Take Back Trueflame


Haderus is clearly gone. It is not a small scale server at this time and it does not look promising in the near future.

Let's try this on Trueflame instead:
Mystikkal wrote: »
We are all excited about the upcoming PvP changes, including objectives in IC and battlegrounds/arenas. In the meantime, maybe the PvP community can band together to help us create the enjoyable PvP experience that many of us seek. Can we all agree to make one of the campaigns (e.g. haderus since it's the least populated) a small scale pvp zone? Group size is limited to 8. No one sieges any inner keeps, only keeps around the IC circle.

I understand groups of 8 may merge from time to time in the middle of battle, but we won't have ball groups of 15+. Just imagine how much fun that would be. The larger guilds can operate in AZ and have their massive scale PvP.

Can people tag @ names for guild leaders? Let's give it a shot as a community!

P.s. I understand that this will be hard to enforce. But many small scale pvpers are leaving this game and we need to work together as a community to create an enjoyable experience for all, including those that don't want to play in large groups.



TF is generally lower pop than Azergas and Haderus, and could flourish from some competitive small scale PVP. All it really needs is for larger groups to be respectful of this, and smaller groups to gravitate toward this server so fights are plentiful. Honestly, something needs to happen because people are more desperate than ever. Please give this some thought!
Edited by Jules on January 30, 2016 3:15AM

IGN- @Juies || Youtube || Twitch
EP - Julianos . Jules . Family Jules . Jules of Misrule. Joy
DC - Julsie . Jules . Jukes . Jojuji . Juliet . Jaded
AD - Juice . Jubaited . Joules . Julmanji . Julogy . Jubroni . Ju Jitsu

Rest in Peace G & Yi
Viva La Aristocracy
  • Fyaal
    I like it.
    Fyaal - EP Stam DK Grand Overlord
    Nexus Haxus
  • blabafat
    I'd love this. The only concern, as you stated, is whether or not larger groups will / want to live up to it.
    Fire Cloak - VR12 DK - Nord - EP
    Ámeer - VR15 Templar - Imperial - AD
    The Mágician - VR16 Templar - Imperial DC
    Magíc - VR16 DK - Dark Elf - DC
    Àmeer - VR16 Templar - High Elf - DC
    ámeer - VR16 Templar - High Elf - AD
    Æ ámeer - VR16 Templar - High Elf - EP
    Ameer Flow - Level 34 Nightblade - High Elf - EP

  • asneakybanana
    Jules wrote: »

    Haderus is clearly gone. It is not a small scale server at this time and it does not look promising in the near future.

    Let's try this on Trueflame instead:

    TF is generally lower pop than Azergas and Haderus, and could flourish from some competitive small scale PVP. All it really needs is for larger groups to be respectful of this, and smaller groups to gravitate toward this server so fights are plentiful. Honestly, something needs to happen because people are more desperate than ever. Please give this some thought!

    Would love to see this happen not only to encourage small group but also solo play. Haderus was a great place to play small scale for a while but then some of the larger guilds caught wind of the fun that was occurring and decided that could not be so they rolled up 20 deep and turned it to lagderus. The game really needs this if it wants to keep any sort of small organized play alive while we wait for BGs.
    Asneakybanana AD DK Former emperor of Chrysamere and Chillrend. World first hardmode Hel'ra and Quake con winner (Alliance rank 25)
    Asneakyhabenero EP DK Former emperor of Thornblade, Haderus. World first vMA Dk clear (Alliance rank 39)
    Asneakycucumber EP Sorc Former empress of Blackwater Bay and Trueflame (Alliance rank 32)
    Asneakypineapple EP Temp Former empress of Azuras Star and Haderus (Alliance rank 22)
    Asneakypickle EP NB Former empress of Trueflame (Alliance rank 47)
    Sweat Squad
    Crowned 27x on 12 different campaign cycles | 200M+ AP earned
    Fastest AA clear ever: 5:42 | Fastest HRC clear ever: 5:27 | NA first HM MoL
    609k Mag Sorc vMA
    NA first Tick Tock Tormentor
    NA first trinity (All No Death/HM/Speed run trials titles)
    2x Tick Tock Tormentor
  • Satiar
    Oh now we want to go back to Trueflame :/
    Vehemence -- Commander and Raid Lead -- Tri-faction PvP
    Knights Paravant -- Co-GM and Raid Lead -- AD Greyhost

  • DKsUnite
    Lf zerg group for TF
    Vyr Cor | Magicka Dragonknight | DC
    Vir Cor | Stamina Dragonknight | DC

    Latest Videos:
    Magicka Dragonknight: Vyr Cor | "A Dragon's Fury" | Magicka Dragonknight PvP
    Stamina Dragonknight: Vir Cor | "Heathen" | Stamina Dragonknight PvP

    Youtube: CorGaming
  • frozywozy
    Love the idea, still guest on Trueflame, hit me up when you run over there.
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • Velukodi
    This message is approved by Kodi
  • Lord_Hev
    Yes, lets make it happen!
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • Cody
    why the heck not. the lag from Azura's start is going to drive me away from this game yet again if I continue to play in it. DBZ abridged only helps so much.
  • Axyredo
    Please make this happen!
    EP Dragonknight - Axyredo
    EP/DC Templar - Axy
  • Minno
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • riverdragon72
    lolz.. every time one of these threads goes around the "lets go to server X" ends up a zerg infested lag hole just like the server that was abandoned. Nice try, but this is fail before it even started.
    Edited by riverdragon72 on January 30, 2016 5:47AM
    Meh...**** it..
  • Ghost-Shot
    A forum thread was probably a bad idea, now I'm waiting for that server to get zerged to hell all weekend.
  • DisgracefulMind
    Guaranteed it will get zerged down now.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Teargrants
    EP ※ Teargrants ※
    EP ※ Kissgrants ※
    DC ※ Kirsi ※
    Vehemence Council
    ~Teargrants YouTube~
  • God_flakes
    It needs to be zerged by blue and red-yellow night caps which chases any real game play away.
  • WRX
    I just contacted goldcocks and they are down for some small scale 50v12 pvp tonight. See you there!
    Decibel GM

  •  Jules
    WRX wrote: »
    I just contacted goldcocks and they are down for some small scale 50v12 pvp tonight. See you there!


    IGN- @Juies || Youtube || Twitch
    EP - Julianos . Jules . Family Jules . Jules of Misrule. Joy
    DC - Julsie . Jules . Jukes . Jojuji . Juliet . Jaded
    AD - Juice . Jubaited . Joules . Julmanji . Julogy . Jubroni . Ju Jitsu

    Rest in Peace G & Yi
    Viva La Aristocracy
  • KenaPKK
    Am so down.

    I've been hiding in BwB... :scream:
    Former Class Rep
    Former Legend GM
    Beta player
  • hammayolettuce
    inb4 page 40

    Snü (Magicka DK) ♥ Thnu (Stamplar) ♥ Pizza for Breakfast (Magplar) ♥ Sparklefingers (Magicka Sorc) ♥
    Bean and Cheese Burrito (Magicka DK) ♥ Snurrito (Stamplar) ♥
  • Blakeabutler_Blasius
    frozywozy wrote: »
    Love the idea, still guest on Trueflame, hit me up when you run over there.

    I think Vokundein could make an appearance with some small groups on our off nights.

    Thanks for pushing for better server performance and organized gameplay, @Jules.
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Blakeabutler, Guild Leader of Vokundein/Elder of Legend Gaming
    Blasius de Buitleir, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, Former Emperor - Sorcerer
  • BigTone
    Just remember that not everyone has the same definition of "small group"

    I usually run 70 deep, so I'll bring my 20 person "Small Man"

    See you zergbads in TF
    Edited by BigTone on February 1, 2016 11:40AM
    Big'Tone-V16 DC Sorc AR31
    Sneaky'Tone-V16 DC NB AR22
    Holy'Tone-V12 DC Temp
    Chunky'Tone-33 DC DK (BWB beast)

    Worst NB NA
    Roll dodging magicka sorc

    "Do you know why they call him Big'Tone?"
  •  Jules
    I get that everyone wants to make lighthearted jokes about zerging and whatnot. But truthfully, I really do hope that larger guilds (VE, Rage, Haxus, Khole, TM, CN, ect ect ect) will respect this if TF does indeed move in more of a direction of small scale. This game is bleeding players as it is. The populations on PC NA are lower than any other megaserver and that is indicative of our community and how fed up we are with multiple aspects of this game.

    Everyone can have their opinions of how this game is intended to be played, 24v24, RvR, 1v1, ect, but at the very least we could respect that some do not always want to fight 4v48 and leave atleast one server as playable for small scalers until arenas.

    IGN- @Juies || Youtube || Twitch
    EP - Julianos . Jules . Family Jules . Jules of Misrule. Joy
    DC - Julsie . Jules . Jukes . Jojuji . Juliet . Jaded
    AD - Juice . Jubaited . Joules . Julmanji . Julogy . Jubroni . Ju Jitsu

    Rest in Peace G & Yi
    Viva La Aristocracy
  • Tomato
    True flame is only populated because of duels Legend has on it
  • Scamandros
    When you're looking for friendly small scale and left feelin like
    Blades of Vengeance

    Mighty Eagle by serjustin19 for your viewing convenience.
    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle.
    I fell out of my nest

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I screech I screech
    but no one hears me

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I started to wonder off
    I want to come back but lost my way.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I came face to face
    Of Mighty Lion

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I came to fall in love with Mighty Lion
    Who's claws is sharp and just

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Then suddenly
    Mighty Dragon Came

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Dragon roared aloud
    Who's mighty paws make earthquake
    that quivers underneath our feet

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Soon battle rages
    Between the Mighty Lion and Mighty Dragon

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    My heart grows heavy
    For who do I belong in Scourge PS4 EU

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I continue to battle.
    But Battle I must do within myself

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I screech, I screech
    Long and hard. I made a fuss

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Then suddenly
    As if I was dreaming

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I heard a screech
    But suddenly, I attack Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle had to defend

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I know I was fighting for Mighty Lion
    So I fought back.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I attack I attack
    But to no avail

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    The Mighty claws who's mighty claws
    Felt unnatural to me and very clumsy to me

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Why I have chosen to not stay with you
    I do not know. I am complicated at that.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I have destroyed Mighty Eagle
    My own kin in Scourge PS4 EU

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I crawled into a ball
    Weep to no avail

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Lost in my whirling thoughts
    My heart and mind is clouded

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I have served Mighty Lion over a year
    I thought Mighty Lion is were I belong anew

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I finally contacted
    Mighty Eagle

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle says they love me
    In reality I love them also.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I continued to clash
    At Mighty Eagle however

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    But clashing with Mighty Eagle
    Just not feel right

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I have made a wrong choice I now believe
    Terrible and unjust of what I did

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    For am I not a monster
    For attacking a faction who loves me instead

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I was wrong
    Mighty Eagle was right

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Come. Please take me back Mighty Eagle
    For I believe I now know

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Were I truly belong
    For indeed I thought

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    That Mighty Lion
    Is were I belong.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    O how I was so wrong Mighty Eagle
    I was gravely wrong and such a fool I was.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    You have met
    Princess Justine

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Princess Justine who attacked
    Mighty Eagle

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I know this was wrong
    And so to does Princess Justine

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    With our clashing together
    I now know were I truly belong in Scourge PS4 EU I believe.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Have you all not heard
    The famous saying. That is very wise and so very true?

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Let me repeat the famous saying
    that is very wise and so true

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    It is
    My Enemy, Enemy's, Enemy's
    Is my friend

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I come to thee Mighty Eagle
    And so to Princess Justine.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Who used to serve Mighty Lion
    But Now serve Mighty Eagle
    For the very first time in her career.

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Princess Justine and are one in the same
    Were I go. She will go to. For she believes it is right choice

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    We are all yours
    O Mighty Eagle

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    No one else but you
    I feel peaceful. Unafraid

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    I belong to you O mighty Eagle
    I am so relieved to hear myself to say that

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Princess Justine and I

    Mighty Eagle
    Mighty Eagle
    Now flies and fights alongside with Mighty Eagle
    Who's Mighty talons stand for sacred Freedom

    Written by Serjustin19
    Written on this day
    September 27. The day when My troubled mind is not clouded no longer.
    In the year of my troubles end
  • Minno
    Jules wrote: »
    I get that everyone wants to make lighthearted jokes about zerging and whatnot. But truthfully, I really do hope that larger guilds (VE, Rage, Haxus, Khole, TM, CN, ect ect ect) will respect this if TF does indeed move in more of a direction of small scale. This game is bleeding players as it is. The populations on PC NA are lower than any other megaserver and that is indicative of our community and how fed up we are with multiple aspects of this game.

    Everyone can have their opinions of how this game is intended to be played, 24v24, RvR, 1v1, ect, but at the very least we could respect that some do not always want to fight 4v48 and leave atleast one server as playable for small scalers until arenas.

    Second this.

    Edited by Minno on February 1, 2016 2:20PM
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Manoekin
    So I can't zerg it? :) Of course not why would I only want to kill enemies 4 at a time and in short intervals. If 8 is the limit I may show up at random times when we have that many though, if azura is dreadful as always.
  • God_flakes
    Bottom line is this game doesn't REWARD small group play. There is really no advantage or benefit to it. Maybe bragging rights or something but who cares?
  • Crown
    @God_flakes Next patch AP gains will be DOUBLED for groups up to six players.

    See here for details: https://goo.gl/iQ3AwS
    Crown | AD NB | First AD/NA Grand Overlord (2015/12/26)
    PvP Guides @ DarkElves.com
  • Minno
    Crown wrote: »
    @God_flakes Next patch AP gains will be DOUBLED for groups up to six players.

    See here for details: https://goo.gl/iQ3AwS


    Also should be noted:
    - no objectives aside from resources to provide small man focus.
    - emp is currently only AP based system forcing a map push. Requires large raids to succeed.

    Therefore, in conclusion, nothing exists for players to focus on small group combat.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
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