RDMyers65b14_ESO wrote: »I wish you luck in using Trueflame. I don't think that the AD that are present will allow it. When some of us tried to PVP there, the AD was running 30+.
God_flakes wrote: »"Advocate for a server where small group can exist..."
This already exists, though. Rin and Minno and I (and we now have an amazing new healer) have been doing it for months. We see lots of other people doing it, too. It exists. We routinely take on 4x our numbers. We horse simulate from resource to resource. When we see keeps being burst we gallop to the resources and cap them all. We attack backs of siege lines and we scout and make alerts in zone. It's not sexy or appreciated work and we rarely get a thank you from the larger groups or guilds. But it DOES exist. I don't hold resentment towards this-I only wish the larger guilds would communicate with the smaller groups to make us even more effective and useful. Unfortunately, on DC side hurt buttocks and old quarrels often prevent many from working together for the common good. But the larger guilds are very, very important. The soldiers who fill those ranks are critical to moving the map-can't be done without those bodies who are willing to die and rez and die and ride again and again. I wasn't demonizing-just got a little defensive and protective of those people and their essential role in pvp. Peace
P.s. We have tried TF many, many times and the main hitch there is the 100,000,000 Ad there in large groups and the ad who nightcap. You get steamrolled if you're not careful and there is no DC large group to steamroll them back. And when you go back to the map the next day and see it all yellow it's demoralizing.
You're right, it does exist. It just exists too sparingly imo. On EST Azuras stays locked and 999+ and Haderus is generally pretty high pops too and with ping jumping between 400-999+ as well. This leaves both campaigns entirely unplayable, and TF mostly inactive in comparison. Though the yellow horde may be problematic, I think as a community it would be relatively easy to commandeer this and make it a healthy, flourishing server with tolerable ping and small scale PVP. Effort need only be exerted.
You're right, it does exist. It just exists too sparingly imo. On EST Azuras stays locked and 999+ and Haderus is generally pretty high pops too and with ping jumping between 400-999+ as well. This leaves both campaigns entirely unplayable, and TF mostly inactive in comparison. Though the yellow horde may be problematic, I think as a community it would be relatively easy to commandeer this and make it a healthy, flourishing server with tolerable ping and small scale PVP. Effort need only be exerted.
God_flakes wrote: »
Minno, Rin and myself have been texting about this today and we are moving to TF. Also Egypt and JW might be onboard.
You're right, it does exist. It just exists too sparingly imo. On EST Azuras stays locked and 999+ and Haderus is generally pretty high pops too and with ping jumping between 400-999+ as well. This leaves both campaigns entirely unplayable, and TF mostly inactive in comparison. Though the yellow horde may be problematic, I think as a community it would be relatively easy to commandeer this and make it a healthy, flourishing server with tolerable ping and small scale PVP. Effort need only be exerted.
Ghost-Shot wrote: »
If its really a horde large enough to warrant the presence of a raid let me know, we can see about chasing them off. I think Steve even volunteered to run the zerg off of Haderus as well but we never heard anything about it.
I recall that offer. At the time I believe it was manageable. EP and AD had an equal sized group that you could engage the sides of and didn't fully steam roll the map (hence why you didn't hear back).
But I remember it started snow balling after that.
We appreciate the offer!
EP had good numbers last 2 days, our group crowned Blade spirit emp and run with 6-9 in group the whole time, we left DC and AD their tri-keep and had some pretty good fight overall, yellow had a lot of peeps, including a prox det zergball with tons of healers, but they seemed more focus on tower farming than steamrolling everyone, it was alright. We left for maintenance and woke up this afternoon with an entire blue map and all scroll gone... We'll be back, L'ordre du dragon as homed TF for this cycle, Haderus has turned into such a mess, we'll give it a shot, looking forward to some gf
TM runs with 20 at the very best of times, and 16 or less the vast majority of times. Sometimes though we get a number of others following us around and it might seem like a zerg, we tend to attract attention like that.I never see groups of 30+ AD on TF, but then again I never run with the zerg.
I switched over to trueflame cycle before last and while it can be 'dead' at times, it has been extremely fun. DC and EP are most welcome to come join!
God_flakes wrote: »Last time a few of us DC went into TF (a couple weeks ago) we were zerged down by 20-30 AD for having the "nerve" to try to get Glade back. No lie. There was THREE of us!!!! Took us some time to encourage others in zone to come try to help us. But no lie-at least And entire raid if not raid and a half held up in that keep and turtled in Glade for over an hour. I don't get this. How is this fun for AD players there? What are they saying to themselves in zone and in teamspeak? "Hurry! We need the entire faction at Glade! There are three DC trying to siege the west wall!"
Ridiculous. Smh.
Scamandros wrote: »There needs to be a more underground system of communication. If keen for small scale spike a salami on your mailbox and you should receive a carrier pigeon come morning