Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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2K for Nord Hero Armor?

  • Azzuria
    It's iconic. It's limited time. It's expensive. It's not game breaking. It's totally a vanity thing and will probably be available again at some point in the future.

    Since ZOS gave up on the subscription they have to make money some how. Offering stupid-expensive stuff on the Crown Store that no one -needs- is one way to do it. I mean, honestly, who really needs to ride a cat?
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • TheValkyn
    ADarklore wrote: »
    TheValkyn wrote: »
    "It's a horrid game that only children with no real world experience in value play."

    Oddly enough I believe it was the most popular f2p MMO on the PSN at one point. That was last year I believe. Actually, quite a few of the PS players play both ESO and DCUO. Both have great combat when compared to other MMO titles.

    I don't believe that 13 year olds with zero income and/or no credit card are their primary target. He could have also been really bad at the game and rage quit. It's skill ceiling is in fact fairly steep. There are a lot of possibilities. Also as a reminder, it is completely possible to have a discussion without being salty. Try it out! :smile:

    I think the problem is, he saw that DCUO is not available for XBOX and is throwing attitude about it. In fact, many people continuously petition Daybreak to make it available for XBOX. The fact is, it is a decent game especially if you're a major DC Comics fan- and the game always seems to get a bump when a new DC movie comes out- so they'll probably see another player surge when Batman v. Superman debuts. However, I left the game because the developers are jerks with major egos and rarely pay attention to what the players want and instead give players what THEY (the devs) want to give them. In reality, I think the game has gone on far too long and with Daybreak not exactly having a lot of success since SOE dissolved, I'm not sure how bright the future is for DCUO. Sad, because it has a LOT of potential, but the devs are just mired in their arrogance to do the right things with the game IMO.

    @ADarklore It's coming to Xbox one this spring. Also, Jens Andersen is no longer the creative director for DCUO so the ego trip has been diminished but I totally agree with you on that one.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Azzuria wrote: »
    It's iconic. It's limited time. It's expensive. It's not game breaking. It's totally a vanity thing and will probably be available again at some point in the future.

    Since ZOS gave up on the subscription they have to make money some how. Offering stupid-expensive stuff on the Crown Store that no one -needs- is one way to do it. I mean, honestly, who really needs to ride a cat?

    They didnt give up the subscription. Theyve supplemented it. In fact quite a lot of people still purchase the sub for the perks. ESO Plus was like the number four addon for PS4 in 2015.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • NoMoreChillies
    Makkir wrote: »


    Just a quick shout out to how awesome your armor looks. One of the best I have seen. I have trouble making light armor sets look any good.

    thx mang
    Insulting people on the internet is cowardly.
  • shauny.gibbsb16_ESO
    As to the annoyance of clipping a friend who's a 3d modeller or something once told me that the maths required to counter this is crazy and in a mmo it would break it, clipping has always annoyed me, especially with cloaks.

    I think this set looks pretty good, not a chance I'd justify the money on it, but it does mean it'll be more rare for those who do purchase it.
  • Lysette
    Abeille wrote: »
    Cazzy wrote: »
    It's also not flattering on a female. My female, anyway :tongue:

    I have 8 female characters of different body types. It doesn't look good on any of them :/

    And why does it look bad on any of them - because costumes do not really match the shape of your characters, just their height. For example that Salwar desert outfit gave all my female characters a male hip shape - ZOS is just messing with our character's body shapes and do not adapt the costumes to it, but rather change the shape of the character's body instead.

    Or did you try out short female characters?- the character selection screen is always stretching them and their proportions are destroyed - this is lazy software design and the same goes with costumes, they are lazily designed and too expensive for the actual quality in which they are provided in game. I refuse to buy costumes in future which are that lazily designed, just if we refuse to buy this crap, we might eventually get quality work offered in future. If we keep buying bad costumes, nothing will change to the better - the Salwar outfit is giving me real pain in an emotional sense, due to that they made my female character's hips boyish. Everytime I have to look at it, it reminds me of having wasted money on this crap.

  • WalkingLegacy
    Lysette wrote: »
    Abeille wrote: »
    Cazzy wrote: »
    It's also not flattering on a female. My female, anyway :tongue:

    I have 8 female characters of different body types. It doesn't look good on any of them :/

    And why does it look bad on any of them - because costumes do not really match the shape of your characters, just their height. For example that Salwar desert outfit gave all my female characters a male hip shape - ZOS is just messing with our character's body shapes and do not adapt the costumes to it, but rather change the shape of the character's body instead.

    Or did you try out short female characters?- the character selection screen is always stretching them and their proportions are destroyed - this is lazy software design and the same goes with costumes, they are lazily designed and too expensive for the actual quality in which they are provided in game. I refuse to buy costumes in future which are that lazily designed, just if we refuse to buy this crap, we might eventually get quality work offered in future. If we keep buying bad costumes, nothing will change to the better - the Salwar outfit is giving me real pain in an emotional sense, due to that they made my female character's hips boyish. Everytime I have to look at it, it reminds me of having wasted money on this crap.

    That's because costumes are designed with generic bodies and people should stop buying them until they make costumes behave like armor.
  • Azzuria
    Azzuria wrote: »
    It's iconic. It's limited time. It's expensive. It's not game breaking. It's totally a vanity thing and will probably be available again at some point in the future.

    Since ZOS gave up on the subscription they have to make money some how. Offering stupid-expensive stuff on the Crown Store that no one -needs- is one way to do it. I mean, honestly, who really needs to ride a cat?

    They didnt give up the subscription. Theyve supplemented it. In fact quite a lot of people still purchase the sub for the perks. ESO Plus was like the number four addon for PS4 in 2015.

    I've been a subscriber since always. Even when they dropped the requirement, I kept my sub because I truly love this game.

    What they reeeeeally need in the costume department is a way to make our own costumes, combining pieces into an overall look we can save for later use.
    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • Strider_Roshin
    I was thinking about getting it for my tank, then I saw the price tag...
  • Iove
    I thought about buying it, but it's too overpriced. That ruins it and makes ZOS look desperate and money grabbing.
  • Tyrion87
    I think ZOS shot themselves in the foot with this price. I have not seen anybody wearing this costume so far in the game so apparently not many people bought it. I pass too.
  • Jura23
    Tyrion87 wrote: »
    I think ZOS shot themselves in the foot with this price. I have not seen anybody wearing this costume so far in the game so apparently not many people bought it. I pass too.

    I've seen 1 or 2, but I played a lot since it came out.
    Georgion - Bosmer/Templar - PC/EU
  • Thaiden
    I wonder, will they improve/rework the costume in the future ? Maybe rework it when they add cloaks/capes to the main game? Because it's supposed to be representing the Nord from the trailers but it misses a lot of things like the chain on the horns of the helmet and the right arm is incorrect as well because the outfit in-game shows skin of both arms while the Nord from the trailers only shows skin from is left arm, with his right arm covered in more scales and some pads. I really hope they make it beter because I was so hyped about this armor and it's a bit of a let down..
    Thaiden Wolfheart - "The White Wolf" - Nord Dragonknight
    Ysmir Wolfheart - "Dragon of the North" - Nord Templar
    Ysgran Wolfheart - "Warden of the North" - Nord Warden

    Victory or Sovngarde !
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