Many thanks for sharing, I followed your instrunctions.OK so earlier today I downloaded and installed the SDK found here: (only selected the windows 10 SDK, not the tools)
Many thanks for sharing, I followed your instrunctions.
If I run a "dxdiag" I still see "Directx version: Directx 12". Is it ok? Do I have both version installed now? Eventually, how could I change the "active" version?
now I play many other DX11 games, all must by extension use the same DX11 emulation that DX12 provides within windows 10, yet none of the games suffer from this sudden degradation in FPS after ~2 hours, many of them use far more RAM than ESO, many of them push the CPU and GPU to higher temperatures, and all of them I can play without any performance degradation for >10 hours, so I cant see it being a DX11 emulation problem within DX12, but more a problem with ESO.
I find this a more worrying issue then the question why the DirectX emulator gives problems. Haven't seen this before myself, not have I heard about it thing I do note, a couple of times the FPS has dropped there has been an ESO popup window saying:
UI Error:
Lua is reaching its memory limit. You should consider disabling some addons and reloading the UI.
which is odd, as I:
1: don't have any addons, just vanilla ESO.
2: it was the 64bit exe and there was over 17GB of RAM available to use.
Many thanks for sharing, I followed your instrunctions.
If I run a "dxdiag" I still see "Directx version: Directx 12". Is it ok? Do I have both version installed now? Eventually, how could I change the "active" version?
If I understand it correctly, DirectX 12 includes all previous DirectX versions. But the "normal" version emulates them, while the developer version includes the real ones. You don't have to do anything else.
OK so earlier today I downloaded and installed the SDK found here: (only selected the windows 10 SDK, not the tools), and so far I've been playing for 3 hours straight, with no sign of slowdown. This includes spending some time in the cities of Daggerfall and Wayrest, which almost always required me to restart the game before.
Cambion2401 wrote: »Cambion2401 wrote: »I think there are two fps issues running through eachother in one thread now. The DirectX related one and the server/engine related one. Perhaps time to take this one for DirectX and get another one for server/engine related fps? Mainly because DirectX has a solution and this thread is getting pretty long...
You know. Like coding. Keep things separated so they are more easy to understand.
New thread for issues after having DirextX installed.
The FPS drops inside cities may be the same as the not directX related thread is about. Certain places indeed give huge drops, I sometimes go from 200 (increased the cap from 100 to 200) to 20. Indeed it's not your hardware or anything. No ones hardware has been running near max. Posted the link to that thread above.I've just started ESO, so I was in the starter areas. Being away from the "town" would stay at 100fps, but after an hour it would be dipping to 60fps in the same places. Inside town, I would start at 65-75fps, but end up at 25fps after an hour. Logging out and logging back in would immediately boost my FPS to the original values.
I've done other work relating to changing in-game video options, using NVidia Inspector to ensure maximum performance and the like (see this thread). My CPU never goes above 40% unless loading a new area and I've forced my GPU to stay at max clock, but the temperature stays at only 5ºC hotter than idle and fan speeds are half what they are when playing DOOM. My point: resource usage is quite low.
I just went checking, that DirectX installment is not the same I have. I'm not sure but mine may be from the developer part of Microsofts website. I guess the .exe should be enough with this. If not, I can link the developer one I've got. It's the original from Microsoft, but unpacked (it had one .exe to unpack then an .exe to install). I don't know the exact difference, but that version worked better for me than the one linked, and did the trick for me. Here it is. I've saved it in OneDrive, just in case I get a new pc. Uploaded it to dropbox (because OneDrive allows anyone to edit files if I make a link). As it may very well be a developer download, I don't know if you even CAN find it, or download it if I got Microsofts link. This way I'm sure you get it. You only need to run the installer with this one (unpacking and stuff has been done already).Have I done something wrong with installing the SDK? I wasn't able to manually install the "" using command line, so I assumed simply running through the installer was enough.
I don't quite understand the second sentence. If it's the FPS drop in certain places, it's probably not a DirectX issue but a different one, see my answer to GoldSabre. If it is the issue where you get lower FPS over time, undepended of the place, and relogging or restarting the games help, you could try the link I just send to GoldSabre.
Have I done something wrong with installing the SDK? I wasn't able to manually install the "" using command line, so I assumed simply running through the installer was enough.
When you say you log out and back in to get the FPS back to normal, do you mean back to character select? Or completely restarting the game? The problem I had required a full restart of the game, simply logging out wouldn't fix it. If it does for you, try /reloadui ? Maybe yours is add-on related.
Just registered here to say this.
I get fps drops and I guess it happens because the game uses your virtual memory which is based on hdd/ssd. In my case I have hdd so I believe it slows down the game. To test it I turned off virtual memory and my game was fine until it crashed with the following error "low memory". It doesn't matter if I use lowest settings still says not enough memory. So I guess we are dealing with a memory leak.
My specs:
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
GTX-660 2gb
4gb ram (I know it's not enough but the game minimum specs say 4gb ram and I should be fine playing with the lowest settings)
50mbps networks
Horowonnoe wrote: »Today I had the privilege to experience how it is to heal vMol with 1-2fps on Rakkhat. It was super scary. I am shocked i didn't die more and somehow could afk heal the group even with game refreshing only every second.
I never had this problem before. And it happened in several runs. Everything was fine and then as i played longer, the frames got slower and slower. And i am on a mac ... rip : |
All I did was run the installer, deselect everything that wasn't the Windows 10 SDK, and after the installation I rebooted my PC.
When you say you log out and back in to get the FPS back to normal, do you mean back to character select? Or completely restarting the game?
All I did was run the installer, deselect everything that wasn't the Windows 10 SDK, and after the installation I rebooted my PC.
I'm not sure what the Windows 10 SDK is supposed to look like... here's an image of what my installer looks like. I assume this is what you're referring to?When you say you log out and back in to get the FPS back to normal, do you mean back to character select? Or completely restarting the game?
I mean going back to the character select screen and then choosing my character again. I don't have any addons, since I just started playing.
I'm not sure what the Windows 10 SDK is supposed to look like... here's an image of what my installer looks like. I assume this is what you're referring to?
No, it looks different. Although it should also work, if you had the same problem... But if going back to character select fixes it, it's not the DirectX problem. I don't know then I'm afraid.
It's definitely an issue in -game. When you have these FPS issues you can just run up to a wall, switch to first person, and look at your FPS. It'll still be at 20. And all your doing is looking at a wall in game, nothing else. Not a single other thing visible.after ~2h the FPS will suddenly drop over the period of ~2mins from 60fps down to ~20fps, and it will stay at 20fps regardless of.
Looks like this issue has been ongoing for 2 years now so i doubt zenimax cares. Either steal a computer from CERN or leave.
Between what appears to be a memory leak and the game's lack of multi-core support performance has gotten progressively worse over time. They redid the character models a while ago (a mostly invisible difference) and framerates went up, but the game's overall performance is still hobbled long term.
I'm not sure what the Windows 10 SDK is supposed to look like... here's an image of what my installer looks like. I assume this is what you're referring to?
No, it looks different. Although it should also work, if you had the same problem... But if going back to character select fixes it, it's not the DirectX problem. I don't know then I'm afraid.
I'm worried that I'm not using the correct download, even though I used the one linked ( Can you provide the link you used which ends up looking different from the picture I provided?
I definitely think they try, and anyone who doesn't think they do is fooling themselves. But I still get aggravated at them (as a company) because these kinds of issues never get a response, but it's something that the entire player base feels. I have to overclock my PC hardcore just to get reasonable framerates in ESO, and I by no means have a bad PC (5930K, GTX 980). I can handle just about game but ESO without breaking a sweat. Factor in the memory leak, the fact the game is still tied to single core performance, and it adds up quite a bit.Cambion2401 wrote: »This kind of things, and the fact the game itself has become a lot better in terms of gameplay and storytelling, makes me think they try. I might be wrong, I don't know them, but I actually feel like Zenimax tries there best, as one of the few big developers.
But I agree, performance sucks right now, and I really hope Zenimax fixes it soon. It does make me rarely get online. Last month all I did was claiming dailies because of this.
Cambion2401 wrote: »Just registered here to say this.
I get fps drops and I guess it happens because the game uses your virtual memory which is based on hdd/ssd. In my case I have hdd so I believe it slows down the game. To test it I turned off virtual memory and my game was fine until it crashed with the following error "low memory". It doesn't matter if I use lowest settings still says not enough memory. So I guess we are dealing with a memory leak.
My specs:
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
GTX-660 2gb
4gb ram (I know it's not enough but the game minimum specs say 4gb ram and I should be fine playing with the lowest settings)
50mbps networks
How long did it take to crash? When starting up or later on? How much different places have been loaded? I'm starting to believe that perhaps the DirectX solution happened to be another problem with the same error occurring. Tho I still recommend installing it manually, I think it may have been accident that his problems seemed equal. Too many people have problems even after installing it.
I have a pretty fast HDD (higher rotation speed), so that may be why I don't have the slowly degrading FPS drops, only the FPS drops in certain area's (they're gone when I leave that area, and get back when I walk back into it). It seems there is something that cannot load properly.Horowonnoe wrote: »Today I had the privilege to experience how it is to heal vMol with 1-2fps on Rakkhat. It was super scary. I am shocked i didn't die more and somehow could afk heal the group even with game refreshing only every second.
I never had this problem before. And it happened in several runs. Everything was fine and then as i played longer, the frames got slower and slower. And i am on a mac ... rip : |
I don't know that much of macs, but it defiantly rules out DirectX as only problem here (as mac only uses OpenGL) if you have problems too. I have no clue what would cause the low FPS sadly. Could you try again on a later day, to exclude server or internet issues as cause?