Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Dark Brotherhood - somewhat disturbing

    It would be nice to have a toggle for gore. I don't care for gore in games because I always think it looks stupid. Violence is a different matter. The coolest ESO moment thus far is when the Orc King but a sword through that one guys chest. That was an awesome moment. However I'm not a fan of the animation where your guy taps your victim on the shoulder then stabs him repeatedly. That's the action of a thug, not an assassin.

    Think a certain Julius Caesar might want to have a word with you regarding that....

    Plus as someone else mentioned, an assassins job is to take out the target, he/she is paid to do a job, it gets done.

    Unless the assassin is particularly gifted, then a proper hit would be a stab in the throat and a twist, or if the hitter is an amateur, then there is a small team, for a range of targets, and stabbing the target a few times would be common sense, as someone else previously mentioned, the target may survive from certain stab wounds.
    Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a different universe.

    Been taking heads since TeS 3 Morrowind..

    Been enjoying PvP tears since 2014

    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight EP [PC-EU] = Illuvutar = Ex The Wabbajack = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Legendary Blades = Evil Ninja/Dueller = (StamBlade)
    LvL 50 - Sorcerer DC [PC-EU] = Daemon Lord = (Mag Sorc)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Khal-Bladez = (Mag DK)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Tenakha Khan = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Templar DC [PC-EU]] = Blades The Disgruntled = (Stamplar)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Ghost Blades = (Assassin)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Malekith The Shadow = (Mag NB)
    LvL 50 - Warden DC [PC-EU] = Crimson Blades = (Stamden)

    Guild Master of The Bringers Of The Storm.

    Member Of The Old Guard
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    PC Mastah Race

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    Been playing since Beta and Early Access

  • llSRRll
    Anhedonie wrote: »
    Game is rated M.
    Also if something, this game actually lacks of bloody stuff.

    Agree, I loved the perk in Skyrim that made you chop off peoples heads lol
  • Blackbird71
    SHADOW2KK wrote: »
    Think a certain Julius Caesar might want to have a word with you regarding that....

    While they technically "assassinated" Caesar, I somehow doubt a group of Roman senators qualify as trained professional assassins, and the tactics they employed likely have little to no correlation to methods used by professionals. The example doesn't necessarily disprove the idea of professionals using such mob assault tactics, but neither does it offer any support.
  • Divinius
    I'm not surprised that most people here disagree with the OP's views, and that's perfectly fine. But the number of people in this thread who are verbally bashing the OP actually sickens me. Please grow up.

    The OP didn't voice his feelings in an antagonistic manner, he didn't ask or expect to have the content of the game altered in any way, and he even acknowledged that he knew his feelings were likely in the minority. The only thing he said that was even remotely close to a request for a change, was simply wishing there was an option in the game to turn off the extra "cutscene" when making a kill. And even then, he didn't even say "they need to do this!" He just said he "wished there was an option."

    I totally get why the developers added the extra graphical fluff, and it was expected given how things were in Skyrim. But the OP was not being unreasonable in any way, and he actually does have a point. And I happen to agree, and I'll flat-out say that I feel that there probably should be an option added to the game to "tone it down" a bit. "Gore level" is an option in many video games.
  • baratron
    Divinius wrote: »
    I'm not surprised that most people here disagree with the OP's views, and that's perfectly fine. But the number of people in this thread who are verbally bashing the OP actually sickens me.
    This. I can't get over how many people are saying "it's an 18+ rated game, deal with it or play another MMO".

    I have been an adult for long enough that I could have adult children by now. I enjoy mature themes and grey morals in games. I'm a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls series, and I certainly don't want to play Hello Kitty Island Adventure. But I don't like gore. Does that make me somehow less of an adult? Because that's what some people in this thread seem to be implying.

    It transpires that there is a way to turn the killcam off (there wasn't in Skyrim, so I simply stopped using certain weapon types), so there's a choice for all of us.

    But really, if an adult states that they do not wish to consume certain content, that doesn't revoke their maturity. If anything, it's a sign of maturity to avoid content that you know will be upsetting for you.
    Guildmaster of the UESP Guild on the North American PC/Mac Server 2200+ CP & also found on the European PC/Mac Server 1700+ CP

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    NA-only characters:
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    Verandis Bloodraven - Altmer Nightblade Healer & clone of Count Verandis Ravenwatch (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Gethin Oakrun - Bosmer Nightblade Thief & terrible Tank (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
  • Anti_Virus
    It would be nice to have a toggle for gore. I don't care for gore in games because I always think it looks stupid. Violence is a different matter. The coolest ESO moment thus far is when the Orc King but a sword through that one guys chest. That was an awesome moment. However I'm not a fan of the animation where your guy taps your victim on the shoulder then stabs him repeatedly. That's the action of a thug, not an assassin.

    Well if you think about it anyone that uses rapid strikes is "stabbing repeatedly" :lol:
    Power Wealth And Influence.
  • Justice31st
    Has no one here ever played the MMO Age of Conan? That was a true mature rating game. ESO is a PG game compared to it.

    Edited by Justice31st on June 8, 2016 8:59PM
    "The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
  • Strider_Roshin
    It would be nice to have a toggle for gore. I don't care for gore in games because I always think it looks stupid. Violence is a different matter. The coolest ESO moment thus far is when the Orc King but a sword through that one guys chest. That was an awesome moment. However I'm not a fan of the animation where your guy taps your victim on the shoulder then stabs him repeatedly. That's the action of a thug, not an assassin.

    Well if you think about it anyone that uses rapid strikes is "stabbing repeatedly" :lol:

    My DK loves his Rapid Strikes :-P

  • Lysette
    Lysette wrote: »
    Feel free to go back to fishing, picking flowers and catching bugs!

    You should not mock alchemists. Alchemy is the heart of the DB business... after all where do you think all those poisons come from? :P DB/MT has always had alchemy as one of its most important skills.

    Poisons can be bought from the merchant in the thief's den for example - there are more ways than just alchemy to get to them.

    Yet alchemy has always been a staple skill for DB characters in the series. There's a reason they keep a spider in the pens, not only in this version of the game but in Skyrim as well. My only point is, no reason to knock alchemy. Its useful, and you can pick the stuff while you're killing things. That's what I do.

    Oh I love alchemy, - achieving mastery in alchemy was always a prime goal for me in oblivion and skyrim. But I just had seen that the merchant in the thief's den is selling a few poisons as well and wanted to add this to the discussion. Some might not have seen that.
  • ZOS_GregoryV
    Greetings all,

    While we are glad to see our members making use of the forums, we would like to remind everyone that Flaming is in fact a violation of the rules as previously stated. Further violations of the Community Rules may result in this thread being removed all together. Thank you for your understanding.
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on June 9, 2016 12:00AM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • MuddledMuppet
    Commish wrote: »
    I'm probably going to be a voice in the wilderness here, but I have to say that I find certain aspects of Dark Brotherhood to be disturbing.

    The whole 'run around and knife people in the back' thing in particular. While I've had no issue in the past with sneaking and stealing (which is quite fun) I find the graphics for the DB assassinations to be very confronting. Was it really necessary, in this age of excess and graphic violence online, to add this disturbing level of cutaway?

    As I say, I'll probably be in the minority with this opinion, but it is getting to the stage for me that I probably won't continue with the DB guild line because of this. I just wish there was an option to not have these cutaways show.

    PS: I knew it was an iffy opinion to post, since so many people enjoy this sort of visceral graphic gaming. Yes, I did indeed play Skyrim for a little while - not for long as my computer at the time couldn't really handle it. I don't recall it being so bloodthirsty but perhaps time has glossed over the memory. I won't stop playing this very enjoyable game because of one small aspect, and as has been suggested, I can avoid it personally. I was literally just voicing an opinion on that small aspect. Its fine if you disagree, but if you could do it without being a poopoohead that would be nice.

    I get what you are saying and have delayed starting this DLC myself for those reasons. I understand people enjoy this level of graphic violence and that is their choice, but I believe what you put in your head, your mind, stays there. It doesn't go away. I'm not saying it has a negative affect on people or makes them do crazy things.
    I just don't want those images in my head.

    I played and enjoyed Skyrim & still do, but only did Dark Brotherhood once. Having to choose one of those three hooded, pleading captives at the start to kill, especially with what is in the news in this day and age is just not a game to me, and I don't find it fun.

    I think one big difference in types of players is that many are there for the action of combat and many for the story. I love the story and I find my characters taking on some aspect of me as I engage in that story. I find it hard to let go of some of the moral implications of my characters actions, since it reflects to some degree a part of me.

    Of course I don't mind farming the poisons mats and selling them at outrageous prices for the first few weeks of the release. And I have no problem squishing big bugs to earn lots of gold!

    Dude, spoiler tags please, not everyone has dB yet
  • qrichou
    If you dont like a game don,t play it .
    I dont like horror movies i dont watch them
    The 18 plus game tag is a warning , dont complain about adult content if warned
    If i should read a kindergarden book i cant complain about the childesness
    etc .etc. etc.
    Same goes for ingame chat its for 18 plus
    because its possible
  • Tintaglia72
    I have to say I love it - when I first killed someone I thought wow, that is impressive. I love using blade of woe but I am a mid 40's woman and can define the difference between the game and real life. Although sometimes after a hard day of work, all the NPC's I murder have names of people I know :0.

    I can see your point though, especially younger people who can't necessarily determine the difference between gaming and life.
  • Ragdoll
    Has no one here ever played the MMO Age of Conan? That was a true mature rating game. ESO is a PG game compared to it.

    I did, for a long while, but I can still see the OP's point.
    But btw, when I look at this:

    The second point seems to be less pronounced in ESO than the other ones, why is that? :#
  • dtm_samuraib16_ESO
    Ragdoll wrote: »
    Has no one here ever played the MMO Age of Conan? That was a true mature rating game. ESO is a PG game compared to it.

    I did, for a long while, but I can still see the OP's point.
    But btw, when I look at this:

    The second point seems to be less pronounced in ESO than the other ones, why is that? :#
    It was a typo.
    Earthdawn Game Master Role Play Quotes by me:
    "If it looks like a bear, if it feels like a bear, smells and tastes like a bear, then be VERY aware, it could be something ENTIRELY different..."
    "Be careful what you wish for, you might get plenty of it..."
  • Lieblingsjunge
    If you don't like the assassination-animation, 1) Turn it off(I think I saw a setting for it? Not sure if it works though). 2) Don't get the DB-DLC. But then again, listed on the FAQ-page:

    [ Europe: ] — PEGI 18
    [ Germany: ] — USK 16
    [ United States: ] — ESRB Rated M

    I'm a norwegian so the European one sort of makes sense for me, sort of. And well. "M" should mean "mature" in the States, no? If you're playing a game that's rated M/Pegi 18, and you're disturbed by pixels assassinating pixels, it's your own fault for playing the game. If you can't handle the mature content, I highly doubt this game is for you - (or the internet in general, unless the Kids Only-setting is activated through another software, lel). I honestly love DB. Most fun PvE I've done in ages. Now I can bring out my... inner Nightblade! Being a templar, that's kinda nice, okay. Except I'm not sneaky. :(
    Ignorance is the greatest weapon of tyranny.
    PC - EU.
    Lieblingsjunge(AD) - Racechanged Argonian :< | AR 50 - No double AP or Bleakers involved |
    Sits-On-Cacti(DC) - Problem?
    Fail-With-Tail(AD) - Healing Springs-spammer :<
    Tiny Liebs(EP) - Very Tiny. Also heals.
    Lieblingsmädchen(DC) - Magplar is love.
    The Dominàtrix(AD) - Chains, whip, whip, whip.
    Fluffy Furball Kitten(DC) - Kittycat, meow.
    Your Face(EP) - People make bad jokes about my name =(
    Liebs-With-Trees(AD) - Male argo with a big tail :>

    Officer/Sandwitch of Zerg Squad
    My title: The Maneater, Destroyer of Maneuvers, Bane of Potatoes, she who devours them, The Black Hole, the humorless, first of her name.
  • Rune_Relic
    SHADOW2KK wrote: »
    It would be nice to have a toggle for gore. I don't care for gore in games because I always think it looks stupid. Violence is a different matter. The coolest ESO moment thus far is when the Orc King but a sword through that one guys chest. That was an awesome moment. However I'm not a fan of the animation where your guy taps your victim on the shoulder then stabs him repeatedly. That's the action of a thug, not an assassin.

    Think a certain Julius Caesar might want to have a word with you regarding that....

    Plus as someone else mentioned, an assassins job is to take out the target, he/she is paid to do a job, it gets done.

    Unless the assassin is particularly gifted, then a proper hit would be a stab in the throat and a twist, or if the hitter is an amateur, then there is a small team, for a range of targets, and stabbing the target a few times would be common sense, as someone else previously mentioned, the target may survive from certain stab wounds.

    Well for me the whole point of an assassin was..
    1. ensure the mark is dead
    2. ensure you arent detected in the process (so you can do other jobs)
    3. preferably make the process look natural or relay the blame.

    The only exception being if you wanted to make a visible statement.
    Granted the DB often like to make a visible statement to enhance & reinforce their reputation.
    As the animations show... lol

    So a true assassin would have the maximum impact with the minimal effort.
    A pin prick in a crowded street, poisoned drink in a public bar, rather than bumping into someone to steal their wallet.
    Even that would arguably be too close to the target to avoid detection.

    I guess it depends on whether the assassination is to be public or private :tongue:
    Edited by Rune_Relic on June 9, 2016 12:50PM
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • dtm_samuraib16_ESO
    Too bad, there's no DB move for mages...

    I can so see this: in the midst of a market, suddenly someone (your target) starts to float like 3 meters above the rest, yelling, scared, followed by him exploding, coloring quite a large area with blood...

    Ah, evil...
    Earthdawn Game Master Role Play Quotes by me:
    "If it looks like a bear, if it feels like a bear, smells and tastes like a bear, then be VERY aware, it could be something ENTIRELY different..."
    "Be careful what you wish for, you might get plenty of it..."
  • Reverb
    Hail Sithis
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • TheShadowScout
    Rune_Relic wrote: »
    Well for me the whole point of an assassin was..
    1. ensure the mark is dead
    2. ensure you arent detected in the process (so you can do other jobs)
    3. preferably make the process look natural or relay the blame.
    1. Yup, most important.
    2. I'd say, more like that you aren't caught...
    3. And that one is more for murderers who have a personal connection to the victim.

    The thing about it all, ESO is not a cloak and dagger setting like late medieval italy or something like that where civilization required some more... refined methods. So I think the "go stab 'em in the face" approach fits the world...
    ...That being said...
    ...I still think there should be more varietee for the daily murder questings... let me repost something I mentioned elsewhere in that regard:
    Yeah, I'd love more varietee. Not like it would be all that difficult now... break into manor house, sneak into bedroom, interact with secret brandy stash to place poison... (anyone here remembers how that was the "entrace exam" for a certain assassins guild back in the day?)
    Or other stuff, find venoumous snake/spider/scorpion, sneak into house in the night when the target is all asleep, place critter on pillow for an "accidental death". Sabotage work equipment for more "go an' make it look like dey had an terriblah accident, capiche..." type of quests - noone will ever figure out that it was you who mislabeled the alchemy bottles in the mages guild causing that dreadful explosion, or dripped a bit of caustic newt bile on that rope...
    And of course, the well aimed crossbow bolt from far away while the target is holding a public speech or sermon or something (if we had crossbows, that is, which I totally want for my assassin girl!)
    Heck, I am still waiting for a "use a spoon, it'll hurt more" kind of assassination contract... ;)

    Also, legwork. So far all the contracts had been easy-peasy stab and dash kinds of things in a city or town, with all the groundwork laid out for you to make it almost as easy at shooting fish in a barrel. Why not some "advanced quests" where you actually have to -work- to track down your target? Stuff like "Find and kill Waldo the Woodsman", but Waldo is true to his name, and noone knows where he is hiding... requiring you to actually find the clues through intimidation, persuasion and bribery to learn even the general area where to start tracking your mark through the wilderness... and there could be different targets hiding in different locations, some may be in disguise, and you have to learn what the disguise is before you can find them pretending to be a lolwy deckhand at Vukhel docks, while others may be holed up in some dvelve or public dungeon, trusting in all the monsters to keep them save from impeding doom...

    Not to mention, location - so far there have only been contracts in the cadwells zones for me. Now I can appreciate not being sent to my characters homelands for killing (one could never know when a mark might turn out to be the childhood friend or such and thus create a conflict of interests for an assassin - not that my main character has any childhood friends left thanks to the akaviri invasion, but its the principle of the matter), but it would be nice to see contracts pop uo for cyrodil, craglorn, wrothgar and all the other DLC zones (for those who have access) as well...
  • Commish
    EZgoin76 wrote: »
    I find killing jackals in Alik'r Desert more disturbing. They sound like puppy dogs. Man that just ain't right.

    I know what you mean. For me killing the giant floating Netches to gain the achievement was hard to do. They seem content to peacefully exist in their environment and just "be". It reminded me of wiping out a pod of whales.
  • Commish
    Commish wrote: »
    I'm probably going to be a voice in the wilderness here, but I have to say that I find certain aspects of Dark Brotherhood to be disturbing.

    The whole 'run around and knife people in the back' thing in particular. While I've had no issue in the past with sneaking and stealing (which is quite fun) I find the graphics for the DB assassinations to be very confronting. Was it really necessary, in this age of excess and graphic violence online, to add this disturbing level of cutaway?

    As I say, I'll probably be in the minority with this opinion, but it is getting to the stage for me that I probably won't continue with the DB guild line because of this. I just wish there was an option to not have these cutaways show.

    PS: I knew it was an iffy opinion to post, since so many people enjoy this sort of visceral graphic gaming. Yes, I did indeed play Skyrim for a little while - not for long as my computer at the time couldn't really handle it. I don't recall it being so bloodthirsty but perhaps time has glossed over the memory. I won't stop playing this very enjoyable game because of one small aspect, and as has been suggested, I can avoid it personally. I was literally just voicing an opinion on that small aspect. Its fine if you disagree, but if you could do it without being a poopoohead that would be nice.

    I get what you are saying and have delayed starting this DLC myself for those reasons. I understand people enjoy this level of graphic violence and that is their choice, but I believe what you put in your head, your mind, stays there. It doesn't go away. I'm not saying it has a negative affect on people or makes them do crazy things.
    I just don't want those images in my head.

    I played and enjoyed Skyrim & still do, but only did Dark Brotherhood once. Having to choose one of those three hooded, pleading captives at the start to kill, especially with what is in the news in this day and age is just not a game to me, and I don't find it fun.

    I think one big difference in types of players is that many are there for the action of combat and many for the story. I love the story and I find my characters taking on some aspect of me as I engage in that story. I find it hard to let go of some of the moral implications of my characters actions, since it reflects to some degree a part of me.

    Of course I don't mind farming the poisons mats and selling them at outrageous prices for the first few weeks of the release. And I have no problem squishing big bugs to earn lots of gold!

    Dude, spoiler tags please, not everyone has dB yet

    I was talking about Skyrim in:
    "Having to choose one of those three hooded, pleading captives at the start to kill, especially with what is in the news in this day and age is just not a game to me, and I don't find it fun."
    not ESO so I didn't think it was necessary but will try to remember in the future.
  • Worstluck
    Does not bother me in the slightest. I've been waiting for the Dark Brotherhood for a long time in this game. I quite like the animations.

    I would totally be ok with an option to turn them off however. More options the better. You could probably make a mod to skip to them.
    Worstluck - Breton Nightblade "Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own."
    Elfluck - Dunmer Dragonknight "When I will walk the earth again, the Faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest: the weak shall be winnowed: the timid shall be cast down: the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon."
    ―Mehrunes Dagon
    Deadluck -Imperial Templar "Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour"
    ―Uriel Septim

    Daggerfall Covenant
  • MuddledMuppet
    Commish wrote: »
    Commish wrote: »
    I'm probably going to be a voice in the wilderness here, but I have to say that I find certain aspects of Dark Brotherhood to be disturbing.

    The whole 'run around and knife people in the back' thing in particular. While I've had no issue in the past with sneaking and stealing (which is quite fun) I find the graphics for the DB assassinations to be very confronting. Was it really necessary, in this age of excess and graphic violence online, to add this disturbing level of cutaway?

    As I say, I'll probably be in the minority with this opinion, but it is getting to the stage for me that I probably won't continue with the DB guild line because of this. I just wish there was an option to not have these cutaways show.

    PS: I knew it was an iffy opinion to post, since so many people enjoy this sort of visceral graphic gaming. Yes, I did indeed play Skyrim for a little while - not for long as my computer at the time couldn't really handle it. I don't recall it being so bloodthirsty but perhaps time has glossed over the memory. I won't stop playing this very enjoyable game because of one small aspect, and as has been suggested, I can avoid it personally. I was literally just voicing an opinion on that small aspect. Its fine if you disagree, but if you could do it without being a poopoohead that would be nice.

    I get what you are saying and have delayed starting this DLC myself for those reasons. I understand people enjoy this level of graphic violence and that is their choice, but I believe what you put in your head, your mind, stays there. It doesn't go away. I'm not saying it has a negative affect on people or makes them do crazy things.
    I just don't want those images in my head.

    I played and enjoyed Skyrim & still do, but only did Dark Brotherhood once. Having to choose one of those three hooded, pleading captives at the start to kill, especially with what is in the news in this day and age is just not a game to me, and I don't find it fun.

    I think one big difference in types of players is that many are there for the action of combat and many for the story. I love the story and I find my characters taking on some aspect of me as I engage in that story. I find it hard to let go of some of the moral implications of my characters actions, since it reflects to some degree a part of me.

    Of course I don't mind farming the poisons mats and selling them at outrageous prices for the first few weeks of the release. And I have no problem squishing big bugs to earn lots of gold!

    Dude, spoiler tags please, not everyone has dB yet

    I was talking about Skyrim in:
    "Having to choose one of those three hooded, pleading captives at the start to kill, especially with what is in the news in this day and age is just not a game to me, and I don't find it fun."
    not ESO so I didn't think it was necessary but will try to remember in the future.

    Ah I thought it was a spoiler for dB, which I haven't played yet, now you have reminded me I can recall it from skyrim, thanks for clearing that up
  • kylerjalen
    Maybe its just me but... I love the animations and actually wished they would be twice as long (overkill). That said, the reason why I want it so is because to me its just cartoon violence complete with blood splatter, squelches, and all.
    I for one would not want to see a movie with such explicit scenes, much less a real one and I certainly would never imagine doing something so psychotic in real life.
    Its a game. I prefer it be there than the real thing.

    Besides, I don't think real assassins would perform their executes in such a manner. I would think they would be swift and silent. One quick move and then vanish away. Not look around and stoop to loot.
    Edited by kylerjalen on June 10, 2016 1:51AM
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    It would be nice to have a toggle for gore. I don't care for gore in games because I always think it looks stupid. Violence is a different matter. The coolest ESO moment thus far is when the Orc King but a sword through that one guys chest. That was an awesome moment. However I'm not a fan of the animation where your guy taps your victim on the shoulder then stabs him repeatedly. That's the action of a thug, not an assassin.

    Et tu Brute?

    No actually stabbing someone repeatedly -IS- the action of an assassin. An assassin wants to make sure he didn't botch the job, and run away before the mark is assured to be dead. There are historic accounts of this, and historic knowledge of training assassins underwent specifically to stab more than once. In fact, they would at times send more than one assassin, so that both (or more) could do the stabbing to make sure the job was done. While medicine wasn't what it is today, believe it or not people did survive stab wounds. Personally, I like the blade of woe animations, they really give it the right style I think. Its a lot better than the animation of overwing and looking away from the mark that you get from a heavy attack in this game.

    The word assassin comes from an arabic word that meant hashish eater. It was meant as an insult and a way to undermine the group perpetuating the assassinations. Basically they were so good at what they did that their targets only recourse was to claim they were drug using nutjobs.

    These assassins trained sometimes for years just for one job. The men chosen for this had no fear of death and were willing to die for their cause. Theyd train day and night perfecting their techniques. When word finally came that they were to finally take out their target they would practice, using intel from informers, taking out their target at the most vulnerable moment.

    They didnt need to stab multiple times. They had created muscle memory in their months and weeks of practice leading up to the assassination that one blow was all that was needed. If the assassin was to get away before anyone noticed what was happening. They had to be quick and precise.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Commish
    kylerjalen wrote: »
    Its a game. I prefer it be there than the real thing.

    If only that could be true!
  • Autolycus
    Don't use the blade of woe.

    There is that option, of course. It means not using it will not allow me to gain achievements connected to it, but I guess I could skip those.

    These are all viable methods of skipping the animation, if that is what you prefer:
    1. block cancel
    2. loot the body
    3. dodge roll cancel
    4. bar swap cancel
    5. light attack cancel
    6. cast a self-buff
    7. mount-your-horse cancel

    I am being a bit cheeky, but all in good fun. But to summarize more seriously, most actions taken following the kill will cancel the animation.
    Edited by Autolycus on June 10, 2016 7:13PM
  • maboleth
    I still haven't started DB quests yet, but yeah, I tend to agree. I had a problem with "the blood will flow" headline, so I imagine the animations will be even more disturbing.

    Generally I always have a feeling that they are just bunch of totally deranged schizoid psychopaths that need to be punished. Special forces' DB members-hunting missions would've been great for everyone that are anti-db.

    Edited by maboleth on June 11, 2016 9:40AM
    maboleth wrote: »
    I still haven't started DB quests yet, but yeah, I tend to agree. I had a problem with "the blood will flow" headline, so I imagine the animations will be even more disturbing.

    Generally I always have a feeling that they are just bunch of totally deranged schizoid psychopaths that need to be punished. Special forces' DB members-hunting missions would've been great for everyone that are anti-db.

    Loving the irony there, so on these anti DB missons, what are you gonna do with the targets?, considering spec ops are deployed to mainly take out HVT`s

    So what is the difference, killing is killing.
    Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a different universe.

    Been taking heads since TeS 3 Morrowind..

    Been enjoying PvP tears since 2014

    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight EP [PC-EU] = Illuvutar = Ex The Wabbajack = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Legendary Blades = Evil Ninja/Dueller = (StamBlade)
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    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Tenakha Khan = (Stam DK)
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    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Ghost Blades = (Assassin)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Malekith The Shadow = (Mag NB)
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