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Dark Brotherhood - somewhat disturbing

  • ADarklore
    maboleth wrote: »
    I still haven't started DB quests yet, but yeah, I tend to agree. I had a problem with "the blood will flow" headline, so I imagine the animations will be even more disturbing.

    Generally I always have a feeling that they are just bunch of totally deranged schizoid psychopaths that need to be punished. Special forces' DB members-hunting missions would've been great for everyone that are anti-db.

    I love the "I don't want to kill... unless it's killing a killer" attitude. Because clearly, if you're playing a good guy and killing, surely "blood doesn't flow". :D
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • maboleth
    Yeah. If you take it that way, you can never be a "good guy" or good role in any of RPG games because you always kill someone or something. Oh yeah, you can be a healer, leveled by killing... sigh.

    But that's nonsense, you cannot equalize special forces with deranged psychopaths that are aroused by killing.
  • Sharakor
    and we thought the whole 90's "video games make kids murderers" issue was in the past
    Edited by Sharakor on June 12, 2016 1:28AM
  • LadyNalcarya
    kylerjalen wrote: »

    Besides, I don't think real assassins would perform their executes in such a manner. I would think they would be swift and silent. One quick move and then vanish away. Not look around and stoop to loot.

    I think it was made to match that assassin's persona, which is also kind of "show-off".
    Or, maybe its related to sacrificing people to Sithis... I mean, you've been given this blade for a reason, and DB's philosophy includes religious aspect.
    maboleth wrote: »
    I still haven't started DB quests yet, but yeah, I tend to agree. I had a problem with "the blood will flow" headline, so I imagine the animations will be even more disturbing.

    Generally I always have a feeling that they are just bunch of totally deranged schizoid psychopaths that need to be punished. Special forces' DB members-hunting missions would've been great for everyone that are anti-db.
    Agree with what exactly? You can turn off kill camera in settings. Its here:
    And small blood splashes are the same as the ones you have on your char's elbows when they're affected by "bleed" effects from mobs.

    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • Crimsonwolf666
    Lol so funny that people buy a DLC called the Dark Brotherhood which in the lore has always been a very violent and cold-hearted guild of assassins and people complain about the "blood" and the cinematic kills (which you can turn those off too). M rated game and people want to play Hello Kitty online but in Tamriel....should we get rid of blood in general and replace it with rainbows and sparkles? Its a game, and more specifically a DLC that centers around Brutal Killing. Don't like it, don't play it. The DB skill line doesn't help players in Pvp or much in pve anyway so there is no loss. I for one find the cinematic kills played down in the gore anyway. The blood spray in only a second long and the body doesn't bleed out or anything. The sounds are even a little cheesy most of the time. If it disturbs you either turn off the cinematics in Settings/Camera or don't play it. Simple.
    I understand people all have different views and tolerances, but nothing was hidden that this DLC was going to be brutal in regards to violence. If you choose to play it, that your choice now and then one you the level you are disturbed because you keep exposing yourself to it. If something disturbs me, I STOP exposing myself to it.
  • Rosavyn
    @ausmack2014 @Strider_Roshin @dtm_samuraib16_ESO @Commish there appears to be an option to turn off the assassination camera, as KoshkaMurka mentioned. While it doesn't stop the animation it stops you from getting a close up and personal 'kill move cam' of it, cutting back on a lot of the blood and brutality.

    Personally I like the brutal kills, its the Dark Brotherhood for the love of Sithis, but I can understand that its not for everyone and that options are nice.

    PC ui spot for it was posted but just in case you play with a controler-

    edits due to adding mentions of some people who said they wanted a toggle
    Edited by Rosavyn on June 12, 2016 8:57AM
    ♦ Rosavyn ~ Bosmeri Wayfarer ○ Rosen Verloren ~ Imperial Pyromancer ♦
    ♦ Paints-Her-Fur ~ Khajiiti Thief ♦
    May your road lead you to warm sands.
  • Soresina
    Funnily enough this is the first Elder Scrolls game in which I have embraced the Dark Brotherhood. In the past it had seemed to dark for me but now that it comes with great animations ...
  • Eletheia
    This DLC as well as the Thieves Guild is designed around nightblades. In order to pull of the heists and assassinations, you need the dark cloak ability. Otherwise you either spend too much time waiting for your potion to cool down or for the NPC to get in a position where you can kill them. The bounties are also ridiculous. The Blade of Woe is fun, but the dailies are a grinding chore. But, if you want the motifs, you have to do them. Zenimax, would you please make the next DLC not centre around the nightblades? We know you really like them, there are whole armies of them in Cyrodiil, but please try and remember that there are three other classes that have not been given the same abilities as nightblades to sneak around and attack unseen. Thank you.
  • Armitas
    I really don't like the idea of my avatar being a notorius murderer so I opted out of the whole experience. Shame that there isnt an achievement for not being a murder though.
    Nord mDK
  • Blackleopardex
    It's to little blood and gore in this game.
    6 NB: Tank, Healer, Mag/Stam PVE&PVP.
    I don't read long signatures:
  • linoge63
    I hear you OP..

    If they added a few more variations of the kill move (some more (ie beheadings *** ) and some less intense) and at the same time allowed one to pre config which ones you used, then that could solve this in an instant.

    I'd reserve the um, nastiest kill moves for guards if EVER they became dark brotherhood targets.

    *** Can you hear that metal tawwing! with that clean sharp stroke as the head leaves the torso...and if theres a witness...heehee...maybe they vommit or some gutteral scream is expesssed. :D
    Edited by linoge63 on September 7, 2016 11:00PM
  • IrishGirlGamer
    This is an interesting post, as it's something I've thought about myself since DB dropped.

    Some brief TES history: I was introduced to the franchise with Oblivion, then played Morrowind and enjoyed it, then played Skyrim, followed by ESO. I enjoy some realistic horror violence (e.g. Game of Thrones) and have no problems cheering for an underdog assassin (e.g. Arya Stark).

    I didn't like the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion. I played through the quest line once and the only time I started the quest after that was when one of the Imperial Guards ran in front of my attack when I was trying to save Kvatch. The questline just seemed kind of pointless.

    Even though I didn't bond with the game as much as others have, I found the entire "assassin" element to Morrowind very strangely satisfying. There was the quest where you took the fight to them in Balmora (am I recalling this right) and then you went after the DB in Tribunal. And even though there was no voice acting, the dialog options for the DB questline made me laugh.

    In Skyrim, I enjoyed both the characters and the story line (and it's little twist of extra creepiness at the end). But I really like the characters, even more so than those I met the Skyrim Thieves Guild. But compare it to "The Taste of Death" questline, which I didn't like and felt was poorly written and executed. (Suddenly, I'm railroaded into being a cannibal ...)

    When Zeni announced DB for ESO, I hoped it would be more like Morrowind. But it's not. Instead, it's like .... "come by a maniacal killer because that's what you are." Um, no. I would rather enjoy the "life or events made me this way" option, even though I acknowledge there are truly evil people in the world who relish hurting others.

    I'm just not one of them, and I have a hard time accepting that as a frame of reference.

    Edited by IrishGirlGamer on September 7, 2016 11:37PM
    Valar Morghulis.

    Someday I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull. Arya Stark

    You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well. Sansa Stark

    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. Desmond Tutu
  • Majic
    Needing a moral pretext for violence exposes the irony of needing a moral pretext for violence.
    Epopt Of The Everspinning Logo, Church Of The Eternal Loading Screen
    And verily, verily, spaketh the Lord: "Error <<1>>"
  • Vangy
    I'm probably going to be a voice in the wilderness here, but I have to say that I find certain aspects of Dark Brotherhood to be disturbing.

    The whole 'run around and knife people in the back' thing in particular. While I've had no issue in the past with sneaking and stealing (which is quite fun) I find the graphics for the DB assassinations to be very confronting. Was it really necessary, in this age of excess and graphic violence online, to add this disturbing level of cutaway?

    As I say, I'll probably be in the minority with this opinion, but it is getting to the stage for me that I probably won't continue with the DB guild line because of this. I just wish there was an option to not have these cutaways show.

    PS: I knew it was an iffy opinion to post, since so many people enjoy this sort of visceral graphic gaming. Yes, I did indeed play Skyrim for a little while - not for long as my computer at the time couldn't really handle it. I don't recall it being so bloodthirsty but perhaps time has glossed over the memory. I won't stop playing this very enjoyable game because of one small aspect, and as has been suggested, I can avoid it personally. I was literally just voicing an opinion on that small aspect. Its fine if you disagree, but if you could do it without being a poopoohead that would be nice.

    Sorry you feel this way OP. But I dont know what to say.... The game is rated M.... Its like walking into an M rated movie with big 'slposions of blood+meat flying everywhere and titties bared then complaining about how the images were too graphic... The game is intended for mature adults and as such, I suspect there is a big percentage of people who are completely fine and even expecting such content.

    I guess just try to enjoy the things about the game you like rather than focus too much on the parts that irk you.
    (2)V16 Dk- stam dps/stam tank/mag dps
    (2)V16 Sorc- mag dps/stam dps
    (2)V16 nb- stam dps/mag dps
    (1)v16 temp- mag tank/mag dps
    CP: 610 and counting

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates! Viva la revolutionz
  • Osteos
    Abeille wrote: »
    It is disturbing, but it is fitting. That is why only one of my characters, who I made specifically to be an assassin of the Dark Brotherhood, does it. My other characters didn't even do the first quest (which nets you the Blade of Woe).

    Considering they are a cult that assassinate people for a living, it has to be somehow disturbing.

    I did the same. I couldn't see any of my characters joining the dark brotherhood, so I made one specifically for it. I liked the story line. It is brutal though and outside the level of violence in the rest of the game.
    NA PC
    Former Vehemence Member
    Onistka Valerius <> Artemis Renault <> Gonk gra-Ugrash <> Karietta <> Zercon at-Rusa <> Genevieve Renault <> Ktaka <> Brenlyn Renault
  • Ch4mpTW
    Lol, you guys do know that this game is rated M for mature — right? Bad as it is, there is little to no profanity (if any). There's no nudity. And because of a few splashes of gore, it's disturbing...? Lol.
  • Suter1972
    last night a monkey got caught in the crossfire of a mob kill. It lay there, motionless like a sad reminder of the cruel world we play in. I didn't need to kill those jackals, they were just eating a dead cow. Ive become a monster >:)
    Edited by Suter1972 on September 8, 2016 7:35AM
    Was - Breton DC ( GIRL - Guy In Real Life toon) Magika Templar Healer/ 5-8 trait Crafter - currently CP290 and learning now starting again on xbox…...

    xbox suter1972 - Character name - Hota Woskeef

    Xbox EU ESO+ Mature (40+) UK casual gamer
  • bee_tiswasnot
    I'm probably going to be a voice in the wilderness here, but I have to say that I find certain aspects of Dark Brotherhood to be disturbing.

    The whole 'run around and knife people in the back' thing in particular. While I've had no issue in the past with sneaking and stealing (which is quite fun) I find the graphics for the DB assassinations to be very confronting. Was it really necessary, in this age of excess and graphic violence online, to add this disturbing level of cutaway?

    As I say, I'll probably be in the minority with this opinion, but it is getting to the stage for me that I probably won't continue with the DB guild line because of this. I just wish there was an option to not have these cutaways show.

    PS: I knew it was an iffy opinion to post, since so many people enjoy this sort of visceral graphic gaming. Yes, I did indeed play Skyrim for a little while - not for long as my computer at the time couldn't really handle it. I don't recall it being so bloodthirsty but perhaps time has glossed over the memory. I won't stop playing this very enjoyable game because of one small aspect, and as has been suggested, I can avoid it personally. I was literally just voicing an opinion on that small aspect. Its fine if you disagree, but if you could do it without being a poopoohead that would be nice.

    I share the view, the animation is gross. But I suspect that it is mainly players over the age of ten who think that. It doesn't seem to disturb kids who have grown up on a diet of similar stuff. My main criticism of the animation though is lack of style—it jars with the rest of the game's theming.
  • raglau
    pect that it is mainly players over the age of ten who think that. It doesn't seem to disturb kids who have grown up on a diet of similar stuff. My main criticism of the animation though is lack of style—it jars with the rest of the game's theming.

    That was my thought, it seems overly florid and showy, in a fairly simple game - animations wise.

    But as ESO is rated as a 17 or 18 (can't remember now), the animation can't really be classed as 'disturbing' when compared to the bar set for other 17/18 content in games or films. It's more an annoyance than anything, I'd like to keep going through an environment with the momentum and grace of a rapid and stealthy killer, the animation is jarring to the flow of the game and I'd completely shut it off if I could.
  • Nysara

    Just lol... entire thread is really useless. Don't buy DB then.

    It's Dark Brotherhood. In there killing is an Art, their job and work. So making it to perfection is their way. So stop being so emotional. I even find current graphics and animations for killing is lack of "feel". It needs abit more realistic animations.
  • Majzkatten
    I think the game need this kind of content because otherwise the risk is it would be too "washed out" and wimpy so to speak. And ESO is better than that. I have problems with DB too but I struggle to find a way to get through it:):) And I find my reactions interesting, I mean its only a game after all? But it is so hard to force myself outside my box of "missnicegirl".

    My little evil NB will prolly do these quests(she has started the questline), not my angelic healer, that is totally unthinkable :D
  • snakester320
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    I'm probably going to be a voice in the wilderness here, but I have to say that I find certain aspects of Dark Brotherhood to be quite disturbing.

    The whole 'run around and knife people in the back' thing in particular. While I've had no issue in the past with sneaking and stealing (which is quite fun) I find the graphics for the DB assassinations to be very confronting. Was it really necessary, in this age of excess and graphic violence online, to add this disturbing level of cutaway?

    As I say, I'll probably be in the minority with this opinion, but it is getting to the stage for me that I probably won't continue with the DB guild line because of this. I just wish there was an option to not have these cutaways show.
    Didn't you see the rating of the game? It's even at the bottom of the forums.
    ive got to agree sorry to the OP games got a rating and thats that.. take GTA every number they put a rating on it play it or not your call if you are under age then thats your parents fault and if your a parent and allow your kids to play it same deal!!
  • Skcarkden
    Don't use the blade of woe.

    There is that option, of course. It means not using it will not allow me to gain achievements connected to it, but I guess I could skip those.

    in one of the game option settings it allows you to turn off the special camera that zooms in when you do the kill. I don't see it is disturbing myself, but i did find that instant angle camera shot to show off the players face while killing the target to be rather obnoxious.

    The animation itself will still play, but it won't suddenly pull your camera into a different shot.
  • Draqone
    While I am somewhat indifferent to the animations themselves I like the Thieves Guild and DB quests because they are unlike all the other quests in the game where you are forced to play the good guy.

    There are very few quests outside of those storylines where you have a choice to not be a paladin in shiny armour that arrives to save idiots from some overgrown rats, mudcrabs or flame atronachs for just a few coins in return.

    As an example I'd give you the Wrothgar quests that I enjoyed all the way up until the second last quests where no matter what choices you made previously you are forced to side with one side of the conflict. I REALLY wanted to side with the other guys since I found their arguments convincing, even if slightly evil.
    ESO Balance:
    “All skills are equal, but some skills are more equal than others.”
  • subtlezeroub17_ESO
    You know what I don't get. In every M rated game there's always someone who's offended by blood and gore depicted in the game even when it clearly mentions it on the label.

    Why? Why do you insist on disneyfying every game you play? Why do a bunch of pixels offend you? Why not play an E rated game if violence offends you so much?
  • stimpy986b14_ESO
    What exactly did you expect from a dlc focused solely around a cult of murderers that worship an ancient corpse?
  • deleted220701-004865
    For people who play with the swear filter on, they should have the option of just seeing a row of stars when they use the blade of woe.
  • HaldaAinur
    Of course you have to bear in mind this game is M for Mature, but that doesn't mean mature adults won't find certain aspects of a mature game disturbing. Some simply don't like gore, but don't want that to stop them from playing what they deem to be an otherwise great game, same applies to certain subjects (some might find slavery going too far, etc), it all depends on the person.

    But that being said, this DLC is called the dark brotherhood for a reason- you can expect a little extra violence and overall darker more sinister undertones. Frankly though, I'm pretty sure it can't be any worse than what's already been in the game- hags (no posting anything else on this one bc spoilers), cannibalism, murder, slavery, racism, supremacy, etc.

    For a game rated mature I think ESO knows when and where to add a extra layer of violence/darker than usual themes. It keeps it real with a decent amount of violence, but not overkill to the point where those who are a tad squeamish would be driven away.

    Albeit, this does make me think it would be nice to have a simple option to toggle off some of the more bloodier effects on the animations, as many games have often implemented- although I did see someone posted the toggle off assassination camera thing, so I feel like ESO is being rather reasonable. For the mean time, I honestly just advise you grin and bear with it, and try not to let something that bothers you personally to stop you from enjoying a game you want to play.

    Plus....all that being said, the bloodier animations in this game are rather tame.
    Edited by HaldaAinur on September 8, 2016 11:55AM
  • HaldaAinur
    Majic wrote: »
    Needing a moral pretext for violence exposes the irony of needing a moral pretext for violence.

    Also this. (I generally just pick one of my more cruel characters for certain quests/dlcs and such, so it makes more sense.)
    Edited by HaldaAinur on September 8, 2016 11:59AM
  • xilfxlegion
    I'm probably going to be a voice in the wilderness here, but I have to say that I find certain aspects of Dark Brotherhood to be disturbing.

    The whole 'run around and knife people in the back' thing in particular. While I've had no issue in the past with sneaking and stealing (which is quite fun) I find the graphics for the DB assassinations to be very confronting. Was it really necessary, in this age of excess and graphic violence online, to add this disturbing level of cutaway?

    As I say, I'll probably be in the minority with this opinion, but it is getting to the stage for me that I probably won't continue with the DB guild line because of this. I just wish there was an option to not have these cutaways show.

    PS: I knew it was an iffy opinion to post, since so many people enjoy this sort of visceral graphic gaming. Yes, I did indeed play Skyrim for a little while - not for long as my computer at the time couldn't really handle it. I don't recall it being so bloodthirsty but perhaps time has glossed over the memory. I won't stop playing this very enjoyable game because of one small aspect, and as has been suggested, I can avoid it personally. I was literally just voicing an opinion on that small aspect. Its fine if you disagree, but if you could do it without being a poopoohead that would be nice.

    i personally love it. i also wish you could do it to people's pets, and every npc that sings that damn red diamonds song. and that whiny chick when you land at the wayshrine at belkarth. and to peoples mounts. that would be awesome.

    would also be nice to be able to attack someone from your horse.
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