Maintenance for the week of October 21:
• [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 6:00PM EDT (22:00 UTC)

Hey ZoS, People are Farming Dro-m'athra Motifs at Level 10

  • Carbonised
    If you're paying 100+k for the new motifs, then blame it on yourself. This whole 'I want it first' mentality is what drives the prices up to such rediculous levels.

    By all means, let people farm the living crap out of the new motifs, at least that will bring prices down to a more reasonable level once those hundreds of motifs are just sitting in the guild shops and not being sold anymore.

    If your ego wanted to be the first to link the motif achievement in zone chat or guild chat, and you paid 100s of k on buying them, then the joke's really on you mate.

    Edited insulting language
    Edited by ZOS_DaryaK on August 4, 2016 8:48PM
  • Rastoide
    Downscaling content! Lol.
  • Holy-Dope
    Holy-Dope wrote: »
    Thanks for snitching. If you know it works the way then why the heck you bought them instead of getting them yourself. Those people who are farming are investing their time and effort and their minds working on these crazy ideas.
    So get off your lazy arse and get it yourself or stop blaming the system
    Or people. And FFS it's just motif not SO farm as was before the patch.

    y u mad tho?

    Because not everyone farms them for selling ...for instance my gf can not go into MOL at top level to get these motifs and nor can spend 1mil to get full set. And there are many similar people in game for whom this is the easiest option to get these motifs.
    So point is if you are paying high prices for something which you can get on your own but don't want to, then stop messing it up for those who are doing it.
    DC- Holy DOPE, Altmer Nightblade
    (And many those who did not make it to the end R.I.P.)

  • Mojmir
    Bless them,cosmetics should not cost a lot. Sounds like bruised egos and elitist banter
  • Holy-Dope
    Carbonised wrote: »
    If you're paying 100+k for the new motifs, then blame it on yourself. This whole 'I want it first' mentality is what drives the prices up to such rediculous levels.

    By all means, let people farm the living crap out of the new motifs, at least that will bring prices down to a more reasonable level once those hundreds of motifs are just sitting in the guild shops and not being sold anymore.

    If your ego wanted to be the first to link the motif achievement in zone chat or guild chat, and you paid 100s of k on buying them, then the joke's really on you mate.

    This^^ +1

    Edited quoted content that was edited
    Edited by ZOS_DaryaK on August 4, 2016 8:49PM
    DC- Holy DOPE, Altmer Nightblade
    (And many those who did not make it to the end R.I.P.)

  • Holy-Dope
    @Wollust - I completely agree with you when people scale the dungeons to get the achievements and titles or even to get the top tier gear ( I'm sure you know what I mean). Motif farming with scaling however I don't see any issue with. It's a cosmetic item in the game and in no way buffs or helps anyone to perform better in game.
    DC- Holy DOPE, Altmer Nightblade
    (And many those who did not make it to the end R.I.P.)

  • Autolycus
    So wait .....People that did not "Earn" it and simply went out and PAID for it.. Are now upset that people are not "Earning it" and are now farming it?



    And using the scale down mechanic is NOT a bug.... You people wanted CasualScrollsOnline and this is what will happen..

    Allowing players to scale content was never a bright idea in the first place. Definitely not if we ever wanted this game to have a stable economy!

    Honestly the choices made by the dev team almost look like an inside job by one of the developers trying to purposely destroy this game lol..
    These "Mistakes" are flat out unacceptable! Most are game breaking.

    I'm okay with scaling some content.... but not trials. I think we're on the same page here, just wanted to add my 2 cents.

    It baffles me as to why the majority opinion is to make endgame content accessible to people fresh out of Coldharbour. And please, don't mistake me for someone who hates new players. I help out new players all the time, I'm genuinely supportive of the growing player base, and I don't fancy myself as someone who judges newbies unduly. I've personally taught a lot of people how to run new dungeons and trials, not that I'm the only one of course, just want to be taken the right way.

    When I started playing this game on 3/30/2014, there was an entire world to delve into. And guess what? That world is still there! Not only that, but it's expanded substantially. There are days upon days worth of content to explore for people learning and growing into the endgame characters that they will be one day. Why do people want to jump into endgame content without experiencing the game first? To me it feels like this motivates new players to skip a significant portion of the game's features to go straight into "endgame," and it disincentivizes the actual endgame players to play, ya know, endgame content. Just the other day I heard of people scaling SO to cp30 but still getting cp160 gear.... I mean, what???
  • s7732425ub17_ESO
    Preyfar wrote: »
    Preyfar wrote: »
    If level 10 people are farming dro-m'Athra motifs... I'm going to be really, REALLY upset as I dropped a TON of gold to get them early on because it's the one motif I always wanted. But if that's the case...

    It will be selling for 2k next week.
    I hope not. I dropped well, WELL over a million gold since dro-m'Athra is supposed to be hard to get. If this is something level 10s can farm away I think I'm going to flip my guar. I worked my keister off to get as much gold, and the only thing I /ever/ wanted from the game was the dro-m'Athra motif, but if it's insanely farmable by low levels...

    I just... I can not even begin to comprehend how angry that makes me feel right now.

    It's your own fault that you believed the motifs were supposed to be "hard to get".

    On a related now, Trials should not be allowed to scale below level 50. Oh boohoo a new player cannot play them, but that's originally how they were intended and only really make sense on level 50 characters anyways.
  • code65536
    Er, this is nMoL. It's a faceroll even at CR160--back when we were farming for those Alkosh/Moondancer jewelry pieces when there was still the weekly loot cooldown, each run took only 20 or so minutes.

    So some people downscale it to level 10, so they cut the time down from 20 minutes to, what, 10 minutes? And avoid having to herd together 12 people. Big whoop de do.
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

    Dungeons and Trials:
    Personal best scores:
    Dungeon trifectas:
    Media: YouTubeTwitch
  • acw37162
    The list of things people will complain about.

    A motif people want they can actually go get in their won playing through content they might not otherwise even spend much time with and some have issue with it.

    Excellent #firstworldwesoproblems
    Edited by acw37162 on August 4, 2016 8:32PM
  • Preyfar
    It's your own fault that you believed the motifs were supposed to be "hard to get".

    On a related now, Trials should not be allowed to scale below level 50. Oh boohoo a new player cannot play them, but that's originally how they were intended and only really make sense on level 50 characters anyways.
    Wrong phrase. Not so much hard to get, but not something farmable by level 10. Trials are supposed to be end game content, and yeah, I spent a lot of money and knew it was a waste of money, but I'm a Khajiit can and Daedric Khajiit armor makes me stupidly happy. I have nothing else to really do end game anymore. That said, I really don't expect level 10s (or even non-vets) to be able to farm vet content. THAT, to me, is the ridiculous part.
  • Funkopotamus
    Autolycus wrote: »
    So wait .....People that did not "Earn" it and simply went out and PAID for it.. Are now upset that people are not "Earning it" and are now farming it?



    And using the scale down mechanic is NOT a bug.... You people wanted CasualScrollsOnline and this is what will happen..

    Allowing players to scale content was never a bright idea in the first place. Definitely not if we ever wanted this game to have a stable economy!

    Honestly the choices made by the dev team almost look like an inside job by one of the developers trying to purposely destroy this game lol..
    These "Mistakes" are flat out unacceptable! Most are game breaking.

    I'm okay with scaling some content.... but not trials. I think we're on the same page here, just wanted to add my 2 cents.

    It baffles me as to why the majority opinion is to make endgame content accessible to people fresh out of Coldharbour. And please, don't mistake me for someone who hates new players. I help out new players all the time, I'm genuinely supportive of the growing player base, and I don't fancy myself as someone who judges newbies unduly. I've personally taught a lot of people how to run new dungeons and trials, not that I'm the only one of course, just want to be taken the right way.

    When I started playing this game on 3/30/2014, there was an entire world to delve into. And guess what? That world is still there! Not only that, but it's expanded substantially. There are days upon days worth of content to explore for people learning and growing into the endgame characters that they will be one day. Why do people want to jump into endgame content without experiencing the game first? To me it feels like this motivates new players to skip a significant portion of the game's features to go straight into "endgame," and it disincentivizes the actual endgame players to play, ya know, endgame content. Just the other day I heard of people scaling SO to cp30 but still getting cp160 gear.... I mean, what???

    Anyone that has met me on Xbox ESO will tell you that I try to help out every new player I see asking for help.

    This week alone I have made entire sets of stam gear for new players. I have made 4 Night Silence sets WITH TRAINING trait for 3 players and even gave 2 of them 1 free Psijic Ambrosia. I have made free food and crafted up a few resto staffs with training.

    All of this on donations. I am an old school MMO player and I know how hard it can be to get yourself started in a game at times. I do not look down on new players. If anything I am happy to see them because without them ESO will not survive.

    Edited by Funkopotamus on August 4, 2016 8:39PM
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!" Sallington
  • Abeille
    Preyfar wrote: »
    Preyfar wrote: »
    If level 10 people are farming dro-m'Athra motifs... I'm going to be really, REALLY upset as I dropped a TON of gold to get them early on because it's the one motif I always wanted. But if that's the case...

    It will be selling for 2k next week.
    I hope not. I dropped well, WELL over a million gold since dro-m'Athra is supposed to be hard to get. If this is something level 10s can farm away I think I'm going to flip my guar. I worked my keister off to get as much gold, and the only thing I /ever/ wanted from the game was the dro-m'Athra motif, but if it's insanely farmable by low levels...

    I just... I can not even begin to comprehend how angry that makes me feel right now.

    This must be really frustrating, so take this advice for the next patch:

    On the first few weeks after patch, SELL THE MOTIFS THAT YOU DROP.
    After the prices stabilize, BUY THE MOTIFS YOU NEED.

    Best of luck :/
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • mdylan2013
    I am going to assume that you guys did not intend for this to happen, but people are farming the crap out of dro-m'athra motifs at level 10. Flooding the market with motifs that should have retained value because they come from a trial. Anyway, head's up. If you did intend for this, then my response is "wow". The in-game economy needs a serious boon and that could have helped push gold around.

    There's always one isn't there...
    PSN - LookoutLuke
    15 Max level toons
  • Jaronking
    Did the fix scaling down trails to 45 and still getting Cp160 gear?
  • Nestor
    I have a couple of low level mules, I might have to take them into Maw and see what happens.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Preyfar
    Abeille wrote: »
    Preyfar wrote: »
    Preyfar wrote: »
    If level 10 people are farming dro-m'Athra motifs... I'm going to be really, REALLY upset as I dropped a TON of gold to get them early on because it's the one motif I always wanted. But if that's the case...

    It will be selling for 2k next week.
    I hope not. I dropped well, WELL over a million gold since dro-m'Athra is supposed to be hard to get. If this is something level 10s can farm away I think I'm going to flip my guar. I worked my keister off to get as much gold, and the only thing I /ever/ wanted from the game was the dro-m'Athra motif, but if it's insanely farmable by low levels...

    I just... I can not even begin to comprehend how angry that makes me feel right now.

    This must be really frustrating, so take this advice for the next patch:

    On the first few weeks after patch, SELL THE MOTIFS THAT YOU DROP.
    After the prices stabilize, BUY THE MOTIFS YOU NEED.

    Best of luck :/
    Yeah, and I knew I should have been patient. I and a bunch of others have been throwing ourselves at Vet Maw for a long time, so I really, REALLY wanted 'em. I know I paid the bloated price, and that's a choice I willingly made. Just knowing people that low of a level can farm end game content kind of... irks me, I guess.

    Vet Maw has been this kind of forbidden fruit for a lot of people who've been trying hard to get their DPS up, coordinate and fight. I knew it was something farmable from nMaw runs, and I'm okay with that. But still by people who are all veterans.
  • Kammakazi
    Next update:

    Dro-m'Athra Motifs now only obtainable on Veteran mode, scaled to CP 160.

  • Callous2208
    I'll tell you what I paid too much for, that minotaur chest page yo.
  • DRXHarbinger
    Kammakazi wrote: »
    Next update:

    Dro-m'Athra Motifs now only obtainable on Veteran mode, scaled to CP 160.


    And hard mode, deathless in less than one lunar cycle. That'll keep the elites happy.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Paneross
    I'm having trouble understanding why you think this is an issue?
  • Holy-Dope
    Jaronking wrote: »
    Did the fix scaling down trails to 45 and still getting Cp160 gear?

    It's fixed. And the other glitch too which was worse than scaling.
    DC- Holy DOPE, Altmer Nightblade
    (And many those who did not make it to the end R.I.P.)

  • starkerealm
    wayfarerx wrote: »
    * goes on shopping trip during lunch break *

    What if this is all a trick and they are just trying to get us to buy them before they really crash...

    At 30k for everything... that's actually pretty cheap. Sure, it could crash harder, but if you're the kind of player who's normally buying rare motifs, 30k is insignificant.
  • Jaronking
    Holy-Dope wrote: »
    Jaronking wrote: »
    Did the fix scaling down trails to 45 and still getting Cp160 gear?

    It's fixed. And the other glitch too which was worse than scaling.

    Really what other glitch the one where players could just farm the last boss forever?
  • clayandaudrey_ESO
  • Conquistador
    Paneross wrote: »
    I'm having trouble understanding why you think this is an issue?

    Well, I am having trouble understanding why you don't think it's an issue.
  • Holy-Dope
    DC- Holy DOPE, Altmer Nightblade
    (And many those who did not make it to the end R.I.P.)

  • Therwind
    Maybe it's intended to stop the already elite from being stupidly OP rich. Motifs were never intended to be an achievement.. you shouldn't have to be the best to have a cosmetic like that.

    So those of us who are great/the best and have time to play the game don't deserve a reward for putting in endless hours of grinding hard content? The loot in mmo's are slowly dying because of these types of comments.
  • KronicDecay
    I'm totally fine with paying the day one price, but NOT if random levels were able to farm it. It's bug, I get it. I made the choice, I get it. But I'm just... I know. I'm not blaming ZOS. I'm angry at situation, but I chose this. And it made me make a decision.

    Maybe it was some level 10 you bought it from who put it on a trader. Ya never know. You probably made his/her day knowing that they'll never need to farm gold again.
  • Waseem
    So wait .....People that did not "Earn" it and simply went out and PAID for it.. Are now upset that people are not "Earning it" and are now farming it?



    And using the scale down mechanic is NOT a bug.... You people wanted CasualScrollsOnline and this is what will happen..

    Allowing players to scale content was never a bright idea in the first place. Definitely not if we ever wanted this game to have a stable economy!

    Honestly the choices made by the dev team almost look like an inside job by one of the developers trying to purposely destroy this game lol..
    These "Mistakes" are flat out unacceptable! Most are game breaking.

    Affordable prices for motifs are not game breaking, its something makes the whole community happy, except those who bought all the motifs first day, not in order to learn how to craft, but to sell them for double and triple prices
    PC EU

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