I feel the arena is a great addition. I understand the need to have group play in an MMO, but your friends should keep you here until that next DLC.
you're focusing on the minute details m8 look at the bigger picture.UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Except no one is "forcing" anything. People that go there and spend all their time there do so by choice.
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »@NativeJoe - you don't need a purge to complete the arena at all. The "purge level" you are referring to actually has a bug in it where you can purge instead of using the mechanic of the arena.
@Cuyler - We're working on a new trial. Let us get Orsinium released on live before we start talking future DLC in more detail.
freespirit wrote: »What about the two new Public Dungeons that come with Orsinium, aren't they group content?
Yea I agree it's real good content it simply exasperates a pre exisitng problem with the game. I'll be good either way, I'm not the one with the grouping problems (ppl are assuming this). I'm just not a "wool over the eyes" kind of person and won't dismiss I see the casual players having a real tough time. I care about the longevity of the game.
Scyantific wrote: »
Gonna post a video of me solo-ing both dungeons once this crap hits live.
Bfish22090 wrote: »What's wrong with getting v12 gear from trials?
I'll just be happy to finally be able to get past vet 12, since zeni keep patching farming spots, craglorn forces you to group and I hit a road block in the imperial city questline due to forced grouping (The watcher in the walls, nobody wants to do that blood quest for some reason) I've had no way to level, I welcome an arena that I can farm the guar out of!
Scyantific wrote: »
Good job you just told them exactly what spot to nerf for the day zero patch.
Then if you dislike the game so much and call anyone who likes the game a fanboy, why stay?
I've read them. you're clearly missing my point. June of 2014 is when ZOS put us on ice for new content. Then they're big news was IC which has 2 vet PvE dungeons.......... it's now October 2015...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... .................
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »@NativeJoe - you don't need a purge to complete the arena at all. The "purge level" you are referring to actually has a bug in it where you can purge instead of using the mechanic of the arena.
@Cuyler - We're working on a new trial. Let us get Orsinium released on live before we start talking future DLC in more detail.
I'm sorry you had such a negative experience. This has not been my experience however, most the people I group with are generally fun and nice save for few outliers. Question though.....if you do not like repetitive tasks what exactly do you do in this game? It's all repetitivefirstdecan wrote: »I've completed them all at least once, I do not look forward to them ever again. I do not like the OCD mentality of the people who run them, I do not like the repetitiveness of running the same encounters over and over
I apologize...I was typing in a flurry of responses at that point. Let me reiterate....Upper crag came out in 9/14 and it is now 10/15 a year and one month later. The next GROUP dlc will release probably in 2/16, a total of 1 year and 5 months later or approximately a year and a half. And no I don't count soloable delves, ui systems (CS) or the justice system (more solo content atm w/o the thieves guild or enforcers). vCOA, well yeah....so three dungeons since 9/14...point still stands.stevenbennett_ESO wrote: »
Really? Then I guess the new trial and Dragonstar Arena which were added with Upper Craglorn a year ago weren't "new content"?
I'm suspecting you don't count things like expanded delves, veteran City of Ash, or major new systems like the Champion System and Justice System as new content - I could potentially agree with that interpretation.
Like I said before, I'm not a "be happy they're doing anything and chill" kind of consumer. I'll voice my opinion and leave it there. If we all would "just be happy they're doing anything and chill a bit"....wouldn't that be such a grand, opinion less and manageable market of sheep for ZOS to cradle to sleep. But I digress..stevenbennett_ESO wrote: »So… chill for a bit, and be happy that they're back to actually releasing content at all, because it means *your* content is on it's way. Just not as soon as you'd like.
I've said it multiple times here. I like the new Arena...it's great content! I don't want a gear grind either...twistedmonk wrote: »also...this game is setup to be a solo experience - questing/crafting/aoe grinding. for good or bad. I've seen games where you were forced to group to be able to do anything - that is horrible and I dont think anybody wants that.
Maybe if they added more rewards for dungeons to get people to want to do them more than once for the skill point.
I guess the trials are there for organized groups for the challenge...but that's too hard for like 90% of the people to be honest. I don't want this to turn into a hardcore wow-style game with gear chasing each patch.
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »@NativeJoe - you don't need a purge to complete the arena at all. The "purge level" you are referring to actually has a bug in it where you can purge instead of using the mechanic of the arena.
@Cuyler - We're working on a new trial. Let us get Orsinium released on live before we start talking future DLC in more detail.
I'm sorry you had such a negative experience. This has not been my experience however, most the people I group with are generally fun and nice save for few outliers. Question though.....if you do not like repetitive tasks what exactly do you do in this game? It's all repetitive
Fair enough. You're correct, once a consistent team gets a couple clears and knows the fights trials becomes easy and simply a score based leaderboards game. But when coming up through trials myself, as a lowly pug struggling to even get my first AA clear, it was fun and challenging. I still appreciate that one can't just throw together 12 monkeys and expect to get on the leaderboard.firstdecan wrote: »
I wouldn't call it a negative experience, it's just not my cup of tea. Personally I'm glad they have content for the people that this appeals to, but it's really a minority of the player population. You couldn't take 12 casuals \ pugs, throw them into a trial and expect them to get very far. These are for the player who has multiple hour game sessions numerous days during the week. Unless you know the trial and enjoy running it over and over again, you're not going to do that. That takes a certain level of OCD (colloquially, not clinically), and the majority of players (the dirty casuals) probably don't want or have that much time to spend. I did them to see what 'end game raiding' was like. Been there, done that, it's an activity that takes too much time.
Yea PvP is the only saving grace for the end game atm. It's still easy to get a raid together quickly and go take some keeps or resources. And having other players constantly changing things up keeps it interesting. good times.firstdecan wrote: »As far as what I do in the game, I mostly PvP and quest with alts. The questing is really repetitive, but it's enjoyable when I just want something mindless. The PvP is still the most fun, I'm actually enjoying it more now that many of the 'highly addicted' gamers have moved on. It's easy enough to get a group and find objectives for whatever group size you may have, and no one has to be the perfect player or build to have fun.
BugCollector wrote: »
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
A whole year of nothing? Group players have had ALL the new content since launch. Imperial City, Craglorn, VSA, trials etc. Finally after a year and a half they decide to do a solo friendly DLC and everyone throws a fit. 1 year of nothing haha. What hyperbolish nonsense.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »lol I love it. When craglorn came out I complained it was a pain because everything required a group and the quests were long and tedious. I was told to shut up its a MMO and deal with it. Now solo players finally get something after all this time and everyone whines about it. If grouping is so fun and rewarding why on earth is anyone worried about a solo arena?
andypappb16_ESO wrote: »At the same time I'd say it's best to release Orsinium + Update the trials to VR16 at once, like this people can decide which they want to do themselves without being forced into "boring solo" or "annoying grouping", and people will be satisfied/entertained until the next dlc is released which most likely will bring a new trial.