Why North American truelflame EP, WHY??

  • Minno
    boundsy88 wrote: »
    i play both DC and EP and i feel DC most the time have no mind for the campaign. Now that they dont have round the clock mega zergs running around with the CN group pretty much gone, its showing on the leaderboards.
    When DC are pushed back to glade and then finally push to the inner keeps they ALWAYS take aleswell then go straight to bleakers as if ash didnt even exist.
    AD also do the same by pushing for alessia then going straight to sej and forgetting roebeck entirely.
    EP seems to be the more focused faction, which probably plays a good role in why they are winning the campaigns.

    That's because it's easy to hit ales than ash because dC's keep architects built heavy fortifications in a giant sinkhole. If we lose ash it's because it's defense is undermaned.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Rohamad_Ali
    boundsy88 wrote: »
    i play both DC and EP and i feel DC most the time have no mind for the campaign. Now that they dont have round the clock mega zergs running around with the CN group pretty much gone, its showing on the leaderboards.
    When DC are pushed back to glade and then finally push to the inner keeps they ALWAYS take aleswell then go straight to bleakers as if ash didnt even exist.
    AD also do the same by pushing for alessia then going straight to sej and forgetting roebeck entirely.
    EP seems to be the more focused faction, which probably plays a good role in why they are winning the campaigns.

    We maybe dis functional but watch out . When all the cell doors at the Daggerfall Asylum open up , and all those beautiful crazy people become one mind to win again , there's not enough antacids in Tamriel to cure the belly aches in Ebonheart .
  • Dyride
    relaxed83 wrote: »
    Pact Militia officers certainly have quite a few kills on DC officers as well :smiley:

    Did you sort that by faction?

    If not, funny how not a single AD makes the list.
    V Є H Є M Є И C Є

      Revenge of the Bear

      Revenge of the Hist
      Revenge of the Deer

      Remember the Great Burn of of the Blackwater War!

    1. relaxed83
      relaxed83 wrote: »
      Pact Militia officers certainly have quite a few kills on DC officers as well :smiley:

      Nice of you to join the party Zed. Yes you are another fine example of hiding in the back casting your Inevitable Detonation

      Zed Game Play

      So lets consult Codex and Kill Counter for Zed Vs Crispen.



      Bravo Pact Militia! This is the best you have? Enjoy not being Farmed by VE for the next few weeks while VE is on break.


      Yo Crispin not to dispute your numbers but my kill counter versus yours... (I started logging this in January) before than I just started PvPing in October of 2015... crispinvzedd.JPG
      35 kills and 17 deaths from that point on till now...is what I am showing for Crispin Longbow versus Zeddicus Zulander your numbers must be when I was VR14 and 75 champion points :smiley:

      There is nothing wrong with standing off to the size and doing Evitable Det combos, nightblades do bombing runs and you guys brag about it...this is just another style of PvPing ... everything is fair in WARFARE.

      This will be my last post of comparing manhood size, we all have better things to do like actually playing the game.

      Edited by relaxed83 on May 22, 2016 9:03PM
    2. Zheg
      relaxed83 wrote: »

      This will be my last post of comparing manhood size, we all have better things to do like actually playing the game.


      I for one find this to be highly entertaining.

    3. Lucifer_Malice
      Kaserai wrote: »
      I realize that the EP on the NA server in the Trueflame campaign are jealous of the DC's ability to hold off a 75-90 man zerg on glademist at 1 AM with 25 DC defenders. I also realize it's humiliating for the EP when the only way they can finally take the keep is when their EMP shows up. My question is this -- why does the EP attack DC? Why do you have this irrational hatred for the DC? Why don't you go and ROFLstomp the AD for a night? Seriously, when you can remain pop capped until 3AM on a Friday night while the rest of us are at Med, you should really devote your resources to attacking both factions. What do you do? You designate yourselves as the Akatoshes ******* retribution against the DC because we went and stole the scroll that the AD ghost capped from you at 4AM on Wednesday from the AD. Come on -- was it really necessary to zerg both our scrolls with your unholy red markers of corruption? Was it really fair to attack a faction with 80-90 people on at 3AM with your ridiculous 250+? Meanwhile, the borders between the Aldmeri and the Ebonheart were quiet as the grave..

      Yeah, yeah, it was a fun night. I and the guildies genuinely enjoyed the hopelessness of it. It was fun to kill so many with so few -- but still hopeless.

      *Ahem* Rant over.

      Now to my question:

      I came back to ESO after roughly 8 months because Ive been in nursing school. When I left trueflame on the NA server, AD was more populated than a pregnant bull frog and EP was the underdog. DC seemed to be the happy medium. Now, 8 months later, I come back to a red faction that has more capability to spawn than a horny rabbit on Easter. Meanwhile, the formation of the fabled team orange (consisting of whats left of the AD and the zergerific EP) seems to take pleasure in the destruction of blue. Where are the DC? Right where I left them. Stuck with an underwhelming population.

      Why is it that the EP suddenly has this hatred for DC? I would think that after 4 months of being ROFLstomped by the AD in the summer of 2015 that the EP would focus their aggression on the AD. Instead, the EP not only use their superior numbers to grind the DC into the ground whenever we've displeased them -- they let the AD tag along like starving vultures feeding on the remains of our cut off keeps.

      Ebonheart Pact -- what the heck? What happened while I was gone to incite this hatred?

      Not to mention that everytime a covenant player manages to kills you from zerg, gank, anything, they always whisper to you. And potato cannon.
      Edited by Lucifer_Malice on May 22, 2016 9:12PM
      The Dude abides.
      The past exists only in our memories, the future only in our plans. The present is our only reality. The tree that you are aware of intellectually, because of that small time lag, is always in the past and therefore is always unreal. Any intellectually conceived object is always in the past and therefore unreal. Reality is always the moment of vision before the intellectualization takes place. There is no other reality. - Robert M. Pirsig
    4. PosternHouse
      Lol, come on @NACtron. All of the people in your TS can gauge your optimism according to how close it is to VE's bed time. The sighs of relief and optimistic tones ... you, us, and everyone realizes your primary method of competition is capturing PvP objectives while they are primarily defended by PvE content. It has happened before, it happens, now, and it will happen again. Don't try and spin this some other way lol.

      The reason why the scoreboards (why does that matter again btw?) have been in EP's favor is because DC lost round-the-clock coverage. You should thank your diverse playerbase and their equally diverse timezones; you're only outcompeting our ability to stay up all night.
      Edited by PosternHouse on May 22, 2016 9:13PM
    5. PhatGrimReaper
      Each faction has been in the dominant position at one point or other, but some of the things I seen this past weekend were pretty sad....

      15+ EP Defending Black Boot against 1 Bar AD..... GG

      EP Raid of 20+ in transit between keeps, on horseback, Dismount and chase a single player halfway across the map to zerg him down.

      Full raid of EP kills group of 6 and camps their bodies for 5 mins+

      We've all been the zerg and we've all been zerged, but why PVP at all if one sided encounters is what you're after, maybe try the silver pledge.
      Edited by PhatGrimReaper on May 22, 2016 10:19PM
      Fat Grim Reaper - (m)Dragon Knight AR28
      F G R Junior - Templar AR26
      This One Had Name Changed - Nightblade AR19
      Fat Grim Streaker - Sorcerer AR15
      M12-GM - Guardians of the Twelve-GM - Crown Store Heroes - ETU
      RÀGE - R.I.P
    6. Astanphaeus
      Several points:

      1) The various kill counters can be fun statistics, but are inherently problematic when it comes to direct comparisons. A death is only logged against the person who gets the killing blow on you while kills are logged against a greater number of people. I'm not entirely sure how it works, whether it is anyone you get AP off or if you have to be in the lat 5 hits or heal one of the people in the last 5 hits, but you do get more things logged.

      2) Pact Militia has been getting better where as VE was already fairly strong (if anything you've gotten weaker due to the lack of adaptability in your playstyle related to the TG changes). I have no problem recognizing that you used to be able to wipe us pretty much every time we met, but that is not the case anymore, and is also something that is not reflected in your kill counter / codex stats.

      3) Complaining about someone using inevitable det against a prox det ball group... I don't think I really need to comment further on the stupidity of this one.

      4) I don't really have any sympathy for those who whine about the times that people play. First off, the 2am that was being discussed at the beginning of all of this is based on Central Time. Pacific Time that is only midnight on a Friday. Discounting the Oceanic players entirely, there are 4 time zones in the Continental US and an additional 2.5 if you include all of North America. Secondly, just for a comparison, Chalman is usually already gone by the time Pact Militia can get our raids started each night, but we don't need to *** about it because we are good enough to ***ing deal with it.

      5) Yes, we do have a diverse player base. We put in the work required to take in new players and help them get better. If the Elite guilds don't want to do that, that is their own loss.
    7. PhatGrimReaper
      Diverse = Huge.... when did that change?
      Fat Grim Reaper - (m)Dragon Knight AR28
      F G R Junior - Templar AR26
      This One Had Name Changed - Nightblade AR19
      Fat Grim Streaker - Sorcerer AR15
      M12-GM - Guardians of the Twelve-GM - Crown Store Heroes - ETU
      RÀGE - R.I.P
    8. PosternHouse
      In fact, VE still wipes Pact Militia plus whatever other amount of godless red heathens almost every time they meet. You're confusing overwhelming numbers plus camp spam with technical improvement. Regarding your absurd remark about adapibility, ZoS removed large scale maneuverability options, and bombard snares stack up to 100%; this patch has been the most friendly to overwhelming numerical advantage yet. If your idea of improvement is a successful recruitment campaign, than sure. You've improved. (We all know better than that, fortunately!)

      I don't have sympathy for people that make concerted, anti-competitive choices but try and portray the results as a competitive victory. Capturing a map against players with a ridiculous numerical advantage is anti-competitive. It's the designer's fault for the system. It's your fault for PvEing your way to PvP success. (Consider for a moment that irony.)

      Contrary to popular belief, this isn't actually a war. It's a game. If you want to engage in anti-competitive behaviors to gain an advantage then that's fine. I'm not paying your sub. But don't try and portray it as something it's not, call a spade a spade, etc.
      Edited by PosternHouse on May 22, 2016 10:13PM
    9. manny254
      Several points:

      2) Pact Militia has been getting better where as VE was already fairly strong (if anything you've gotten weaker due to the lack of adaptability in your playstyle related to the TG changes). I have no problem recognizing that you used to be able to wipe us pretty much every time we met, but that is not the case anymore, and is also something that is not reflected in your kill counter / codex stats.

      4) I don't really have any sympathy for those who whine about the times that people play. First off, the 2am that was being discussed at the beginning of all of this is based on Central Time. Pacific Time that is only midnight on a Friday. Discounting the Oceanic players entirely, there are 4 time zones in the Continental US and an additional 2.5 if you include all of North America. Secondly, just for a comparison, Chalman is usually already gone by the time Pact Militia can get our raids started each night, but we don't need to *** about it because we are good enough to ***ing deal with it.

      5) Yes, we do have a diverse player base. We put in the work required to take in new players and help them get better. If the Elite guilds don't want to do that, that is their own loss.

      2) Outnumbering your opponent is not a f** play style. I am not a huge fan of VE, but most of EP is delusional. Fight them with even numbers and see how the fight turns out. Hell fight them 12 v 24, and see how it turns out.

      4) I don't think it is a matter of time zones, but fighting against relatively tiny resistance. I regularly see poplocked EP fighting 2 bars AD/DC. If you think this is ok there is something wrong with you.

      5) You are hurting your players long term. They will never improve in this environment, and they are mislead into believing they are competitive.
      Edited by manny254 on May 22, 2016 10:13PM
      - Mojican
    10. NACtron
      Lol, come on @NACtron. All of the people in your TS can gauge your optimism according to how close it is to VE's bed time. The sighs of relief and optimistic tones ... you, us, and everyone realizes your primary method of competition is capturing PvP objectives while they are primarily defended by PvE content. It has happened before, it happens, now, and it will happen again. Don't try and spin this some other way lol.

      The reason why the scoreboards (why does that matter again btw?) have been in EP's favor is because DC lost round-the-clock coverage. You should thank your diverse playerbase and their equally diverse timezones; you're only outcompeting our ability to stay up all night.

      In fact, VE still wipes Pact Militia plus whatever other amount of godless red heathens almost every time they meet. You're confusing overwhelming numbers plus camp spam with technical improvement. Regarding your absurd remark about adapibility, ZoS removed large scale maneuverability options, and bombard snares stack up to 100%; this patch has been the most friendly to overwhelming numerical advantage yet. If your idea of improvement is a successful recruitment campaign, than sure. You've improved. (We all know better than that, fortunately!)

      I don't have sympathy for people that make concerted, anti-competitive choices but try and portray the results as a competitive victory. Capturing a map against players with a ridiculous numerical advantage is anti-competitive. It's the designer's fault for the system. It's you're fault for PvEing your way to PvP success. (Consider for a moment that irony.)

      VE players keep coming out of the woodwork to bash Pact Militia. Why all the toxicity? If you wipe us red Heathens every time we meet whats the problem? why are you so concerned after all campaign scoring matters little to you. You seem to think that is the only threat we pose. Cause we "PvE" our way through everything. If you just wreck usual at primetime like you say then why are you not satisfied? If you farm and kill my guild without any fear or loss on your part why are not content? Surely you kill us enough that your ego is satisfied enough that you don't need to take it to the forums.

      And wait a second... If you have killed and farmed us so many times dosen't that mean.. (Gasp) We have fought Players in PvP!? I thought we only PvDoored our way through Cyrodiil! How could we possibly be dying to other players if we only do PvE?

      Pact Militia runs around 8-10 hours a day and has a very diverse and active guild. We will push enemy factions to the gates and backcap keeps when needed but we also run all through primetime. We are the ones defending Chalman or pushing Aleswell every single night. We are the one's constantly trying to fight and wipe VE despite our lack of experience compared to you in the game. As a matter of fact many of your players have complimented us for our determination and stamina. Despite losses. You have complimented us for our improvement and have treated me with respect and kindness, one time you invited me into your teamspeak and we talked for an hour sharing our PvP experiences fighting each other. VE seemed like a guild that was humble even though they are a strong guild and was respectful to guilds weaker and newer than them. I'm pretty sure I was wrong. The way you rush to defend your fragile ego's and bash my guild on a forum post that was hardly related to you is just insane. I know VE is fed up with ESO, the Meta, and is taking some sort of break but why do you feel the need to take it out on Pact Militia?
      Pact Militia GM
      Nikolai the Nord - Stamplar

    11. Ghost-Shot
      NACtron wrote: »
      Lol, come on @NACtron. All of the people in your TS can gauge your optimism according to how close it is to VE's bed time. The sighs of relief and optimistic tones ... you, us, and everyone realizes your primary method of competition is capturing PvP objectives while they are primarily defended by PvE content. It has happened before, it happens, now, and it will happen again. Don't try and spin this some other way lol.

      The reason why the scoreboards (why does that matter again btw?) have been in EP's favor is because DC lost round-the-clock coverage. You should thank your diverse playerbase and their equally diverse timezones; you're only outcompeting our ability to stay up all night.

      In fact, VE still wipes Pact Militia plus whatever other amount of godless red heathens almost every time they meet. You're confusing overwhelming numbers plus camp spam with technical improvement. Regarding your absurd remark about adapibility, ZoS removed large scale maneuverability options, and bombard snares stack up to 100%; this patch has been the most friendly to overwhelming numerical advantage yet. If your idea of improvement is a successful recruitment campaign, than sure. You've improved. (We all know better than that, fortunately!)

      I don't have sympathy for people that make concerted, anti-competitive choices but try and portray the results as a competitive victory. Capturing a map against players with a ridiculous numerical advantage is anti-competitive. It's the designer's fault for the system. It's you're fault for PvEing your way to PvP success. (Consider for a moment that irony.)

      VE players keep coming out of the woodwork to bash Pact Militia. Why all the toxicity? If you wipe us red Heathens every time we meet whats the problem? why are you so concerned after all campaign scoring matters little to you. You seem to think that is the only threat we pose. Cause we "PvE" our way through everything. If you just wreck usual at primetime like you say then why are you not satisfied? If you farm and kill my guild without any fear or loss on your part why are not content? Surely you kill us enough that your ego is satisfied enough that you don't need to take it to the forums.

      And wait a second... If you have killed and farmed us so many times dosen't that mean.. (Gasp) We have fought Players in PvP!? I thought we only PvDoored our way through Cyrodiil! How could we possibly be dying to other players if we only do PvE?

      Pact Militia runs around 8-10 hours a day and has a very diverse and active guild. We will push enemy factions to the gates and backcap keeps when needed but we also run all through primetime. We are the ones defending Chalman or pushing Aleswell every single night. We are the one's constantly trying to fight and wipe VE despite our lack of experience compared to you in the game. As a matter of fact many of your players have complimented us for our determination and stamina. Despite losses. You have complimented us for our improvement and have treated me with respect and kindness, one time you invited me into your teamspeak and we talked for an hour sharing our PvP experiences fighting each other. VE seemed like a guild that was humble even though they are a strong guild and was respectful to guilds weaker and newer than them. I'm pretty sure I was wrong. The way you rush to defend your fragile ego's and bash my guild on a forum post that was hardly related to you is just insane. I know VE is fed up with ESO, the Meta, and is taking some sort of break but why do you feel the need to take it out on Pact Militia?

      Because we don't like logging on to see you have taken everything in the middle of the night, every night. Try being a little bit responsible about the place we all want to play in competitively. The toxicity towards you is because you embody everything that's wrong with this game right now, you abuse the broken bombard snare and do nothing but send overwhelming numbers everywhere you go. This isn't a matter of ego, as far as egos go we have made our point by wiping the floor with you on a regular basis, people would just love if you could be responsible and not destroy what we all love.

      Yes we did compliment you on the fact that you always come back to fight, and I still stand by that statement because there are a lot of hardcore guilds that like to take their ball and go home. But that was also before this night cap spec got out of hand. I will acknowledge where improvements have been made but taking everything after the competition is gone is inexcusable. You missed 1.5 and most of 1.6 Nik so I realize you haven't learned the lessons we did back then, but this is not healthy PVP.
      Edited by Ghost-Shot on May 22, 2016 10:43PM
    12. PhatGrimReaper

      Just play with your core!!!


      Why zerg the living *&^% out of everything.

      Cool, you like to win, but you are killing the server.

      How about you stop the Pact2-5 BS and just run the Core. If you are good enough, you'll still have success, but it'll be a far more fulfilling success than simply out numbering your opponents 3-4 to 1.
      Fat Grim Reaper - (m)Dragon Knight AR28
      F G R Junior - Templar AR26
      This One Had Name Changed - Nightblade AR19
      Fat Grim Streaker - Sorcerer AR15
      M12-GM - Guardians of the Twelve-GM - Crown Store Heroes - ETU
      RÀGE - R.I.P
    13. PosternHouse
      NACtron wrote: »
      Lol, come on @NACtron. All of the people in your TS can gauge your optimism according to how close it is to VE's bed time. The sighs of relief and optimistic tones ... you, us, and everyone realizes your primary method of competition is capturing PvP objectives while they are primarily defended by PvE content. It has happened before, it happens, now, and it will happen again. Don't try and spin this some other way lol.

      The reason why the scoreboards (why does that matter again btw?) have been in EP's favor is because DC lost round-the-clock coverage. You should thank your diverse playerbase and their equally diverse timezones; you're only outcompeting our ability to stay up all night.

      In fact, VE still wipes Pact Militia plus whatever other amount of godless red heathens almost every time they meet. You're confusing overwhelming numbers plus camp spam with technical improvement. Regarding your absurd remark about adapibility, ZoS removed large scale maneuverability options, and bombard snares stack up to 100%; this patch has been the most friendly to overwhelming numerical advantage yet. If your idea of improvement is a successful recruitment campaign, than sure. You've improved. (We all know better than that, fortunately!)

      I don't have sympathy for people that make concerted, anti-competitive choices but try and portray the results as a competitive victory. Capturing a map against players with a ridiculous numerical advantage is anti-competitive. It's the designer's fault for the system. It's you're fault for PvEing your way to PvP success. (Consider for a moment that irony.)

      VE players keep coming out of the woodwork to bash Pact Militia. Why all the toxicity? If you wipe us red Heathens every time we meet whats the problem? why are you so concerned after all campaign scoring matters little to you. You seem to think that is the only threat we pose. Cause we "PvE" our way through everything. If you just wreck usual at primetime like you say then why are you not satisfied? If you farm and kill my guild without any fear or loss on your part why are not content? Surely you kill us enough that your ego is satisfied enough that you don't need to take it to the forums.

      The toxicity is coming from our rejection of anti-competitive behaviors representing competitive wins. You're welcome to engage in said behaviors. But don't pretend it's made your guild competitive ... and pass along the memo too. You're playing the game and are casual friendly. Great. Now take what competitive relevance you thought you had and immediately reconsider. Note we're not taking issue at all with what happens during NA primetime or whatever other time slot has population parity. We're taking issue with the "we play to win" approach to PvP and the flagrant, unapologetic nightcapping. I think we'd all appreciate a bit of clarity. I play to win too. But I recognize that #winning against NPC's and versus a token few players is not winning in the least ... though ZoS' terrible scoring system seems to reward these anti-competitive behaviors.
      And wait a second... If you have killed and farmed us so many times dosen't that mean.. (Gasp) We have fought Players in PvP!? I thought we only PvDoored our way through Cyrodiil! How could we possibly be dying to other players if we only do PvE?

      No, Nikolai. It means this: You got shiterekt during NA primetime. Then you (and/or whoever else) captured undefended/under-defeneded keeps with an overwhelming numerical advantage because you knew the coast was clear.
      Pact Militia runs around 8-10 hours a day and has a very diverse and active guild. We will push enemy factions to the gates and backcap keeps when needed but we also run all through primetime. We are the ones defending Chalman or pushing Aleswell every single night. We are the one's constantly trying to fight and wipe VE despite our lack of experience compared to you in the game. As a matter of fact many of your players have complimented us for our determination and stamina.

      I don't dislike you or your guild. I have been one of them complimenting your stamina, where as other guilds (of the elite variety) would ragequit/switch after a wipe or two. But that doesn't mean I'm going to just accept delusions. Accept that you engage in anti-competitive behaviors to get your desired result specifically because otherwise you could not.
      You have complimented us for our improvement and have treated me with respect and kindness, one time you invited me into your teamspeak and we talked for an hour sharing our PvP experiences fighting each other. VE seemed like a guild that was humble even though they are a strong guild and was respectful to guilds weaker and newer than them. I'm pretty sure I was wrong. The way you rush to defend your fragile ego's and bash my guild on a forum post that was hardly related to you is just insane. I know VE is fed up with ESO, the Meta, and is taking some sort of break but why do you feel the need to take it out on Pact Militia?

      You realize that we are talking smacking because you are too right? You're taking this way too personal. I didn't steal your couch, Nikolai. We're bashing your guild because that's what happens when you try to compete and words fly. Ask me about my opinion of the Patriots and you might hear similarly toned rhetoric.

      Edited by PosternHouse on May 22, 2016 10:51PM
    14. PosternHouse
      For what it's worth, Nikolai is inifitely more reasonable and less douchéy than ESO's last South Georgian zerglord.
      Edited by PosternHouse on May 22, 2016 10:54PM
    15. Zheg
      NACtron wrote: »
      Lol, come on @NACtron. All of the people in your TS can gauge your optimism according to how close it is to VE's bed time. The sighs of relief and optimistic tones ... you, us, and everyone realizes your primary method of competition is capturing PvP objectives while they are primarily defended by PvE content. It has happened before, it happens, now, and it will happen again. Don't try and spin this some other way lol.

      The reason why the scoreboards (why does that matter again btw?) have been in EP's favor is because DC lost round-the-clock coverage. You should thank your diverse playerbase and their equally diverse timezones; you're only outcompeting our ability to stay up all night.

      In fact, VE still wipes Pact Militia plus whatever other amount of godless red heathens almost every time they meet. You're confusing overwhelming numbers plus camp spam with technical improvement. Regarding your absurd remark about adapibility, ZoS removed large scale maneuverability options, and bombard snares stack up to 100%; this patch has been the most friendly to overwhelming numerical advantage yet. If your idea of improvement is a successful recruitment campaign, than sure. You've improved. (We all know better than that, fortunately!)

      I don't have sympathy for people that make concerted, anti-competitive choices but try and portray the results as a competitive victory. Capturing a map against players with a ridiculous numerical advantage is anti-competitive. It's the designer's fault for the system. It's you're fault for PvEing your way to PvP success. (Consider for a moment that irony.)

      VE players keep coming out of the woodwork to bash Pact Militia. Why all the toxicity? If you wipe us red Heathens every time we meet whats the problem? why are you so concerned after all campaign scoring matters little to you. You seem to think that is the only threat we pose. Cause we "PvE" our way through everything. If you just wreck usual at primetime like you say then why are you not satisfied? If you farm and kill my guild without any fear or loss on your part why are not content? Surely you kill us enough that your ego is satisfied enough that you don't need to take it to the forums.

      And wait a second... If you have killed and farmed us so many times dosen't that mean.. (Gasp) We have fought Players in PvP!? I thought we only PvDoored our way through Cyrodiil! How could we possibly be dying to other players if we only do PvE?

      Pact Militia runs around 8-10 hours a day and has a very diverse and active guild. We will push enemy factions to the gates and backcap keeps when needed but we also run all through primetime. We are the ones defending Chalman or pushing Aleswell every single night. We are the one's constantly trying to fight and wipe VE despite our lack of experience compared to you in the game. As a matter of fact many of your players have complimented us for our determination and stamina. Despite losses. You have complimented us for our improvement and have treated me with respect and kindness, one time you invited me into your teamspeak and we talked for an hour sharing our PvP experiences fighting each other. VE seemed like a guild that was humble even though they are a strong guild and was respectful to guilds weaker and newer than them. I'm pretty sure I was wrong. The way you rush to defend your fragile ego's and bash my guild on a forum post that was hardly related to you is just insane. I know VE is fed up with ESO, the Meta, and is taking some sort of break but why do you feel the need to take it out on Pact Militia?

      I disagree with the tone, and to some extent - responding at all. The reason is because most people realize posts like the ones we've seen are worthy of laughs and not discussion, and responding just ends up bringing you down to the same level that DC zone chat used to be at before our favorite blue emp left. Good players don't need to respond to bad players, though people are human and sometimes it's hard to resist.

      Though I disagree with people responding to the severity that they have been, I certainly understand their frustration. Ego is part of the equation, but let's not disregard the fact that your crew is the cause of much of the frustration because of your embrace of the disgusting bombard spam meta, and zerging at all times throughout the day for some bizarre feeling of accomplishment. People are entitled to their opinions. You haven't experienced what your behavior does to a campaign, so it's understandable if you don't want to believe what everyone is saying, and you're entitled to think that what you do is benign, even if the rest of us know better. You're not entitled to think that when you or your members mouth off that others won't do the same.
    16. Satiar
      NACtron wrote: »
      Lol, come on @NACtron. All of the people in your TS can gauge your optimism according to how close it is to VE's bed time. The sighs of relief and optimistic tones ... you, us, and everyone realizes your primary method of competition is capturing PvP objectives while they are primarily defended by PvE content. It has happened before, it happens, now, and it will happen again. Don't try and spin this some other way lol.

      The reason why the scoreboards (why does that matter again btw?) have been in EP's favor is because DC lost round-the-clock coverage. You should thank your diverse playerbase and their equally diverse timezones; you're only outcompeting our ability to stay up all night.

      In fact, VE still wipes Pact Militia plus whatever other amount of godless red heathens almost every time they meet. You're confusing overwhelming numbers plus camp spam with technical improvement. Regarding your absurd remark about adapibility, ZoS removed large scale maneuverability options, and bombard snares stack up to 100%; this patch has been the most friendly to overwhelming numerical advantage yet. If your idea of improvement is a successful recruitment campaign, than sure. You've improved. (We all know better than that, fortunately!)

      I don't have sympathy for people that make concerted, anti-competitive choices but try and portray the results as a competitive victory. Capturing a map against players with a ridiculous numerical advantage is anti-competitive. It's the designer's fault for the system. It's you're fault for PvEing your way to PvP success. (Consider for a moment that irony.)

      VE players keep coming out of the woodwork to bash Pact Militia. Why all the toxicity? If you wipe us red Heathens every time we meet whats the problem? why are you so concerned after all campaign scoring matters little to you. You seem to think that is the only threat we pose. Cause we "PvE" our way through everything. If you just wreck usual at primetime like you say then why are you not satisfied? If you farm and kill my guild without any fear or loss on your part why are not content? Surely you kill us enough that your ego is satisfied enough that you don't need to take it to the forums.

      And wait a second... If you have killed and farmed us so many times dosen't that mean.. (Gasp) We have fought Players in PvP!? I thought we only PvDoored our way through Cyrodiil! How could we possibly be dying to other players if we only do PvE?

      Pact Militia runs around 8-10 hours a day and has a very diverse and active guild. We will push enemy factions to the gates and backcap keeps when needed but we also run all through primetime. We are the ones defending Chalman or pushing Aleswell every single night. We are the one's constantly trying to fight and wipe VE despite our lack of experience compared to you in the game. As a matter of fact many of your players have complimented us for our determination and stamina. Despite losses. You have complimented us for our improvement and have treated me with respect and kindness, one time you invited me into your teamspeak and we talked for an hour sharing our PvP experiences fighting each other. VE seemed like a guild that was humble even though they are a strong guild and was respectful to guilds weaker and newer than them. I'm pretty sure I was wrong. The way you rush to defend your fragile ego's and bash my guild on a forum post that was hardly related to you is just insane. I know VE is fed up with ESO, the Meta, and is taking some sort of break but why do you feel the need to take it out on Pact Militia?

      The short answer:

      VE members generally dislike anti-competitive play. Our entire EP core rerolled to avoid it and combat it, so yeah. We feel strongly on that issue.

      I won't say either side is innocent of escalating, but consider: we fight you vastly outnumbered on a nightly basis and work fairly diligently to win the large majority of our fights and take back territory. Against that backdrop, it's unsurprising to me that if your guys claim they're pulling even, they're going to get some pushback. It's quite simply an overreach, and considering the anticompetitive play you guys engage in when we are not online, the pushback is presented more forcefully.
      Vehemence -- Commander and Raid Lead -- Tri-faction PvP
      Knights Paravant -- Co-GM and Raid Lead -- AD Greyhost

    17. Rohamad_Ali
      For what it's worth, Nikolai is inifitely more reasonable and less douchéy than ESO's last South Georgian zerglord.

      Ugh I hate even hearing his references to this day ...
    18. PosternHouse
      VE has transitioned from ESO PvP to forum PvP. My thesaurus is locked and loaded!
    19. Satiar
      But yeah. It's like people don't remember the great Thornblade exodus and what followed. There are consequences to that kind of play, and those consequences are often people quitting.

      I get savior complexes are unsavory but we rerolled to DC specifically because we felt PvP was dying and thought strengthening the weakest faction could help inject new life.... And I'd say we were arguably successful in doing that. But it shouldn't have ever come to that, and there are even fewer guilds left now :(
      Vehemence -- Commander and Raid Lead -- Tri-faction PvP
      Knights Paravant -- Co-GM and Raid Lead -- AD Greyhost

    20. PhatGrimReaper
      Satiar wrote: »
      But yeah. It's like people don't remember the great Thornblade exodus and what followed. There are consequences to that kind of play, and those consequences are often people quitting.

      I get savior complexes are unsavory but we rerolled to DC specifically because we felt PvP was dying and thought strengthening the weakest faction could help inject new life.... And I'd say we were arguably successful in doing that. But it shouldn't have ever come to that, and there are even fewer guilds left now :(

      It was successful, but please don't encourage these EP to reroll.... the AD pugs are already unreliable.
      Fat Grim Reaper - (m)Dragon Knight AR28
      F G R Junior - Templar AR26
      This One Had Name Changed - Nightblade AR19
      Fat Grim Streaker - Sorcerer AR15
      M12-GM - Guardians of the Twelve-GM - Crown Store Heroes - ETU
      RÀGE - R.I.P
    21. Satiar
      Satiar wrote: »
      But yeah. It's like people don't remember the great Thornblade exodus and what followed. There are consequences to that kind of play, and those consequences are often people quitting.

      I get savior complexes are unsavory but we rerolled to DC specifically because we felt PvP was dying and thought strengthening the weakest faction could help inject new life.... And I'd say we were arguably successful in doing that. But it shouldn't have ever come to that, and there are even fewer guilds left now :(

      It was successful, but please don't encourage these EP to reroll.... the AD pugs are already unreliable.

      That's not what I mean lol.

      I mean Havoc wanted to dominated. SWP wanted to follow and nightcap / pvedoor everything. Nexus had a "girls just wanna have fun" attitude towards it all and farmed their youth away. Etc etc. Rerolls shouldn't have been needed, people just need to learn when to stop.
      Vehemence -- Commander and Raid Lead -- Tri-faction PvP
      Knights Paravant -- Co-GM and Raid Lead -- AD Greyhost

    22. God_flakes
      Satiar wrote: »
      But yeah. It's like people don't remember the great Thornblade exodus and what followed. There are consequences to that kind of play, and those consequences are often people quitting.

      I get savior complexes are unsavory but we rerolled to DC specifically because we felt PvP was dying and thought strengthening the weakest faction could help inject new life.... And I'd say we were arguably successful in doing that. But it shouldn't have ever come to that, and there are even fewer guilds left now :(

      What makes you think people care about those consequences? TB stayed EP poplocked for several months against 1 bar each for DC and AD. Daniel and Grunt went one night and dethroned the reigning EP emp (he had been uncontested emp for months on a dead server) and someone from his guild pst'd me that night and told me to delete my game. This is the mentality you're dealing with. :|
    23. Rohamad_Ali
      Satiar wrote: »
      But yeah. It's like people don't remember the great Thornblade exodus and what followed. There are consequences to that kind of play, and those consequences are often people quitting.

      I get savior complexes are unsavory but we rerolled to DC specifically because we felt PvP was dying and thought strengthening the weakest faction could help inject new life.... And I'd say we were arguably successful in doing that. But it shouldn't have ever come to that, and there are even fewer guilds left now :(

      It happens in all MMOs . My guild , recently returned , has been together since 2006 . We use to swap for the same reasons in other games . It caused mistrust , guild breakups and at the same time fixed some balance . It's a thankless situation . The rewards are few and the codependent people it creates is enough to run therapy sessions in excess of $100 .

      Play where you like , when you like . Do things for you . You don't have to answer to anyone . When you find a spot that feels like home , stick with it . I've personally learned a lot since coming back but not everything . Despite once being rivals , I like the VE presence . Just don't make the mistakes made in the past I shared by letting any other semi good guilds get co dependant .

      If you all choose to lead , that's a full time gig . If you want people to follow a plan to be better for balance , ya gotta be there for that too . Just be careful how much responsibility you decide to take .
    24. Rohamad_Ali
      STOP GIVING ME INSIGHTFUL !! Even if I am insightful !!
    25. Satiar
      God_flakes wrote: »
      Satiar wrote: »
      But yeah. It's like people don't remember the great Thornblade exodus and what followed. There are consequences to that kind of play, and those consequences are often people quitting.

      I get savior complexes are unsavory but we rerolled to DC specifically because we felt PvP was dying and thought strengthening the weakest faction could help inject new life.... And I'd say we were arguably successful in doing that. But it shouldn't have ever come to that, and there are even fewer guilds left now :(

      What makes you think people care about those consequences? TB stayed EP poplocked for several months against 1 bar each for DC and AD. Daniel and Grunt went one night and dethroned the reigning EP emp (he had been uncontested emp for months on a dead server) and someone from his guild pst'd me that night and told me to delete my game. This is the mentality you're dealing with. :|

      Ha, I think we were involved with the subsequent reprisal operation. We were desperate for good fights lol
      Vehemence -- Commander and Raid Lead -- Tri-faction PvP
      Knights Paravant -- Co-GM and Raid Lead -- AD Greyhost

    26. God_flakes
      Satiar wrote: »
      God_flakes wrote: »
      Satiar wrote: »
      But yeah. It's like people don't remember the great Thornblade exodus and what followed. There are consequences to that kind of play, and those consequences are often people quitting.

      I get savior complexes are unsavory but we rerolled to DC specifically because we felt PvP was dying and thought strengthening the weakest faction could help inject new life.... And I'd say we were arguably successful in doing that. But it shouldn't have ever come to that, and there are even fewer guilds left now :(

      What makes you think people care about those consequences? TB stayed EP poplocked for several months against 1 bar each for DC and AD. Daniel and Grunt went one night and dethroned the reigning EP emp (he had been uncontested emp for months on a dead server) and someone from his guild pst'd me that night and told me to delete my game. This is the mentality you're dealing with. :|

      Ha, I think we were involved with the subsequent reprisal operation. We were desperate for good fights lol


      This mentality. This is what you're dealing with. Right now, TF, DC has 3 keeps and no scrolls. A loose band of DC tried to get glade back and haxus rolled in with a full raid (maybe more).
    27. Zheg
      God_flakes wrote: »
      Satiar wrote: »
      God_flakes wrote: »
      Satiar wrote: »
      But yeah. It's like people don't remember the great Thornblade exodus and what followed. There are consequences to that kind of play, and those consequences are often people quitting.

      I get savior complexes are unsavory but we rerolled to DC specifically because we felt PvP was dying and thought strengthening the weakest faction could help inject new life.... And I'd say we were arguably successful in doing that. But it shouldn't have ever come to that, and there are even fewer guilds left now :(

      What makes you think people care about those consequences? TB stayed EP poplocked for several months against 1 bar each for DC and AD. Daniel and Grunt went one night and dethroned the reigning EP emp (he had been uncontested emp for months on a dead server) and someone from his guild pst'd me that night and told me to delete my game. This is the mentality you're dealing with. :|

      Ha, I think we were involved with the subsequent reprisal operation. We were desperate for good fights lol


      This mentality. This is what you're dealing with. Right now, TF, DC has 3 keeps and no scrolls. A loose band of DC tried to get glade back and haxus rolled in with a full raid (maybe more).

      I think hek is just trying to say what a huge fan of fifty shades of grey he is. No need to judge him.
    This discussion has been closed.