Hopefully with the changes next patch the need for a specific small scale server is lessened.
Time will tell, I'm waiting patiently to see what happens.
Last night though, EP went hard at BRK with a lowbie roleplay zerg. These guys came out of nowhere, I've never seen any of them before.
There was a group with an average level of 30, RP fighting AD and they just swarmed the keep. They were talking in yell and zone chat as if they were in a legitimate battle, they were hitting 3 different walls and doors. But the numbers by god, they had so many battle leveled bodies. The sheer panic on the face of AD, was kind of ironic and funny to see. Reminded me of the old Angry Joe PvP video.
Honestly, this thread was made before the announcement about Azura's Star becoming a non-cp campaign. I think at this time, with what we know, it would be pretty unrealistic to expect the only other CP used 30 day to be considered a haven for small man pvp. I think what we'll likely see is gravitation toward Trueflame for larger groups and hopefully Haderus becoming the small man campaign it once was.
forzajuve212 wrote: »
Sorry to kill your hopes Jules but Haderus has gotten even worse than when many of the small man teams left a few weeks ago and it honestly may be worse than Azuras. I can't seen it coming back from this state, too many groups on DC (mega zerg, I might add) and AD call it home now (haven't seen many EP groups there consistently). ZOS effectively removed Azuras as a competitive server so now everyone is either left with two choices: TF or Haderus for the next patch
Hopefully with the changes next patch the need for a specific small scale server is lessened.
Was TM there before or after this thread? Otherwise this ends up being that Haderus 2.0 again where people try to bully DIG and others off a server which they called home far longer than anyone who's trying to force it to become small scale...
TM has no competition on TF, just pugs running around helplessly and small groups which avoid them. TM has no reason to be there other than to avoid challenging fights.
It's a moot point with the Thieves' Guild changes coming, though. I'm looking forward into playing in Azura's next patch.
TM has no competition on TF, just pugs running around helplessly and small groups which avoid them. TM has no reason to be there other than to avoid challenging fights.
It's a moot point with the Thieves' Guild changes coming, though. I'm looking forward into playing in Azura's next patch.
No one that mattered on Haderus wanted to bully DiG, some anger was passed. Some people voiced frustrations due to zerging and how the game was changing in favor of it, DiG may have rightfully been the target. But thanks to that old Haderus thread and the efforts made by both EP and DiG, I've come to befriend and respect many DiG members and I think we all walked away from it better. Everyone deserves the right to play the way they want.
DiGs numbers got a little silly sometimes, 2-3 raids. But there were two healthy (relatively) EP guilds on the server to respond, CKA would fight on one side of the map while GoS went to the other side and we would work together sometimes to fight back DiG and others depending on their numbers.
That's the difference between DiG and TM, there is no competition for the way they play, TM often stacks Emp + 3 or 4 healers (Raven, Akar, Delphina, Marek) + kags and plenty of healing spring against total noobs with no organization or small groups 2-4.
I've talked about our numbers in this thread previously Maoh but it seems they've decided we are the de facto TF bogeyman.That said, I think to the topic of the OP, I think everyone could get on board with running 6 man max groups during non-prime but complaining about TM running half a raid during prime time without even consulting with them on the topic is silly and non-productive.
Alright dude enough.
First part, regarding DIG on haderus, they only run multi-raids on Fridays, most of the time they don't even have a full raid or they have one group on haderus and one group on azuras. However, other groups on DC will point to DIG and run multiple raids EVERY day of the week on haderus.
Second part, TM usually has 10-12 players in group. If we're lucky, 3 of those will be healers at the same time. 1:3 or 1:4 ratio for healers is ideal if you want to run an effective group.
There is plenty of competition for 10-12 TM players at TF, during prime time, there is usually a pug AD group that will stand in breaches under oil and would be slaughtered without TM.
Yes from a head to head standpoint, bringing 6 nightblades like you normally do to fight a balanced group with all 4 classes in it, you will end up scattering around and stealth rezzing each other for several minutes until we finally get a clean wipe on you.
However, you forgetting you are not the only group on the server. There a lot of groups that come over and guest while they wait for other campaigns to pop and we are often fighting outnumbered - albeit they are usually a hodgepodge of smaller groups working together, but it easily becomes 10-12 vs 30+ multiple times a night when these groups condense on one location. You will often see a lot of AD, TM + pugs when we have a good group on but as once a guest group comes over and pushes hard, those AD will disappear almost immediately. I know because I talk to these guesting groups and they will often leave when they find there is basically no AP to be had and it's mostly PVdooring or fighting against a much smaller group than they bring - again this results in a low AP/hr. Respect for k-hole for acknowledging this and leaving when they see it's way out of balance and coming back when the combat pops are more even. Looking at the populations in the list isn't valid as it includes the sewer pops too.
That said, TM only really runs prime time from 8pm to 12am EST with a OMGHEALBLOB group of 12-15 (on a good night). Other than if we are on it's within small groups. That means there are non-prime time hours are a great time to play there in small group but to say you must play only with groups under 6 during prime time on one of only 4 available vet campaigns is a bit unfair.
We did try to play on haderus a few weeks back and it was a great week before the DC blob made it not so fun there. Haderus is close to if not as bad as azuras lag. At the same token, CKA could easily bring their 4-6 man to azuras and do the gank single target Xv1 one target at a time thing there. So, Azuras and Haderus are terrible lag. That means it's Axe or TF if you want a more responsive game. Both of which were "AD buff servers" until recently when EP liberated Axe.
So, you stated earlier that "Everyone deserves the right to play the way they want" yet at the same time you make TM out to be boogeyman that terrorize a poor server with 30+ healing blob ball-man group. You know that is ridiculous and at many times CKA and TM almost have the same amount in their groups. If the game didn't have terrible lag, don't you think we would go to azuras so we could get a higher AP/hr? It's just so unbearable there and we leave almost immediately after how unresponsive and how little fun it is. If the game isn't fun, it's not worth playing.
That said, I think to the topic of the OP, I think everyone could get on board with running 6 man max groups during non-prime but complaining about TM running half a raid during prime time without even consulting with them on the topic is silly and non-productive.
CKA could easily bring their 4-6 man to azuras and do the gank single target Xv1 one target at a time thing there
You know that is ridiculous and at many times CKA and TM almost have the same amount in their groups
Don't skim through my message to read what you want to see, then throw a redundant wall of text at me. Everyone deserves the right to play how they want, but sitting on an AD dominated server with 14 people, 4 healers and Emperor to burn out noobs who barely PvP is pretty lame. I don't think anyone would care about TM, if you simply split your emp groups up. You guys are bringing shotguns to a water balloon fight out there and calling it competition.
But you're too busy chasing 1's and 2's with a large group, whatever floats your boat Duraeon. If your definition of competition is the RP PvE group from last night at BRK from post # 125, I don't even know what to say.
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »
Don't skim through my message to read what you want to see, then throw a redundant wall of text at me. Everyone deserves the right to play how they want, but sitting on an AD dominated server with 14 people, 4 healers and Emperor to burn out noobs who barely PvP is pretty lame. I don't think anyone would care about TM, if you simply split your emp groups up. You guys are bringing shotguns to a water balloon fight out there and calling it competition.
But you're too busy chasing 1's and 2's with a large group, whatever floats your boat Duraeon. If your definition of competition is the RP PvE group from last night at BRK from post # 125, I don't even know what to say.
You live so deep in the Xv1 crowd you're practically on life support without a group helping you. The irony of this statement is too much.
PenguinInACan wrote: »
Would you prefer we take 15 people to azuras, make the queues larger, add to the already dismal server performance and let the local AD get run over so the map can get flipped blue on off hours? And then sooner than later you will be calling out some DC guild for the same stuff you are accusing us of. We play on TF for the same general reasons you do. Less lag, better fights when you can find even ones, and again, actually good server performance.
And there are a small few people in TM if any that could take on the 4-6 man nb squad that roams ep by themselves, so please don't start turning this thread into something that's going to get closed.
Eventually the server will turn into a lag fest and someone will accuse us of killing a different server. Such is the cycle of the perpetual hate for TM.
Also I don't recall anyone saying there is active and consistent competition on tf. That's the point of this thread. To get a few more opposing Pvp guilds in there.
-PenguinInACanAlso I don't recall anyone saying there is active and consistent competition on tf. That's the point of this thread. To get a few more opposing Pvp guilds in there.
-MagusThere is plenty of competition for 10-12 TM players at TF, during prime time
Partially from the mouths of your own people. The truth is that yes there is no competition for your group with the way that you currently run. TM needs a competent mid sized group from EP or DC to contest keeps with, and none will come, we've tried.
You're getting a critical response from both DC and EP, I'm just the more vocal about it right now since I play there more. But I don't think anyone is hating collective TM, don't confuse frustration for hatred.
A lot of our group is built for group play but we could look at separating into smaller groups, that's just something we have never done in 1+ years of playing together. We will split to push different objectives but still within one physical group and one TS. If we get the right group composition, we could experiment with it but we many of us have been playing together for a long time and have group builds that would need some adjustment.
What I said doesn't really contradict Marek. It's not consistent. The population on the server is very fragile and swings around quite a bit. EP has been the weaker side lately. Last week, a blade spirit got emp for a day or so. Right now, DC has emp. Also, a good EP guild comes over 12+ with the pug population and your group causing havoc on backlines, then it swings EP. When K-hole comes over and they have usual DC natives to surf, the map swings DC. If another AD guild came over, then the map would really swing AD fast. What the usual trend is though that the guesting groups find there isn't enough opposition or AP to be gained so they leave. Soon as AD gets pushed, the population evaporates.
A lot of our group is built for group play but we could look at separating into smaller groups, that's just something we have never done in 1+ years of playing together. We will split to push different objectives but still within one physical group and one TS. If we get the right group composition, we could experiment with it but we many of us have been playing together for a long time and have group builds that would need some adjustment.
When I mention Xv1 I'm not talking about an AoE train of pain or ball group. Xv1 to me is former 1vX'ers that can no longer effectively solo so they group together in groups of up to 6 people and call out targets and single target DPS them down. There are many of these groups out there and they are a part of the ecosystem, just there isn't much population to gank on TF. The one day I sent you salty messages months ago on haderus, I was solo on a magicka templar getting ganked by 3+ nightblades. Nobody likes to get outnumbered, everyone is frustrated.
On a positive note, DC has also shown great strides in improving, they had an influx of population from Azuras and they have been training the locals to an extent. They are still a bit timid but I see improvement. If EP could bring in more pop then it would balance things even more but if an elite ball group comes in, things are going to flip.
I didn't fight EP much yesterday I just heard on TS that there was a full raid taking BRK while I was elsewhere. Our group was separated for most of last night. I was there for the Sejanus fight shortly before logging for the night. There were about 5 AD defending it and from your own screenshot, you have 8 in group plus that other group of 14, so it was like 22 vs 5. Good fight but going to get overwhelmed.
And yes you will rarely see me solo since I almost exclusively play during prime time, which is when groups run. Solo stamina DK vs 6 nightblades would get eaten alive anyway. You reverb bash and then comes the soul harvests and surprise attacks lol
A lot of our group is built for group play but we could look at separating into smaller groups, that's just something we have never done in 1+ years of playing together. We will split to push different objectives but still within one physical group and one TS. If we get the right group composition, we could experiment with it but we many of us have been playing together for a long time and have group builds that would need some adjustment.
On a positive note, DC has also shown great strides in improving, they had an influx of population from Azuras and they have been training the locals to an extent. They are still a bit timid but I see improvement. If EP could bring in more pop then it would balance things even more but if an elite ball group comes in, things are going to flip.
And yes you will rarely see me solo since I almost exclusively play during prime time, which is when groups run. Solo stamina DK vs 6 nightblades would get eaten alive anyway. You reverb bash and then comes the soul harvests and surprise attacks lol
You're typing a lot at me. I'm going to do my best to break down some of this stuff in a way that makes sense.
I'm coming at TM here, but not from a seat of hatred. I've had interactions with TM members plenty of times in the past without issue, but lately between the way the game currently functions and some of the behavior TM portrays towards smaller groups has me over the top.
Open minded stuff like this sounds good, I know for a fact that there isn't an EP group willing to come to TF to fight you guys. There aren't any EP guilds actually, the only might be GOS remnants or Invictus. However they know what I've been preaching, they know that the local EP pug group (that actually quit TF recently) will find them and follow them at every objective. At that point it's no longer a comparable EP v AD mid sized group, out of respect the only remaining EP mid sized groups will stay away from TF.
The CKA makeup is very different from a mid sized group, even with a max of 8 and maybe one healer depending on the moon cycle. We're not the kind of group that's going to take the map, we sure as hell cannot magically make the local EP survive. It doesn't really matter if we stack with the other EP, because they're like butter and more of a liability. We're also not a gank group either, we look for mid sized fights where we can split up numbers between objectives and targets. I'm sure you've seen the FENGRUSH video where his 4 man group was beating on a healer, when you're running 3-4 healers people don't die the way they should. It's sometimes common to see CKA converge on a single target simply to get the burst required to kill healers. But often times if we kill a few TM members, you have them up instantly with kags so it's a useless battle. The kinds of large groups we go out to target won't have the ability to sustain their HP as well as TM, this is why we avoid other mid or large groups like K-Hole or VE.
CKA core is waiting for a 4v4 or so battleground environment, hopefully ZOS delivers this year.
DC has an amalgamation of pug groups atm on TF, which is nice. They own the map atm, but Mountain Hound doesn't seem interested in pushing home keeps which is also nice. EP has noticed that AD stopped pushing home keeps as well, which is appreciated. EP presence is very low at the moment, as I mentioned above a lot of the local EP groups left out of frustration.
Here's the deal, you don't know me or CKA so I'll forgive your assumptions here. You aren't in group or TS to hear me say things like "Let's not stack with these EP" or "Don't gang up on him, let him 1v1 someone" if we encounter people in the wild alone. Micah once pushed a resource we held not knowing we were all on a rock watching him, instead of ganging up on him we just sent one person. Don't make us out to be some heartless ganker group that enjoys slaughtering 1s or 2s with a 4 man group. We try to have some honor with what we do out there.
I don't use reverb CC in a duel, I just use the heal debuff. I will cast it after an invasion or something, if by chance the CC applies I typically hang back and wait for it to end. I'm impatiently waiting for ZOS to fix this skill, so that I can finally and fairly use a stamina based CC that isn't invasion, and I've been plenty vocal on the forums about this skill being bugged. I rarely even duel with my stamina character anymore, because it never feels fair.
Open world however I care less about hiding the CC bug. On stat food it's easier for me to maintain a stamina CC rather than something like fear. It's unfair that I have to wait so long (since 1.5) to use a CC that's easier on my resources, because ZOS is so unbearably slow to fix bugs. This goes both ways, people try to shame people for having to use a skill that works better for their build, simply because ZOS takes years to fix a simple bug.
Mountain Hound is currently flying under his own flag with affiliation with Jabberwocky and Egypt. You will see nothing but quality fights from him with respect to the enemy faction's home keeps.
There are classy players on all the factions on TF. But for every honor-player there's 3 soul-less puggles salivating for AP; we just have to keep educating and respecting the poetry of the fight.
Small man Mountain Hound seems like cool people so far, CKA isn't really interested in taking or holding keeps, it just gets us fights. We really just want quality and somewhat scattered battle, and DC has been providing with determination.
With or without Emp, Hound isn't afraid to get his hands dirty solo, which is a nice change of pace.