jcodbf2b14_ESO wrote: »Because many have paid a subscription and went a very long time without any new content to show for the subscription? Saying it was " always a part of the sub model " doesnt fly because people paid a sub and didnt get a thing for a long time. That is why those that had accounts and paid a sub prior to buy to play should get this DLC for free.
As much as I feel PvP needs a better reward system, taking from those of us who... simply suck at it and/or are new... is the worst idea you could have done with this expansion. You are catering to gankers and elitists. I will have no part of this.SpoilerThis.
I am perfectly ok with the notion that not all content in an MMO is going to cater to everyone (such as me with PvP focus content). But I am glad to see new content to keep a portion of the community involved with the game and keeping it alive.
However, I am appalled at the notion that I will be penalized for dying in PvP in the form of having my "hard earned" stones taken from me. You give ZERO incentive for those new to PvP to try this system out, thus no reason to buy this expansion from you.
If these stones are the only real way to acquire higher level gear with this expansion, then you're not getting any money from me on this one.
Imperial City is going to thrive for gankers. Not trying to join in with the negative comments, but man, gear grinding is going to be a nightmare for the mediocre PvP player.
@Philip_Draven @ZOS_BrianWheelerPhilip_Draven wrote: »You will have the option of depositing Tel Var Stones into the bank, but there are some minimum restrictions in place. Additionally, you will lose all of the stones on your person when you die in PvP. Both of these exact values are still subject to change as we continue to fine tune the system based on our logs and player feedback.
While this sounds interesting and so exciting like old school full loot pvp games, this will result in even bigger zergs and even more ganking. Please consider there are still big chunk of solo/small scale players aside from gankers and zergs. And this is just not fun at all for usPhilip_Draven wrote: »You will have the option of depositing Tel Var Stones into the bank, but there are some minimum restrictions in place. Additionally, you will lose all of the stones on your person when you die in PvP. Both of these exact values are still subject to change as we continue to fine tune the system based on our logs and player feedback.
While this sounds interesting and so exciting like old school full loot pvp games, this will result in even bigger zergs and even more ganking. Please consider there are still big chunk of solo/small scale players aside from gankers and zergs. And this is just not fun at all for us
I like the idea, dont get me wrong but please award this playstyle.
How about soloers or groups with 4-5 ppl max? There isn't much to do. Game mechanics limits you in first placeAttorneyatlawl wrote: »
They do already, right now. The majority of the top leaderboard spots aren't earned by zerging in a blob of 30-50+ people. It's efficiency and skill by smaller groups taking on multiple times their number, killing quick, and winning consistently. Zerging around and earning 10-20k AP an hour is nothing compared to what organized, great players can pull off in the same amount of time. The same will be true of them taking the zerg's stones.
MSchroeder wrote: »
You can craft VR 15 and VR 16 items, using materials gained from exploring the Imperial City - either through deconstructing the items you find there, or purchasing the crafting materials directly from vendors using Tel Var Stones. (The Imperial City has no crafting nodes, because it's both totally urbanized and totally destroyed.) Those materials can then be sold on Guild Stores or traded to other players.
There are three new Item Sets to craft, also found within the Imperial City. I can't share details quite yet, but you'll find them soon enough. However, there are not any new Traits this time around.
The more I think about it, the more the whole Tel Var stones situation needs to be revised. The first thing you have to learn in PvP is you're going to die. It's a major deterring factor for many players to get involved. But once you understand that flow, you learn to deal with it.
But now that end game gear is going to heavily be involved with the Imperial City and these Tel Var stones, it's going to be a pretty big deal. Not even going into the imbalance with Champion Points, people will be completely out of their league here. Solo play will be completely out of the question if you want to earn this new currency reliably. And how will the perks of emperor play in the Imperial City?
Will soul gems allow us to self raise in this zone? If you're part of a group facing other players, will the Tel Var stones be divvied up like exp or just highest damage dealer/killing blow? Has it been considered to only lose a portion of these Tel Var stones instead of all? Seems fair to make it 10% of total on a person (with a minimum number if they don't have many). All this is going to do is just going to set people up. There are just many situations that you can never get revenge on a person, whether out classed, out skilled, etc. Some people are just better at PvP. No amount of practice changes that.
I'm not saying make this area easy. Make it hard. But this is DLC, not an addition to PvP. You have to consider all factors here. No amount of player testing will solve this.
How about soloers or groups with 4-5 ppl max? There isn't much to do. Game mechanics limits you in first place
Will mobs from the new group dungeons in IC also drop items that can be deconstructed for the new material? @MSchroeder
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno
Has the team considered granting a one time bonus of 2500 coins to those who have subbed longer than 9/12 months at this point as a thank you for the loyalty shown by PC customers during the launch year? (would allow players who feel cheated, whether rightly or wrongly, by the fact that 'no content' was delivered during their sub period a gesture of good will and would encourage others who haven't subbed to sub knowing that after that long duration they get a bonus) for example?
If not is it something you would consider for the future?
Good news! I really hope new dungeons will be a little harder than what we have nowhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsvFD4C2Hyw
(and I'm not even close to 1000 CP like some people)
@Attorneyatlawl, I hate that you spent so much time responding to my post, as you've missed my point entirely. I'm not complaining about the PvP DLC, in fact, PvP needs it. I'm also not deterred from Cyrodiil, but I know many are. But you're way off base on a lot of your explanation as well as not understanding where I was coming from.
Lava_Croft wrote: »ESO+ doesn't even matter in this case. As a PvP player, I have paid a subscription fee for over a year, only to see next to no new content and a state of PvP that is worse than it ever was when you look at things like the lag and bugs.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
No. We have no plans to sell Tel Var Stones in the Crown Store; you'll need to earn them!
Adam_Chattaway wrote: »
Why no console chat box? not even a reply after a 57 pages thread?
They never promised it for free.Djaevleungen wrote: »So after all this time. You guys promised us that the people who had been gaming for over a year we would get Imperial City for free, you guys are going to want us to pay for it??? Are you guys serius! We have already been paying for over a year.... And you guys promised us to get it for free. We desurves it. We have been waiting for something new for such a long time. You guys didn't even finish Justice System before you focused on the consol... Come on!
Djaevleungen wrote: »So after all this time. You guys promised us that the people who had been gaming for over a year we would get Imperial City for free, you guys are going to want us to pay for it??? Are you guys serius! We have already been paying for over a year.... And you guys promised us to get it for free. We desurves it. We have been waiting for something new for such a long time. You guys didn't even finish Justice System before you focused on the consol... Come on!
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
I'd be happy to hear a clarification and reply to that, instead.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the impression I got from your post was that it's looking like it will be too difficult for new players to earn top-end PVP-sourced rewards because of the risk element (and gain element for the skilled) of Tel Var stone drops on death? They are bankable, and thus can be saved up. However, there's no substitute for skill or organization in your group/guild/faction to help pull off the wins. I know you mentioned that you think people are deterred/scared to go into a PVP area because they can die to other players... but they don't lose anything more otherwise than they do for dying to a mob in a PVE area. It's a very exaggerated concern by those people.
That's what I had gotten from your post, @ThePonzzz, and I had framed my reply around that. As I mentioned before, please feel free to clarify or add more if I missed the point.
Philip_Draven wrote: »You will have the option of depositing Tel Var Stones into the bank, but there are some minimum restrictions in place. Additionally, you will lose all of the stones on your person when you die in PvP. Both of these exact values are still subject to change as we continue to fine tune the system based on our logs and player feedback.