Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Spy Addon Group Damage

  • DschiPeunt
    maxjapank wrote: »
    Troneon wrote: »
    maxjapank wrote: »
    Troneon wrote: »
    maxjapank wrote: »
    Troneon wrote: »
    Just started using it and love it so far. :) Also iv been putting peoples numbers in group chat to let them know how they are doing and they actually loved it, they kept asking me every boss fight, what did I get? And when they sucked they changed something and did better. Only silly people get offended by this addon.

    Although im a healer so I am fine anyway :dizzy: Jerks will always be jerks regardless of this addon, if used properly and seen for what it actually is A HELP TOOL, then it can be hugely advantageous.

    If players start using it to kick people and not even help them while being an elitist jerk, then they are not worth running groups with and are not using the tool properly....


    Players can already see their own dps and heals with addons. Why do they need to have you put their numbers in group chat, when they have the ability to check it themselves? That sounds silly.

    Because I play with a lot of new players to help them and not all of them use addons or use them but don't use the damage statistic addons. about helping them learn how to use a damage addon so they can learn how to check it for themselves. Addons, in general, can be confusing to use at first. I'm sure your help will be greatly appreciated.

    That's the first thing they usually ask, what's the name of this or that addon....kinda a given....they loved the entire of group percentages and being able to see how they are comparing to others in the group....

    That's my experience with using it at the moment anyway. Seems to be useful to everyone.

    I see. And I understand. FTC allows group members to share information and compare. It's an option. And you and they should have this option with like-minded friends and guildies. But some players may not wish to share their numbers or be judged by others. They should feel free to join dungeons in the Group finder without being harassed by people posting Dps numbers in group chat.

    As others have stated before: it doesn't take this addon to know how much DPS and how well in general someone is doing. And if you group up, it isn't your private matter anymore, how well you play. If you think you can group and do whatever the f you want, you are just as selfish as those elitist who kick people for not doing 25k DPS.
    Server: EU AD || Guilds: EquinoX

    Telleno || Dro-M'Athra Destroyer || Magicka DK || My YouTube-Channel || Profile on ESO-Database

    World 1st vMoL Hardmode
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    World 1st vAA Hardmode (SotH)
    World 1st vSO Hardmode (Dark Brotherhood)
  • Troneon
    So what your saying is because a small number of jerks will miss use this addon as a judgement tool...

    Those of us and others who use it to help themselves and others like it was intended for are punished by it's removal because of a small elitist few?

    Sounds like to me your problem is with certain players attitude, actions and treatment of others, not with the addon HELP tool itself....

    The author can't stop idiots using it for ego bashing and harassment....

    I see no issue with this tool unless you take it too personally yourself and let others hurt your feelings...I personally choose not to play with those types of people...and move on to better groups...

    It's a help tool...use it or don't....but maybe grow a thicker skin?

    I plan to use it to improve and help others and myself, if people start using it to be elitist jerks and forcing opinions on you then just don't play with them?
    Edited by Troneon on January 15, 2016 1:40PM
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
    Trials / Dungeons / PVP / Everything
  • sirrmattus
    robkrush wrote: »
    Get over it. I can see you sorcs hard casting crystal frags in the back. Its obvious your dps is low low low. Now we can see just how low it really is. Lol

    omg.. really. so lame man, idk how many times ive healed sorcs like this
    Ebonheart Pact - North American Server
  • sirrmattus
    maxjapank wrote: »
    So this addon lets you see other players dps without that players permission? I heard about this. And I don't think ZOS allows this. For the longest time, people wanted to have addons that would allow raid leaders or others to see group members dps, but ZOS and the player base were continually against it.

    Eventually, ZOS allowed the FTC addon to show this information, but you had to enable it to do so. But only those who had that option enabled could share and view the groups dps information. This was also debated at the time saying that raid groups would require everyone to run FTC and have this option enabled. But overall, more players saw this as a good thing because competitive groups could use it and less-competitive groups probably wouldn't care.

    But allowing an addon to see others dps and healing information without their permission is the wrong path for ESO. And if this is the case, it will also soon become a required addon on the pvp battlefield, especially if it allows you to see other factions dps and heals.

    QQ much?
    Ebonheart Pact - North American Server
  • Vildebill
    This discussion... The problem isn't that there is a tool to see each others damage, that can be helpful. The problem is that there are *** that doesn't know how to socially behave and uses tools like this to put gasoline on their bullying fire. I would be anti this kind of tool too if people would have flared me for lacking damage.
    EU PC
  • Destruent
    Vildebill wrote: »
    This discussion... The problem isn't that there is a tool to see each others damage, that can be helpful. The problem is that there are *** that doesn't know how to socially behave and uses tools like this to put gasoline on their bullying fire. I would be anti this kind of tool too if people would have flared me for lacking damage.

    Without addon, they may kick you bc they think your DPS may be crap. With addon they know it (or even know, their own DPS sucks)...i think it's better with addon. The good players know, won't kick you bc of low dps, but maybe bc you lied about it and don't want to improve. Only those who have crappy dps themselve are worried about the other DD not pulling enough DPS in pledges...
  • sirrmattus
    Yay now more elitists will kick me from their pledge group because I don't have 45k dps

    this is disturbing.
    very frustrating that eso allows these types of things, i hate it.

    I'm sorry, but its not possible to hide low dps from experienced teammates.
    Even when I'm tanking, I see how long the fight lasts and I can tell if dds are above or below average. ;)

    P.S. I've never seen anyone being kicked from a random pug for not having 45k. :D People are not getting kicked for posting 8-12 (well, usually).
    Attempt to do anything that's not Wayrest Sewers or Spindeclutch and people will complain if you don't have 15k and if you go into CoA, if you have below 30-40k prepare to get called a noob and kicked.

    dude. average is 12-17k dps. 20k+ is great skill. 30k+ is alot of mobs around the boss. 40k plus is all aoe. i can do 60k on my v3 nb in vet grinding alkir zombies. dont be a liar
    Ebonheart Pact - North American Server
  • Tankqull
    Xantaria wrote: »
    Tankqull wrote: »
    Xantaria wrote: »
    DschiPeunt wrote: »
    Aeladiir wrote: »
    I'm V5 DD, and I'm able to do like 4-6k dmg per second on a single target. If there's more mobs, my dps tends to get over 20k (no top gear and only 150 CP). According to the Group Damage addon I do 20-40% dmg every time. It goes up and down, with boss fights dmg usually being at 20-30%. I guess that's okay. Or is it?

    How do I increase my dps on a single target as a sorc? When people speak about 45k dps, is that single target or multitarget?

    This may not be the right place for a sorc theorycrafting. Nevertheless 20-30% is a little low for a DD, when we talk about 1Tank, 1Healer, 2DD setup. The 45k is single target, but with overload light attacks. There are a lot of guides for sorcs out there. Link 1 or Link 2

    Reaching vet16 is top priority. After that read guides, NOT to copy them, but to help you understand what is important and what is not. Just Copying will leave you without knowledge and no way to adapt to changes or specific scenarios. Then try to develop your own build. Adjust the build as you gain more and more knowledge due to testing and talking with other players. Share Experience. Gain Experience. That's how you get good.

    well the "problem" with most non progression pve guild members is that they do not have PvE dedicated specs and equip. especially after the cost increasements for gear with IC implementation.
    just as an explanation for my sorc: for going pve it requires to reslot 2 willpower items, 7 armor slots (kagrenacs to julianos, arch mage to molag kena), 3 weapons including farming vMA like mad to get 1 firestaff. thats about 500k++ gold i have to invest plus spending time in pve(i actually do not want too...) not mentioning the ability respec everytime because i´m prefering other morphs in pvp than i do in pve for roughly 50% of the non toggle abilities, not doing this reduces my actual DPs by nearly 40% (9-10k dps without overload instead of 14-17k). and have to rearange my abilities most of the times as i have to provide elemental drain by myself e.g. as it is not provided by the groups healer in a random group. (reducing the dmg even further)

    the other day i had such an equiped pve guild reroller, i did not doubt him doing 35++k DPS in his guild groups, but with a random group where i as a healer refused to slot for his needs (just wanted to see his adaptation skills) he bigmouthed it would be no problem to carry the second DD who was one of his friends(low lvl char) and failed miserably as the fights lasted longer than with his normal groups his stat refill was not sufficient overload was not enough to burn the bosses down (as we rushed thorugh the trash between bosses not allowing him to build up much ulti) and instead of his 35k++ he droped to <10k regarding the here mentioned tool becasue he did not adapt... in some cases me as a healer with alot more sustain was able to outdmg him just because of it...

    so in short numbers mean absolutly nothing...

    They mean absolutely everything in high end leaderboard PvE. When racing for the worlds best times it is a matter of seconds (DPS). If you fail / die / whatever group damage will keep recording DPS while you are dead meaning the DPS will also reflect on how well the player was able to constantly keep DPSing and surviving. In short: DPS is everything and there is basically nothing else that matters as long as you have good movement and don't die to unavoidable mechanics.

    To the rest you wrote: If you don't want to gear up for PvE and you don't want to invest in it AND you don't even like it: don't play it. Playing it and then complaining about not reaching good numbers is kinda ...

    Also refusing to slot abilities for the needs of a DD ... as the backbone and supporter of the group ... meh, that's lame. As a healer it's kind of your job to do exactly that and I can totally understand a DD being not so happy about you not helping him out. You are the supporter of a TEAM. And it would help the team the most.

    you kind of missed my intention.
    numbers in hihg end PvE do matter i do not disagree, but you do not need this addon there as every one allready mastered it and if they do not they need videos of them self to find their mistakes flat numbers (without detailed information like FTC or LUI provides) don´t help them there any more.
    this tool has only one purpose mocking the not "perfect" players and nothing else.
    and that the numbers are actually highly dependend on your class and build, some classes like NB with SA do not depend that much on help by their group so do you exclude any non NB of your random groups because they are stuck to way lower dmg lvls as they have to have far more utility than pure dmg optimizing skills slotted in a random situation?

    the circumstances are what defines your numbers but people using this tool are not caring about the circumstances all they see is player x is not doing as well as they do -> blame him by covering it as giving him a helping hand... ;)(in the best way it quite often is way worse)
    Edited by Tankqull on January 15, 2016 1:49PM
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Vangy wrote: »
    Anyone against this addon is either very narrow minded or very selfish. .../...This addon won't ruin the game, bad players with bad attitudes will.

    This addon will be used by good or bad players with bad attitude and harm the game.

    If everyone in the group agrees to work as you say (make DPS public for coordination, help, progress) then you do not need a spy addon that does it behind your back without your knowledge or consent. You can do this with FTC and its option to share DPS numbers.

    Anyone defending this addon is simply someone who wants to do what FTC doesn't allow them to do : spy on people.

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on January 15, 2016 1:59PM
  • Zavus
    Sallington wrote: »
    This addon is terrible for people who want to get carried and not get any better, and great for everyone else.

    ^ Sounds like a beautiful way to expose all the bads who waste my time in groups. You take the time to try to give them advice on how to improve, they then refuse to listen and claim they pull X DPS. At least now I can be like, "No, you're pulling this much and if you don't want to try to change stuff, then you can leave/get replaced".

    Edited by Zavus on January 15, 2016 1:52PM
    Zavus - Worst NB NA / First NB RANK 50
    "Most carried General NA" - Cent Satori


  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Zavus wrote: »
    Sallington wrote: »
    This addon is terrible for people who want to get carried and not get any better, and great for everyone else.

    ^ Sounds like a beautiful way to expose all the bads who waste my time in groups.

    ^^ Looks like a very explicit way to show that you consider your group mates as people who have to be devoted to servicing YOUR game time - and not to achieve pleasurable playtime together. To each his own, I guess.

  • Tankqull
    Troneon wrote: »
    So what your saying is because a small number of jerks will miss use this addon as a judgement tool...

    Those of us and others who use it to help themselves and others like it was intended for are punished by it's removal because of a small elitist few?

    Sounds like to me your problem is with certain players attitude, actions and treatment of others, not with the addon HELP tool itself....

    The author can't stop idiots using it for ego bashing and harassment....

    I see no issue with this tool unless you take it too personally yourself and let others hurt your feelings...I personally choose not to play with those types of people...and move on to better groups...

    It's a help tool...use it or don't....but maybe grow a thicker skin?

    I plan to use it to improve and help others and myself, if people start using it to be elitist jerks and forcing opinions on you then just don't play with them?

    this tool does not help yourself as it does not provide any further information of how your DPS is composed wich is essential to improve yourself, this is just an epeen meter and nothing else.
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Xantaria
    Vangy wrote: »
    Anyone against this addon is either very narrow minded or very selfish. .../...This addon won't ruin the game, bad players with bad attitudes will.

    This addon will be used by good or bad with bad attitude and harm the game.

    If everyone in the group agrees to work as you say (make DPS public for coordination, help, progress) then you do not a spy addon that does it behind your back without your knowledge or consent. You can do this with FTC and its option to share DPS numbers.

    Anyone defending this addon is simply someone who wants to do what FTC doesn't allow them to do : spy on people.


    Man, you're trying too hard to attack something that doesn't need to be attacked. This Addon will change nothing. The good players with the high numbers were capable to see whether somebdoy was performing like crap and using wrong skills or whatever before this Addon was released. And if they were rude they would blame that somebody in case of failure. It was like that and will stay like that. That's just how some people are. Friendly people however can suddenly see how somebody is doing and can help the person out. This Addon will just give more helpful information for the players. It helps a lot to see how player X with build X performs on boss X compared to players X on class X and change Raid setups to optimize the group etc. I was literally feeling like I was bathing in perfect bacon strips when this Addon was released (even though it still needs improvements).

    Your word choice also makes me laugh a bit 'spying'. This is not Reallife where you need to protect your personal data. This is a GAME. Nobody is gaining anything or can harm you from knowing what your DPS is. Only rude people could and as I said, they did so before aswell. And to be honest when I ever pointed out that my group does not have enough DPS to do X I pretty much always see someone saying that he is new and he's sorry that he is not doing enough just yet and it wouldn't be a problem to exchange him if we want to advance. People are usually understanding. And I always like to help people who want to improve.
    Edited by Xantaria on January 15, 2016 2:18PM
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • Naslu
    Tankqull wrote: »
    .....this is just an epeen meter and nothing else.

    of course it can help yourself: if you look at it in a 4 player group and you are one of the 2 dd's but you own participation on killing encounters is low (lets say only 10%) then you can ask for sure for help cause you are far beyond to fit in the selected role as Damage Dealer

    Guild Hodor
    • Marbella Ori / Temp Healer
    • Naslu / Stam Templer
    • Ordaril / Magicka Sorc
    • Allaine De Ladonia / Magicka DK
    • Gretel Witchhunter / Magicka NB
    • Lili Catani / Magicka Tank NB
    • Prince Adam of Eternia / Stam DK

  • maxjapank
    sirrmattus wrote: »
    maxjapank wrote: »
    So this addon lets you see other players dps without that players permission? I heard about this. And I don't think ZOS allows this. For the longest time, people wanted to have addons that would allow raid leaders or others to see group members dps, but ZOS and the player base were continually against it.

    Eventually, ZOS allowed the FTC addon to show this information, but you had to enable it to do so. But only those who had that option enabled could share and view the groups dps information. This was also debated at the time saying that raid groups would require everyone to run FTC and have this option enabled. But overall, more players saw this as a good thing because competitive groups could use it and less-competitive groups probably wouldn't care.

    But allowing an addon to see others dps and healing information without their permission is the wrong path for ESO. And if this is the case, it will also soon become a required addon on the pvp battlefield, especially if it allows you to see other factions dps and heals.

    QQ much?

    Lol. Did you even read my post? The one you quoted basically gave a brief history of dps addons.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Troneon wrote: »
    So what your saying is because a small number of jerks will miss use this addon as a judgement tool...

    Those of us and others who use it to help themselves and others like it was intended for are punished by it's removal because of a small elitist few?

    Sounds like to me your problem is with certain players attitude, actions and treatment of others, not with the addon HELP tool itself....

    The author can't stop idiots using it for ego bashing and harassment....

    I see no issue with this tool unless you take it too personally yourself and let others hurt your feelings...I personally choose not to play with those types of people...and move on to better groups...

    It's a help tool...use it or don't....but maybe grow a thicker skin?

    I plan to use it to improve and help others and myself, if people start using it to be elitist jerks and forcing opinions on you then just don't play with them?

    Those jerks won't be few there will be many. And you know it.
    SO yes let's all grow a thicker skin, let's all play only with people we already know and trust, that will make for a nicer, more open, more welcoming and more mixed player community.
    Well done...

    All this for your "freedom" to use a "help tool" that provides information that you can easily get with another available tool that does not have the inconveniences of this one.


  • sirrmattus


    some classes like NB with SA do not depend that much on help by their group so do you exclude any non NB of your random groups because they are stuck to way lower dmg lvls as they have to have far more utility than pure dmg optimizing skills slotted in a random situation?

    really dude? nb pulls top dps, always
    Ebonheart Pact - North American Server
  • TorvenTool
    Yoda says: Sick sh*t this is!
    Ich bremse auch für Bergblume und Akelei.

    PC-Spieler, da zu alt für Konsolen.
  • Troneon
    Tankqull wrote: »

    this tool does not help yourself as it does not provide any further information of how your DPS is composed wich is essential to improve yourself, this is just an epeen meter and nothing else.

    I guessed you missed all the other posts...
    Also this addon gives you a GROUP PERCENTAGE not just your own, so for example player A does 50% of entire group damage and player B only does 25% of group damage....

    That then tells player B player A is doing something that gives them better DPS so he can ask him, how you do that dude? That then HELPS him learn how to increase his total percentage for the group...

    Without group statistics the solo player has no idea how they are doing compared to others in the group as DD. Or maybe a tank wants to know how much damage he total in group percentage....oh im contributing 20% damage as healer or's good to know...

    It is simply a help tool.
    Edited by Troneon on January 15, 2016 2:09PM
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
    Trials / Dungeons / PVP / Everything
  • Xantaria

    To be honest, At this point you're just saying the same again and again and there is still nothing reasonable about it.

    Looking at this from a neutral point of view there is more to gain from this Addon existing than to loose. By far.

    To me it just sounds you don't want this Addon to exist for personal reasons. (Bad experiences from the past, Not willing to adapt or not willing to improove or just general stubbornness?)
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • deadlock007
    My DPS is probably average at best and I 100% support this addon. Here are my reasons

    - Allows raid leaders to know who their core players are and who may need a little advice (especially with new trials coming soon).

    - Lets you see where you compare with your group so you know if you are doing ok or need improvement.

    - Exposes the people you don't want to play with when they judge you for your dps or hps rather than maybe offer a little advice.

    All in all it's just a freakin game people. If you are getting your feelings hurt because you were kicked out of a group by some loser d-bag who may win at the game but probably completely sucks at life you are taking it a bit too seriously.
  • Destruent
    sirrmattus wrote: »
    Yay now more elitists will kick me from their pledge group because I don't have 45k dps

    this is disturbing.
    very frustrating that eso allows these types of things, i hate it.

    I'm sorry, but its not possible to hide low dps from experienced teammates.
    Even when I'm tanking, I see how long the fight lasts and I can tell if dds are above or below average. ;)

    P.S. I've never seen anyone being kicked from a random pug for not having 45k. :D People are not getting kicked for posting 8-12 (well, usually).
    Attempt to do anything that's not Wayrest Sewers or Spindeclutch and people will complain if you don't have 15k and if you go into CoA, if you have below 30-40k prepare to get called a noob and kicked.

    dude. average is 12-17k dps. 20k+ is great skill. 30k+ is alot of mobs around the boss. 40k plus is all aoe. i can do 60k on my v3 nb in vet grinding alkir zombies. dont be a liar

    Have to laugh everytime i read something like this. Maybe this Addon will tell you the truth :lol:
  • Tankqull
    Naslu wrote: »
    Tankqull wrote: »
    .....this is just an epeen meter and nothing else.

    of course it can help yourself: if you look at it in a 4 player group and you are one of the 2 dd's but you own participation on killing encounters is low (lets say only 10%) then you can ask for sure for help cause you are far beyond to fit in the selected role as Damage Dealer

    well once again it does not reflect the circumstances :D
    just finished the daily on my stam blade and had a perfect example of this tool being miss used.
    after the dungeon the other dd tried to give me improvement suggestions as i was constantly below 30% of the boss dmg threshold, not realizing that by his constant rushing from trash into the next boss he supressed my chance to reslot from thrash skills to singeltarget skills and thus completly undermined my dmg, luckily i could screw him as well as i did 75% of the entire dungeon dmg provable by this addon as well^^

    sure it lead to belive it helps - but without scrutinizing the numbers wich is not done by 95% of its users it does not help anything.
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Xantaria wrote: »

    To be honest, At this point you're just saying the same again and again and there is still nothing reasonable I PERSONALLY AGREE WITH about it.

    Looking at this from a neutral MY point of view there is more to gain from this Addon existing than to loose. By far.

    To me it just sounds you don't want this Addon to exist for personal reasons. (Bad experiences from the past, Not willing to adapt or not willing to improove or just general stubbornness?)

    Fixed it for you.

    Looks like we haven't explained enough yet in spite of "repeating ourselves".

    Objectively, you are the one who wants this addon for PERSONAL reasons : checking applicants and optimizing performance in a progression guild (which is perfectly legit and understandable, but this is YOU and YOUR GUILD's goal and it would be good if you could also consider the impact on other types of players).

    I already explained why it will negatively impact PUGs due to the many idiots there (but you cannot simply ignore them, they're a reality). It will empty LFG and harm the game. I personnally know enough people ingame to always find teammates to run with the way I like it, but think of those who haven't yet made enough contacts ?

    Another aspect that I haven't mentioned yet is the DPS-focus in this game. DPS is the alpha and omega for people aiming for the leaderboards, but for all the rest, it's just one aspect among many. Being a good player does not equal having top DPS, there are many other things. There are also many other ways to complete content besides burning everything down with top DPS. The widespread use of such add ons destroys variety and diversity in the game for the only sake of "almighty DPS" and that's bad.

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on January 15, 2016 2:22PM
  • vamp_emily
    [ bump ]

    I might get this addon just to see how bad I really am.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Xantaria
    Xantaria wrote: »

    To be honest, At this point you're just saying the same again and again and there is still nothing reasonable I PERSONALLY AGREE WITH about it.

    Looking at this from a neutral MY point of view there is more to gain from this Addon existing than to loose. By far.

    To me it just sounds you don't want this Addon to exist for personal reasons. (Bad experiences from the past, Not willing to adapt or not willing to improove or just general stubbornness?)

    Fixed it for you.

    Looks like we haven't explained enough yet in spite of "repeating ourselves".

    Objectively, you are the one who wants this addon for PERSONAL reasons : checking applicants and optimizing performance in a progression guild (which is perfectly legit and understandable, but this is YOU and YOUR GUILD's goal and it would be good if you could also consider the impact on other types of players).

    I already explained why it will negatively impact PUGs due to the many idiots there (but you cannot simply ignore them, they're a reality). It will empty LFG and harm the game. I personnally know enough people ingame to always find teammates to run with the way I like it, but think of those who haven't yet made enough contacts ?

    Another aspect that I haven't mentioned yet is the DPS-focus in this game. DPS is the alpha and omega for people aiming for the leaderboards, but for all the rest, it's just one aspect among many. Being a good player does not equal having top DPS, there are many other things. There are also many other ways to complete content besides burning everything down with top DPS. The widespread use of such add ons destroys variety and diversity in the game for the only sake of "almighty DPS" and that's bad.

    You are playing an MMO. Deal with it. Yes I did tell you My personal reasons but when I wrote that ^ I was looking from a completely neutral point of view. It's not hard to put yourself into the position of the average player just playing the game because we all have been there. And from that point of view this will bring more good things than bad things to the game. You make it sound like everybody in this game was a *** just waiting for this addon to blame You for bad DPS. Be a bit more optimistic. And this Addon will not influence the number of *** in this game at all. This Addon won't forge *** out of nothing. They've been here and they will stay here. And it's not that many, really.

    Edited by Xantaria on January 15, 2016 2:29PM
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • Morathras
    to all whiny pugs: l2p
  • maxjapank
    Xantaria wrote: »

    To be honest, At this point you're just saying the same again and again and there is still nothing reasonable about it.

    Looking at this from a neutral point of view there is more to gain from this Addon existing than to loose. By far.

    To me it just sounds you don't want this Addon to exist for personal reasons. (Bad experiences from the past, Not willing to adapt or not willing to improove or just general stubbornness?)

    I guess I could say the say the same about your posts. Nothing reasonable about them. But rather than attempting to personally attack us (which I might say is what we do believe this addon will lead to...thus harming ESO's traditionally warm community), we could just say that we have different opinions.

    Please note that there is an addon that does allow group members to share and view each other's data. I have repeatedly mentioned FTC as having that option. And I have repeatedly said that I support you and your friends and your guildies to use such information. I just believe strongly this information should be an Option for players to share.

    On another note, this addon allows you to see other factions dps and heals as well in Cyrodiil. After an engagement, you can see who the stronger enemies are and the names of the healers to target.
  • Preyfar
    maxjapank wrote: »
    Please. I do good dps and do good heals. And people who play with me have often commented on that. They don't need an addon to see that. But I'm gonna see if ZOS responds to this. It's really not my nor your decision. But let me know in game if I'm ever in a group with you so I can promptly leave. I prefer to not heal for people with this kind of attitude.
    DPS isn't the entire story of the fight. If somebody dies, and I run over to res them, my DPS drops. I've had people ask why my DPS was "only" 14K after a fight's over. Only? Oh, sorry, next time I won't res and leave the healer dead on the ground.

    People worry too much about DPS, but a number doesn't tell the entire story of a fight. Granted, I have fought with people whose DPS was painfully low... but it's pretty obvious who those people are.
    Edited by Preyfar on January 17, 2016 6:21AM
  • Xantaria
    maxjapank wrote: »
    Xantaria wrote: »

    To be honest, At this point you're just saying the same again and again and there is still nothing reasonable about it.

    Looking at this from a neutral point of view there is more to gain from this Addon existing than to loose. By far.

    To me it just sounds you don't want this Addon to exist for personal reasons. (Bad experiences from the past, Not willing to adapt or not willing to improove or just general stubbornness?)

    I guess I could say the say the same about your posts. Nothing reasonable about them. But rather than attempting to personally attack us (which I might say is what we do believe this addon will lead to...thus harming ESO's traditionally warm community), we could just say that we have different opinions.

    Please note that there is an addon that does allow group members to share and view each other's data. I have repeatedly mentioned FTC as having that option. And I have repeatedly said that I support you and your friends and your guildies to use such information. I just believe strongly this information should be an Option for players to share.

    If FTC would ever work reliably it would be an option. Sadly it does not. Also it is hard to get everyone to use it because some people use different Addons (FTC is lacking in a lot of aspects). Group Damage removes those annoyances and makes data easily accessible for everyone. And if you think ESO has a warm community, why do you believe those warm community members will suddenly turn into *** because of this Addon?
    maxjapank wrote: »
    On another note, this addon allows you to see other factions dps and heals as well in Cyrodiil. After an engagement, you can see who the stronger enemies are and the names of the healers to target.

    And that is a good thing or is it not? The more information the game gives you the better.
    Edited by Xantaria on January 15, 2016 2:36PM
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
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