Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Icereach PC NA (Mulaamnir/Kyne/BWB NA PC - Final)

  • W0lf_z13
    i tend to make my builds without thinking of CP ... even for TF i just build like i would for a non CP campaign
    Breton Nightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Dragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Necro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)

    ☣☣☣   |     Alliance ~Daggerfall Covenant~     |     Server ~NA PC~     |     CP's ~2156~     |     ☣☣☣
  • Mjollo
    Builds and CP don't make the player. The player makes the player. Proc sets, CP, and gear are just things you sprinkle on top to perfect yourselves but it's not considered a cake if it's just frosting and sprinkles in a bowl.
    Defialed - Former Emperor of Thornblade|Mjoll The Legend - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade| Definitely Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Probably Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Mistakenly Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Blackwater Cultist - Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade | A Woman With No Name |
    "There are two kinds of people in this world, my friend. Those with loaded guns. And those who dig. You dig."
  • The_Mort_You_Know
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I used to sell a ton of lowbie gear and make upwards of 5k or more on purple items. That all went down hill around the halloween festival and I basically stopped trying after the new life festival. It's also been next to impossible to find lowbie gear since then in guild stores. Has anyone considered creating a tri-faction guild specifically for BWB level gear sales, or would anyone be interested in that?

    Not sure if you seen my post, but I created one :) ( see my signature ).

    We currently only have 9 players in it and we need 41 more to open shop. :) So all you BwB players contact me and join :) Just think of the time it might save you. You might even find enough gear to try different builds.

    Also I don't want to spam zone chat in PvP, so please if you know someone who wants to join something like this, send them my way. I set the guild up that all members can invite their friends.

    Please send me and invite @themortyouknow :)
  • ColoursYouHave
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    The test is not going to affect me at all really. I play in all campaigns with most all divine gear ( no imp ). Who knows I might not get 1 shot as often :)

    I know there are a lot of haters out there, but I personally like the idea of CP. It allows players to build their characters different than other players. People hate CP, poisons, proc set and almost everything else. I like them all.

    One day I will sit down and really think about builds, who knows I might be op one day.

    Having only like, 260 or so CP, I've never actually played on CP campaigns anyways. I have been playing a bit on AS lately, and will probably play there throughout the week since you seem to get a ton more AP there than in BWB anyways. Though honestly, I've been pretty burnt out from PVP in general lately, so I've been spending time casually leveling characters and farming gear (gear which I'll also be able to list in the BWB guild) so that when I feel like getting back into it, I'll have multiple PVP-ready characters to choose from.
  • Stridig
    Just my opinion but I think CP's belong in PvE only. PvP should about skill and coordination. I played daily in AS when AS was THE vet campaign to play in. People still got destroyed but only because the person that destroyed them was a good player. I miss the old days when the "Elite" players had to be good.
    Enemy to many
    Friend to all
  • W0lf_z13
    @Stridig DEF agree with u man.... i remember first entering Cyro ( AS ) for my first ever PvP encounter, not knowing there was a non vet campaign and got my ass handed to me on a silver platter by a full on zerg .... looked like a tidal wave washed over me from the bridge ( i was completely alone with NO other dc around at the time )
    Breton Nightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Dragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Necro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)

    ☣☣☣   |     Alliance ~Daggerfall Covenant~     |     Server ~NA PC~     |     CP's ~2156~     |     ☣☣☣
  • TipsyDrow
    W0lf_z13 wrote: »
    @Stridig DEF agree with u man.... i remember first entering Cyro ( AS ) for my first ever PvP encounter, not knowing there was a non vet campaign and got my ass handed to me on a silver platter by a full on zerg .... looked like a tidal wave washed over me from the bridge ( i was completely alone with NO other dc around at the time )

    Wolf's first time in PVP.

    Oooh, what do we have here? Another scrumptious young plaything straight out of life and into my club? Mmm... you smell new, little boy, like fabric softener dew on freshly mowed Astroturf. Oh, I'm not frightening you, am I, duckling?
    Love, Mistress Pigtails
  • W0lf_z13
    LOL @TipsyDrow EXACTLY like that ... completely got steam rolled as i was trying to run away
    Breton Nightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Dragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Necro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)

    ☣☣☣   |     Alliance ~Daggerfall Covenant~     |     Server ~NA PC~     |     CP's ~2156~     |     ☣☣☣
  • DCeiver0
    W0lf_z13 wrote: »
    LOL @TipsyDrow EXACTLY like that ... completely got steam rolled as i was trying to run away

    Yup. Me too.
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    I used to sell a ton of lowbie gear and make upwards of 5k or more on purple items. That all went down hill around the halloween festival and I basically stopped trying after the new life festival. It's also been next to impossible to find lowbie gear since then in guild stores. Has anyone considered creating a tri-faction guild specifically for BWB level gear sales, or would anyone be interested in that?

    Not sure if you seen my post, but I created one :) ( see my signature ).

    We currently only have 9 players in it and we need 41 more to open shop. :) So all you BwB players contact me and join :) Just think of the time it might save you. You might even find enough gear to try different builds.

    Also I don't want to spam zone chat in PvP, so please if you know someone who wants to join something like this, send them my way. I set the guild up that all members can invite their friends.

    I would also like an invite please @Deceiver0
    Ärchøn of the Covenant - DC Magblade
    Ärchøn of the Dominion - AD Magblade
    Venom - EP Stamdk
    Sentinel - AD DK
    Sirocco - DC WereOrcSorc
    Wendigo - DC Warden
  • Raknosh
    Welp, tonight was pretty insane in BWB. Some scroll action, some huge zerg on zerg defenses and a lot, i mean, a LOT of AP! :D
    Founder of PUGz of Daggerfall
    Former Emperors : Dragon of the PUGz, Witcher of the PUGz
  • DCeiver0
    Does anyone else find it interesting that a term, that references a real time strategy game first released in 1998, has weaved is way into the common game vernacular nearly 20 years later?

    As a huge fan of that RTS, I certainly do.


    Ärchøn of the Covenant - DC Magblade
    Ärchøn of the Dominion - AD Magblade
    Venom - EP Stamdk
    Sentinel - AD DK
    Sirocco - DC WereOrcSorc
    Wendigo - DC Warden
  • Vurian97
    We had been using the term 'Zerg' since 2008 in World of Warcraft. I remember even during Beta of ESO, that term was being used.
  • vamp_emily
    Can anyone guess what this is a picture of? :)


    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • W0lf_z13
    @vamp_emily the matrix?
    Breton Nightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Dragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Necro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)

    ☣☣☣   |     Alliance ~Daggerfall Covenant~     |     Server ~NA PC~     |     CP's ~2156~     |     ☣☣☣
  • vamp_emily
    W0lf_z13 wrote: »
    @vamp_emily the matrix?

    nope :)

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • DeadlyRecluse
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    Can anyone guess what this is a picture of? :)


    Ha, saw your post about that in the feedback thread, that's incredible.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • ColoursYouHave
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    Can anyone guess what this is a picture of? :)


    Based on the file name... I'm gonna go ahead and say zone chat?
  • W0lf_z13
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    Can anyone guess what this is a picture of? :)


    Based on the file name... I'm gonna go ahead and say zone chat?

    Breton Nightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Dragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Necro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)

    ☣☣☣   |     Alliance ~Daggerfall Covenant~     |     Server ~NA PC~     |     CP's ~2156~     |     ☣☣☣
  • gabriebe
    Hey Emily, message me when you can, I made guild today with that idea in mind, didn't realize you had too. What I had in mind though was to make a regular guild with a booth though. Let me know! We could merge the two.
    Edited by gabriebe on February 28, 2017 4:39PM
    Former Empresses: Saliva Bortschion (MagBlade), Janet From Finance (PvP MagSorc), Carla Swagan (Tank DK), Estelle Born (StamBlade), Enya Arsenal (MagPlar), Anita Nurse (Magplar Healer), Bearback Brigitte (Magden), Rachel Justice (MagDK), Nicole From Payroll (Stamden), Bailiff Belinda (PvE MagSorc), Féline Dion (StamDK), Septic Tank Tina (Necro Tank)

    The runts: The Trolly Spirit (Tank Sorc), Floods-Your-Basement (Warden Healer) Dinah Asthma (Magcro), Total Top Tony (Stamcro)

    The traitor
    s: Janis Javelin (Stamplar, EP), Barbecue Becky (Magblade Healer, AD)

    PvE: Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Flawless Conqueror

    GM: Animal Control

  • Kazi
    Emily, I will take an invite please. @Kazi-Inu
  • Raknosh
    DCeiver0 wrote: »
    Does anyone else find it interesting that a term, that references a real time strategy game first released in 1998, has weaved is way into the common game vernacular nearly 20 years later?

    As a huge fan of that RTS, I certainly do.


    Warcraft > Starcraft :P
    Founder of PUGz of Daggerfall
    Former Emperors : Dragon of the PUGz, Witcher of the PUGz
  • DCeiver0
    Raknosh wrote: »
    DCeiver0 wrote: »
    Does anyone else find it interesting that a term, that references a real time strategy game first released in 1998, has weaved is way into the common game vernacular nearly 20 years later?

    As a huge fan of that RTS, I certainly do.


    Warcraft > Starcraft :P

    I have played and loved them both. I could not choose one over the other.
    Ärchøn of the Covenant - DC Magblade
    Ärchøn of the Dominion - AD Magblade
    Venom - EP Stamdk
    Sentinel - AD DK
    Sirocco - DC WereOrcSorc
    Wendigo - DC Warden
  • W0lf_z13
    it was very interesting bringing Dark Wolf reborn into BwB last night .... already at assault/support rank 4 from just an hour of playing lol .... got my ass handed to me often though due to being not geared out yet for pvp ( still wearing training gear ... no impen or anything ) .... looking forward to the real return of Dark Wolf ... once i reach my assault/support goal for him ill be taking him back out of pvp until he is ready ... A LOT of farming to do but should be VERY much worth it when he is ready :D
    Breton Nightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Dragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Necro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)

    ☣☣☣   |     Alliance ~Daggerfall Covenant~     |     Server ~NA PC~     |     CP's ~2156~     |     ☣☣☣
  • Adenoma
    I'm very happy to just wear crafted sets. Farming for nonvet feels silly to me. I hate PvE, so I try to minimize it as much as possible.

    And on that note, I'm really enjoying Haderus.
  • ColoursYouHave
    Adenoma wrote: »
    I'm very happy to just wear crafted sets. Farming for nonvet feels silly to me. I hate PvE, so I try to minimize it as much as possible.

    And on that note, I'm really enjoying Haderus.

    Honestly, the main reason I even bother with overland sets is because I'd be stuck wearing non-set jewelry otherwise. But then by the time I have 3 pieces of jewelry, getting the last two set pieces is so easy I figure I may as well benefit from an additional 5-piece bonus. My new technique is to start running dolmens about 5 levels before a new build is ready to head into Cyrodiil. Sure, there are faster ways to level than running dolmens, but they're still decent enough XP, and 5 levels worth of dolmens practically ensures I'll get at least some reasonable level/quality combination of the jewelry I want. Then getting the belt/boots is easy, as I just camp a delve boss and do stuff on my second monitor while I wait for the boss to respawn. This doesn't work as efficiently after a character has already outleveled a set of gear in Cyrodiil the first time since I don't actually need to level him anymore, but it does give me a chance to level some skill lines I may not get to level much while PVPing. Plus now I'm starting to get a decent enough collection of overland sets at various levels that I probably won't need to farm too many more in the future.

    Also, you could always join the Blackwaters Merchant guild. We're still working on recruiting, but hopefully once we get some more members we'll have plenty of people selling their level 10-49 set pieces. I know I sure have a bunch of stuff to sell once we have enough members for a guild store.
  • Adenoma
    I just ground my characters all in IC. You end up with enough key fragments that I have Willpower and Agility jewelry every 6 levels.
  • DCeiver0
    Adenoma wrote: »
    I'm very happy to just wear crafted sets. Farming for nonvet feels silly to me. I hate PvE, so I try to minimize it as much as possible.

    And on that note, I'm really enjoying Haderus.

    Honestly, the main reason I even bother with overland sets is because I'd be stuck wearing non-set jewelry otherwise. But then by the time I have 3 pieces of jewelry, getting the last two set pieces is so easy I figure I may as well benefit from an additional 5-piece bonus. My new technique is to start running dolmens about 5 levels before a new build is ready to head into Cyrodiil. Sure, there are faster ways to level than running dolmens, but they're still decent enough XP, and 5 levels worth of dolmens practically ensures I'll get at least some reasonable level/quality combination of the jewelry I want. Then getting the belt/boots is easy, as I just camp a delve boss and do stuff on my second monitor while I wait for the boss to respawn. This doesn't work as efficiently after a character has already outleveled a set of gear in Cyrodiil the first time since I don't actually need to level him anymore, but it does give me a chance to level some skill lines I may not get to level much while PVPing. Plus now I'm starting to get a decent enough collection of overland sets at various levels that I probably won't need to farm too many more in the future.

    Also, you could always join the Blackwaters Merchant guild. We're still working on recruiting, but hopefully once we get some more members we'll have plenty of people selling their level 10-49 set pieces. I know I sure have a bunch of stuff to sell once we have enough members for a guild store.

    I've got a system wherein I use 1 crafted and 1 overland set. I'll decide before making a new toon what kind of gear combinations I want to try out, and then build the toon around it. Then I'll farm and test and tweak, figure out what works and what doesn't all the way to near vet lvl, and then roll the exact same toon again with adjustments from things I learned the first go round, then I have all the gear made and farmed already and can have some straight up good times without having to worry about farming or crafting. Repeat until I get another gear/race/class combo idea I want to try.

    Oh and I am getting ready for Blackwaters Merchant, collecting all those non-vet pieces I couldn't sell in a standard trading guild, but were just too rare to decon. I've stowed a bunch away on my crafter and pve toons, so once we hit the target number of members, we ought to have a pretty well stocked store to begin with. I'll also be putting up spare crafting mats, bulk soul gems, and maybe even share my favorite tri-pot and tri-poison recipes!
    Ärchøn of the Covenant - DC Magblade
    Ärchøn of the Dominion - AD Magblade
    Venom - EP Stamdk
    Sentinel - AD DK
    Sirocco - DC WereOrcSorc
    Wendigo - DC Warden
  • Gederic
    I have used an overland set once before in bwb and that was because at a dolmen I happened to randomly get a purple level 36 red mountain ring. So I figured why not finish out the set. Other than that I guess I have willpower at level 36 for all my mag toons, but crafted sets are tried and true and you can get new pieces whenever you want.
    Ours is the Fury
  • Enipfodnuos
    I feel like BWB is a great place to try different set ups every few lvls. The nature of it leans towards experimentation IMO. I mean unless your aim is to roll noobs every lvl with the same maximized set up (which in my opinion does a diservice to PVP in general). Has anyone tried running ravager and hundings lately? At 12k a pop it's a lot easier to get what you need. I tried the setup in azuras yesterday and it rocked.
    Edited by Enipfodnuos on March 1, 2017 7:31PM
  • Adenoma
    I more or less vary my skills and not my gear. I know that the gear that I have allows me to sustain to a certain point. Then I build around a skill-based plan.
This discussion has been closed.