I can reiterate it for you lol....you're playing ESO (an MMO) not Elder Scrolls 6.
The reason for concern is not because "grouping is annoying" and arena is "quick to go to". The concern is that ZOS makes new gear in the new content that is best in slot (BiS) and everyone is going to want to go there, which will turn this into a solo game for three months.
I covered this already at length...did you read the thread or just post after you read the last comment?
Actually the poster after you explains the solution perfectly:
The only reason we divide into these camps (solo, grouping etc.) and bicker between who gets what content and when is because ZOS's release schedule/model blews. The community would be a lot less toxic and all the better if everyone got a little taste of new stuff each quarter.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
A whole year of nothing? Group players have had ALL the new content since launch. Imperial City, Craglorn, VSA, trials etc. Finally after a year and a half they decide to do a solo friendly DLC and everyone throws a fit. 1 year of nothing haha. What hyperbolish nonsense.
BugCollector wrote: »
I'm talking about RAIDING, dude...
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
Go to IC. Problem solved.
Most need the carrot on the stick (aka gear grind) to remain interested obviously. These people aren't running trials anymore.TalonShina wrote: »
Must agree with you there.
I wouldn't mind if they scaled the trials and such but my question is it seems like everyone "complaining about group content like trials" wants the carrot on the stick if it's fun and you want to feel competitive why not just do the trials as is?
Shouldn't the reward be pushing yourself to the top of the leaderboard?
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
Wow I said this exact thing about craglorn, trials etc. Us solo players have been completely ignored since launch. You will get more group content just relax and wait. I have been waiting well over a year for this DLC. So sorry you arent catered to every single update like you feel entitled to.
Oh and just because its a MMO doesnt mean everything has to require a group. When I suggested releasing some solo content along with craglorn, the trials, IC etc I was told to sit down and shut up. I would get my solo DLC once everyone from the grouping PVE player to the PVP crowd had their time.
To play on some dev words "Grouping has had all kinds of updates. Time for solo PVE to get some love.". Is it bad I am really enjoying all the crying about grouping when I was told to shut up about all the updates since launch being group oriented? Meaning you cannot even do ANYTHING without a group.
I'm sure DLC sales will clear all this up. If players don't want this type of content and drop sub/ don't purchase the DLC they probably won't do it again. Like hopefully happened with IC. That's basic Bussiness , making games is a Bussiness
BugCollector wrote: »
I'm talking about RAIDING, dude...
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »
Im going to tell you what you Raiders/Trail runners told Solo Players. Sit down and shut up.
So let me get this straight...
You're coming to this thread, essentially ignoring where I propose an all inclusive dlc solution offering to release something for everyone each quarter, and further enlarge the group/solo divide by bringing up how some player moths ago told you to stop whining for solo content......right ok......So I'd like to move past your personal grudges and onto something bigger here. I want you to have your solo stuff, I want Pvps to have their PvP stuff, I want raiders to have their trials. I'm not that guy to tell you to sit down and stop whining, I understand, I actually solo too on occasion.
All I'm saying is soloers need to recognize this game was advertised and sold as an MMO and if solo content is needed, it should be piggy backed with relevant MMO content (group), not a stand alone dlc encompassing an entire quarter.
No I get it trust me, that's the tag line so many choose to parrot on here consistently, I see it all the time. However, it's not valid here......because I'm not moaning for a new trial, I like and will play this new arena just like everyone else. At this moment in time, it's just not good timing for the game as a whole. (Unless ZOS wants to disclose some focus group data showing that a solo dlc will increase revenues or reason other than "it's the solo persons time").TalonShina wrote: »@Cuyler you clearly are missing the point not every DLC will cater to you get over it.
Fair enough. No I don't want to wait a year for new content...ever. It's entirely plausible a company needs to keep the lights on by slimming staff to a point where they can't provide an exceptional product for it consumers...or maybe it's business as usual in the MMO industry.stevenbennett_ESO wrote: »
The reason ZOS can get away with Quarterly releases is because each one is tightly focused on one area. Sure, they could have combined the PvP stuff from IC, the solo and questing stuff from Orsinium, and the high end grouping stuff you want into a single expansion, but doing so would seriously delay ALL THREE of them, and trying to come up with a storyline and zone which makes sense for all three would have been an order of magnitude more complicated.
Would you rather they release a single major update every year and a half to two years like WoW did? (And, I'll note, even there they were often heavily focused on one segment of their player base…) Or release new things quarterly, even though it means you don't manage to cater to all the players with each release? Personally, I'm much happier with the quarterly releases.
As for Orsinium being only for "soloers"… I'd be more inclined to say it was aimed at casual players. (You know… those guys everyone loves to put down as not being serious supporters of this game, even though they're the vast majority of players, and provide the vast majority of the money ZOS earns from the game…) Yes, Maelstrom Arena is a solo addition, but there's a LOT more content in Orsinium, and I fully plan to do most of that content in a group. If anything, it makes it MUCH easier to do content in a group, because I can go to my friends and say: "Hey! Do you have any alts in alliance X who haven't done Orsinium, yet? Doesn't matter what level or where you are in other quest lines - we can group up and do the entire zone..."
So let me get this straight...
You're coming to this thread, essentially ignoring where I propose an all inclusive dlc solution offering to release something for everyone each quarter, and further enlarge the group/solo divide by bringing up how some player moths ago told you to stop whining for solo content......right ok......So I'd like to move past your personal grudges and onto something bigger here. I want you to have your solo stuff, I want Pvps to have their PvP stuff, I want raiders to have their trials. I'm not that guy to tell you to sit down and stop whining, I understand, I actually solo too on occasion.
All I'm saying is soloers need to recognize this game was advertised and sold as an MMO and if solo content is needed, it should be piggy backed with relevant MMO content (group), not a stand alone dlc encompassing an entire quarter.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
When I suggested solo people get something with IC I was told that PVP is the focus of the update. When I wanted solo versions of trials I was told too bad group people need content and I have the whole game. When craglorn came out and I complained solo players got no content with the update I was told to go jump in the lake if I didnt like it. Sorry if I dont feel badly for you. Your content will come again and us solo players will be ignored for another year. You are not entitled to have your way every update. You had your way for 1.5 years. Now you have to deal with a couple months or three of a solo dlc. Welcome to our world.
It just baffles me that these companies don't consider making even more money by increasing player retention with more dynamic and frequent content releases. Maybe this means hiring more for the dev team for example. The point is that as long consumers continue to "sit down and shut up", the less feedback these companies have to provide product's or make decisions for they're customers that create the longevity and ultimately more money for their products.
TalonShina wrote: »If they released it before ready you'd complain about that.
You guys sure do assume a lot about me all from one forum thread...pls do me a favor and don't put words in my mouth to make your arguments. I rarely come here to complain about the game and I just so happen to be adamant about this point. Which based on your comments you're clearly ignoring as you rant about things I don't even care about here, like the next trial or how quickly it will arrive (edit: this is simply ONE solution to the problem, don't focus on this, there are others lliiiiikkkeeee not releasing the new arena until the next group dlc is ready, wouldn't be the first time a dlc was postponed now would it) .stevenbennett_ESO wrote: »I suppose if they had monthly content updates, people would be screaming that they need to be weekly or faster…
The PvE grouping is already slow as hell because no one wants to do the old Trials, WGT and ICP are ridiculous gear grinds with a high learning curve for veteran, and most vet players saved their keys last patch and got there new shoulders (so no pledges). I seen it deteriorate slowly since the IC DLC released and even now the game is dead slow cause most players on the pts...
How much worse can it get?! oh yeah...there's a new solo arena that everyone is going to be playing in a month. Want a group for trials? naw I'm going to be in Maelstrom....want to WGT? naw I'll be in Maelstrom.
Point is....this is the kind of content you release in a mmo when your game is healthy, or in conjunction with group content, not when your players are struggling to get consistent groups together. This was supposed to be an MMO....starting to feel like Elder Scrolls 6. Shame really. I just hope there still some people left to group with when Failstrom is released. It's great content don't get me wrong....but horrible timing as usual by ZOS.
/end rant
edit: there-->their, grammar
ZOS_RichLambert wrote: »@NativeJoe - you don't need a purge to complete the arena at all. The "purge level" you are referring to actually has a bug in it where you can purge instead of using the mechanic of the arena.
@Cuyler - We're working on a new trial. Let us get Orsinium released on live before we start talking future DLC in more detail.
stevenbennett_ESO wrote: »
And it amuses me that even when given a ridiculously fast update schedule (Only two months between IC and Orsinium! Pretty much unheard of…) people continue to want faster and more frequent updates. I suppose if they had monthly content updates, people would be screaming that they need to be weekly or faster…
This was supposed to be an MMO....starting to feel like Elder Scrolls 6.
Multiplayer is multiplayer. When most companies advertises a multiplayer game, it's cooperative group play or pvp. Is there solo rpg aspects, sure, but not usually an entire dlc devoted to them. If you want to argue semantics of "MMO", then multiplayer is the word to focus on here.
I hope you do realize that newer MMOs are wisely no longer about "group content", and also realize that the majority of players playing ESO are solo players looking for a 'Skyrim' extension. This was made even more apparent when Bethesda recently announced that they were postponing ES6 indefinitely to focus on FO4- clearly IMO they did this to push those ES fans still waiting for ES6 towards ESO because they know many Skyrim players were not playing ESO as they were expecting ES6 next year.
You seem to act like ZOS doesn't know who they're majority player base is, but through datamining they can tell how many players play what content, how many of them group, etc. While they are trying to make content to please everyone, I think, or certainly hope, that they continue making content for their majority player base even if it goes against what some players expect from an 'MMO'.
Oh, and just a refresher... MMO means "massively multiplayer online"... no where in that titles does it say "GROUP content". It simply means a massive amount of people playing the same game at the same time. What MMO used to mean and what it means now, with MMOs going to consoles and all consoles having internet access, is totally different. MMOs are evolving to attract a new, massive base of players, the single-player gamers who want online game play- but not necessarily GROUP gameplay. After all, who wouldn't want to play a game with longevity, constant updates, new content, and the option to play with others.
Multiplayer is multiplayer. When most companies advertises a multiplayer game, it's cooperative group play or pvp. Is there solo rpg aspects, sure, but not usually an entire dlc devoted to them. If you want to argue semantics of "MMO", then multiplayer is the word to focus on here.
I agree there is a large solo rpg demographic in ESO, but this is what's holding this game back IMO. No offense. I love a good rpg, I played all the ES series and will happily play ES6 and FO4 for that experience. But was the companies original intent of ESO to cater to this market expecting the ES6 experience from ESO? I'm not so sure. It's definitely a nice option but shouldn't be a focus in an MMO.
Alphashado wrote: »People (Including ZOS marketing/development) would be wise to see the bigger picture here.
I've seen this debate rage on and on since launch.
One side of the isle will kick and scream and stomp their feet raging on about how ES fans want solo content. They will tell you that this and that and the pebble near the stream clearly indicates that the majority of this player base expects solo content.
Meanwhile, the MMO crowd will insist that since ESO is an MMO, it should cater to group content because that's expected from an MMO.
The FACT is that a good MMO caters to BOTH demographics because both demographics are paying customers.
So MMO fans need to accept that ESO is full of ES fans looking for solo entertainment and ES fans need to except that ESO is an MMO, and as an MMO, they ARE going to cater to people looking for group content.
Stop sitting in your corner greedily clutching your toy refusing to share it with the other kids.
Wasn't trying to troll you at all (and I have read *every* comment on this thread…) - I was simply responding to your comment suggesting: "...more dynamic and frequent content releases…" by pointing out that they're *already* doing that with quarterly releases. And you'll note I didn't suggest *you* would be screaming for weekly or faster releases, I said "people", deliberately. (And you *know* there are people who would do that on these forums - there are people here who complain about *everything*…You guys sure do assume a lot about me all from one forum thread...pls do me a favor and don't put words in my mouth to make your arguments. I rarely come here to complain about the game and I just so happen to be adamant about this point. Which based on your comments you're clearly ignoring as you rant about things I don't even care about here, like the next trial or how quickly it will arrive (edit: this is simply ONE solution to the problem, don't focus on this, there are others lliiiiikkkeeee not releasing the new arena until the next group dlc is ready, wouldn't be the first time a dlc was postponed now would it) .
I think anyone who actually reads my comments on this thread can easily see I'm not the habitual QQ crybaby you guys are trying to make me out to be. Stop trolling pls.
Multiplayer is multiplayer. When most companies advertises a multiplayer game, it's cooperative group play or pvp. Is there solo rpg aspects, sure, but not usually an entire dlc devoted to them. If you want to argue semantics of "MMO", then multiplayer is the word to focus on here.
I agree there is a large solo rpg demographic in ESO, but this is what's holding this game back IMO. No offense. I love a good rpg, I played all the ES series and will happily play ES6 and FO4 for that experience. But was the companies original intent of ESO to cater to this market expecting the ES6 experience from ESO? I'm not so sure. It's definitely a nice option but shouldn't be a focus in an MMO.