Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Multiple Mundus Stones

  • Solid_Metal
    Reevster wrote: »
    Why are everyone night blades? Sad to see 95 percent on PvP is NBs , Why bother allowing other classes in to PvP, make it NB only , then they can surprise attack each other.

    because NB is OP on PVP
    "i will walk through the fog, as i welcome death"
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    SirDopey wrote: »
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    we should probably get zos to prioritize this exploit... i mean honestly, is it really that difficult to limit players to 1 mundus stone

    There is a set that can give you 2 mudus stones called "twice born star set" but yeah if this one is a glitch where you can have more than one without the set its gotta be fixed. Probably make the server check if they only have 1 stone effect without set and 2 with set.

    He's got 8 mundus on - that ain't TBS.....

    These are the type of players that tell you to L2P. L2P often means "learn to exploit like my guild does all the while pretending we are super good at the game."
  • Refuse2GrowUp
    Different dev teams define 'exploit' differently. However, the common theme is that the player must do something intentional that is in additional to a normal sequence of events, or purposely triggering a sequence of events that provides an unintended consequence that provides the player(s) an unfair advantage.

    I can assure you, the player in the picture likely did not accidentally, randomly try 8 different mundus stones, as most players will likely only try three, maybe four, for a specific build. A brand new player to the game may be able to plead ignorance; a seasoned player with multiple toons, that understands the game's mechanics certainly would not be able to plead ignorance. The devs could easily see who has multiple mundus stones. An easy algorithm can easily sort who is likely deliberately cheating and who may be naive. Simply, if you created a new toon to take advantage of this exploit, you should be temp banned. If you used this exploit to get on leaderboards and/or do something like beat vMSA, you should not only be temp banned, but also have your account rolled back to when you created that toon and started using it to exploit the system. Enough is enough. Exploits in this game are already out of control, and if ZOS doesn't begin to take things seriously, it will ruin the longevity of the game.
    PS4 NA Server

    CP160 DK Firemage
    CP160 StamSorc
    CP160 Templar Healer
    CP160 Stam NB
    CP160 Magica Sorc
    Cp160 Stamplar
    CP160 Magicka NB
    CP160 DK Tank
    CP160 Stam DK
    CP160 Mag Templar
    CP160 Blazing Shield Templar

    EP Loyalist
  • Xantaria
    Different dev teams define 'exploit' differently. However, the common theme is that the player must do something intentional that is in additional to a normal sequence of events, or purposely triggering a sequence of events that provides an unintended consequence that provides the player(s) an unfair advantage.

    I can assure you, the player in the picture likely did not accidentally, randomly try 8 different mundus stones, as most players will likely only try three, maybe four, for a specific build. A brand new player to the game may be able to plead ignorance; a seasoned player with multiple toons, that understands the game's mechanics certainly would not be able to plead ignorance. The devs could easily see who has multiple mundus stones. An easy algorithm can easily sort who is likely deliberately cheating and who may be naive. Simply, if you created a new toon to take advantage of this exploit, you should be temp banned. If you used this exploit to get on leaderboards and/or do something like beat vMSA, you should not only be temp banned, but also have your account rolled back to when you created that toon and started using it to exploit the system. Enough is enough. Exploits in this game are already out of control, and if ZOS doesn't begin to take things seriously, it will ruin the longevity of the game.

    ALthough I know people who exploit this on leaderboards would of course do everything to hide it I don't know of a case of people exploiting it in leaderboards. in PvP however it's everywhere. And it won't take long for the PvE leaderboards to be taken over by exploiters.
    Edited by Xantaria on February 1, 2016 12:08AM
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • Sharmony
    Xantaria wrote: »

    ALthough I know people who exploit this on leaderboards would of course do everything to hide it I don't know of a case of people exploiting it in leaderboards. in PvP however it's everywhere. And it won't take long for the PvE leaderboards to be taken over by exploiters.

    I have to agree. Being privileged to know many of the top guilds for PvE in EU & NA I havn't heard of any individuals doing something like this. Regardless, levelling is only a matter of time, and if the picture is anything to go by this may A] Not be the only person and B] not be long until some individuals might be using this at max level.
    @Wjleppard - EU - Sharmony Youtube
    Holyfire - V16 Stamina Templar | Auriels Bow - V16 Stamina Nightblade | Sharmony - V16 Magicka Templar | Flaming Rose - V16 Magicka Dragonknight | Rejuvenation - V16 Magicka Nightblade | Dora The (Explorer Title) - V16 Magicka Sorcerer | Critjiit - V16 Stamina Dragonknight | Just Hold Block - V16 Stamina Dragonknight | Stormburst - V16 Stamina Sorcerer | Ashenbourne - V16 Magicka Templar | Swims-At-Speed - V16 Magicka Templar | Sharmonknee - V16 Stamina Nightblade | Sharmoney - V16 Magicka Warden
    Guild Affiliations: Hodor, Travelling Merchant, Aetherius Trade, Golden Goose.
    Previous Affiliations: GM of Well-Fitted, Almost Heroes, Kill All, Don't Die, Exile, Sigma Draconis, Legio Mortum
  • Kippesnikke
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any information from zenimax side about plans to fix this?
    Northborn DK tank
    Pandora's Promise
    vMoL cleared on VR16 #World1st
    Worlds #1 vMoL speed run [VR16]
  • Destruent
    Is there any way for the player with more than 1 (2) mundusstones to reset them and only have one again?

    Anyways: @ZOS Fix this sh**!
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    @Refuse2GrowUp i think it is unfair if Zenimax punished players for using exploits, when it's their own game that allows these loop holes.

    Beside that, I've known v16's that played since release, who on occasion ask me questions like "where is our auction house located?". Not everyone who have played this game for a long time are aware of its "exploits" and faults.

    Tooltips not showing correct information. Some sets giving higher buffs than said in description etc.
  • Xantaria
    Destruent wrote: »
    Is there any way for the player with more than 1 (2) mundusstones to reset them and only have one again?

    Anyways: @ZOS Fix this sh**!

    I think it is possible yes. By equipping and unequipping the Twice Born Star set multiple tiems until you are down to 1 Mundus Stone COULD work. However this is just a theory.
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • Tonnopesce
    Why i'm the last one to know tricks like this??????

    I've could have won a couple of fight with this cheat and the AC abuse... XD

  • Xantaria
    Why i'm the last one to know tricks like this??????

    I've could have won a couple of fight with this cheat and the AC abuse... XD

    AC is not an abuse (as stated by the developers). Having all Mundus Stones however is not intended by the developers.
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • Tonnopesce
    Xantaria wrote: »
    Why i'm the last one to know tricks like this??????

    I've could have won a couple of fight with this cheat and the AC abuse... XD

    AC is not an abuse (as stated by the developers). Having all Mundus Stones however is not intended by the developers.

    That's your opinion unfortunately, but is not the point of the thread.

    What i believe is that if many ( except me.... as usual) are able to replicate and use this " bug" zos should know how to do it too, and they should provide a hotfix or something IMHO
    Edited by Tonnopesce on February 1, 2016 2:54PM

  • Rune_Relic
    @Refuse2GrowUp i think it is unfair if Zenimax punished players for using exploits, when it's their own game that allows these loop holes.

    Beside that, I've known v16's that played since release, who on occasion ask me questions like "where is our auction house located?". Not everyone who have played this game for a long time are aware of its "exploits" and faults.

    Tooltips not showing correct information. Some sets giving higher buffs than said in description etc.

    Agreed..Theres at least 3 versions of the game being played at the moment.

    1. The innocent and naïve players that accept tooltips as gospel and playing the game thinking that's how it actually works.
    2. The PTS testers who know what's busted and broken and refuse to cheese the system and try to play fair and bug report.
    3. The PTS testers who know what's busted and broken and exploit the arse out of anything and everything they can.

    I prefer to play game version 1 myself and stay off of PTS and try to believe ignorance is bliss.
    Quite a few play game version 2.
    The majority seem to play game version 3.

    Broken penetration, multiple mundus, multiple procs and proc never seems to end with another worm popping its head out the woodwork every week.
    Edited by Rune_Relic on February 1, 2016 3:23PM
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • Idinuse
    Xantaria wrote: »
    Just posting this here from another forum:
    Was uh... watching a friend play the game.... tried to give the game another shot...

    This is what i've discovered:


    Thanks @ZOS_MattFiror now I can go drink my coffee instead of play your game.

    Yes those Mundus Stones are all functional. I don't know how exactly 'it' works, but it can only happen on kind of new characters.

    This explains alot. :/ I'll keep an eye open and cap it too if I see it.
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • Septimus_Magna
    The best way to get this fixed is to tell it to a famous streamer and let him make a video about it.

    The overload toggle bug got fixed pretty quickly after Deltia made a video about it in which he explained how it worked.
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • Idinuse
    VoiDGhOs7 wrote: »
    Cathexis wrote: »
    @ZOS_MattFiror I was wondering why some really bad players have mysteriously gotten awesome in PvP recently.

    Bad players are bad players even with all mundus (most likely)they won't be able to defeat a good player (but imagine those characters with lot of mundus in the right hands) hopefully the "broken mechanic" is restricted to low level characters(probably till someone figures out how to replicate it on v16 chars then the s**tstorm will start again).

    "Hopefully" this mundus mess will get fixed with the next major update but who knows...

    Don't put too much hope in that they are too bad players. This exploited glitch paired with 300-501CP on a VR character with the best craftable gear is going to faceroll pretty much everything that isn't also using exploits or other means to gain advantages.
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • RatedChaotic
    Yet I see moderators editing posts in this thread but no responses. hmmmm.
    Destruent wrote: »
    Is there any way for the player with more than 1 (2) mundusstones to reset them and only have one again?

    Anyways: @ZOS Fix this sh**!

    As what Xantaria sudgested. Eqiping and uneqiping 5 parts of Twice Born star will remove 1 mundoes stone from you if you have more then 1. If you have 5 mundoes stones on you, repeat that combo 4 times. That works, tested by myself.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any information from zenimax side about plans to fix this?

    i got a pm from Gina asking if i can share any information about that exploit so they can adres that bug asap. That means ZOS is avare of these bug, or at list Gina does and it will be adressed soon. Howeawer don't expect that bug to be fixed soon, it is one of the bugs which is very hard to reproduce so it will take some time for veds to find out what actualy cous it.
  • Destruent
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    Is there any way for the player with more than 1 (2) mundusstones to reset them and only have one again?

    Anyways: @ZOS Fix this sh**!

    As what Xantaria sudgested. Eqiping and uneqiping 5 parts of Twice Born star will remove 1 mundoes stone from you if you have more then 1. If you have 5 mundoes stones on you, repeat that combo 4 times. That works, tested by myself.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any information from zenimax side about plans to fix this?

    i got a pm from Gina asking if i can share any information about that exploit so they can adres that bug asap. That means ZOS is avare of these bug, or at list Gina does and it will be adressed soon. Howeawer don't expect that bug to be fixed soon, it is one of the bugs which is very hard to reproduce so it will take some time for veds to find out what actualy cous it.

    Thanks, would have tested it, but i don't need to bc you already did it :)
  • Sneaky-Snurr
    WTB fix to Khajiit's Carnage passive. x_x
    The Order of the Shadows: Nightmare
      EP CP810 Nightblade
      AD CP810 Templar
      AD CP810 Dragon Knight
      AD Lvl 25 Sorceror
      DC Lvl 23 Nightblade
    {PC•NA•no-CP Ravenwatch}

    Shadow hide you. -Unknown
    There is no clean fight in a war. -Shun Izaki
  • Xantaria
    Destruent wrote: »
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    Is there any way for the player with more than 1 (2) mundusstones to reset them and only have one again?

    Anyways: @ZOS Fix this sh**!

    As what Xantaria sudgested. Eqiping and uneqiping 5 parts of Twice Born star will remove 1 mundoes stone from you if you have more then 1. If you have 5 mundoes stones on you, repeat that combo 4 times. That works, tested by myself.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any information from zenimax side about plans to fix this?

    i got a pm from Gina asking if i can share any information about that exploit so they can adres that bug asap. That means ZOS is avare of these bug, or at list Gina does and it will be adressed soon. Howeawer don't expect that bug to be fixed soon, it is one of the bugs which is very hard to reproduce so it will take some time for veds to find out what actualy cous it.

    Thanks, would have tested it, but i don't need to bc you already did it :)

    @BEZDNA @Destruent
    So you have multiple Mundus and know how to get it? Because I still don't get it. :') I have seen someone getting 6 mundus stones live. But whatever he is doing, I can't reproduce it.
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • izJordy
    inb4: they fix it but you can now buy unlimited acces to mundus stones in the crownstore..
    i'm kidding don't bann me..

    facts though, how eso works is.. whenever you change mundus stones it lets you replace the one you have by another.. so u can still glitch the game out and have multi mundus stones on your account.. so how do we fix this..

    pff after few hours, working my ass off.. thinking.. killing my brain.. i found a solution..
    limit a character to 1 mundus stone at the time..
  • Destruent
    Xantaria wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    Is there any way for the player with more than 1 (2) mundusstones to reset them and only have one again?

    Anyways: @ZOS Fix this sh**!

    As what Xantaria sudgested. Eqiping and uneqiping 5 parts of Twice Born star will remove 1 mundoes stone from you if you have more then 1. If you have 5 mundoes stones on you, repeat that combo 4 times. That works, tested by myself.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any information from zenimax side about plans to fix this?

    i got a pm from Gina asking if i can share any information about that exploit so they can adres that bug asap. That means ZOS is avare of these bug, or at list Gina does and it will be adressed soon. Howeawer don't expect that bug to be fixed soon, it is one of the bugs which is very hard to reproduce so it will take some time for veds to find out what actualy cous it.

    Thanks, would have tested it, but i don't need to bc you already did it :)

    @BEZDNA @Destruent
    So you have multiple Mundus and know how to get it? Because I still don't get it. :') I have seen someone getting 6 mundus stones live. But whatever he is doing, I can't reproduce it.

    I don't have, but i think @alcast has mentioned how to reproduce...can test it if it works, if you want me to
  • Xantaria
    Destruent wrote: »
    Xantaria wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    Is there any way for the player with more than 1 (2) mundusstones to reset them and only have one again?

    Anyways: @ZOS Fix this sh**!

    As what Xantaria sudgested. Eqiping and uneqiping 5 parts of Twice Born star will remove 1 mundoes stone from you if you have more then 1. If you have 5 mundoes stones on you, repeat that combo 4 times. That works, tested by myself.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any information from zenimax side about plans to fix this?

    i got a pm from Gina asking if i can share any information about that exploit so they can adres that bug asap. That means ZOS is avare of these bug, or at list Gina does and it will be adressed soon. Howeawer don't expect that bug to be fixed soon, it is one of the bugs which is very hard to reproduce so it will take some time for veds to find out what actualy cous it.

    Thanks, would have tested it, but i don't need to bc you already did it :)

    @BEZDNA @Destruent
    So you have multiple Mundus and know how to get it? Because I still don't get it. :') I have seen someone getting 6 mundus stones live. But whatever he is doing, I can't reproduce it.

    I don't have, but i think @alcast has mentioned how to reproduce...can test it if it works, if you want me to

    I talk more with @Alcast than I talk with my Mom. The way he was mentioning is the way I got from a friend who has 7 Mundus and explained me how exactly to do it. But we were both unable to reproduce.
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
    Xantaria wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    Is there any way for the player with more than 1 (2) mundusstones to reset them and only have one again?

    Anyways: @ZOS Fix this sh**!

    As what Xantaria sudgested. Eqiping and uneqiping 5 parts of Twice Born star will remove 1 mundoes stone from you if you have more then 1. If you have 5 mundoes stones on you, repeat that combo 4 times. That works, tested by myself.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any information from zenimax side about plans to fix this?

    i got a pm from Gina asking if i can share any information about that exploit so they can adres that bug asap. That means ZOS is avare of these bug, or at list Gina does and it will be adressed soon. Howeawer don't expect that bug to be fixed soon, it is one of the bugs which is very hard to reproduce so it will take some time for veds to find out what actualy cous it.

    Thanks, would have tested it, but i don't need to bc you already did it :)

    @BEZDNA @Destruent
    So you have multiple Mundus and know how to get it? Because I still don't get it. :') I have seen someone getting 6 mundus stones live. But whatever he is doing, I can't reproduce it.

    used to have on one char in 1.6 patch - got wiped by that 1.7 patch. and also had in 1.7-1.8 patch, not anymore romeved them a while ago with tbs set. I have no idea how to reproduce it, just got them acsidentaly while lvling new chars.
  • Xantaria
    izJordy wrote: »
    inb4: they fix it but you can now buy unlimited acces to mundus stones in the crownstore..
    i'm kidding don't bann me..

    facts though, how eso works is.. whenever you change mundus stones it lets you replace the one you have by another.. so u can still glitch the game out and have multi mundus stones on your account.. so how do we fix this..

    pff after few hours, working my ass off.. thinking.. killing my brain.. i found a solution..
    limit a character to 1 mundus stone at the time..

    HOW did you figure out that solution??? Zenimax HIRE THIS GUY. HE KNOWS. He is legit doing all the work for you.
    Edited by Xantaria on February 1, 2016 4:37PM
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • Whatzituyah
    izJordy wrote: »
    inb4: they fix it but you can now buy unlimited acces to mundus stones in the crownstore..
    i'm kidding don't bann me..

    facts though, how eso works is.. whenever you change mundus stones it lets you replace the one you have by another.. so u can still glitch the game out and have multi mundus stones on your account.. so how do we fix this..

    pff after few hours, working my ass off.. thinking.. killing my brain.. i found a solution..
    limit a character to 1 mundus stone at the time..

    Wait I came up with the same thing a few posts ago but worded it differently.
  • Xantaria
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    Xantaria wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    BEZDNA wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    Is there any way for the player with more than 1 (2) mundusstones to reset them and only have one again?

    Anyways: @ZOS Fix this sh**!

    As what Xantaria sudgested. Eqiping and uneqiping 5 parts of Twice Born star will remove 1 mundoes stone from you if you have more then 1. If you have 5 mundoes stones on you, repeat that combo 4 times. That works, tested by myself.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any information from zenimax side about plans to fix this?

    i got a pm from Gina asking if i can share any information about that exploit so they can adres that bug asap. That means ZOS is avare of these bug, or at list Gina does and it will be adressed soon. Howeawer don't expect that bug to be fixed soon, it is one of the bugs which is very hard to reproduce so it will take some time for veds to find out what actualy cous it.

    Thanks, would have tested it, but i don't need to bc you already did it :)

    @BEZDNA @Destruent
    So you have multiple Mundus and know how to get it? Because I still don't get it. :') I have seen someone getting 6 mundus stones live. But whatever he is doing, I can't reproduce it.

    used to have on one char in 1.6 patch - got wiped by that 1.7 patch. and also had in 1.7-1.8 patch, not anymore romeved them a while ago with tbs set. I have no idea how to reproduce it, just got them acsidentaly while lvling new chars.

    Yeah that's how it is for most people I spoke to. But at this point I'm prettty sure people have figured out how exactly to trigger this.
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • Xantaria
    izJordy wrote: »
    inb4: they fix it but you can now buy unlimited acces to mundus stones in the crownstore..
    i'm kidding don't bann me..

    facts though, how eso works is.. whenever you change mundus stones it lets you replace the one you have by another.. so u can still glitch the game out and have multi mundus stones on your account.. so how do we fix this..

    pff after few hours, working my ass off.. thinking.. killing my brain.. i found a solution..
    limit a character to 1 mundus stone at the time..

    Wait I came up with the same thing a few posts ago but worded it differently.

    So he stole your idea? Sue him!
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • Rajajshka
    I had this glitch on my nb once, had like 5 stones and only one of them worked. Had to ask zos to fix it since most of them didn't work and I couldn't switch back to them since the game said I already "had" them. Now I have one again. :smile:

    Idk what causes the glitch.
    Edited by Rajajshka on February 1, 2016 4:46PM
This discussion has been closed.