Icereach PC NA (Mulaamnir/Kyne/BWB NA PC - Final)

  • DCeiver0
    casparian wrote: »
    W0lf_z13 wrote: »
    i need to get gud.... i getz no letterz :'(

    Same. :( My next Kyne character is a stamblade, though, so I have high hopes of getting hate mail soon.

    That gear set that leaves behind stun runes when you dodge roll is almost guaranteed to get you some on a stamblade.
    Ärchøn of the Covenant - DC Magblade
    Ärchøn of the Dominion - AD Magblade
    Venom - EP Stamdk
    Sentinel - AD DK
    Sirocco - DC WereOrcSorc
    Wendigo - DC Warden
  • vamp_emily
    DCeiver0 wrote: »
    "go *** urself dude ur aint *** irl or in game so stfu the way u play nb reminds me of vamp Emily u pathetic piece of *** "

    Adenomas not the only one with a love letter. :D
    I has a fan too!

    lol at least he knows my name. I like to 10 v 1 him and then give t-bags till he rezzes. :)

    Story Time:
    Yesterday I was riding out to Fare to flag it and I stopped on my horse to type in zone chat. Some NB sniped me while I was still typing and we ended up fighting for a bit till I died.

    I messaged him :)

    me: pft.. you are not good enough to dance above me
    him: lol, why so much hate
    me: not hate, I am going to switch to my mag nb and slice your throat
    him: I think you and I would make good friends

    Shortly after that I was at Roe mine and seen some silly NB agro the guards. The guards and I killed him, and oops it was my AD text buddy. I messaged him again.

    me: got ya :)
    him: lol, you and the guards did

    I think talking trash is the fun part of PvP :)

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Vyle_Byte
    Wow, I got one too...

    "just cuz the guilds I mentioned don't run anymore doesn't mean I wasn't part of them I was in Byte I have personally talked with you and ur husband *** I even know whut u 2 look like I've seen pic of u 2! I like ur husband he ran pug grps and did take the time to teach ppl and use to be kind to new players I think but I think the balder ur husband gets the grumpier he gets!"

    First, you sound creepy af sayin you know what we look like, I mean... sure, lots of ppl know what we look like we freakin posted in a thread made for it, so okay... but still sounds creep-o dude.

    Second, I still don't know who the *** you are.

    Third, I'm not gonna explain why we stopped running pug groups bc if you actually did know us, you would know why. Also, when I say we don't run groups, I mean if there are 3 or more Bytes running together at once its a freakin blue moon, most of the time its just Dix and one other so stop judging something you know nothing about.

    Fourth and most importantly, hes not bald he used to shave his head....

    You say guilds like us ruin this campaign. Guilds like us MADE this campaign. We made a community. We made connections. In the end, its not about your color bc we are all the same.
    Member of the Old Guard
    Mother of the Byte Family
    Vyle Byte||Ivana Byte||Vyible Byte||Hakate Vampler Former EMPRESS BWB||Haan Zolo {Retired} (He swung first)||Lunari ||Wardyn Chalyk Tahno||Dirti Dianah||Bonnie||
    Viva la Byte
  • ColoursYouHave
    Aww man I didn't get a hate letter. Can you write one to me? I'm totally a scumbag (or apparently a soft ***) and definitely deserve it.
  • Valen_Byte

    "I like how u automatically take the sides of ur circle jerk friends in the forums they post screen shots of my comments but don't share their comments some that I ignore will still deliver hate messages to me thru other ppl or by naming a keep an insulting name towards me. Also for everyone to say I wasn't part of any of those guilds or ran with them is kinda *** stupid just cuz u don't recognize a user name you all think I'm bs that's the mental capacity of a 12yr old don't be dumb anyone can change their user."

    Ill just leave this here for your reading enjoyment.

    Edit: Guess I should say that this is the message I received.
    Edited by Valen_Byte on June 26, 2017 6:06PM
    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • Vyle_Byte
    ^^ That's some funny *** right there @Valen_Byte . Considering you've ruffled the feathers of pretty much everyone in this thread, Id say you are the least circle jerky. Obviously hasn't read this thread or the 3 before it. lol

    Member of the Old Guard
    Mother of the Byte Family
    Vyle Byte||Ivana Byte||Vyible Byte||Hakate Vampler Former EMPRESS BWB||Haan Zolo {Retired} (He swung first)||Lunari ||Wardyn Chalyk Tahno||Dirti Dianah||Bonnie||
    Viva la Byte
  • Gederic
    I hope I get a hate mail in game when I get off work even though I don't play in this campaign anymore :D
    Ours is the Fury
  • Stridig
    I would like to benefit from said circle jerk
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • Valen_Byte
    Gederic wrote: »
    I hope I get a hate mail in game when I get off work even though I don't play in this campaign anymore :D

    You just have to be in this thread to get one. I dont even know who this person is. Apparently its my fault that I dont know who it is because he changed his user name??
    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • Adenoma
    Please log on, please hit AD. What they're doing with gate keeps is crummy. And it's forcing me to show up just to take their ticks.
  • Gederic
    The easy solutions here are switch campaigns or switch factions :p
    Ours is the Fury
  • Mjollo
    Oh man ok i got you guys. This guy was the highlight of it all. i'll never forget how it felt to get 2 messages in my inbox at 6am.


    I'm sure a few of you will recognize this guy's typing at some point. he was the reason the second bwb thread got shut down.
    Defialed - Former Emperor of Thornblade|Mjoll The Legend - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade| Definitely Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Probably Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Mistakenly Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Blackwater Cultist - Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade | A Woman With No Name |
    "There are two kinds of people in this world, my friend. Those with loaded guns. And those who dig. You dig."
  • Stridig
    That's pretty good right there. I would send my address right away. Lol
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • Adenoma
    42 Wallaby Way
    Sydney, Australia
  • casparian
    Adenoma wrote: »
    42 Wallaby Way
    Sydney, Australia

    Adenoma confirmed Oceanic = confirmed nightcapper

    I knew it!
    7-day PVP campaign regular 2016-2019, Flawless Conqueror. MagDK/stamplar/stamwarden/mageblade. Requiem, Legend, Knights of Daggerfall. Currently retired from the wars; waiting on performance improvements.
  • DCeiver0
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    DCeiver0 wrote: »
    "go *** urself dude ur aint *** irl or in game so stfu the way u play nb reminds me of vamp Emily u pathetic piece of *** "

    Adenomas not the only one with a love letter. :D
    I has a fan too!

    lol at least he knows my name. I like to 10 v 1 him and then give t-bags till he rezzes. :)

    Story Time:
    Yesterday I was riding out to Fare to flag it and I stopped on my horse to type in zone chat. Some NB sniped me while I was still typing and we ended up fighting for a bit till I died.

    I messaged him :)

    me: pft.. you are not good enough to dance above me
    him: lol, why so much hate
    me: not hate, I am going to switch to my mag nb and slice your throat
    him: I think you and I would make good friends

    Shortly after that I was at Roe mine and seen some silly NB agro the guards. The guards and I killed him, and oops it was my AD text buddy. I messaged him again.

    me: got ya :)
    him: lol, you and the guards did

    I think talking trash is the fun part of PvP :)

    So classy.
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    "I like how u automatically take the sides of ur circle jerk friends in the forums they post screen shots of my comments but don't share their comments some that I ignore will still deliver hate messages to me thru other ppl or by naming a keep an insulting name towards me. Also for everyone to say I wasn't part of any of those guilds or ran with them is kinda *** stupid just cuz u don't recognize a user name you all think I'm bs that's the mental capacity of a 12yr old don't be dumb anyone can change their user."

    Ill just leave this here for your reading enjoyment.

    Edit: Guess I should say that this is the message I received.

    If the guy would actually accept messages from people he hate whispers, they probably wouldn't have to resort to such silly things. It's basically like sticking your fingers in your ears and going "la la la la i cant hear youu la la la". Which is something most 12yr olds wouldnt even do. Don't dish it if you can't take it, but more so.. Why play a Game that makes you so mad that you wish horrible things on people of whom the only thing you truly know anything about is that they have a common interest in said game? Pick the wrong color and apparently you and your family deserve AIDs.
    Ärchøn of the Covenant - DC Magblade
    Ärchøn of the Dominion - AD Magblade
    Venom - EP Stamdk
    Sentinel - AD DK
    Sirocco - DC WereOrcSorc
    Wendigo - DC Warden
  • Vyle_Byte
    Wow... and he calls US children... whos acting like a 12 yr old? This sounds exactly like the guy that was irl threatening Valen like a year ago, said almost the same stuff, was tryin to say he would find where we lived and ***.
    Member of the Old Guard
    Mother of the Byte Family
    Vyle Byte||Ivana Byte||Vyible Byte||Hakate Vampler Former EMPRESS BWB||Haan Zolo {Retired} (He swung first)||Lunari ||Wardyn Chalyk Tahno||Dirti Dianah||Bonnie||
    Viva la Byte
  • Anlace
    Adenoma wrote: »
    Please log on, please hit AD. What they're doing with gate keeps is crummy. And it's forcing me to show up just to take their ticks.

    I hope they get painfully bored. That's a fun-free map right now.
    Templar - Warden - Sorc
    all magicka all the time
  • Valen_Byte
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    Wow... and he calls US children... whos acting like a 12 yr old? This sounds exactly like the guy that was irl threatening Valen like a year ago, said almost the same stuff, was tryin to say he would find where we lived and ***.

    It is the same guy. He sent me this a year ago. And then Zos took care of it. : )) Looks like hes back with a new account.

    "are you always an ass or you want a go at me? cause we can settle this it's simple we meet up I beat your pathetic ass and you back the *** off sounds good so when is good for you? also we need a place to meet so lets meet half way? I'm live in ohio so whatever would be half way from your *** hole is good for me unless you are coming to the quakcon event in dallas I could beat you *** ass there if you would like its up to you let me know what works for ya :)"
    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • Vyle_Byte
    What I think is funny is that we all get these pms "Just for You". If you knew anything at all about the people in this thread you should have known we would share these gems with each other and should know that if you come into this thread attacking, no matter what our differences are, we WILL band together.

    Because. Community.
    Member of the Old Guard
    Mother of the Byte Family
    Vyle Byte||Ivana Byte||Vyible Byte||Hakate Vampler Former EMPRESS BWB||Haan Zolo {Retired} (He swung first)||Lunari ||Wardyn Chalyk Tahno||Dirti Dianah||Bonnie||
    Viva la Byte
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Well this thread got interesting again.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Vyle_Byte
    Well this thread got interesting again.

    #Roadto300 :D
    Member of the Old Guard
    Mother of the Byte Family
    Vyle Byte||Ivana Byte||Vyible Byte||Hakate Vampler Former EMPRESS BWB||Haan Zolo {Retired} (He swung first)||Lunari ||Wardyn Chalyk Tahno||Dirti Dianah||Bonnie||
    Viva la Byte
  • DeadlyRecluse
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    What I think is funny is that we all get these pms "Just for You". If you knew anything at all about the people in this thread you should have known we would share these gems with each other and should know that if you come into this thread attacking, no matter what our differences are, we WILL band together.

    Because. Community.

    Plus it's funny!
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Mjollo
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    Wow... and he calls US children... whos acting like a 12 yr old? This sounds exactly like the guy that was irl threatening Valen like a year ago, said almost the same stuff, was tryin to say he would find where we lived and ***.

    It is the same guy. He sent me this a year ago. And then Zos took care of it. : )) Looks like hes back with a new account.

    "are you always an ass or you want a go at me? cause we can settle this it's simple we meet up I beat your pathetic ass and you back the *** off sounds good so when is good for you? also we need a place to meet so lets meet half way? I'm live in ohio so whatever would be half way from your *** hole is good for me unless you are coming to the quakcon event in dallas I could beat you *** ass there if you would like its up to you let me know what works for ya :)"

    OMG WE HAVE THE SAME GUY FROM OHIO LOL. those screenshots i posted are him too. i didnt know he was back!
    Defialed - Former Emperor of Thornblade|Mjoll The Legend - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade| Definitely Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Probably Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Mistakenly Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Blackwater Cultist - Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade | A Woman With No Name |
    "There are two kinds of people in this world, my friend. Those with loaded guns. And those who dig. You dig."
  • Raknosh
    DCeiver0 wrote: »
    W0lf_z13 wrote: »
    i need to get gud.... i getz no letterz :'(

    You're never on long enough to get under people's skin IMO.

    I barely even play kyne anymore and I received one loll. Well in fact I received 1 PM and 2 mails.
    Founder of PUGz of Daggerfall
    Former Emperors : Dragon of the PUGz, Witcher of the PUGz
  • Vyle_Byte

    Plus it's funny!


    Why, yes, yes I am.. thank you!
    Member of the Old Guard
    Mother of the Byte Family
    Vyle Byte||Ivana Byte||Vyible Byte||Hakate Vampler Former EMPRESS BWB||Haan Zolo {Retired} (He swung first)||Lunari ||Wardyn Chalyk Tahno||Dirti Dianah||Bonnie||
    Viva la Byte
  • vamp_emily
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    Wow... and he calls US children... whos acting like a 12 yr old? This sounds exactly like the guy that was irl threatening Valen like a year ago, said almost the same stuff, was tryin to say he would find where we lived and ***.

    I personally think deep down inside we are all children. Something I see often on the forums is once you make someone feel not important, belittle them, or make their accomplishments feel diminished they begin to cry like a baby or act like someone cut off their oxygen and they can't breathe.

    I think Daddy is correct in some of what he says. Some of the players in Kyne ( I know a few in this thread ) that grind the best gear, level fighters and mag guild skills so they can beat up on noobs and then act like they are god/good. While new players are wearing white and green armor.

    Edited by vamp_emily on June 26, 2017 8:51PM

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • gabriebe
    It`s gonna be a tough job for you to get emp this week Adenoma. Hope you have moral support...
    Former Empresses: Saliva Bortschion (MagBlade), Janet From Finance (PvP MagSorc), Carla Swagan (Tank DK), Estelle Born (StamBlade), Enya Arsenal (MagPlar), Anita Nurse (Magplar Healer), Bearback Brigitte (Magden), Rachel Justice (MagDK), Nicole From Payroll (Stamden), Bailiff Belinda (PvE MagSorc), Féline Dion (StamDK), Septic Tank Tina (Necro Tank)

    The runts: The Trolly Spirit (Tank Sorc), Floods-Your-Basement (Warden Healer) Dinah Asthma (Magcro), Total Top Tony (Stamcro)

    The traitor
    s: Janis Javelin (Stamplar, EP), Barbecue Becky (Magblade Healer, AD)

    PvE: Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Flawless Conqueror

    GM: Animal Control

  • Adenoma
    Wait, is this Ivan whoever that played EP and was so salty and started to threaten Sharakor/Sora/someone?

    I'm confused.
  • Adenoma
    Yeah, can you guys just dethrone this fella so at least we have some fun fights? I feel bad because he hasn't even logged on to my knowledge.
This discussion has been closed.