ESOTU Console Launch - Known Issues

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Belthor_Moonblood
    The biggest issue right now is people killing blood fiends and werewolves at spawn point and not having a moon cycle calendar to help you know when they might spawn

    Really? The biggest issue?
  • dudenamedchris
  • Sir-Brucey
    Soul Shriven
    Can anyone tell me if a chat box is coming soon please & to be able to inspect other players gear, I mean come on, these are basic fundamentals of a MMO. Really finding it hard to find the motivation to continue, not knowing that these are on the way
    Edited by Sir-Brucey on July 31, 2015 5:47PM
  • Belthor_Moonblood

    You know that you can go to a shrine. Sure some might try to charge you but a lot of people bite for free.
  • dudenamedchris
    Does it have to be done at night?
  • OmniDevil
    Does it have to be done at night?

    To find an NPC vamp/wolf, yes. To be bit by an ally, no.
    Rogue's Gallery (EP)(NA)(XB1)

    Proud Member and Officer
    We’re recruiting for our ESO (Xbox One) Chapter
    ESO Application: Apply Here
    TF Guild Page:
    Character List
    "Varyn Wryn" cp427 Nord Templar (Magicka DPS/Healer)
    "Maelis Artorius" cp427 Redguard Dragonknight (Stamina DPS)
    "Arius the Shade" cp427 Khajiit Nightblade (Stamina DPS)
    "Astalor Bloodsworn" Level 7 Altmer Sorcerer (Magicka DPS)
  • Greatargonianelder
    Edited by Greatargonianelder on August 3, 2015 2:06AM
  • Greatargonianelder
    Edited by Greatargonianelder on August 3, 2015 2:06AM
  • MTibbs89
    Apparently they never fixed the issue with messaging on the Xbox. I thought they had, as I have had no issues with it until five minutes ago, but now the stupid thing keeps telling me "there is no player with that name." Yes, there is. He just sent me a message and I copied his name exactly. Switching between 'send' and 'inbox' shows no difference. No weird numbers or anything I am missing. They really just need a 'reply' option-- maybe that will make this issue a little bit less horrible. I don't know.
  • Soulsix
    MTibbs89 wrote: »
    Apparently they never fixed the issue with messaging on the Xbox. I thought they had, as I have had no issues with it until five minutes ago, but now the stupid thing keeps telling me "there is no player with that name." Yes, there is. He just sent me a message and I copied his name exactly. Switching between 'send' and 'inbox' shows no difference. No weird numbers or anything I am missing. They really just need a 'reply' option-- maybe that will make this issue a little bit less horrible. I don't know.

    same issue here, a reply option only makes tooooooo much sense lol.
    Woking Mans Guild, Laid Back Questing And Help - ESG - On ESO NA - To Join Contact SoulSix (Syphiona) OR SS Arogonian

  • cxb430
    I've been playing the console version on Xbox One pretty heavily since launch and here are my suggestions for DEV:

    1- The "Group Finder" mechanism is very weak. There should be a social element to it, such as ability to see what other players are in the queue, or even a place to chat or text and create your own group rather than just waiting on the system to place you... if you are lucky. I just reached Veteran Lvl 1 and have spent countless hours waiting in the Group Finder Queue each time I play, in hopes of being able to run dungeons but I rarely, if ever, get placed into a group. This is extremely discouraging since much of the games best content and gear is located in dungeons that require a group to play.

    2- The system also really needs a Guild Finder with similar social features to the ones I mentioned above. For an MMORPG, it sure plays a lot like a single player RPG. I am a very active player, and still it is difficult and tedious to find a way to fit in and play the game with others. I can't see a list of guilds in-game or look for a guild to join without knowing the name of a specific guild to search for. That's frustrating and makes the game feel very anti-social to me, which is the exact opposite of what I would have expected from an MMORPG style of game.

    3- UI Mods & Add-ons are desperately needed for console! I know this is not possible on the consoles in the same sense as for PC, with user created mods. But that is precisely why some basic key mods need to be built into the game itself as options that the user can turn on if desired. I would think that at the very least a group Aggro tracker is needed for dungeons and end game content. It would be nice to have an after battle/boss/dungeon group report, tracking key statistics, as well to see how the group members performed. Hard to get better at playing this game when you don't know how well you are doing and it's hard to select and improve group members and guild members when you can't see who the strong and weak players are. I would also really like to see on screen numbers for damage dealt or healing given in real time. As a DPS build it's nice to know how hard you are hitting and how effective your attack selection is working on an enemy. It's also very critical in more difficult situations to keep Aggro below that of the group tank so that a skirts & sticks player like myself doesn't draw too much attention from a boss... That's virtually impossible to do effectively without the ability to see where I am on the aggro scale in relation to the group tank. It's such a critical component to playing this type of game, that it seems like adding that into the games own UI and making the information readily available to the user would be so much more rewarding to everyone playing!

    To me, those are the most glaring problems with ESO on Xbox One thus far. With a little improvement in those areas, it could be an exceptional game! The graphics and gameplay otherwise are very fun and I'm a big fan, but it is still a little weak in a few important areas, in my opinion.

    I also wanted to mention to the DEV team that I am continuing to suffer from the mail glitch. I cannot send any mail in game, even to in-game support. Each time I try I get the same "player does not exist" message. I even paid $10 to change my Xbox Gamertag to one without spaces in it, since that is what your known issues post stated was the cause of the problem. My new Gamertag has no spaces, but I still cannot send mail. So, the problem must be bigger than just that. Please work on a fix for this quickly! It's very discouraging to not be able to communicate or share items with friends in game.

    Thanks to all on the DEV team for your hard work and keep the great updates and new content coming!
    Gamertag: RoboSanLucas
  • cxb430
    I wanted to mention on the topic of Mods and Add-ons that it would also be EXTREMELY useful to have an "active status" indicator on targets. On console there is no way to know when my AoE's and DoT's have expired off of my targets. That's a huge problem considering that certain spells hit hardest in their last moments, if I re-cast too early I'm wasting the most effective part of the spell and missing out on huge damage. Or if I wait to long to re-cast a key spell, I run into a similar problem of not keeping my key damage dealing over time active. I would think that to really be as successful on console as this game has the potential to be, that these are features that need to be added directly into the game. There is a reason so many UI's and Mods are created for PC... Because it makes the gameplay so much better!

    Where ESO is blazing a trail for MMORPG's into the console sector of the market share, I would think that you could stand to gain a lot by building the best Mods and Add-ons right into the game for all to enjoy!
  • amoralesmm_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Since Launch i show up offline to everyone. All guilds i'm in shows me offline. Any word of this being fixed soon? People at times have trouble searching for me to invite to a group. Been playing solo mostly because of this issue.
  • Enodoc
    Since Launch i show up offline to everyone. All guilds i'm in shows me offline. Any word of this being fixed soon? People at times have trouble searching for me to invite to a group. Been playing solo mostly because of this issue.
    @amoralesmm_ESO You should be able to change that yourself between Online, Away, Busy, and Offline. Check in the context menus on the Guild and Group pages.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Sir-Brucey
    Soul Shriven
    Really Really need numbers on the consoles so we can see how hard were hitting & healing, and something to tell us when our buffs & debuffs are up
    Edited by Sir-Brucey on August 10, 2015 7:00PM
  • Soulsix
    Sir-Brucey wrote: »
    Really Really need numbers on the consoles so we can see how hard were hitting & healing, and something to tell us when our buffs & debuffs are up

    Woking Mans Guild, Laid Back Questing And Help - ESG - On ESO NA - To Join Contact SoulSix (Syphiona) OR SS Arogonian

  • Belthor_Moonblood
    Sir-Brucey wrote: »
    Really Really need numbers on the consoles so we can see how hard were hitting & healing, and something to tell us when our buffs & debuffs are up

    This isn't PC where mods hand you everything on a silver platter. If you pay more attention to the character you will be able to see the buffs and debuffs. If you can't handle it go to PC.
  • Uberkull
    @ZOS Two requests:

    1) Can you move the bars down on console? They cover your character depending on zoom when in combat. Pin them to the bottom of the screen like PC.
    2) Can we NOT have the attribute bars up all the time when we have buffs on? Even when not on combat, the attribute bars stay up covering your character.

    So if you can just move the bars down, it would help solve #2.

    Console UI

    PC UI
    ▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
    ▬▬▬ஜ ஜ▬▬▬
  • Azalin76
    I can't create a new guild, says I have to leave one first. I'm only in 2 guilds and neither of them are mine. Customer support says you are working on this known issue but it isn't on the list here.
  • XoXJulietteXoX
    As a 'girl gamer', I am largely harassed in Area Chat, and I am tired of it. I am on PS4, and there is NO mute feature. There is only a block feature on the PSN. You can only block 30 members. I have blocked just 30 guys from ESO in 3 weeks and I now have to unblock someone who was cruel to me to block a new person. I shouldn't be verbally abused and harassed everytime I try to sell, buy, or chit chat anywhere in Tamriel! Please help all gamers and add a mute feature for PS4. XBOX has one. They can mute without blocking. I personally can not stand another second of being screamed at, cussed out, or berated.
  • XoXJulietteXoX
    Azalin76 wrote: »
    I can't create a new guild, says I have to leave one first. I'm only in 2 guilds and neither of them are mine. Customer support says you are working on this known issue but it isn't on the list here.

    Probably cause there's 1001 out there so they want you to join one...
  • AAN2
    Azalin76 wrote: »
    I can't create a new guild, says I have to leave one first. I'm only in 2 guilds and neither of them are mine. Customer support says you are working on this known issue but it isn't on the list here.

    I got that same error message when I tried to create a guild at level 8. In case you weren't aware, you have to be level 10 to create a guild.

    Also, there's still an issue with the in-game mail system. This may have already been mentioned, but I didn't want to read all 1000 or so comments to make sure lol

    Platform: Xbox One

    When trying to send mail to another player error message 'There is no player with that name.' will appear.
    This happens regardless of the message content.
    This issue appears to happen between users that are already 'friends' on Xbox Live.

    Only workaround I've found so far is to remove the player as a friend and readd them using the in-game 'Add Friend' option. That only works once for me though, the next time I want to send them mail I have to redo that. Which kind of sucks because that's how my friends and I have been selling things to each other.
    Say no to drugs.
    And nerfs. Nerfs are bad mm'kay.

  • OmniDevil
    AAN2 wrote: »
    Platform: Xbox One

    When trying to send mail to another player error message 'There is no player with that name.' will appear.
    This happens regardless of the message content.
    This issue appears to happen between users that are already 'friends' on Xbox Live..

    An even simpler work around is as follows:

    - Go to person in Friends List/Guild Roster
    - Select and the choose "Send Mail"
    - Add items, text, etc (which ever the task at hand calls for)
    - Once you receive the error, back out, go back to that person and select "View Gamercard"
    - Back out of that, go back to that player and choose "Send Mail" again
    - You'll now be able to send that person that piece of mail
    Rogue's Gallery (EP)(NA)(XB1)

    Proud Member and Officer
    We’re recruiting for our ESO (Xbox One) Chapter
    ESO Application: Apply Here
    TF Guild Page:
    Character List
    "Varyn Wryn" cp427 Nord Templar (Magicka DPS/Healer)
    "Maelis Artorius" cp427 Redguard Dragonknight (Stamina DPS)
    "Arius the Shade" cp427 Khajiit Nightblade (Stamina DPS)
    "Astalor Bloodsworn" Level 7 Altmer Sorcerer (Magicka DPS)
  • Ragenarokkr
    So I noticed an issue at Camlorn during lingering hope and hidden in flames quests. My character would become completely unable to move, the ability bar aside from my ultimate would be greyed out, I was unable to attack or use skills and the crown store in the menu could not be opened plus it was in yellowish text instead of white text. Logging back in fixed the problem for now.

    Also all forms of dragon leap still have a terrible bug where the wings will be stuck out and my character unable to do anything. It does eventually end though it'd be better to not happen at all.

    Otherwise I got to say, best game I've played thus far on my playstation 4.
    Guild Master of The Brotherhood of Metal
  • Drew2KX
    Is the PS4 NA server down?
    Four tries and these were my messages:
    - Cannot retrieve announcements
    - Connection to server timed out (after 5 seconds)
    - Error 100 (3:6:159:597) timeout while waiting for realm directory service
    - Connection failed. Please ensure you have a valid connection to the internet

    Ran a connection test, and things are fine at 48.6mbs.

    Any helpful Obi-Wan Kenobis out there who can be my only hope?

  • Drew2KX
    Well apparently it wasn't just me having issues...

  • Soulsix
    i got this game instead
    Edited by Soulsix on August 28, 2015 9:00AM
    Woking Mans Guild, Laid Back Questing And Help - ESG - On ESO NA - To Join Contact SoulSix (Syphiona) OR SS Arogonian

  • boogedy_bones
    Cool. Did that come with the Megaserver Unavailable DLC?
  • Soulsix
    Cool. Did that come with the Megaserver Unavailable DLC?

    LOL there we go someone gets the humor! Nice!
    Woking Mans Guild, Laid Back Questing And Help - ESG - On ESO NA - To Join Contact SoulSix (Syphiona) OR SS Arogonian

  • Soulsix
    i wonder if its going to have Player vs Server mode like the current patch
    Woking Mans Guild, Laid Back Questing And Help - ESG - On ESO NA - To Join Contact SoulSix (Syphiona) OR SS Arogonian

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