Crash on Launch after patch

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • ZigoSid
    Yep, wait a little before buying it xD

    I have the exact same problem, the second I click Play, or launch eso and eso64, BOOM ! Crash report.
  • Crown
    we can tell you that Nvidia Geforce cards should be 400 series and above, and AMD HD Radeon should be 5000 series and above in order to properly launch the game.

    Hi Gina - I can confirm that there are GTX 580s, 590s, 750s, 770s and 970s (polled from guild members) that are experiencing the crash on start problem - it's not just the older cards. It's very likely something with the driver installation (as my wife had with her 970).
    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @
  • CP5
    Under dxdiag don't you need to check under the Display tab for DDI Version, not the DirectX Version seen in the System tab, right? Just want to clarify that for others.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    CP5 wrote: »
    Under dxdiag don't you need to check under the Display tab for DDI Version, not the DirectX Version seen in the System tab, right? Just want to clarify that for others.

    Correct - you want to look under DDI Version, not DirectX Version (it's confusing, I know).
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Irminstan
    Uninstalled and reinstalled ESO. Updated the drivers for my Radeon GPU through the Catalyst Control Center

    ...and then did this:
    Have you all tried downloading the most recent Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package? If not, please visit this page:

    Also, make sure you're running the game as admin. Let us know if either of those fix the issue for you.

    Then I went into the Catalyst Control Center and did this:
    Left Column> Gaming> 3D Applications> +Add> ("+Add" pulls up) Windows Browser> Program Files (x86)> Zenimax Online> The Elder Scrolls Online> game> client> eso64

    After I did this the Control Center told me the application had been updated. So I logged in to ESO (with an extremely long load time) and was able to play.

    Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0, Build 10586) (10586.th2_release.151029-1700)
    Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
    System Model: Studio XPS 8100
    BIOS: Default System BIOS
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.2GHz
    Memory: 8192MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 8120MB RAM
    Page File: 2330MB used, 13980MB available
    Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
    DirectX Version: 11.2
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
    User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
    System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
    DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
    Miracast: Not Available
    Microsoft Graphics Hybrid: Not Supported
    DxDiag Version: 10.00.10586.0000 64bit Unicode

    Display Devices
    Card name: AMD Radeon HD 5700 Series
    Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
    Chip type: AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x68B8)
    DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)
    Device Type: Full Device
    Display Memory: 4850 MB
    Dedicated Memory: 1010 MB
    Shared Memory: 3840 MB
    Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
    Driver Name: aticfx64.dll,aticfx64.dll,aticfx64.dll,amdxc64.dll,aticfx32,aticfx32,aticfx32,amdxc32,atiumd64.dll,atidxx64.dll,atidxx64.dll,atiumdag,atidxx32,atidxx32,atiumdva,atiumd6a.cap,atitmm64.dll
    Driver File Version: 8.17.0010.1404 (English)
    Driver Version: 15.200.1062.1004
    DDI Version: 11.2
    Feature Levels: 11.0,10.1,10.0,9.3,9.2,9.1
    Driver Model: WDDM 1.3

    Hail to Hermaeus Mora, the Demon of Knowledge!
    Bestow upon me the knowledge that I seek
    May your tentacled gloom ever envelop me
    May it please you that I am ever your servant, Oh great Man of the Woodland
    May I ever roam the endless halls of Apocrypha in search of the forbidden
    May the unknown be revealed unto me
  • Irminstan
    Just for clarity. My computer crashed, so I had to do a complete reinstall of Windows....starting with my Windows 7 disc and working my way up to Windows 10, reinstalling all drivers, etc, etc, etc.... So getting back into the game took me 3 days... I lost all of my music and videos!!!! :'( Back up your files people....
    Edited by Irminstan on March 10, 2016 10:53PM
    Hail to Hermaeus Mora, the Demon of Knowledge!
    Bestow upon me the knowledge that I seek
    May your tentacled gloom ever envelop me
    May it please you that I am ever your servant, Oh great Man of the Woodland
    May I ever roam the endless halls of Apocrypha in search of the forbidden
    May the unknown be revealed unto me
  • lithgorin
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks to everyone who PMed UserIDs, and to @Crown for the super detailed theory! We're going to run all this by the team today and see if we can get something going.

    Just to double check in the meantime, what Windows OS is everyone running? Remember our min spec only supports Windows 7 and up (meaning Vista is not supported).

    While I appreciate you answering, and Im going to not try to sound to bad here, but this is bull. You made a post not 3 weeks ago specifically saying that Vista with SP2 would work. I know a lot of folks were caught off guard by the DX11 change, but there was no announcement at all on the new required OS.
  • ZigoSid
    Irminstan wrote: »
    Just for clarity. My computer crashed, so I had to do a complete reinstall of Windows....starting with my Windows 7 disc and working my way up to Windows 10, reinstalling all drivers, etc, etc, etc.... So getting back into the game took me 3 days... I lost all of my music and videos!!!! :'( Back up your files people....

    I've read somewhere (can't remember) that reinstalling the game may fix the crashes. But with my poor connection, I don't want to try ^^'
    Edited by ZigoSid on March 10, 2016 11:03PM
  • nordmeyerx
    Does that help?

    Uh, no it doesn't help. It's like you asking me if a kick to the n**s helped my headache.

  • saint_sagitariusb16_ESO
    Well ok, that means, that I will not resume my Plus membership before next summer. I will definitly not buy a new graphics card before that, when I plan to buy an entirely new pc *shurgs*
    Good that I cancelled my membership yet. Mostly for you, beca<use I feel slightly beaed aat the moment, due to not having stated this major change in the requirements before ....
  • solid_snake998b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks guys! So based on the couple posted so far, it appears as though your graphics card does not technically support DX11 (even though your OS supports it). To quote one of our programmers:

    "DX11 has a mode called “9 on 11” or “10 on 11”, which is basically where the driver can create a DX11 compliant device on DX9 or DX10 level hardware, but that device is limited to the features of that API and is not really a DX11 device. This is how a DX9 card can exist on a DX11 OS."

    All that said, we do currently have a bug where you may not be receiving the correct error message if you're trying to launch the game with unsupported hardware; this will likely be fixed in patch 2.3.7 (so not next week, but the week after). In the meantime, we can tell you that Nvidia Geforce cards should be 400 series and above, and AMD HD Radeon should be 5000 series and above in order to properly launch the game. You can also check the line "DDI Version" under Display Devices in your DxDiag file to see what version you're actually running.

    Does that help?

    I'm actually running directx 11 and nvidia geforce above 400.......No, does not help
  • dan1984j
    Soul Shriven
    Holy mother of God! This is the worst screw over of paying customers since EA screwed their paying customers over with the abomination known as SIM City.
    I'm sorry, Zenimax, but this time, you really [Snip] up. And I will enjoy your downfall, when every single one of your subscribers leaves your moneygrabbing grasps.
    I mean, srsly?! C'mon! I payed like 70+ bucks for the game, when it first released and have a [Snip] ton of Crowns to spend on great DLC (harhar) you're producing, and now, you won't even let me play?
    Why? Because you don't want to hire another 5-7 workers to be underpayed to make the support for you?
    No! This is enough! This is the LAST TIME a [Snip] game company screwed me over.
    Never again! You hear me?

    PS: You'll hear from my lawyer in this matter! I want my money spent in crowns back. -.-*

    Sry all for overreacting, but I got a very bad EA-taste in my mouth right now and no matter what I drink or eat, I will not be able to get it out anytime soon.

    [Edited to remove profanity masking]
    Edited by [Deleted User] on March 11, 2016 9:33PM
    Okay, let me write something intelligent, something profound:
    I am so smart, I am so smart, s.m.r.t, I mean s.m.a.r.t. ~ Homer Simpson
  • Krainor1974
    Turns about my direct 11 has the ddi 10 so not supported did u check to see what your ddi says
  • Krainor1974
    Will cancel my sub tomorrow
    Would be nice if could transfer entire account All the crowns I brought last week to console and if so free.
    Edited by Krainor1974 on March 11, 2016 2:36AM
  • enisfraub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I am running nvidia 520 with ddi 11. i do see this message when i view dxdiag -display tab
    DX Setup Parameters: Not found
    in all the text files attached above, the same message appears. does anyone know how to fix this?
  • Maui_lion
    Zenimax, you're shooting yourselves in the foot with this 'update' by alienating all your players who can't afford new cards at this time. What the hell did you do to the game that makes us suddenly not able to play it with older cards that once worked just fine?

    You guys can fix this. Fix. It.
  • nordmeyerx
    You know, I am really rather surprised that the development and business sides of this company saw eye to eye on this. I really just can't see the bean counters saying "Why sure, by all means develop downloadable content that then makes thousands of people unable to log in and buy it!"

    If that's the case then I am rather envious of the devs. The business side drives the company I work for, not the development side.
  • Maui_lion
    nordmeyerx wrote: »
    You know, I am really rather surprised that the development and business sides of this company saw eye to eye on this. I really just can't see the bean counters saying "Why sure, by all means develop downloadable content that then makes thousands of people unable to log in and buy it!"

    If that's the case then I am rather envious of the devs. The business side drives the company I work for, not the development side.

    This. I kept telling my boyfriend, 'no way they'd suddenly kick thousands of players to the curb in some weird update that suddenly makes cards that worked reasonably fine stop working, they'd lose so much money, that's just absurd'.

    And now I'm wondering if they really, really didn't think this through. A whole lotta people should be fired for terrible business decisions if they stick to saying we all need upgraded cards for what once worked fine. So many players will bail.
  • nordmeyerx
    Maui_lion wrote: »
    So many players will bail.

    I probably won't bail and end up buying a new card. I see my current card won't support No Man's Sky anyway and I want to play that when it comes out.

    But that money, once earmarked for DLC, now goes to a new video card.

    Edited by nordmeyerx on March 11, 2016 3:22AM
  • Maui_lion
    nordmeyerx wrote: »

    I probably won't bail and end up buying a new card. I see my current card won't support No Man's Sky anyway and I want to play that when it comes out.

    But that money, once earmarked for DLC, now goes to a new video card.

    I have no choice but to bail for the foreseeable future if they don't fix this. My computer is from 2009 and would need an overhaul for a new card, most likely, and I don't have the money right now for an essentially whole new rig.

    It ran the game just fine. I don't see how DLC like this should suddenly screw the game over.
  • Krainor1974
    Been in game since beta and always s a subscriber, sadly I guess it's time to move on for me , I have 2 wks on current sub left than I won't resub.
    Edited by Krainor1974 on March 11, 2016 5:05AM
  • Ragnarok100ub17_ESO
    My DDI is 11 in the DXDIAG report. The game still crashes. I've installed and uninstalled drivers, repaired files and everything else I've seen on here and I still can't get into the game. Why?? I was able to play on the PTS with no problems at all. What did the developers do to the new drop that wasn't in the PTS?
  • Qyrk

    Thank you for letting us know the situation. I guess in this case for many people that DDI that is not 11 pretty much have to buy a new laptop (some Graphics card drive are soldered) or buy a new one then?

    I would like to relay a little feedback and many on these boards would chime the same sentiments: There wasn't any consideration of 'enough' communication regarding this change which leaves many high and dry. Even you had to find out the specific information regarding the DDI and just confirming it now. Technically, because of this, the specificity of information wasn't relayed enough and/or in advance to the general public (both non-ESO Plus and ESO Plus subscribers) which left a portion of your members unable to play. I wish the company can take this as a learning experience (I really had high hopes for the game and the company).

    Edited by Qyrk on March 11, 2016 6:30AM
  • [Deleted User]
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Murmeltier
    I was very disappointed about the Feedback & Work from the Company in the last Time. Asking for Feedback and dont delievering what Players asking for, feels like someone dont take the Players serious.

    After i canceled my Subscription i bought the whole DLCs with my Crowns and my Plan was to test the new DLC, so i am sure that it is / isnt my Thing. I logged in with the Eso64 Client and at the Start it runs all fine but then i move around and the Game crashes really fast in a Second. I have tested this more then once but it crashed again and again, very randomly.

    Then i returned to the Eso32 Client but here the same Thing, it crashes absolutley randomly too. My PC have never had any Problems with Eso before, rarely a Crash in a Week or so. My Hardware is very good and can run the Eso64 too, my Diagx shows me Directx 11 and the other Software is uptodate. This Problem starts with the Thieves DLC, not before.

    It is unplayable for me at the Moment, random Crashes more then 3+ Times in a Group in the middle of the Action is not acceptable. So i cant test the DLC that i bought but it is ok for me because i wasnt very impressed from it. But in Addition i cant play the Game anymore because of the new technical Problems.

    Please understand how i feel as a Player, a Player who has invested a lot of Time into the Game, in the last two Years. I was really frustated in which Direction the Game goes, then i decided to cancel my Subscription till you offer some interesting Changes. I was only in to test the DLC so i can be sure how it works and got the Crashes instead of this.

    Imagine that other Players bought this Game and could play it before, all was fine. The most dont plan to upgrade their PC or cant afford this, now they have to upgrade. I can understand that these Players are really surprised because the Games runs fine for them before, there was no need for an Upgrade. I feel for them.

    First the disappointing Infos and then the Crashes in Addition to the Directx 11 changes, can you really imagine how this looks? And now the Players have to proof that the Crashes are not their PCs fault, they have to upgrade them too. For me this isnt acceptable, i want to play (if i am motivated) without finding Errors and repairing the Software you have sold to me. I am not a Betatester, i get no Money from you as a Company, i pay Money to you as a Company so i can play the Game you offered.

    So you should find the Problems and offer a Solution for them, its your Job. Work on this please, so i can use the Product which i have bought from you, if i want to do this.
    Edited by Murmeltier on March 13, 2016 6:59PM
  • The_Legendary_Arya
    The thing for me is, im playing on Laptop, and would even buy a new one. But before i dont know if that really would help, i wont buy one. And for that im sitting still here unable to really play the game :( Thats so sad...and even on Weekend, where we´d have time
  • solid_snake998b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    dan1984j wrote: »
    Holy mother of God! This is the worst screw over of paying customers since EA screwed their paying customers over with the abomination known as SIM City.
    I'm sorry, Zenimax, but this time, you really [Snip] up. And I will enjoy your downfall, when every single one of your subscribers leaves your moneygrabbing grasps.
    I mean, srsly?! C'mon! I payed like 70+ bucks for the game, when it first released and have a [Snip] ton of Crowns to spend on great DLC (harhar) you're producing, and now, you won't even let me play?
    Why? Because you don't want to hire another 5-7 workers to be underpayed to make the support for you?
    No! This is enough! This is the LAST TIME a [Snip] game company screwed me over.
    Never again! You hear me?

    PS: You'll hear from my lawyer in this matter! I want my money spent in crowns back. -.-*

    Sry all for overreacting, but I got a very bad EA-taste in my mouth right now and no matter what I drink or eat, I will not be able to get it out anytime soon.

    Don't worry. I fell the same
    Edited by [Deleted User] on March 11, 2016 9:32PM
  • Vulthuryol
    Soul Shriven
    I use a nvidia gtx 770 with the 362.00 driver.
    My visual c++ 2010 is up to date on both x86 and x64.
    My directx version is 12 and my ddi version is also 12.
    I am running windows 10 64 bits.

    I can login but i crash alot.
    However, if i am in a dungeon i do not crash.
    But once i step outside i crash after a few seconds.

    I get the "display driver stopped responding and has recovered" message every time i crash.
    My client log says "failed to create vertex buffer" or "failed to create index buffer".
    I am using the 32 bit client but i get the same errors with the 64 bit client.

    I know my graphics driver is not the problem because the 355.98 driver i used previously is not working anymore.
    Also my graphics card has 100% usage in the character selection screen which makes me think there is a huge memory leak in the game that causes these issues.
    Edited by Vulthuryol on March 15, 2016 6:40PM
  • solid_snake998b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I never have a problem playing ESO. It's not only because DDI lower than 11 o so, many other players are saying in this post that have the SAME problem with greater video cards so...Its your problem Zenimax. Stop trying to blame us for a poor grafic card or so. You f*cked up so bad with this patch.

    And i tell you what. I were thinking on buy the 3 DLC after this patch, three of them. This means money for you. But you screw with the game so i think (ha ha ha) im gonna take that money to my pocket and you never see a penny from me.

    This is gonna to happen not only from myself otherwise from the tons of gamers you f*cked up, so if you wanna make money with eso FIX THE PATCH.
  • voodoobrew
    Soul Shriven
    I run an old nivida gtx 260 which until this patch ran buttery smooth with maximum settings except water reflections @1080

    I understand this is a dx10 card and is not "supported" but in my report.txt it says ddi 11

    Feature set in dxdiag is 10, 9.3, 9.2, 9.1
    But I don't see ddi there.

    It would be nice if the client side could decide what version of directx to run and what server side information to ignore. I mean its all just rendering commands were talking about isn't it?
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