Official Discussion Thread for "Imperial City Launch Details"

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  • Skolia
    Looks interesting but looks like it's too PvP for my tastes.

    (I don't PvP msyelf , but probably cool for PvP fans.)
  • vladimilianoub17_ESO1

    The problem is that this content was already payed for prior to the Crown Stores Arival through the Subcsriptions the earlier players had to pay. It's not about the system now, its the fact that this content is "essentially" grouped with the system that was before aka that this content should have been no DLC.

    You got crowns for every month you suscribed.There is your Imp City DLC.I still have my crowns that they gave us.There is my IC DLC.You already spend your free crowns? Buy a 60 day card,there you get 2 months sub and crowns to buy the dlc.
  • LillyAngel

    To be fair, the video game industry has been in the decline since the era of digital updates began and they could patch products instead of truly finishing them, this is why I continue to hold tabletop gaming as superior in nearly every way.

    But, on to the subject at hand: Imperial City.

    Exciting news, trailer looked great and so far everything sounds exactly like I expected and told others to expect. I'm really glad you're not just dumping this out for free on non-subscribers and former members. I feel renewed justification in my continued subscription.

    Really looking forward to those 4-man dungeons in particular.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Trolling & Baiting]

    Edited by ZOS_MaryB on July 15, 2015 7:02PM
    Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
  • Lava_Croft
    LillyAngel wrote: »

    No wonder game companies are turning away from PCs, PC gamers are nothing but a bunch of whiners... it's becoming more and more difficult to please them...
    It's not so hard to please a PC gamer: Release a quality product, update it often and do not make false promises.

    ZOS failed on all three of these accounts.
  • Takllin
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    It's not so hard to please a PC gamer: Release a quality product, update it often and do not make false promises.

    ZOS failed on all three of these accounts.

    It's not even update it often, just create content that has longevity...I think the majority of people would settle for an update every 3-4 months if it was good and lasted a while.
    Jadokis - AD Redguard DK v16 AR 18
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  • kupacmac
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    It's not so hard to please a PC gamer: Release a quality product, update it often and do not make false promises.

    ZOS failed on all three of these accounts.

    So why are you even here? Just to troll?
  • netch_a_sketch
    Oh I am SO excited for this! Roll on September!
  • LillyAngel
    Leandor wrote: »
    Way to go, ZOS. Introduce a new currency for all the new stuff, making what we have right now completely worthless and then make it attainable in PK environment with the risk to lose it.

    Didn't you say you wanted to tackle the zerg issue?

    That's something that worries me as well, player zerging and ganking... wow, this is gonna hurt. Seems like not really thought through... this will make many players frustrated...
    Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
  • Esha76
    So wait... there is already an imbalance in PvP, and that imbalance is only going to increase as champion points increase. So these ridiculously powerful players that everyone ALREADY *** about will just be able to roam around IC and kill people, taking their stone and preventing them from getting the new / better gear? Or what's to stop a zerg doing the same thing?

    For that matter, who gets the stone drops? does just one person, or does everyone who contributed to ganking that person get a copy of the stone stack? That would make farming people a lot more efficient than anything else.

    Really getting tired of forcing PvX on those that aren't interested in that game type. Separate out your systems please, if you plan on having both in your game.


    I am perfectly ok with the notion that not all content in an MMO is going to cater to everyone (such as me with PvP focus content). But I am glad to see new content to keep a portion of the community involved with the game and keeping it alive.

    However, I am appalled at the notion that I will be penalized for dying in PvP in the form of having my "hard earned" stones taken from me. You give ZERO incentive for those new to PvP to try this system out, thus no reason to buy this expansion from you.

    As much as I feel PvP needs a better reward system, taking from those of us who... simply suck at it and/or are new... is the worst idea you could have done with this expansion. You are catering to gankers and elitists. I will have no part of this.

    If these stones are the only real way to acquire higher level gear with this expansion, then you're not getting any money from me on this one.

    Now then... Orsinium? Mork calling Orsinium?
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
    "I don't know why I bother guarding you horrible people." - Orama Sadas
    "Scales here is about to have a really bad day..." - Valeric
    "Just tell me what you're doing here before I turn your heart into a tomato..." - Sereyne
    "Break those rocks! Dig those ditches! Why??? Because I want you to!!!" - Ifriz the Unraveller
    "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
    "I humiliated the Daedra in Mehrunes Spite." - You, when turning in a specific Undaunted Daily.
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    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • Jamesbr1b14_ESO
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    So after all this waiting. All this subscription paying. All these promises. All these delays.

    You want 2500 Crowns for the Imperial City.

    I cannot think of a better way ZOS could have said "go *** yourself, scrub" to loyal customers.

    I think you missed something while you were reading the launch details, because if you've been paying your subscription (as you stated above), you do NOT have to pay the 2500 crowns for the expansion pack. That cost is for non-ESO Plus members. As seen in their quote below:

    The full Imperial City DLC game pack is included with an active ESO Plus membership. If you are not an ESO Plus member, or your membership lapses, the Imperial City DLC game pack costs 2,500 crowns in the ESOTU Crown Store.

  • Enodoc
    So wait, this DLC pack doesn't include Orsinium/High Wrothgar?
    Don't get confused - Orsinium is the capital city of the Wrothgar region, while High Hrothgar is up a mountain in Skyrim and has never even been suggested as DLC.

    To access the Imperial City, will my friends and I have to traverse through Cyrodil and attempt to fight our way through just to access the DLC we pay for? Sounds borderline impossible if my alliance is on the losing end of nearly every campaign. Am I not seeing the whole picture here or is that pretty accurate?

    This. This is exactly why I was trying to put forward the case for Imperial City being free content (along with the ragequit scenarios), and, along with Lava_Croft's points, why I will be cancelling my sub.
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  • Hoodster92_ESO

    You got crowns for every month you suscribed.There is your Imp City DLC.I still have my crowns that they gave us.There is my IC DLC.You already spend your free crowns? Buy a 60 day card,there you get 2 months sub and crowns to buy the dlc.

    Sigh.... I am going to say this one more time.... this is not about the state of the "current system". It is about the pure fact that the content was already paid for through PRIOR subscriptions, God it's not that difficult to understand.

    DLC's are meant to reimburse companies off content they create and hope players will buy, if a company makes a DLC that no one wants then they wasted their money, not the players.

    Now.... with the Imperial City being a DLC, even after essentially paying for the content due to previous subscription model, it tells me that they burned the Subscriptions of players attempting to fix the games mistakes (which they still haven't done completely yet) and are making me reinburse their work towards the imperial city by paying them again.....

    The Imperial City was apart of the ORIGINAL concept of ESO.... So why are we paying for something that was promised in the original game? THAT is what bugs me.... THAT is the point.....
    Edited by Hoodster92_ESO on July 15, 2015 5:27PM
  • Personofsecrets
    I'm curious as to how this level change will effect level consolidation in the future.

    Now there could easily be a 'tier' higher than the v10-v14 'tier' once item levels are consolidated.

    Maybe it wouldn't be an issue if there was no moral hazard in that players have made many decisions based off of instances such as the following.

    Check out the 49:42 mark for a very interesting question with an equally interesting response.

    Q: "How are you going to be introducing new items into the game that increases the players power without increasing the quote unquote level cap?"

    A: "That's a fairly easy thing to do on our end...."

    Remember, as Joe Blackburn said,

    "we want to make sure when we do some more of the expanded system changes, we do them correctly. We don't want to give you a situation were you feel like you've put a time investment into the game and now it's all worth less or just doesn't feel right anymore."

    Please, pass on this idea about the future consolidation of item levels without making players feel as though their current investment into getting those items is worthless.

    At least introduce a system that allows players to increase the levels of their gear. Honestly, what good is it that I did undaunted pledges for the helm and shoulder sets if I have to do those pledges again to get the same items at a higher level (if I even can get them again). What good is playing in trials, getting gear such as Signet of the Warlock, if the item is going to be outmatched in power do to higher level of new items entering the metagame. And if you do introduce an awesome way of increasing item levels, then please consider letting us change item armor types and traits too... please.

    I'm really interested in knowing how gear levels will be consolidated in the future and if the crafting system could be used to support everyone's, players and developer alike, vision of feeling good about gear and time invested into the game.
  • LillyAngel
    kupacmac wrote: »
    So much nerd rage in this post, amazing. I love how people are complaining that they subbed for a year and now have to pay for IC, even though they already received enough free crowns to buy it. Their fault if they bought frivolous stuff like mounts and pets when it was made clear that DLC would come at a price.

    This! Monthly sub is worth 15 dollars in crowns, you got your crowns every month so why complain? Seriously, get a job people and stop asking your parents to pay for things.
    Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
  • Lava_Croft
    kupacmac wrote: »

    So why are you even here? Just to troll?
    To play PvP. I paid a year of subscription money and I am still waiting for the content that was promised. Also, there's not much of an alternative when it comes to ESO's PvP, which is one of the big reasons why a lot of people stick around.

    You cannot honestly look at the current state of PvP and agree that a year of subscription money was well spent as a PvP player.
    Edited by Lava_Croft on July 15, 2015 5:32PM
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO

    Has the team considered granting a one time bonus of 2500 coins to those who have subbed longer than 9/12 months at this point as a thank you for the loyalty shown by PC customers during the launch year? (would allow players who feel cheated, whether rightly or wrongly, by the fact that 'no content' was delivered during their sub period a gesture of good will and would encourage others who haven't subbed to sub knowing that after that long duration they get a bonus) for example?

    If not is it something you would consider for the future?
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
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  • SturgeHammer

    I think you missed something while you were reading the launch details, because if you've been paying your subscription (as you stated above), you do NOT have to pay the 2500 crowns for the expansion pack. That cost is for non-ESO Plus members. As seen in their quote below:

    The full Imperial City DLC game pack is included with an active ESO Plus membership. If you are not an ESO Plus member, or your membership lapses, the Imperial City DLC game pack costs 2,500 crowns in the ESOTU Crown Store.

    I think @Lava_Croft is saying that paying the ESO+ for months is not worth unlimited access to a 2500 crown DLC, which they probably have, like every other ESO+ member, enough dead crowns in pocket to buy it straight up with more crowns to spare. It is a huge smack in the face for players that have been subbed for a while with the promise that the DLC will make up for a lack of Value that ESO+ provides. This lack of value has been officially acknowledged by ZOS. EDIT Source:
    Edited by SturgeHammer on July 15, 2015 5:56PM
    First-in-Line - Swings-for-Lethal
    Green-Thumb - Scale-Factor
    Hist-Tree-Major - A-Late-One
    Needs-Some-Help - Dead-Last
  • Violynne
    Now.... with the Imperial City being a DLC, even after essentially paying for the content due to previous subscription model, it tells me that they burned the Subscriptions of players attempting to fix the games mistakes (which they still haven't done completely yet) and are making me reinburse their work towards the imperial city by paying them again.....
    I can't agree with this assessment (because I'm a programmer). The statement implies a subscription is going to "X", rather than "Y", but that's never the case.

    The subscription is going to the business. Not only was a portion used to fix bugs and work on DLC, but it also paid the lease, utilities, pay raises, and other necessities to keep a business going.

    I understand the frustration people have over the whole "But I have to pay for it too?", but considering there's a massive risk factor by allowing people to drop subs while trying to maintain a revenue stream to cover all these costs is something many should keep in mind before bellowing out how $25 is somehow killing their wallet.
  • Xael
    MSchroeder wrote: »
    I can't speak to engineering issues, but let me address some of the itemization questions.

    About a dozen item sets from Cyrodiil are being updated and re-released in the Rewards for the Worthy and Leaderboard reward mails, and they will be available at every Level and Veteran Rank (including VR 16). Another dozen or so Cyrodiil sets have had their statistics updated, but will not be included in those mails.

    Tel Var stones can only be gained and spent inside the Imperial City.

    The item sets in the new dungeons will be Bind on Pickup. However, item sets purchased via Tel Var stones are all Bind on Equip - meaning that you can sell them on Guild Stores or trade them to other players. Further, the crafting materials found in Imperial City can also be sold or traded, and used to craft VR 15 and VR 16 gear at any crafting bench.

    Thank you for responding. So now Rewards for the Worthy will have quality set items? That's really nice. Will we still be able to buy them from the vendors via bags or outright with AP? Some of us started saving up our AP for this very thing.

    Also can you ask @ZOS_BrianWheeler about the Cyrodiil lag? This is serious. I promise you the bulk of your PvP veterans will quit this game in the next 2 months if the lag isn't fixed. It's not a threat, simply a fact. The way things have been going with updates for crown store and piecemeal patches that really don't fix anything, people are ready to leave. I implore you, please, PLEASE, bring this to @ZOS_BrianWheeler attention. I don't speak for everyone, but I am positive a lot of us PvPers would be happy to not get additional content as long as they fixed the lag and stability of this game. In other words this should be your priority. It will come back to bite you otherwise.
    I got killed in pvp, nerf everything...
  • LillyAngel

    I am very excited and looking forward to more great stuff!

    NOTE: It's really hard to be a game developer nowadays, too many trolls around... it's not the game having faults it's the people playing it!
    Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
  • Lava_Croft

    I think @Lava_Croft is saying that paying the ESO+ for months is not worth unlimited access to a 2500 crown DLC, which they probably have, like every other ESO+ member, enough dead crowns in pocket to buy it straight up with more crowns to spare. It is a huge smack in the face for players that have been subbed for a while with the promise that the DLC will make up for a lack of Value that ESO+ provides. This lack of value has been officially acknowledged by ZOS.
    ESO+ doesn't even matter in this case. As a PvP player, I have paid a subscription fee for over a year, only to see next to no new content and a state of PvP that is worse than it ever was when you look at things like the lag and bugs.
  • Slylok

    The Imperial City was never promised to be "free".

    The Imperial City is, was, and always has been, said to be included with your paid ESO subscription. You can quibble over B2P and that you are not required to pay a subscription, but the fact remains that it is included with the current ESO Plus subscription, just as it was intended to be included in the old ESO subscription. This has been a constant that has not changed.

    What has changed is that now you do not need to subscribe and you can purchase Imperial City using Crowns. Before Tamriel Unlimited, if you did not want to subscribe, you did not get to play. You did not get Imperial City. You did not get anything. Pay or go home. Thanks to the change in business model, you get to choose whether to subscribe. Choose to subscribe, you get Imperial City as part of that subscription, same as before. Choose not to subscribe, you get the option of buying Imperial City outright or playing without it.


    I can think of two reasons to not do this.

    1. Whenever ZOS attempts to reward past participation, it does nothing but create dissent. Even though they do it to be nice, it is widely rebuked by vocal players. There is always a cutoff, and there is always someone on the wrong side of that cutoff. Look at all of the exclusive Senche offers over the last 6 months and the people begging to be included in those offers after the fact. It will be 100x worse with Imperial City.

    2. It was always intended to be included in your subscription and it still is. If you dropped your subscription under the old plan, you did not get Imperial City. Imperial City was never something that was gifted, it was always included with the recurring subscription. The terms of that offer have not changed. Subscribe to ESO Plus, get the Imperial City at no extra charge, just as it was before B2P. Or.... do not subscribe and buy it separately, something new with B2P that gives you the option.

    Because many have paid a subscription and went a very long time without any new content to show for the subscription? Saying it was " always a part of the sub model " doesnt fly because people paid a sub and didnt get a thing for a long time. That is why those that had accounts and paid a sub prior to buy to play should get this DLC for free.
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  • imredneckson
    Over all I don't see many things I don't like but I'm a bit nervous about players being able to take other players stones(Imperial City currency). If a zerg comes rolling on through and massacres any and all player that's not their alliance and those players cant avoid the zerg how are they going to get enough stones to buy anything? Last, is the Imperial City on a different server or system than the rest of Cyrodiil like Glenumbra is to Storm Haven? I think it would help minimize the lag throughout Cyrodiil and the Imperial City over all...I hope.
    Legions of Mordor Guild Officer
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    High Elf Templar - Teutonic Honor Guard (EP)
  • Hoodster92_ESO

    Oh trust me I know that the subscription doesn't go all too the content being released, they got to treat their employees right and all.

    However they already stated that "X" will be in the game, which intails that money is going to "X" with consideration that "Y" is also covered, if you arn't sure how to make "X" happen then don't say it will be there without all the funding figured out.

    Them announcing it while in Subscription model indicated they were ready and funded for this project. However with the DLC sounds like they fudged up along the way and spent to much money fixing their mistakes.

    Now I am also a programmer, and from my experience you don't get extra pay for fixing mistakes you made.
  • BoloBoffin
    If Tel Var Stones can be banked, can they be mailed?

    Is there a Bank in the Imperial City?

    Can your banked Tel Var Stones be used at vendors, or must you have them on your person to buy anything in IC?

    You people really want us fighting it out in the streets, don't you? It's like some insane prelude to the Enforcer skill line in Tamriel...
    Been there, got the Molag Bal polymorph.
  • Kyuumu
    I am uber happy for all the pvper's who are excitedly anticipating this content. :) It looks amazing, not something I personally would enjoy, but amazing none the less.

    >.>...... I am now gonna go steal some crap so I have the money in game to buy the stuff from this content since there is no chance my non-pvping @$$ will ever be able to earn any of it. Before anyone ask, because I suck at pvp :P I do hope it turns out to be content that pvpers love though ^.^ Remember me pvpers! Me <
    > future customer!

    I am really sorry for all the non-subbers who feel paying for this content is unfair, but there is always a flip side when you think about it. I have subbed from day one and still sub now but I don't play pvp so while your upset look at it from my point of view, I get new dlc........that is of no use to me.

    At this point should I rail at Zenimax because there is no solo content? Should I act petulant and belligerent due to the lack there of? I instead choose to be happy for all the others in my community that DO pvp and hope that the things I will enjoy arrive sooner than later.

    Zeni cannot please everyone all the time and this stuff DOES take time to make so relax. Which would you prefer that they take their time and make it to where you can actually enjoy the dlc or rush and have so many bugs that decent play is impossible? Patience is a virtue.
  • tonemd

    Because many have paid a subscription and went a very long time without any new content to show for the subscription? Saying it was " always a part of the sub model " doesnt fly because people paid a sub and didnt get a thing for a long time. That is why those that had accounts and paid a sub prior to buy to play should get this DLC for free.

    It would be a good PR move but those players aren't entitled to anything. Prior to B2P the only way to play this game was to have a sub. If the game never went buy to play, not only would you not have access to IC without a sub, you wouldn't be able to even play the game. Those players payed for the game as it was while they were playing it.

    Yes ZOS promised frequent content updates. Yes it's messed up that ZOS delayed any new content for all this time. But when they were making those BS promises, your access to it was STILL dependent on you having a sub. NOW you can either sub or pay outright for it.

    Imperial City and any other new content was never going to be "free".
    Edited by tonemd on July 15, 2015 6:27PM
  • lucian_banneb18_ESO
    "item sets purchased via Tel Var stones are all Bind on Equip - meaning that you can sell them on Guild Stores or trade them to other players."

    I hope this means that AD players will be able to get EP stuff.
  • Dagoth_Rac

    Has the team considered granting a one time bonus of 2500 coins to those who have subbed longer than 9/12 months at this point as a thank you for the loyalty shown by PC customers during the launch year? (would allow players who feel cheated, whether rightly or wrongly, by the fact that 'no content' was delivered during their sub period a gesture of good will and would encourage others who haven't subbed to sub knowing that after that long duration they get a bonus) for example?

    If not is it something you would consider for the future?

    They gave PC subscribers crowns when they transitioned from subscription required to B2P. The amount of crowns was dependent on how long you subscribed. Why would they give us crowns again? If you spent all those crowns on mounts or costumes or XP scrolls, and have no crowns left to buy Imperial City ... I am not sure what to say. You want mounts and costumes and XP scrolls and Imperial City?
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Dagoth_Rac wrote: »

    They gave PC subscribers crowns when they transitioned from subscription required to B2P. The amount of crowns was dependent on how long you subscribed. Why would they give us crowns again? If you spent all those crowns on mounts or costumes or XP scrolls, and have no crowns left to buy Imperial City ... I am not sure what to say. You want mounts and costumes and XP scrolls and Imperial City?

    The number of crowns given was a very low one at 100 a month for having subscribed. The 5500 crown amount was a public test server credit and only worked on there. XP "scrolls" have an affordable and cheap in-game equivalent called Psijic Ambrosia.

    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on July 15, 2015 6:43PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
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