaign un-enjoyable to new players are right here in this forum. AoTD, Grave Diggers, Pugz, Byte, House Sotha, Lycans of the Pact, GoNB, ect these are some of the guilds I have been part of/ ran with over the yrs none of you can say anything you just thro noobs into zerg grps and use them like meat shields u don't teach or help anyone, ur in non vet cuz its easier to roll noobs so cut the crap!
    P.S I am older then most of you, I finished school while most of you didn't have a hair on ur nut some of u still don't and some of u just don't have nuts

    Grave Diggers doesn't even run anymore.....

    I know cause i'm a officer of the guild and next in line for guildmaster.

    plus!!! idk even remember you, so you were definitely not an important member of grave diggers.

    you salty pug.

    I'm starting to notice a pattern here...

    Can an officer from any of the guilds this guy has supposedly run with actually confirm that he was part of that guild?

    This one time I ran with the Pugz of Daggerfall. Or at least one of them. The famous one. And actually I rode kind of behind them until they stopped to attack things, but I was there for that part unless I died or rode into the middle of spriggans and wisps and things, and then I actually did have to run.

    My sample size of that one time indicates that one guild does inform the noobs, eg me, and is a credit to the Covenant. Name drop + opinion woo!

    (Sorry, salty guy is so hilarious it put me in a whimsical mood.)

    Yeah, I've never been a part of any PVP guilds, but I've ended up in PUG groups led by members of established guilds on occasion, and in my experience, they always try to help the newer players, but many of those players refuse to listen and just run around doing whatever. Now of course a PUG group is different than an actual guild group, but to me it suggests that new players need to actually be willing to listen and learn to get anything out of running with a group, and plenty of new players aren't willing to do that. I don't know enough about any of the major guilds to comment from experience on how helpful they are to new players, but I have heard plenty of good things about many of the guilds out there in that regard.

    I think they listen. The majority doesn't say much and wants leadership. But those leaders are going to have to say the same things every time anyway, because there's always somebody who doesn't know, and if they don't keep up with it eventually there are a lot of people who don't know. I can imagine that would get frustrating, and boring. Some leaders don't bother, some do.
    Templar - Warden - Sorc
    all magicka all the time
  • Mjollo
    The majority nowadays want a leader but don't want to lead. It takes a lot of patience to constantly teach people how to play properly.
    Defialed - Former Emperor of Thornblade|Mjoll The Legend - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade| Definitely Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Probably Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Mistakenly Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Blackwater Cultist - Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade | A Woman With No Name |
    "There are two kinds of people in this world, my friend. Those with loaded guns. And those who dig. You dig."
  • Raknosh
    gabriebe wrote: »
    I`ve noticed that the forums folks seem to target each other a lot... something about seeing a familiar name makes you want to hit them more I suppose

    Not just the forums folks. If I see some1 in my friend list or on forum, I'll focus you loll! It's just my way of showing my love xD Unless it's a xv1 situation and he's not harassing my group, then I'll probly leave you alone

    Founder of PUGz of Daggerfall
    Former Emperors : Dragon of the PUGz, Witcher of the PUGz
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