Vokundein PvP/PvE Guild - Now Recruiting [EP-PvP][All Factions-PvE][17+]

"We shall neither slumber nor forgive the oath breakers for their crimes against our people. For the atrocities they have brought against all of Tamriel, there shall be a bloody retribution.”

Name: --> Vokundein
Alliance:--> The Ebonheart Pact-PvP , All Factions - PvE
Main Timezone:--> US Eastern Time (EST), open to other time zones.
Guild Focus:--> PVE/PVP excellence in a casual community-based atmosphere
Guild Leader:--> Blasius de Buitléir (Blakeabutler)
Guild Website:--> http://www.legend-gaming.net/vokundein/
Cyrodiil Campaign:--> Trueflame

Recruitment Status:--> Recruitment OPEN to all Factions: limited basis to experienced/dedicated applicants.
VoIP:--> Discord is required

We are Legend Gaming!

As a multi-gaming community, Legend Gaming has recently completed seven Years of MMO excellence. Since we were founded our chapters and client guilds have always succeeded in multiple games, promoting a spirit of friendship, unity, organization and quality. As part of Legend Gaming within the client guild status, Vokundein seeks to bring that same quality standards to Elder Scrolls Online with a more casual activity standard; yet, the heart of the hardcore player. We focus in all aspects of the game, pushing for excellence in PvE and PvP. Upon joining Vokundein, you are not joining simply a guild, you are joining a family. We are an organization that is proud of it's achievements and thankful to the loyalty of our members. We are looking for like minded players who value organization, loyalty, maturity and strong leadership. We will need your skill and dedication in our continued journey to the top! For those interested in joining Vokundein in-game only and not our parent community of Legend-Gaming, we have the option of joining as a Vokunarre. Upon joining Vokundein as a Vokunarre rank, you are joining only our Elder Scrolls Online Client Guild whereas you are only bound to our 14 day activity standard and required to have a Discord interview. This rank does not mean you are not a part of our family-community, but Vokunarre are not members of Legend-Gaming. Although, they may apply to Legend-Gaming in the future if the desire.

7th Anniversary Video: --> A tribute to our members.

Some of Legend Gaming's previous chapters achievements include:
  • Age of Conan: First PvP Keep on Cimmeria server - Hand of Set
  • Age of Conan: PvP Keep held until our official resignation from the game. - Hand of Set
  • Age of Conan: First guild city on Cimmeria Server - Hand of Set
  • Warhammer Online: First successful Order city raid (Volkmar server) - Legend
  • Warhammer Online: Server firsts on all release raid content (Volkmar Server) - Legend
  • Warhammer Online: First guild, on server, to level to release max (Volkmar Server) - Legend
  • SWTOR: Over 30 server first boss kills in raiding on Jung Ma server - Jen’jidai
  • SWTOR: First server wide Role-play event in Jung Ma server - Jen’jidai
  • SWTOR: First guild to be featured in the official Bioware guild spotlight - Jen’jidai
  • TESO: Majority of V16 members. Some of the first V10s worldwide at release.
  • TESO: In the early game, we were crowned the Kingmakers by other EP guilds due to our accomplishments in Cyrodil. Vokundein was and still is one of the most respected PVP guilds in TESO.
  • TESO: Dragon Star Arena - World 2nd, NA 1st clear time on Public Test Server. Special Invitation to exclusive DEV Q/A Panel.
  • TESO: Maelstrom Arena - Within the first week of release, three members completed leaderboard times with several others following in their footsteps since then.
  • TESO: vMaw or Lorhaj - 1/3 during Public Test Server release

For more information on Legend Gaming and our current chapters and client guilds, please check our portal at www.legend-gaming.net

Vokundein Official Weekly Raiding Schedule:

PvP: (Official Event) Thursday 8PM EST
PvE: (Official Event) Tuesday and Saturday at 9PM EST
PvE: (Casual Gear Farm) Sunday at 1PM EST

Unofficial Events run almost daily with members hanging out in Discord either PvPing, completing dailies, etc.

Player vs Environment (PvE)

Like other Legend Gaming chapters and client guilds, Vokundein has been among the top guilds in the US and in the world when it comes to raiding progression. We have experienced leaders in all end-game content and will continue training/completion runs for our members in Trials, Vet DSA, and Vet Maelstrom Arena with the goal of achieving weekly leaderboard times. We also organize progression groups for Vet White Gold Tower and Vet Imperial City Prison. Our PVE department runs an official event once a week, which include Trials, daily Undaunted pledges, regular/Vet DSA, and other PVE events as needed, however there are always people available to run pledges with on a nightly basis.

Player vs Player (PvP)

Vokundein has a highly organized and succesful PVP division. In the early game, we were crowned the Kingmakers by other EP guilds. Our PVP groups focus on tactics and coordination, not zerging. We have had several Emperors without Emperor swapping or farming. Our official PVP event is held on Wednesday nights, but there is usually always someone in Cyrodiil you can group with. Along with our larger organized groups running in Cyrodiil, we also have smaller PvP groups that focus on small scale skirmishes either in Cyrodiil or in the Imperial City.

How to Join

There are two opinions for those desiring to be among us to join: via Legend-Gaming via in-game for ESO only :
  • Joining in-game for ESO only: The Vokunarre is our ESO in-game only member of Vokundein. You will not be a Legend-Gaming member nor have the full rights within our multi-gaming community.

  • Joining the Legend-Gaming community: The prospect, leading to acceptance as Oathsworn, is a member of both the Vokundein guild and the multi-gaming community of LG. This rank allows you certain rights and has certain requirements to remain as active within the close-knit community that has been around for 7+ years. To apply to Legend-Gaming via the Vokundein Guild follow the application process outlined in the “Join” tab on this site or click on the “Apply Now” button on our forums or home page.

Joining Vokundein only as a Vokunarre Member:
  1. Your main character must align into the guild’s faction, The Ebonheart Pact. You must be at least level 10 or higher level.
  2. You must be prepared to use Discord.
  3. You must be 17 years of age or older. This is due to the maturity of the community and the maturity rating of the game.
  4. Log into the game at least once every 14 days and be an active member of the guild and contribute to guild events, raids, and so forth.

Joining Vokundein as a Vokunarre is very simple. Contact our Recruitment officer, @Wrathmane, or our Guild Leader, @blakeabutler, in game who will refer you to our Discord for a short informal interview. If approved we will invite you in the game and provide you with access to the legend gaming Discord server. You are also welcome to visit our forums here; however, unlike Legend Gaming Members forum participation is not mandatory.

Joining Vokundein and Legend Gaming:
  1. Your main character must align into the guild’s faction, The Ebonheart Pact. You must be at least level 10 or higher level.
  2. You must be prepared to use Discord and be logged into the Legend Gaming Discord server whenever you are logged into the game.
  3. You must be 17 years of age or older. This is due to the maturity of the community and the maturity rating of the game.
  4. Understand you are joining a community, not a guild. So if you're not looking for a tight knit community concept, we're not the right fit for you.
  5. Be an active member of the guild and contribute to guild events, raids, and so forth. Minimum in-game activity of logging in once every 14 days. Although this is our minimum we expect you to want to participate within the guild since you are looking to join us for the sense of community.

Visit our website's join us page and follow the directions at the bottom, or simply click the Become a Legend link below. We use a forum based application system for joining Legend-Gaming. We elected to use this system because we believe an applicant who puts time and effort into the application process is someone whom will put time and effort into the community. Web based applications are too easily accessed and too easily completed. This application cuts out a lot of the "drive by" joiners.

Edited by Blakeabutler_Blasius on January 26, 2017 8:44AM
Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
Blakeabutler, Guild Leader of Vokundein/Elder of Legend Gaming
Blasius de Buitleir, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, Former Emperor - Sorcerer
  • Arkraptor
    Whooo! New recruitment thread!!

    Been in the guild for the better part of the past two months! Small guild but super fun people. Just finished AA HM today and then learned tanking vICP. (:
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Arkraptor - Outrider of Vokundein
    Mu'jaka - Vera Telvanni - Lauren Felle - Arkart Fah'rin
  • Wrathmane
    Cool! Looking forward to meeting some new people!
    Sha'ria Wrathmane - Belora Wrathmane - Leora Wrathmane
    Former Head of Recruitment for Vokundein
  • yakuruto
    Don't be shy, come kill stuff with us :smiley:
  • Kaeriz
    I've been wanting to join you guys since I started getting into ESO. Not saying too much since I'm about a month old, but I do my research. If you don't mind someone who's still learning the ropes, I'll look forward to chatting with you guys. @Kaeriz
  • Arkraptor
    Kaeriz wrote: »
    I've been wanting to join you guys since I started getting into ESO. Not saying too much since I'm about a month old, but I do my research. If you don't mind someone who's still learning the ropes, I'll look forward to chatting with you guys. @Kaeriz

    Sure we don't mind! (:

    Come find one of us if you have questions about the game or the guild. We recently had a fairly new player (a month into the game) joined us. It's a lot of fun to see him grow and get better and better at the game.

    Our contact info is in the 'Join Us' page on our website. Let one of us know if you want to chat!
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Arkraptor - Outrider of Vokundein
    Mu'jaka - Vera Telvanni - Lauren Felle - Arkart Fah'rin
  • Blakeabutler_Blasius
    Vokundein ran a IC Sewers farm this morning with some pretty awesome fights against DC in their sewers. The AP and stones we collected from them were juicy :D

    @Kaeriz contact me anytime in-game if you have any questions or want to set up an interview.
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Blakeabutler, Guild Leader of Vokundein/Elder of Legend Gaming
    Blasius de Buitleir, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, Former Emperor - Sorcerer
  • Arkraptor
    Vokundein ran a IC Sewers farm this morning with some pretty awesome fights against DC in their sewers. The AP and stones we collected from them were juicy :D

    Ugh... I missed Sewers run again!? ): ):

    p.s. And welcome to the guild @Kaeriz !

    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Arkraptor - Outrider of Vokundein
    Mu'jaka - Vera Telvanni - Lauren Felle - Arkart Fah'rin
  • yakuruto
    Arkraptor wrote: »

    Ugh... I missed Sewers run again!? ): ):

    p.s. And welcome to the guild @Kaeriz !

    Yup, sorry about that, bro.

    As Blake said, there were some rad fights and a specially mean ambush where the poor DC guys didn't even know what hit them until they read their death recaps. Definitely a very good run, come join us next time :)
  • Wrathmane
    Welcome to the guild @Kaeriz! And Happy Holidays All
    Sha'ria Wrathmane - Belora Wrathmane - Leora Wrathmane
    Former Head of Recruitment for Vokundein
  • Wrathmane
    We are still recruiting.... and are looking for some quality players. Come on by and check us out!
    Sha'ria Wrathmane - Belora Wrathmane - Leora Wrathmane
    Former Head of Recruitment for Vokundein
  • yakuruto
    Quality doesn't necessarily mean experienced. Even if you are new to the game but want to get better and want a nice guild to call home, come check us out.
  • Arkraptor
    yakuruto wrote: »
    Quality doesn't necessarily mean experienced. Even if you are new to the game but want to get better and want a nice guild to call home, come check us out.

    Haha, probably the best way to look at it is how our guild leader phrase it to me before: we're looking for players with potential and drive -- whether it is to be good in PvP, or PvE, or in building community with others in the guild and broader LG community.
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Arkraptor - Outrider of Vokundein
    Mu'jaka - Vera Telvanni - Lauren Felle - Arkart Fah'rin
  • Wrathmane
    Arkraptor wrote: »

    Haha, probably the best way to look at it is how our guild leader phrase it to me before: we're looking for players with potential and drive -- whether it is to be good in PvP, or PvE, or in building community with others in the guild and broader LG community.

    This is very true, lots of experienced players who have been playing the game since beta and release in the guild. They are always willing to help out fellow guildies with answers to questions or help on quests. Come check us out.
    Sha'ria Wrathmane - Belora Wrathmane - Leora Wrathmane
    Former Head of Recruitment for Vokundein
  • Arkraptor
    Phew, just finished AA Hard Mode twice yesterday, a practice and a speed run (I believe it was in 115k score range? Did you remember Wrath?). And an SO complete with 2 new folks (who both ended up joining the guild! Welcome!). That was an absolute blast! Can't wait for the new trial...
    Edited by Arkraptor on January 12, 2016 6:14PM
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Arkraptor - Outrider of Vokundein
    Mu'jaka - Vera Telvanni - Lauren Felle - Arkart Fah'rin
  • Wrathmane
    Arkraptor wrote: »
    Phew, just finished AA Hard Mode twice yesterday, a practice and a speed run (I believe it was in 115k score range? Did you remember Wrath?). And an SO complete with 2 new folks (who both ended up joining the guild! Welcome!). That was an absolute blast! Can't wait for the new trial...

    Yup.....115k score is about right...... Working on SO hard mode completion...... and this weeks PVP event was epic.... some huge fights, and great captures..... great leading Kithcannon!
    Sha'ria Wrathmane - Belora Wrathmane - Leora Wrathmane
    Former Head of Recruitment for Vokundein
  • Talcyndl
    Wrathmane wrote: »
    This is very true, lots of experienced players who have been playing the game since beta and release in the guild. They are always willing to help out fellow guildies with answers to questions or help on quests. Come check us out.

    This has consistently been the most impressive thing about Vokundein. All of our members are willing (eager) to help out new or less experienced players. It's always fun to be in a PvP group where the leaders are happy to discuss ways to get better.
    Tal'gro Bol
    PvP Vice Officer [Retired] and Huscarl of Vokundein
  • Arkraptor
    What Talcyndl just said. In fact, we just ran a healer and a dps (the dps was a VR10) thru vWGT first time yesterday and today. And we ran another dps first-time thru both vWGT and vICP a few nights ago. Lots of fun and good learning experience for everyone, even the experienced folks in the group. Come join us! You know you want to!

    And we have cookies? Maybe? (Do we?)
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Arkraptor - Outrider of Vokundein
    Mu'jaka - Vera Telvanni - Lauren Felle - Arkart Fah'rin
  • Wrathmane
    Arkraptor wrote: »
    And we have cookies? Maybe? (Do we?)

    I'm not sure..... I can make some.... might be a little stale by the time I get them to you......:P
    Sha'ria Wrathmane - Belora Wrathmane - Leora Wrathmane
    Former Head of Recruitment for Vokundein
  • Wrathmane
    We Had a fantastic PVP run last night on Azura's star....... pretty much two 12 man groups working independentl, but yet coordinating with each other to achieve our goals. I hit a new personal all time high kill streak.... yay me!!!!!
    Sha'ria Wrathmane - Belora Wrathmane - Leora Wrathmane
    Former Head of Recruitment for Vokundein
  • Pchela
    If you are looking for a friendly and organized pvp guild with seasoned players, I do recommend this one.
  • Wrathmane
    Pchela wrote: »
    If you are looking for a friendly and organized pvp guild with seasoned players, I do recommend this one.

    Why....... thank you..... we are still recruiting, but starting to fill up.... Trial night tonight, getting ready for the new TG trial!
    Sha'ria Wrathmane - Belora Wrathmane - Leora Wrathmane
    Former Head of Recruitment for Vokundein
  • Arkraptor
    Pchela wrote: »
    If you are looking for a friendly and organized pvp guild with seasoned players, I do recommend this one.

    Thanks for the kind words!! Our PvP folks really appreciate it.

    And we are still looking out for people for both our PvP and PvE departments.
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Arkraptor - Outrider of Vokundein
    Mu'jaka - Vera Telvanni - Lauren Felle - Arkart Fah'rin
  • Wrathmane
    We have a PTS progression group organized to hit the ground running with the new Thieves' Guild, Maw of Lorkhaj Trial. Nothing like breaking trail on brand new content.
    Sha'ria Wrathmane - Belora Wrathmane - Leora Wrathmane
    Former Head of Recruitment for Vokundein
  • Blakeabutler_Blasius
    Wrathmane wrote: »
    We have a PTS progression group organized to hit the ground running with the new Thieves' Guild, Maw of Lorkhaj Trial. Nothing like breaking trail on brand new content.

    Some one has to write those guides. The more people in the PTS the more bugs we can help report before it goes live as well.
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Blakeabutler, Guild Leader of Vokundein/Elder of Legend Gaming
    Blasius de Buitleir, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, Former Emperor - Sorcerer
  • Arkraptor
    Oh man oh man... PTS coming real soon now! Can't wait to read those patch notes and try our hands on MoL.
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Arkraptor - Outrider of Vokundein
    Mu'jaka - Vera Telvanni - Lauren Felle - Arkart Fah'rin
  • Shaggygaming
    I can't wait for the new trials on the PTS. It is going to be a blast getting a head start on these encounters before they go live. There are many top tier players in this guild so if you need help improving or are interested in the IC dungeons but have had bad experiences in pick up groups there are lots of members who will help.
  • Wrathmane
    PTS downloaded and good to go...... When does the new content drop on the PTS.... tonight? I'm good to go.
    Sha'ria Wrathmane - Belora Wrathmane - Leora Wrathmane
    Former Head of Recruitment for Vokundein
  • Mujuro
    I'm very much looking forward to running with the crew when PTS hits. We're scheduled to try out the new trial on Friday! :)
  • Arkraptor
    Wrathmane wrote: »
    PTS downloaded and good to go...... When does the new content drop on the PTS.... tonight? I'm good to go.

    I believe it will be Wednesday at the earliest (according to ESO Live). So, not tonight, unfortunately. But yea, Friday couldn't come sooner...

    EDIT: PTS drops tomorrow!! (2/3/16)
    Edited by Arkraptor on February 2, 2016 11:31PM
    Legend Gaming Website | Join Us
    Arkraptor - Outrider of Vokundein
    Mu'jaka - Vera Telvanni - Lauren Felle - Arkart Fah'rin
  • yakuruto
    Congratulations to our guildies who got their first SO clear and those who got their SO HM achievement last night. Keep up the good work!
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