@ZOS_RichLambertZOS_RichLambert wrote: »@Cuyler - We're working on a new trial. Let us get Orsinium released on live before we start talking future DLC in more detail.
Didn't call everyone a fanboy just the dude who called me a crybaby for having an opinion for being sick of waiting group content . *** for tat ya dig. If your only opinion is "stop crying and wait" you've got the opinion of a lamp. And if your solution is to tell ppl to leave the game because Zeni is lackadaisical at releasing group content for its MMO then you must be a fanboy lol
Then if you dislike the game so much and call anyone who likes the game a fanboy, why stay?
freespirit wrote: »What about the two new Public Dungeons that come with Orsinium, aren't they group content?
Having said that I do think something seriously needs addressing with the level of the current Trials.........
Not having endgame, max level, 12 man content is pretty ridiculous!!
AhPook_Is_Here wrote: »I love the maelstrom arena idea. btw for OP, they are improving the dungeon group finder in the patch to allow you to group with players of other factions, might speed up the process a bit for you to find a group.
Didn't call everyone a fanboy just the dude who called me a crybaby for having an opinion for being sick of waiting group content . *** for tat ya dig. If your only opinion is "stop crying and wait" you've got the opinion of a lamp. And if your solution is to tell ppl to leave the game because Zeni is lackadaisical at releasing group content for its MMO then you must be a fanboy lol
Listening and agreeing are two different things...I listened...I don't agree with your "logic". The real logic is this is an MMO that had released 2 vet dungeons in what will be 1.5 years.UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Your opinions are biased though because you basically refuse to listen to the logic we are throwing your way. If it is any consolation though I used crybaby generically, not specifically.
Didn't call everyone a fanboy just the dude who called me a crybaby for having an opinion for being sick of waiting group content . *** for tat ya dig. If your only opinion is "stop crying and wait" you've got the opinion of a lamp. And if your solution is to tell ppl to leave the game because Zeni is lackadaisical at releasing group content for its MMO then you must be a fanboy lol
I've read them. you're clearly missing my point. June of 2014 is when ZOS put us on ice for new content. Then they're big news was IC which has 2 vet PvE dungeons.......... it's now October 2015...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... .................
You might want to go and read through all of the patch notes to see everything they've added, fixed, changed and whatnot in 1.5 years before coming and spreading your salt.
And yes I was here when they were working on console too.
pls re-read the OP. The point here (and I'd like to stay on topic) is having an entire business quarter based on Solo content in an MMO. Rediculous or are MMOs (multiplayer in the title btw) supposed to be solo?
pls re-read the OP. The point here (and I'd like to stay on topic) is having an entire business quarter based on Solo content in an MMO. Rediculous or are MMOs (multiplayer in the title btw) supposed to be solo?
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »@NativeJoe - you don't need a purge to complete the arena at all. The "purge level" you are referring to actually has a bug in it where you can purge instead of using the mechanic of the arena.
@Cuyler - We're working on a new trial. Let us get Orsinium released on live before we start talking future DLC in more detail.
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »@NativeJoe - you don't need a purge to complete the arena at all. The "purge level" you are referring to actually has a bug in it where you can purge instead of using the mechanic of the arena.
People need to realize this is an MMO not an RPG, it takes a lot more balancing, bug fixing and tweaking to get everything right for release. If something is OP or broken in a RPG no one cares (unless it prevents progress), if its in an MMO, well you read the forums. Other MMO's only release DLC once a year (or longer), while ESO is releasing DLC every quarter. Just look at it this way, instead of getting everything packed into one DLC yearly we are getting new DLC quarterly. While one DLC may focus on PvP, the second group content and trials, the third solo play and the fourth.... who knows, they are focusing on one side of the game per quarter release. While this may not be optimal for those of us waiting on "our turn" I'm sure it helps ZoS debug smaller DLC's 4x a year than one large DLC once a year. If you think the Bugs are bad now could you imaging if Craglorn, Imperial City, Orsinium and another zone was released at the same time?
Listening and agreeing are two different things...I listened...I don't agree with your "logic". The real logic is this is an MMO that had released 2 vet dungeons in what will be 1.5 years.
Your argument has proven already to work against itself when it comes to this developer however, because the number one complaint from all segments of the player base has been lack of viable content across the spectrum. No one has asked for level cap increases three times in one year, incomplete progresson systems that have changed twice in the same amount of time, or a rash of rushed game features that are buggy and causing game imbalances, to name but a few.
There is a reason why many other MMOs release expansions on a 6 month to a year average, and it isn't because of things like lack of competency to do so quicker or limited resources to finance them. Those reasons may hold true with a small percentage of lesser known games from non AAA title developers, but not from a mammoth company on the spread sheet. It is because they have learned over the many years in this now dwindling market, that player demand for variety and choice in content is what sells the most. Offering large expansions with level cap increases and gear progression to match sustains player interest, as does giving end game players time to actually enjoy the fruits of their efforts. Even those players that burn through new content in a day or two to get to max level still have lots to do and see and work towards.
Yet here they insist on isolating content delivery based on type of playstyle, piggybacked on payment model structure. They have repeatedly ticked off huge amounts of people by doing this, let alone introduced issues to the game which would otherwise not be as pronounced had they but done things smartly instead of attempting to reinvent the wheel. As is, the wheel is pretty much in dire need of retreading and the game is less than two years live.
While taken individually, I like the concepts of Craglorn, IC especially, and Orsinium, it is quite clear to me having seen footage on it well over one year ago that they could have planned and executed their release in a very different manner but simply chose not to do so. I think the constant rifts that this creates among the players is the resulting, unintended yet often ignored venom that will eventually kill this game if they do not address it in some other way besides "wait, son. You'll get yours soon."
This isn't about wanting eveything now. It's about wanting to feel like this game is worth investing in. Some people may totally be cool with buying or subbing to a game only 25% of the year, but I highly doubt that is what will make this game or sny other the viable experience we wanted.
My concern is not about "the next trial" (though I assume it is probably a solution ), but about not turning away current and potential tradition mmo/group players by segregating the player base for 3 months as we're forced to the arena for solo gameplay.
Minnesinger wrote: »Oh yeah as a pvper I am against any DLC that hasn´t got PvP Arena, new map, gear and lollipops for my team. And yes I don´t want to wait I just make a thread QQing.
In all seriousness, I have nothing against the upcoming update. Maelstrom arena looks like a fun thing to do when there is no group. And I don´t lie that I really like to play PvP in groups, but I am open to all ideas in ESO. After I have tried I can decide if I bother to do it more often.
No. If i assumed that i would be gone already. I assume it to be soon(tm). which is why i'm still here, just PvE grouping blews atmUltimaJoe777 wrote: »
So you automatically assume it will take this long again? Well, have fun with that self-grievance.
sparafucilsarwb17_ESO wrote: »I don't know, after seeing the master weapons for magicka users. It seems there is no incentive for doing the arena. It's a joke compared to what stamina users get - no balance at all. It looks like the game is getting more and more biased toward stam users.