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Loading Screens, an update

  • ZOS_Brett
    Hello everyone,

    We have merged several of the "Loading Screens" threads together, to keep the topic of discussion in one place to better collect the information about the issue. Please don't create multiple threads on the same topic, when there is a larger more active discussion taking place. Doing that spreads the information and makes it difficult to understand the issues at hand. Especially in the case of loading screens where reports range from 20 - 30 seconds or 15 mins plus.

    Also remember that people are going to disagree from time to time, but please remember to keep your comments respectful at all times on our forums, even when you disagree with others. Insults or other disruptive behavior do not help further discussion and can move a thread off topic quickly. We encourage sharing opinions, but we ask that they are constructively stated when doing so, as this will help keep the discussion on track. Thank you!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Moderation Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Mirelurk
    So you can tell us to stop arguing about it, but won't actually address the issue?
    Knights of Nirn | Daggerfall Covenant | PC | NA server

    Swamplurk | V16 | Breton | Sorceror
    Morass | V16 | Breton | Templar
    Knightmire | V16 | Imperial | Dragonknight
    Catagory | V9 | Khajit | Nightblade

  • Flaminir
    The only reason there are so many threads is that after several months everybody is simply fed up and trying to get a response. @ZOS_Brett

    I appreciate that its likely not yourself that would be responsible for providing an update on this issue, but as it's basically the biggest issue / talking point in the game right now would you be able to escalate and ask for somebody to provide an official update?

    If not you will just be merging more and more of these threads every day as the frustration continues.
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • Tors
    Zenimax is constantly working on fixing the loading screen issues and remind us of that every ESO Live segment lol

    If they've made any headway they will inform us on the 20th.

    The Zenemax Live is NOT their communication vehicle with the customer base.

    These forums are.

    Mentioning It as an aside on a platform that very few will ever see is the cowards way out.

    I don't see how Zenimax have survied 16 years in this industry when they have zero customer focus.

    Zenemax's flippent remarks, outright untruths and weazel words on a TV show few watch, tells me that the issue is probably never going to be fixed.

    Give us a full and complete run down of the issue and what plans you have to address it. Normally I would not ask for this, it generally serves no purpose. But with a news blackout for so many months, you need to sort your act out.

    All the people I know who suffer from this are TU subscribers. Is this the issue? TU Subscribers have something on their account that inceases load times?. Generally we are the fans of your creation so actually DO pay you to play it.

    Will unsubscribing reduce my load times?

    Edited by Tors on November 11, 2015 10:14AM
    Better late Than Pregnant....
    The shadow cabinet, a group of people who pretend to have jobs they do not actually have

    EU PC - Azura's Star
    Decimation Elite - Raid Jester
  • drserkan85
    Like everybody else same issue I have.I love this game and want to play it but if they ignore this like this I will cancel my sub. And leave this game.
  • Jura23
    ZOS_Brett wrote: »
    Hello everyone,

    We have merged several of the "Loading Screens" threads together, to keep the topic of discussion in one place to better collect the information about the issue. Please don't create multiple threads on the same topic, when there is a larger more active discussion taking place. Doing that spreads the information and makes it difficult to understand the issues at hand. Especially in the case of loading screens where reports range from 20 - 30 seconds or 15 mins plus.

    Also remember that people are going to disagree from time to time, but please remember to keep your comments respectful at all times on our forums, even when you disagree with others. Insults or other disruptive behavior do not help further discussion and can move a thread off topic quickly. We encourage sharing opinions, but we ask that they are constructively stated when doing so, as this will help keep the discussion on track. Thank you!

    Could you talk to some manager in charge over there and tell him this is really breaking their game and hurting their income? I don't think they are aware.
    Georgion - Bosmer/Templar - PC/EU
  • Tors
    @ZOS_Brett Is this the primary thread then?

    Rather than a comment telling us that we need to keep all comments to a single thread, How about you delete this thread and make a permanent sticky on the news section.

    Updated by you daily with any updates, or if none, then state that.

    This issue is the equivalent of people not being able to play, so a P1

    Lack of communication from Zos is the oil on the fire.

    Our comments serve no other purpose than as a vehicle to vent our frustration. Once this frustration hits the magic tipping point, players just get bored and move on.

    You already know the issues.

    Players face long load screens on a gradient which is increased as player level increases

    While the following points may affect loading screen times in some cases, these cases would face issues anyway, so we can safely say that:-
    • Add-ons and their removal have no affect.
    • Internet connection has no affect.
    • Client hardware has no affect.
    • Client OS has no affect.
    • Customer Location has no affect.

    From a customer’s point of view, reiterating the above points ad infinitum does nothing except give the forums the impression of being full of angry people. Which hurts Zos in so many ways, not least the affect it has on prospective new players

    Be a bit more professional and put a spotlight on it. When you do fix the issue, you will have a lot of people back on your side. The way it’s going now and you are just alienating your player base.
    Better late Than Pregnant....
    The shadow cabinet, a group of people who pretend to have jobs they do not actually have

    EU PC - Azura's Star
    Decimation Elite - Raid Jester
  • Malmai
    ZOS_Brett wrote: »
    Hello everyone,

    We have merged several of the "Loading Screens" threads together, to keep the topic of discussion in one place to better collect the information about the issue. Please don't create multiple threads on the same topic, when there is a larger more active discussion taking place. Doing that spreads the information and makes it difficult to understand the issues at hand. Especially in the case of loading screens where reports range from 20 - 30 seconds or 15 mins plus.

    Also remember that people are going to disagree from time to time, but please remember to keep your comments respectful at all times on our forums, even when you disagree with others. Insults or other disruptive behavior do not help further discussion and can move a thread off topic quickly. We encourage sharing opinions, but we ask that they are constructively stated when doing so, as this will help keep the discussion on track. Thank you!

    We need fix come on from cyrodiil to ic takes me 10 minutes to load wth...
  • b92303008rwb17_ESO
    ZOS_Brett wrote: »
    Hello everyone,

    We have merged several of the "Loading Screens" threads together, to keep the topic of discussion in one place to better collect the information about the issue. Please don't create multiple threads on the same topic, when there is a larger more active discussion taking place. Doing that spreads the information and makes it difficult to understand the issues at hand. Especially in the case of loading screens where reports range from 20 - 30 seconds or 15 mins plus.

    Also remember that people are going to disagree from time to time, but please remember to keep your comments respectful at all times on our forums, even when you disagree with others. Insults or other disruptive behavior do not help further discussion and can move a thread off topic quickly. We encourage sharing opinions, but we ask that they are constructively stated when doing so, as this will help keep the discussion on track. Thank you!

    Is is really that difficult for you to understand the reason people have made so many threads about it is because it's so frustrating and even irritating that it has not been fixed. You people really should focus on fixing those bugs instead of making this pointless comment here.

    And please give the LOL button back to us. This is exactly the kind of comment that needs LOL.
    Edited by b92303008rwb17_ESO on November 11, 2015 12:32PM
  • omegatay_ESO
    You devs want to know what loading screens should look like? Go check out ffxiv, swtor, lotro, wildstar, wow.. Any of them really. When you switch, port, change zones its almost instant, couple of seconds at most. The 10 to 15 second loads remind me of everquest 1.

    This should not be happening with a modern mmo. Period. Bad coding someplace i am assuming.
    Edited by omegatay_ESO on November 11, 2015 12:40PM
  • Flaminir
    You devs want to know what loading screens should look like? Go check out ffxiv, swtor, lotro, wildstar, wow.. Any of them really. When you switch, port, change zones its almost instant, coople of seconds at most. The 10 to 15 second loads remind me of everquest 1.

    This should not be happening with a modern mmo. Period. Bad coding someplace i am assuming.

    We would kill for 10-15 second load screens.... it's several minutes per load in many cases these days :(
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
    Everyone having the load screen problem LIST YOUR INTERNET MBPS.
    Xbox one NA server
    Current CP level: 481
    Main= Clan-Mother Ra'Zaria: Khajiit Dragonknight EP (Toxic Shock Build)
    Hlevala Redoran: Dark elf Sorcerer DC (Daedric Sorcerer Build)(race subject to change)
    Tsudajiti-Ri: Level 23 Kajiit Nightblade AD (Magicka, 3 hit ko Build)
    Tulara Ayrenn: High Elf Templar DC (Right Hand of Mara Build)
    One-Who-Breaks-Mountains: Argonian Templar EP (Left Hand of Mara Build)
    Lillca Boulder-Child: Nord Dragonknight EP (Indominable Tank Build)(no purge)
    Logranka-Gra-Orsinium: Level Orc Dragonknight AD (Volcanic Incineration Build)
    Nivinora Night-Hollow: Wood Elf Nightblade DC (Jaqspur Build)(bow abilities only)
    High Queen Atmorra: Level 10 Redguard Templar EP (Tireless Stamplar)
    Rakkiza Mane-Sister: Level 7 Khajiit nightblade DC (in progress)
    Vavakra Telvanni: Level 36 Dunmer Warden AD (in progress) (race subject to change)
  • Malmai
    Flaminir wrote: »
    You devs want to know what loading screens should look like? Go check out ffxiv, swtor, lotro, wildstar, wow.. Any of them really. When you switch, port, change zones its almost instant, coople of seconds at most. The 10 to 15 second loads remind me of everquest 1.

    This should not be happening with a modern mmo. Period. Bad coding someplace i am assuming.

    We would kill for 10-15 second load screens.... it's several minutes per load in many cases these days :(

    10-15 sec ? haha ye maybe like a year ago...
  • McGordon
    We need achievements by doing loading screens. For every 2h loading screens could get some reward.
  • Flaminir
    Everyone having the load screen problem LIST YOUR INTERNET MBPS.

    Its nothing at all to do with that.

    Already proven that it affects multiple countries, multiple ISP's, doesn't matter how quick or slow the connection is, what PC spec you're using etc etc.... the invincible loading screen mini boss is still there.

    The only known fact is that characters with more achievements etc load a LOT slower than brand new characters... so is def server side.

    For the record I have a 35meg connection..... so clearly should have no problems.
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • Tyvarra
    To get into Cyrodiil it takes 10 minutes at least. First login...wait 1 min....character select...wait 1 min...any random zone...wait 3 min...enter cyrodiil....wait 5 mins. I have a really good internet connection but the game is not installed on SSD. And when you are finally in game the fps drop issue occurs and you rage quit after 20 mins of "playing". Thx a lot...
    Please fix the game!
  • Jura23
    Everyone having the load screen problem LIST YOUR INTERNET MBPS.

    Why? When it's several times worse than other MMOs, I think that's enough proof.
    Georgion - Bosmer/Templar - PC/EU
  • jakeedmundson
    I vote we change the "this may be an unusually long loading time" screen.

    It no longer needs to let us know.... it is no longer unusual....

    Also... the double load screens are nice. Nothing like waiting for 5 minutes + to load in .... then, take one step and go back to another 5+ minutes of loading.
    Lv 50 Dunmer DragonKnight Tank/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Sorcerer Dps
    Lv 50 Breton Templar Healer/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Nightblade Dps
    Lv 50 Redguard Sorcerer Dps
    PS4 - DC
    vSOHM - vAAHM - vHRC - vMA Flawless

    My version of a Heavy Attack Sorc build
  • Divinius
    I've posted this before in other loading screen threads, but if this is the "official" one, I'll include it here too:

    I have a beast of a gaming rig. The game is installed on an SSD. I have 50 Mbps internet, and have confirmed with a speed check that I do actually get 50 Mbps. The problem is NOT ON MY END.

    I have 8 characters, all created within a month of PC launch. Two of them are in the Vet Ranks. I've actually timed (with a digital timer) a lot of loading screens on all of them.

    Whenever I am loading one of the Vet Rank characters, it takes between 1 and 3 minutes to load the zone -- usually closer to 1 minute (60-90 seconds). This includes initial character load into the game, any load between zones (including into and out of dungeons), and "travel to player" loads even in the same zone. The only loading screens that happen quickly are wayshrine-to-wayshrine teleports within the same zone. Those happen in well under 5 seconds (thanks to my SSD) -- they are virtually instant.

    My NON-Vet characters can load new zones in around 20-30 seconds. This still seems like it's a bit longer than it was before the IC update, but not much. My level 3 mules seem to be about the same as my higher-level non-vet alts.

    Something else to note... You know how the loading screen shows those little blurbs at the bottom while loading? The first is typically some lore info about the zone you are loading into, and then it switches to a generic unrelated "game tip" of some sort. Well I can say that even on the minute-plus long loading screens that my Vet characters get, the "lore info" tip stays on the screen for only about a second (usually not long enough for me to even be able to read it), and then switches to the generic tip that stays on the screen for the rest of the loading time.

    This indicates to me that the trigger to swap the displayed tip from the "zone lore" one to the "game tip" one apparently happens at some specific stage of the zone load process, and that whatever is broken is obviously in the second stage.

    I hope some of this info helps. Combined with the fact that the loading screens broke during one specific update (the initial IC one), I would think that this should not be an issue that would take 2.5 months to fix. Obviously, ZOS changed something about zone loads during that update, and those changes should be the first place to look.
  • lathbury
    saw the zos logo thought we had news on a massive issue with the game right now. silly me
  • Tors
    It is nothing to do with us, the users.

    While a crap rig will have issues, that is understood.

    I personally play on multiple rigs depending on where in the country I am working.

    Currently I am working at a University on one of the best internet connections it is possible to have in the UK. Straight onto the JANET backbone on some of the most powerfull computers seen outside of super computers. Basically a pure 1gb connection with 1gb upload and download. You cant beat that.

    In the eveings I play on an old i7 laptop on a hight quality 30mb conenction (both upload and download)

    At home I play on either an I5 laptop or a Skylake beast, on either a 3mb or a 120 mb connections.

    Home connectiosn may be dubious, ISPs cant be trusted (Especuially Virgin) and have packer shaping all over the place, but on my JANET connection. Its pure.

    All have the same issue, some connections I use a proxy to connect to a closer hop,

    in a raid, people from UK, Germany, Holland, Portugal, Russia all have the same issues

    Its SERVER side NOT the customer

    Better late Than Pregnant....
    The shadow cabinet, a group of people who pretend to have jobs they do not actually have

    EU PC - Azura's Star
    Decimation Elite - Raid Jester
  • Islyn
    Everyone having the load screen problem LIST YOUR INTERNET MBPS.

    That makes no sense because even if you pay for the BEST package, MBPS varies.

    I am near London, England - and have Virgin's 'up to 200 mbps' (best) service but I have Long load screens.

    Please let's don't fill up the thread with stuff unless ZOS asks for anything in particular.
  • McGordon
    Maybe they are giving us enough time to read "tips"?
    From patch notes: Added a loading screen tip to help clarify door behavior in combat scenarios. As long as you have neither hit an enemy nor been hit for the last several seconds, you will be able to flee from combat by using a door.
    They just respect all generation players. Maybe old people need 10 minutes to read tips, you never know :/
    Edited by McGordon on November 11, 2015 1:44PM
  • ku5h
    So I joined the game 30 min ago, went cyro, 20min i was in there 15min in loading screens, ALT+F4 out of the game...
    Good times..... :'(
    p.s. so only response we got is, that they merged couple of treads... nice :s
  • sadownik
    McGordon wrote: »
    Maybe they are giving us enough time to read "tips"?
    From patch notes: Added a loading screen tip to help clarify door behavior in combat scenarios. As long as you have neither hit an enemy nor been hit for the last several seconds, you will be able to flee from combat by using a door.
    They just respect all generation players. Maybe old people need 10 minutes to read tips, you never know :/

    Judging by the hatred of reading from many console players (i dont want to read that chat! Its 2015 reading is out! and so on) i would say its the opposite. Older people have no problem with reading while youngsters ... well you know.
  • sparafucilsarwb17_ESO
    This is going to be just like the lighting patch that intoruced lag in Cyrodil and everywhere won't get fixed.
  • sadownik
    There was some post speculating in some additional checks on the server side, wonder if anyone noticed that and can trace it? It wasnt official ofc.
  • drserkan85
    If this wont get fixed this game will lose half of player.
  • McGordon
    Im just wondering why people on youtube dont have lags? As I see they have normal fps and normal ping.
    Before Lag DLC (IC DLC) I had good FPS in combat, even in mass PVP...normal PING too. Before I played with 40-60fps now mostly 20-30 (funny thig is that graphic settings do not impact it low or high, the same situation) ok, but that's not the biggest problem, biggest is PING! How can I play with 400-600 ping? Only sometimes I have ping around 100. Why game become The Elder Scrolls Online: LAG Unlimited? Maybe people like me need to make youtube video with real gameplay? 5min loading screens and 600 ping PVP
    Edited by McGordon on November 11, 2015 2:05PM
  • Winterpsy
    I honestly wonder what's with this new type of business model: Pushing out new content instead repairing the faulty basic. Reminds me of Ubisoft's declining popularity with how they are cr@pping out terribly broken Assassin Creed games, just to fulfill the 1 game/ year promise.

    As customer I'd rather wait a ton of time for a DLC or new content, if the base is working right.
    In 2015 I cant really accept waiting over loading screens for more than a couple seconds. ESO's loading minutes is freaky. Even worse how it has not been mended yet.

    Even kings, and business moguls have only 24 hours a day. There's nothing more precious than time. Every time I am forced on a loading screen (not only in ESO, but in general) feels I am being robbed of something valuable.
    Edited by Winterpsy on November 11, 2015 2:05PM
    Big fat Nord Dragon knight with a huge hammer. - Tank
    Stealthy argonian witch templar - Healer (lowbie)
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