All my characters are gone i didnt delete them they are gone Level 25 level 10 and 2 others everything I brought from the crown storm ounce Accenture all gone please help
ItsRejectz wrote: »How about crippling fps issues on xbox one?
Actually that more than likely isn't the Xbox One issue... It is more than likely an issue with the amount speed that can come through your internet connection. I had the same issue until we had our provider come out and update the lines because they were out dated and couldn't keep up with the speed we were wanting it to. The way it was explained to me was though we upgraded our package to have all this speed for our modem we still had these really thin tiny pipes that all this 'water' was trying to get forced through... so only so much could fit through at one time... So they hat to put in wider 'pipes' so to speak to open the flow so all that power to come through like it was suppose to do otherwise it doesn't matter what speed your modem is you will always have issues with your fps and the like because you don't have enough power getting through. I hope this all make sense and helps... It really made a big difference with internet connection in my house.
@kstebbins That's not a bug, that's an unfortunate aspect of the system that is required to prevent item duplication exploits.Don't know if anyone has said this, but the guild bank is broken, Items don't stack with each other. It's very annoying to have to withdraw 300+ items to stack them in my bank and then place them back in the guild bank.
This is the third time I've reported this, I'm getting fed up. The game is practically unplayable as I can't do anything for more than ten minutes. It crashes every 09 minutes past the hour, 19 minutes past the hour, 29 minutes past the hour, 39 minutes past the hour, 49 minutes past the hour and 59 minutes past the hour. It has been happening since day one, when I first reported it. Every time I report it nobody responds for half a week, and when they do its no help. Here is what I've done:
1. Console reset. Multiple times, no change at all.
2. Cleared blu ray cache. Multiple times, no change at all.
3. Deleted and re synced my saved data. No change at all.
4. Uninstalled and reinstalled the game to the hard drive. Limited success, the game played perfectly after waiting 24 hour to download the update, (which is a joke that it takes that long to download an update, why does it take that long?!?!) Went to bed after playing, woke up the next morning, not even twelve hours after last playing it, the crashes are back. I'm not going to Uninstall and reinstall the game every time I want to play the game as it takes nearly a full 24 hours to do so.
I would greatly appreciate a fix for this, considering I've had his problem for over a month now, I don't think it's unfair to ask for that.
The support for this game is a joke, I've wasted a good amount of money on this game and I'd like to actually get my money's worth out of it. Last time I was told that the servers were struggling to handle the number of players logging in, well if this continues for me, your servers will have one less person to handle as I'm getting sick of this. And it's more frustrating seeing stupid fixes being made because an NPC walked funny while issues like mine are totally ignored.
@kstebbins That's not a bug, that's an unfortunate aspect of the system that is required to prevent item duplication exploits.
@Mr.knott is that on console? Because on PC you can see how long members have been offline for. If that's another PC UI thing that's missing from the Console UI because reasons, they should get on and add it. General UI features should be available on all platforms.The other thing you have missed out is that it doesn't show offline time on the guild roster, my trade guild is now full but I darent kick anybody because I don't know if they are active or inactive, atm I've had to take a photo on my phone of the last 3/4 pages and check the m every few days to see if there's any change so I don't kick somebody out who is actually playing or has higher level toons also.
Meesterchef wrote: »I love the ps4 version of ESO and I haven't had any issues so far except for one: The interface of the loading screens / chat windows with NPC's is very sloppy!
The black bars in the chat window overlap and look super ugly compared to the PC version.
And the loading screens seem to be just too small so you can see the area loading at the edge of the screen.
NPC chat example:
Character loading screen example:
Loading screen example:
Could you just fix these minor interface issues?
Give those black bars a fade at the edges like on the PC, and stretch the loading screens a little. No big deal right?
This really looks like a beta thing which should have been resolved by now.