We are all excited about the upcoming PvP changes, including objectives in IC and battlegrounds/arenas. In the meantime, maybe the PvP community can band together to help us create the enjoyable PvP experience that many of us seek. Can we all agree to make one of the campaigns (e.g. haderus since it's the least populated) a small scale pvp zone? Group size is limited to 8. No one sieges any inner keeps, only keeps around the IC circle.
I understand groups of 8 may merge from time to time in the middle of battle, but we won't have ball groups of 15+. Just imagine how much fun that would be. The larger guilds can operate in AZ and have their massive scale PvP.
Can people tag @ names for guild leaders? Let's give it a shot as a community!
P.s. I understand that this will be hard to enforce. But many small scale pvpers are leaving this game and we need to work together as a community to create an enjoyable experience for all, including those that don't want to play in large groups.
Haderus is clearly gone. It is not a small scale server at this time and it does not look promising in the near future.
Let's try this on Trueflame instead:
TF is generally lower pop than Azergas and Haderus, and could flourish from some competitive small scale PVP. All it really needs is for larger groups to be respectful of this, and smaller groups to gravitate toward this server so fights are plentiful. Honestly, something needs to happen because people are more desperate than ever. Please give this some thought!
I just contacted goldcocks and they are down for some small scale 50v12 pvp tonight. See you there!
Love the idea, still guest on Trueflame, hit me up when you run over there.
I get that everyone wants to make lighthearted jokes about zerging and whatnot. But truthfully, I really do hope that larger guilds (VE, Rage, Haxus, Khole, TM, CN, ect ect ect) will respect this if TF does indeed move in more of a direction of small scale. This game is bleeding players as it is. The populations on PC NA are lower than any other megaserver and that is indicative of our community and how fed up we are with multiple aspects of this game.
Everyone can have their opinions of how this game is intended to be played, 24v24, RvR, 1v1, ect, but at the very least we could respect that some do not always want to fight 4v48 and leave atleast one server as playable for small scalers until arenas.
@God_flakes Next patch AP gains will be DOUBLED for groups up to six players.
See here for details: https://goo.gl/iQ3AwS