Trueflame is a *** show, just Tertiary Meat heal blobbing enemy home keeps like real champions. The local TF EP pug guild runs around without TS and without any build coordination, they have the numbers just no where near the skill required. There was a large number of DC at Chal at one point.
It's either this versus unplayable Haderus / Azura lag though, so whatever.
God_flakes wrote: »I snapped this screen shot of one on our way into the keep to reclaim it. We were all super impressed with the biceps.
Trueflame is a *** show, just Tertiary Meat heal blobbing enemy home keeps like real champions. The local TF EP pug guild runs around without TS and without any build coordination, they have the numbers just no where near the skill required. There was a large number of DC at Chal at one point.
It's either this versus unplayable Haderus / Azura lag though, so whatever.
The reason Haderus failed was because it was lag free and had AP. Tonight on Trueflame, 65k AP in 45 minutes. That's going to attract much larger guilds once people start moving there.
Vortex mentioned you were asking us to come over to Trueflame to help last night. We declined because we had a group of 16 and this thread stated groups of 8 or under only.
Has anyone spoken to a officer in TM? They are reasonable and may take their guild elsewhere. Axe maybe..
Was TM there before or after this thread? Otherwise this ends up being that Haderus 2.0 again where people try to bully DIG and others off a server which they called home far longer than anyone who's trying to force it to become small scale...
Was TM there before or after this thread? Otherwise this ends up being that Haderus 2.0 again where people try to bully DIG and others off a server which they called home far longer than anyone who's trying to force it to become small scale...
TM has been there a long time. Way before this thread at least.
hammayolettuce wrote: »
TM has been on TF for a long time. That's why the server has been dominated by yellow for so long.
Haderus is clearly gone. It is not a small scale server at this time and it does not look promising in the near future.
Let's try this on Trueflame instead:
TF is generally lower pop than Azergas and Haderus, and could flourish from some competitive small scale PVP. All it really needs is for larger groups to be respectful of this, and smaller groups to gravitate toward this server so fights are plentiful. Honestly, something needs to happen because people are more desperate than ever. Please give this some thought!
Was TM there before or after this thread? Otherwise this ends up being that Haderus 2.0 again where people try to bully DIG and others off a server which they called home far longer than anyone who's trying to force it to become small scale...
Now there is nothing left. #Thankshaxus for ruining every server.
The reason AD gets the backlash of roaming EP and DC guilds is because they lockdown 2-3 off-servers and then flood the 1 or 2 competitive ones with huge zergs of 100+
The whole reason Axe was invaded last week was because those AD kept coming to Haderus causing more lag than we already had. You want an AD server? Kill all competition and farm sewers? Stay there. You come to my server, start causing lag, I am taking yours.
The reason AD gets the backlash of roaming EP and DC guilds is because they lockdown 2-3 off-servers and then flood the 1 or 2 competitive ones with huge zergs of 100+
The whole reason Axe was invaded last week was because those AD kept coming to Haderus causing more lag than we already had. You want an AD server? Kill all competition and farm sewers? Stay there. You come to my server, start causing lag, I am taking yours.
Sidenote - Haderus has been my home campaign since it first came out and TKO homed Thornblade/Chillrend. First day Haderus native baby.
Once Update 9 is published, the Azura's Star and Blackwater Blade campaigns will limit the Champion System.
While in these campaigns, you will not be able to spend Champion Points when they are earned until you leave Cyrodiil, and all Champion abilities will be inactive.
Note that Champion Experience can still earned while in these campaigns.
Azura's Star will be the new small scale server next patch?
Small-scale player here.
Not interested in a Champion Point'less campaign. I want balance to the CP system and a limit, not gone completely.
We've been on TF for 2 months plus whatever there is of the current cycle, a week or so. We've visited on Haderus some and a few of our guys rehomed there and got emp, but mainly truflame is where we are.hammayolettuce wrote: »TM has been on TF for a long time. That's why the server has been dominated by yellow for so long.
Vindemiatrix wrote: »You would have been so proud of the DC players in this regard. I saw the player limit being enforced in zone chat last night, even as DC was getting rolled by masses of AD. I would like to say, however, that the small-scale concept is going to leave Trueflame's DC at a permanent disadvantage, and here's why. With rare exception, the DC groups are pug groups. These are players who are on TF because they haven't played long enough to know better. Many are new to the game and most are new to pvp. They are so outskilled by the AD players that the only way to compete with any modicum of success is through large numbers. And because there is no consistency in grouping, because of the steady influx and outflux of players (if they do not acquire a sense of learned helplessness and retreat to the sewers, they leave for other servers, or quit pvp altogether), there is no way to effectively organize them. It is impossible to convince any of them to stay and fight when faced the likes of Vujk's group, whose top ranks are practically invincible in the eyes of a small pug group, is defending every keep on the map with ferocity for days at a time. I hope that group is liberally bragging somewhere about their superior skills in being able to defend the map against one group of 10-15 newbie pugs at any given time. That being said, when we do occasionally have an organized, experienced group of players visit us for a short time, our short-lived success is punished swiftly and harshly. These points may all become moot after the proposed server changes go through and the populations shift, but while you all toy with this server from on high, please remember that there is a significant, fragile population of future pvp'ers here with a lot of potential, but at this time they have very little hope or optimism.