Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

Yes to VR16!

  • ch.ris317b14_ESO
    If ZOS is going for the leveling road they should just give high lvl crafters the option to upgrade
    Gear reset is good for the game. Period. For the economy, for giving top players something new to peruse, etc.

    It is funny, game genres like FPS(s), RPG(s), MOBA(s) and others don't have that kind of gear resets. Even GW2 is purely cosmetic based, and some of those are doing just fine without laying down any extra artificial time barrier.

    The only people who will enjoy the extra 2VR lvls are those who are addicted to the idea they permanently need a goal to work toward and can't just enjoy a game for its core element : Gameplay.

    You guys want more progression and more gear, but by increasing the VR Cap, you are decreasing, yet again, viable gear variety because every previous gear now underleveled by those changes is render completely useless.

    Those extra 2VR levels won't change anything for people still leveling their characters since the exp curve is lower overall and exp gained increased in some areas. It will only affect those currently at VR14 who invested time and effort to min/max a character by investing time in both PvE and PvP to create a full set of legendaries.

    We will get extra new content too, but also some extra unecessary busywork (which is not part of the fun).

    If you like chasing the holy carrot, its your right to do so, but do not discredit everyone else who doesn't like to do so. Most gamers have matured. They now have a work, a family and play casualy. Those players would like to play the way they want instead of feeling forced to repeat the same old content over and over to reach their personnal goal...

    Spot on!

    There is absolutely no sane reason for THREE different 'progression' systems...

    Destiny, Guild Wars 2, Borderlands,

    There are so many better ways to do this.
  • ch.ris317b14_ESO
    So let me get this straight. You guys want to stay the same level forever. Same gear forever. Do the same dungeons forever. Really? Ive been dying for something new to do I cannot wait for the new VR ranks. Honestly sounds like a bunch of spoiled children in here to me. Luckily the forums represent the minority.

    Its called seasons or tiers.... and every succesful game ties them to actual story content....

    If instead of 'progression' you concentrate on formulating a grade A gameplay experience... and then adding story with new gear.... No grind, lots of fun
  • jeanbulinckxub17_ESO
    Disclaimer: I'm a old school gamer and from my point of view level up in ESO is extremely easy, VR level up is just a bit less easy.

    GEAR: For me the only problem about raising cap level is changing gear. For a very active farmer/crafter/trader (as me) that's not an issue,
    ao contraire I'm pretty sure I'll profit a lot crafting gold gear, glyphs and selling materials.
    From the perspective of a player not enganged in the economic activities I understand that can be very expensive. That's special true for PvP players.

    PvP: PvP oriented players has less time to do farming/craft/trader and they don't have the ways to level up gear and xp. All PvP grants is AP and that don't buy gold, materials or xp.
    for me a possible solution for that players can be (for a limited period after patch) to give them that possibility. I understand developers can not be inclined to that kind of palliative solution.
    ESO is a plural game and it exptects from players to jump in many types of collaborative activities inluding that ones give you materias & gold.
    Understand developers dreams on creating a complex world like that we live. That also mean like the world we live if you just do things you enjoy (like playing MMO's) and not things give you money you cannot just get that top gamer console/computer for free...

    VR16: We ill got a lot of XP bonuses to geat VR16 fast. Unfortunately that also means if you are raising a alt it's time to slow down and wait for the patch, it ill be a lot easier after it.
    For first chars I fell that's not bad. The XP progression (by doing only quests) fells like wrong. Quests can do a lot more at VR in my opnion just for players like to do quest (I don't like to grind myself).
    Also there are the daylies. A tip for developers: Daylies are great the first time you do it. Ok a few times more and greatly boring in the short term. Tip for the players: Quests demand a large effort from developers, they need to write it down, develop scenarios, bosses and bosses abilities, script events and actions, make animations, wrap up everything and test a lot.
    That costs a lot of money and repeatable content saves a lot of money. The equilibrium is to have more of it.

    Content: Yeah we expect more and more content. Of course to build content demand a lot of development but developers must find a way to let players to it. Collaborative effort is the way to go.
    Of course I hate the hero engine (I Was a SWTOR player and know well it's limitations and bugs) but whitount collaborative content no MMO today ill last.
    New content each 2/3 months demands a very enganged development team and as a MMO player I can see ZOX is working hard but also understand players likes new content. At the end of day new content is what ill do players stay playing.
    If they don't have new content at ESO they ill seek (and for sure find) it at other games/MMOs.

    Progression: For me this is the least important factor because the difference from VR12 to VR14 is lingering, even considering gear. You can put 10 more VR levels and still a lower level player can do better than a cap level due player skill and builds. Those are two stronger points for me on ESO and that's because I'm still playing

    New Content: Need to wait to see (maybe use public test server) I'm lloking ahead for Imperial City and a complete justice system (and new DGs?)
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Troneon wrote: »
    Except the amount of gold and materials people put into getting their current items sets and builds just became useless and the amount of time they put into them?

    Increasing VR ranks was like taking a shot gun to ESO's foot...and then using radiant oppression on yourself.

    Doesn't effect me but I am not going to try and make it smell like roses for is what it is.

    Only casual players who didn't care about their gear to begin with think this is a good idea. This benefits people who have done no work towards gear progression. Suddenly all the gear is the same rank and those that have upgraded their gear numerous times and spent hundreds of thousands of gold end up hurt the most. It's not a very good way to reward people who have spent the time working hard towards a goal.
    Edited by eventide03b14a_ESO on July 7, 2015 4:16PM
  • Sallington
    Troneon wrote: »
    Except the amount of gold and materials people put into getting their current items sets and builds just became useless and the amount of time they put into them?

    Increasing VR ranks was like taking a shot gun to ESO's foot...and then using radiant oppression on yourself.

    Doesn't effect me but I am not going to try and make it smell like roses for is what it is.

    Only casual players who didn't care about their gear to begin with think this is a good idea. This benefits people who have done no work towards gear progression. Suddenly all the gear is the same rank and those that have upgraded their gear numerous times and spent hundreds of thousands of gold end up hurt the most. It's not a very good way to reward people who have spent the time working hard towards a goal.

    I'd like to add that most MMO players expect a gear "reset" and level cap raise at some point. However, it normally happens MAYBE once a year, and with a large/full expansion.

    In this case, it's a 2 level raise with...what? One zone maybe? All that is is a pain in the butt for people who spent a lot of time and energy gearing up at vr14.
    Edited by Sallington on July 7, 2015 4:24PM
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Sallington wrote: »
    Troneon wrote: »
    Except the amount of gold and materials people put into getting their current items sets and builds just became useless and the amount of time they put into them?

    Increasing VR ranks was like taking a shot gun to ESO's foot...and then using radiant oppression on yourself.

    Doesn't effect me but I am not going to try and make it smell like roses for is what it is.

    Only casual players who didn't care about their gear to begin with think this is a good idea. This benefits people who have done no work towards gear progression. Suddenly all the gear is the same rank and those that have upgraded their gear numerous times and spent hundreds of thousands of gold end up hurt the most. It's not a very good way to reward people who have spent the time working hard towards a goal.

    I'd like to add that most MMO players expect a gear "reset" and level cap raise at some point. However, it normally happens MAYBE once a year, and with a large/full expansion.

    In this case, it's a 2 level raise with...what? One zone maybe? All that is is a pain in the butt for people who spent a lot of time and energy gearing up at vr14.
    Exactly. There hasn't been any significant content release to justify a level cap raise. This reeks of a desperate attempt to keep us busy while they scramble to try to get out any of the content we have been waiting over a year for. They need to be called out on this. It's a stupid and unfair idea, plain and simple.
  • Elijah_Crow
    I disagree that one Zone isn't enough content to justify a level Increase. Just in Comparison, I would estimate that one zone in ESO contains as much content as a mini expansion for SWTOR. I think it's well justified to introduce a new level cap and new gear.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    nimander99 wrote: »
    I don't want to have to spent another thousands of gold buying and re-upgrading all my stuff, your legendary gear you spent so much time and gold on will be just useless, unless your able to automatically transfer your vet14 items to vet 16 then I'd be fine enough with 2 extra vet ranks added to the game.

    The entitlement is strong with this one, my master.

    I could only imagine how he'd have reacted if he logged in when VR12 was introduced, as I did, to find that hundreds of thousands of gold worth of legendary glyphs had been moved down a full level range, despite both previously being the top range (VR8-10), but also having taken the exact same materials to craft as the new items of the exact same name ("Monumental Glyph") did: Kura/Kude... an essence rune... and a legendary-quality Kuta aspect. I had dozens upon dozens of those, and they all became "Splendid Glyph"s that were VR7-9, rather than remaining "Monumental Glyph"s and being VR10-12. They immediately became nearly impossible to sell, and I never did manage to move more than a handful. That was a design oversight. Some new item sets coming in with VR16? That's typical level changing, and your "vr14 legendary gear you spent so much time and gold on" will be nearly identical in power to the same items as VR16. Those glyphs, became unable to even be applied to the same VR10 gear they used to be. Here's the same tiny step you'll see from VR14 to VR16: .
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • rynth
    Why is it you guys act like mmos don't ever raise the level cap and new gear has to be gotten? Lol you forum junkies need get over it and go raise your level and gear because guess what!? All those players that ignore the poison of the forums that a lot of you spew out are leveling right now why you people fall behinde ripping your hair out crying as you carry your imaginary crosses lol. But please continue I do get kind of a perverse pleasure at seeing all the...... Milk drinkers on here
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    Pretty sure this was planned all along and fits into the change over.

    Yes to v16!!! Because it's not the end of the world!!!

    It really isn't the end of the world.
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    rynth wrote: »
    Why is it you guys act like mmos don't ever raise the level cap and new gear has to be gotten? Lol you forum junkies need get over it and go raise your level and gear because guess what!? All those players that ignore the poison of the forums that a lot of you spew out are leveling right now why you people fall behinde ripping your hair out crying as you carry your imaginary crosses lol. But please continue I do get kind of a perverse pleasure at seeing all the...... Milk drinkers on here

    Wow you sure are spewing a lot of venom in that post. Could have been done a different way imo.

    Yes to v16!!
  • Bfish22090
    Sallington wrote: »
    Troneon wrote: »
    Except the amount of gold and materials people put into getting their current items sets and builds just became useless and the amount of time they put into them?

    Increasing VR ranks was like taking a shot gun to ESO's foot...and then using radiant oppression on yourself.

    Doesn't effect me but I am not going to try and make it smell like roses for is what it is.

    Only casual players who didn't care about their gear to begin with think this is a good idea. This benefits people who have done no work towards gear progression. Suddenly all the gear is the same rank and those that have upgraded their gear numerous times and spent hundreds of thousands of gold end up hurt the most. It's not a very good way to reward people who have spent the time working hard towards a goal.

    I'd like to add that most MMO players expect a gear "reset" and level cap raise at some point. However, it normally happens MAYBE once a year, and with a large/full expansion.

    In this case, it's a 2 level raise with...what? One zone maybe? All that is is a pain in the butt for people who spent a lot of time and energy gearing up at vr14.
    Exactly. There hasn't been any significant content release to justify a level cap raise. This reeks of a desperate attempt to keep us busy while they scramble to try to get out any of the content we have been waiting over a year for. They need to be called out on this. It's a stupid and unfair idea, plain and simple.

    I think it's a great idea. By the time they get to removing vet ranks well be at VR 48
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