Here is my dxdiag as well. Before this update I ran the game quite well, I'd hope I can still do so even if on minimal settings..
seesonchanrwb17_ESO wrote: »
The thing is, I only heard the game designer made new version and made it compatible with latest card/technology, but not "drop" old ppl by upgrading some *** with the same game.
del_cabonb14_ESO wrote: »Amazing, after nearly a week, no constructive updates from anyone.
I am just happy that I timed my sub to lapse just before this patch was released.
Doesn't ESO pay someone to keep the community updated? Should I waste any more time checking back?
NerfPlease wrote: »ZOS lost 16% of players according to steam statistic after this patch
nordmeyerx wrote: »
How would Steam know how many players ESO "lost" from this patch? Do you mean subs cancelled? Or overall server population decline?
Losing 10-15% (ish) of your player base because of a patch that, for some reason, kicks older graphics cards to the curb all of a sudden..that's pretty bad.
I mean what could possibly have been done to the game to do that so suddenly? I feel like I've been hit with a kind of bait-and-switch. Made a game we could play just fine, that we paid for, bought extras for, and now the rug's been yanked from under us and our money gone to waste.
I'm so glad I didn't buy more crowns like I'd been planning to. I'd be even more upset than I am now.
IndyWendieGo wrote: »
That's according to Steam users who use Steam to play the game. There are a great deal of players from before that don't even use it (Steam), so that statistic I wouldn't say is very accurate in the number of players dropped. Rather that 16% of the Steam users who purchased ESO isn't playing ESO through Steam. They could have very well started launching the 64 bit version and it wouldn't detect it either, which would also cause the number to drop as Steam only detects if you launch the game through the launcher. I think ZOS has the real accurate numbers on the playerbase drop rather than an outside source.
Göttermutter wrote: »
this is right after the patch
Göttermutter wrote: »Steam problems, i am sorry for you! Dont let run the game on the 64-client, this one isnt that some developpers of zos might say on it. You will get problems with it equal what kind of system you have, so dont try it out.
Göttermutter wrote: »try the older one, means the 32 bit version, also the better one. Or go on yor game and open it by yourself. And dont say its not a steam problem, which problem is it now, i guess you will find the answer.
Gina, removing directx 10.1 support on graphics cards literally screwed over everyone that has a card from before 2014
Want to front me 150 bucks for a new card? Like for real, this is bad. It doesnt matter what version of directx your OS has installed, if the card doesnt support it (we are talking ONLY high end gaming cards here manufactured after windows 8.1 came out in 2014) the game wont run.
Revert this change, for the love of god.
Krainor1974 wrote: »They should bring back the transfer to console and allow all of us who can no longer play the game on our pc's to transfer to a console and free of charge.
Ragnarok100ub17_ESO wrote: »
YES! It may be the only way I get to play! I've had a ticket open since Monday and support KNOWS it's not my computer hardware that's causing an issue though they are running out of ideas why I can't play.