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Loading Screens, an update

  • Scyantific
    nine9six wrote: »
    I've noticed that when I log-in during the AM hours I load-in VERY fast.

    Then in the evening it takes about a minute or two.

    Doesn't bother me, but if I had to wait 5 minutes+ like some I would be questioning things. Instead, my friends and I have talked about how impressed we were that we can TP to anywhere on a Map (that we're already on) and it doesn't need to load anything.

    That's because when you initially load into a zone the entire zone loads for you. The minuscule loading screen is just to move your position to your destination.
  • Elsonso
    As a heads up - next weeks update (11/16) on PC will have a fix for one of the major causes of the long load screens. This won't fix every load screen issue, but resolves the most frequent cause. We'll continue to work on the issue until we get the load times back to acceptable levels.

    Console players, this fix will unfortunately not make Orsinium launch next week. It will go in the first incremental patch which we're targeting for the 2nd week of December.


    @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_GinaBruno ...

    A lot of people have had a lot of different theories about why this happens. Some people see really long loading screens, some people never see the really long ones. There have been a lot of theories, but it seems that for each one someone is out there that meets the criteria but does not have really long loading screens.

    I am just wondering if we could get just a little blurb about what it was that was different that caused some people to see long loading screens while other people with similar characters saw shorter ones? This is like one of those unsolved mysteries... :innocent:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • FooWasHere
    Hey guys, we finally have an update for you on this issue. As we've mentioned previously, in the past few patches we've been adding code to the backend to track this issue and give us more data. We're happy to let you know that we have a fix going into Monday's PC incremental patch that should fix the long loading screens - turns out it was tied to anyone that had completed a lot of quests.

    Thanks for staying patient with us while we tracked this one down!

    Such news makes this one very happy! May the Light of the Two Moons bless you and keep you! :)
  • Alphashado

    Edited by Alphashado on November 11, 2015 6:16PM
  • BlackguardBob
    Islyn wrote: »
    Everyone having the load screen problem LIST YOUR INTERNET MBPS.

    That makes no sense because even if you pay for the BEST package, MBPS varies.

    I am near London, England - and have Virgin's 'up to 200 mbps' (best) service but I have Long load screens.

    Please let's don't fill up the thread with stuff unless ZOS asks for anything in particular.

    Same here and agree with you.

  • usmcjdking
    FooWasHere wrote: »
    Hey guys, we finally have an update for you on this issue. As we've mentioned previously, in the past few patches we've been adding code to the backend to track this issue and give us more data. We're happy to let you know that we have a fix going into Monday's PC incremental patch that should fix the long loading screens - turns out it was tied to anyone that had completed a lot of quests.

    Thanks for staying patient with us while we tracked this one down!

    Such news makes this one very happy! May the Light of the Two Moons bless you and keep you! :)

    I figured as much. My V16 "never-missed-a-quest" Templar was the absolute worst. Upwards of 10 minute loading screens at ties.

    My V3 ground NB though? 20 seconds.
  • kupacmac
    LOL at all the people who said it was our hardware. Eat that!
  • Scyantific
    kupacmac wrote: »
    LOL at all the people who said it was our hardware. Eat that!

    There's no way it could have been hardware unless you are literally running on a potato.

    OC'd 5th gen i5 and a R9 290x and still kept getting garbage loading times.
  • BlackguardBob
    Tors wrote: »
    @ZOS_Brett Is this the primary thread then?

    Rather than a comment telling us that we need to keep all comments to a single thread, How about you delete this thread and make a permanent sticky on the news section.

    Updated by you daily with any updates, or if none, then state that.

    This issue is the equivalent of people not being able to play, so a P1

    Lack of communication from Zos is the oil on the fire.

    Our comments serve no other purpose than as a vehicle to vent our frustration. Once this frustration hits the magic tipping point, players just get bored and move on.

    You already know the issues.

    Players face long load screens on a gradient which is increased as player level increases

    While the following points may affect loading screen times in some cases, these cases would face issues anyway, so we can safely say that:-
    • Add-ons and their removal have no affect.
    • Internet connection has no affect.
    • Client hardware has no affect.
    • Client OS has no affect.
    • Customer Location has no affect.

    From a customer’s point of view, reiterating the above points ad infinitum does nothing except give the forums the impression of being full of angry people. Which hurts Zos in so many ways, not least the affect it has on prospective new players

    Be a bit more professional and put a spotlight on it. When you do fix the issue, you will have a lot of people back on your side. The way it’s going now and you are just alienating your player base.

    This is good commentary imo, so *bump*

  • kupacmac
    Scyantific wrote: »
    kupacmac wrote: »
    LOL at all the people who said it was our hardware. Eat that!

    There's no way it could have been hardware unless you are literally running on a potato.

    OC'd 5th gen i5 and a R9 290x and still kept getting garbage loading times.

    Agreed. The intelligent people on this forum knew it wasn't client side.
  • Tinolyn
    kupacmac wrote: »

    There's no way it could have been hardware unless you are literally running on a potato.

    Who else had flashbacks to Portal 2 from this statement?
  • lonewolf26
    Any improvement on this front is welcome indeed. Thank you for putting so much hard work in tracking these down.
  • TayDibiase
    As a heads up - next weeks update (11/16) on PC will have a fix for one of the major causes of the long load screens. This won't fix every load screen issue, but resolves the most frequent cause. We'll continue to work on the issue until we get the load times back to acceptable levels.

    Console players, this fix will unfortunately not make Orsinium launch next week. It will go in the first incremental patch which we're targeting for the 2nd week of December.


    Thank you for the info, cant wait for that patch
    Average is only the top of the bottom
  • daemonios
    If ZOS can pull this off, they'll finally restore some of my confidence in them and this game. Hope it works! *fingers crossed*
  • Troneon
    So having this issue go on for weeks or months is acceptable to ZOS....
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
    Trials / Dungeons / PVP / Everything
  • KanedaSyndrome
    The loading screen is one of those issues that may cost them a fair amount of players. Having to wait several minutes everytime you change zone isn't acceptable in the long run.

    ZoS, if you like your business, then you'll move this to the top of the priority stack.
    KanedaSyndrome's Suggestions For Game Improvements
    The Fortuitous Collapse of the Wave Equation
    The Best Plans Require No Action
  • danno8
    Troneon wrote: »
    So having this issue go on for weeks or months is acceptable to ZOS....

    Yah it started on the release of IC, which was 2 and a half months ago already. It seems like more of a 2 and a half day problem to track down. Maybe 2 and a half weeks if you are busy and can't get to it.

    While I am happy it will be getting a patch (part of me has this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that come Monday's patch I will log in only to find it still takes 1-2 minutes per loading screen), a couple months is too long.
  • Hiero_Glyph
    daemonios wrote: »
    If ZOS can pull this off, they'll finally restore some of my confidence in them and this game. Hope it works! *fingers crossed*

    You do realize that ZOS caused this issue in the first place, right? Load times were never this bad before IC.
  • omegatay_ESO
    Sweet Zen! And thanks!
  • daemonios
    daemonios wrote: »
    If ZOS can pull this off, they'll finally restore some of my confidence in them and this game. Hope it works! *fingers crossed*

    You do realize that ZOS caused this issue in the first place, right? Load times were never this bad before IC.

    You do realize that there's an "if" starting the very post you're quoting, right? And that I've been quite vocal about the serious issues in the game? That doesn't change the fact that if ZOS are able to solve one of the most serious issues, they'll be scoring some points in my tab.
  • Makkir

  • dem0n1k
    As a heads up - next weeks update (11/16) on PC will have a fix for one of the major causes of the long load screens. This won't fix every load screen issue, but resolves the most frequent cause. We'll continue to work on the issue until we get the load times back to acceptable levels.

    Console players, this fix will unfortunately not make Orsinium launch next week. It will go in the first incremental patch which we're targeting for the 2nd week of December.



    Searching through 8 characters for mats with the super long load times is a nightmare! It's like a whole gaming session just to scrounge up enough sanded ash to complete a woodwork writ !@#

    For once I am looking forward to next Monday's scheduled mntce!!!!
    NA Server [PC] -- Mostly Ebonheart Pact, Mostly.
  • Hiero_Glyph
    daemonios wrote: »
    daemonios wrote: »
    If ZOS can pull this off, they'll finally restore some of my confidence in them and this game. Hope it works! *fingers crossed*

    You do realize that ZOS caused this issue in the first place, right? Load times were never this bad before IC.

    You do realize that there's an "if" starting the very post you're quoting, right? And that I've been quite vocal about the serious issues in the game? That doesn't change the fact that if ZOS are able to solve one of the most serious issues, they'll be scoring some points in my tab.

    I understand and I meant no offense but why give them points for fixing an issue that wasn't a problem before they caused it? When someone dents your car in an accident do they score points for having insurance to pay for the repair of the damage they caused?
  • Iluvrien
    daemonios wrote: »
    daemonios wrote: »
    If ZOS can pull this off, they'll finally restore some of my confidence in them and this game. Hope it works! *fingers crossed*

    You do realize that ZOS caused this issue in the first place, right? Load times were never this bad before IC.

    You do realize that there's an "if" starting the very post you're quoting, right? And that I've been quite vocal about the serious issues in the game? That doesn't change the fact that if ZOS are able to solve one of the most serious issues, they'll be scoring some points in my tab.

    I understand and I meant no offense but why give them points for fixing an issue that wasn't a problem before they caused it? When someone dents your car in an accident do they score points for having insurance to pay for the repair of the damage they caused?

    Would you prefer that they not repair the damage at all? That seems to be the other option.

    While ZOS caused the issue, and ZOS has taken a long time to fix it, the fact that they are fixing it (something they are in no way required, by contract or law, to do) seems to have pleased people and is a step in the right direction. As opposed to just abandoning us to our laggy loading screen based fates.

    Azura only knows that I don't give ZOS much in the way of unqualified praise these days, but the generally high quality of Orsinium and them fixing loading screens? These are good things.

    They make me want to play the game, rather than avoid it like the plague.
    Edited by Iluvrien on November 12, 2015 2:14AM
  • Tors
    If the game was crap we woudn't be here bitching about loading screens we would have gone. Its good enough that we will play even with 50% of our time spent in loading screens.

    All this angst in the playerbaseecould have been avoided by telling us that they had added code to the logon procedure to track down the issue. People can put up with crap if they think theres light at the end of the tunnel.

    Ginas comment about how we were told previously is a bit snide and leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. Im a Forum hound and thats the first i've heard of it. Noone else who posted here seemed to know either.

    Great game but terrible communication with the players.

    Anyway looking forward to Tuesday with much anticipation
    Better late Than Pregnant....
    The shadow cabinet, a group of people who pretend to have jobs they do not actually have

    EU PC - Azura's Star
    Decimation Elite - Raid Jester
  • Belidos
    As a heads up - next weeks update (11/16) on PC will have a fix for one of the major causes of the long load screens. This won't fix every load screen issue, but resolves the most frequent cause. We'll continue to work on the issue until we get the load times back to acceptable levels.

    Console players, this fix will unfortunately not make Orsinium launch next week. It will go in the first incremental patch which we're targeting for the 2nd week of December.


    @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_GinaBruno ...

    A lot of people have had a lot of different theories about why this happens. Some people see really long loading screens, some people never see the really long ones. There have been a lot of theories, but it seems that for each one someone is out there that meets the criteria but does not have really long loading screens.

    I am just wondering if we could get just a little blurb about what it was that was different that caused some people to see long loading screens while other people with similar characters saw shorter ones? This is like one of those unsolved mysteries... :innocent:

    Gina answered that a few posts before Rich, it's to do with the total number of quests completed on the character, that's why it was effecting some and not others and seemed to be effecting higher level characters more than lower level characters.
  • Belidos
    daemonios wrote: »
    daemonios wrote: »
    If ZOS can pull this off, they'll finally restore some of my confidence in them and this game. Hope it works! *fingers crossed*

    You do realize that ZOS caused this issue in the first place, right? Load times were never this bad before IC.

    You do realize that there's an "if" starting the very post you're quoting, right? And that I've been quite vocal about the serious issues in the game? That doesn't change the fact that if ZOS are able to solve one of the most serious issues, they'll be scoring some points in my tab.

    I understand and I meant no offense but why give them points for fixing an issue that wasn't a problem before they caused it? When someone dents your car in an accident do they score points for having insurance to pay for the repair of the damage they caused?

    Because breaking it was a mistake, an accident, not intended and mistakes happen in life, whereas fixing it took a lot of intentional hard work. They may have lost points for breaking it, but for putting the amount of effort they put into fixing it they gain more points imo.

    To use your analogy, they wouldn't score pints for having insurance, but they sure as hell would for taking the time and effort to personally source a good cheap mechanic that does a good job for you.
    Edited by Belidos on November 12, 2015 9:24AM
  • Belidos
    Tors wrote: »

    All this angst in the playerbaseecould have been avoided by telling us that they had added code to the logon procedure to track down the issue. People can put up with crap if they think theres light at the end of the tunnel.

    I'm pretty sure Gina and Rich did mention they had done that a couple of times, but it probably got lost in the multitude of threads and responses. What they should have done is made a priority announcement, stuck to the top in which all their answers would be placed in read only format so people could keep up with what's going on.
  • Tors
    Belidos wrote: »
    Tors wrote: »

    All this angst in the playerbaseecould have been avoided by telling us that they had added code to the logon procedure to track down the issue. People can put up with crap if they think theres light at the end of the tunnel.

    I'm pretty sure Gina and Rich did mention they had done that a couple of times, but it probably got lost in the multitude of threads and responses. What they should have done is made a priority announcement, stuck to the top in which all their answers would be placed in read only format so people could keep up with what's going on.

    This thread was started over a month ago due to the absense of any words from Zos on the subject.

    Maybe that should read any accessible word from Zos. I dont know where they communicated this stuff, but as no-one has jumped in with a link I guess its in their safe zone, Reddit. Where they can safely post stuff without it being official.

    All this comes under the non-professional/weazel words heading imho.

    Dont treate your customers like idiots and you can get away with murder. If they had said "We are putting the tracking code in and it will take 4 months" we would have accepted this and stopped the bitching.

    They say they did, but for the life of me I cant find it (not that it matters now anyway, the damamge is done imho)

    Fantastic game, damaged by a lack of trust in the customer base by Zenemax. Weird state of affairs, why act like this when your product is gold?
    Better late Than Pregnant....
    The shadow cabinet, a group of people who pretend to have jobs they do not actually have

    EU PC - Azura's Star
    Decimation Elite - Raid Jester
  • tengri
    Well, that's what one gets if you complete every *** quest on every *** char... I probably should have speed grinded through everything, ignoring every not essential side quest like a pro. Silly me, ha!

    But ty for the good news... and about time I dare to say.
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