ESOTU Console Launch - Known Issues

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • RichardJ
    Soul Shriven
    I have an issue with a quest called "mine all mine" I believe, they people I am suppose to be going after are never available. Is it separate from the dungeon quest or no? I've done it multiple times but I have no clue why it won't let me finish it. It doesn't even let me talk to the people inside the cave now.
  • Bru127
    Soul Shriven
    Before you start blaming ZeniMax for all your problems you might want to look at your end and see if there's any issues there does when one person says that it takes them 24 hours to download and upgrade that's a connection issue on the client side not the servers the other thing that y'all need to do is look at your router and see if you have all your ports necessary open. If you don't know how to do that there's plenty of information out there on the internet for you to do so you don't know what ports to open up just go to Microsoft or type in Xbox Live ports that need to be open because a lot of these issues that people are having sound more like they're on the client side and not on the server side. If you're running a Kmart close connection then you're getting what you're paying for.
  • Slonekb05
    Still not seeing this Bug on updated list.

    Slonekb05 wrote: »
    ]PS4]On Current 1.04 Build

    [PS4] UI Bug- "Adjust screen" in options will not save your settings.

    [PS4] UI Bug- Random load screen, has happened in other spots as well not seen in video.

  • Walkyier70
    as stated elsewhere

    ui error upon login

    missing skill points from skyshards
  • shootmealready
    Soul Shriven
    I'm just curious when the prisoner of jathsogur quest is going to be fixed, we have reported the trollers and nothing is done, they still troll and troll and it completely stops people like me that actually want to finish the quest for the story purposes.
  • arknova91
    Soul Shriven
    I bought 2x 750 packs of crown got the receipt for still no crowns an hour later what do I do?
  • IAmVandy
    Soul Shriven
    arknova91 wrote: »
    I bought 2x 750 packs of crown got the receipt for still no crowns an hour later what do I do?

    why wouldn't you buy the $15 one
  • Raybehan
    IAmVandy wrote: »

    why wouldn't you buy the $15 one

    Im am waiting on about 5500 crowns eso plus my imperial edition bonuses since launch have not received a thing
  • IAmVandy
    Soul Shriven
    Bru127 wrote: »
    Before you start blaming ZeniMax for all your problems you might want to look at your end and see if there's any issues there does when one person says that it takes them 24 hours to download and upgrade that's a connection issue on the client side not the servers the other thing that y'all need to do is look at your router and see if you have all your ports necessary open. If you don't know how to do that there's plenty of information out there on the internet for you to do so you don't know what ports to open up just go to Microsoft or type in Xbox Live ports that need to be open because a lot of these issues that people are having sound more like they're on the client side and not on the server side. If you're running a Kmart close connection then you're getting what you're paying for.

    Lol. I am paying around $300 a month and still have this game lagging out the ass. Tells me all the time I do not have a "valid internet connection" I have all the Xbox One ports on my router open and it still does it. So yes it is the servers.
  • MrRIPino
    Soul Shriven
    Any update or comment on when the issue with not receiving crowns purchased from the Crown store is going to be fixed? Everyone in Ireland seems to be having this problem and I'm sure there are people from other countries with this same issue too. I've been waiting since the 16th of June for my crowns and still nothing. I've mailed eso support and gave them details of everything they asked for but still nothing.
  • NeonDragoon
    sorry to Pester the team, just wondoring if there have been any updates on the Error of People Not Reciveing there Imperial Edition dlc, and pre-order Explorer’s Pack content, some people are a month waiting now, any update be kind,,,,
  • wolfxspice
    having issues with voice chat on xbox one,the area chat wont even show up in voice chat no icon on the screen when i talk into the mic and i cant hear anyone i looked through the options on my end, nothing fixed it
    I'm a casual now
  • IAmVandy
    Soul Shriven
    Love to see how many support staff monitor this forum. Makes me feel like my voice is getting heard.
  • BLanni
    Soul Shriven
    With regard to the mail issue on Xbox One, in which attempts to send mail to certain players are met with the message "player does not exist" or something similar...

    I see on this forum that you believe it is related to spaces within the player names. I just want to let you know that I experience this problem with two friends, neither of which have any spaces in their Xbox gamertags or ESO names. I have not been able to send them mail since launch, even if they are logged in, in my group and guild, and standing right next to me. However, I am able to send mail to at least three friends who do have several spaces in their gamertags.

    Hope it helps narrow down the issue for you. Thanks for such an amazing game!
  • studster87
    Soul Shriven
    Hey guys, love this game... I just gotta let you all know that on the ps4 version, the hit detection for melee combat is way off...I'm getting hit by guys who are about 15 ft from me, just holding a dagger...Half of the time, the enemy is not facing me when i get hit by him.... Recently i saved a clip showing this, but i didn't know how to upload it to show yall since it wasn't a crash report or anything.. Oh, can console players get the general subtitles dialogue transferred from the pc edition?? And possibly keyboard chat? .
    3rd time ive been kicked for 318 getting really annoying. Havent had issues with pve in a long time anf ive been thouroghly enjoying it but since yesterday werewolf transformation and mounting have both been lagging my game out and i fir. Then shortly after i get booted for spamming. Dunno whats goin on but i love this game touch to be radaradrada. Just thought yall should know whats goin om. XBOXONE NA.
    Recently the past 2 days ive neen kicked for 318. Another issue ive been having is my character has been lagging... not the game. My abilities and ileverything i try to do lags but npcs, and other players wiz past me no lag at all. Im on NA xbox one. Please help b3cause im tired of dying and my group is tired of dying when i cant heal them.
    This lag is really starting to *** me off. I cant get anywhere in this public dungeon without freezing then dying. It is not my internet. Im paying for the highest peed possible. In freezing in every room every 10 seconds. Please fix this. Ive tried a gard reset 5 times today and have restarted my router twice. Xbox one NA.
  • Macro_Gray
    Soul Shriven
    On Xbox one, during the harvest heart mission where you have to defend the west ritual site the mission is glitched. It shows the red fountain of blood in the center but nothing happens. There must be a hundred people waiting around this site as its a main quest and we can't do anything. Please fix this asap! Note: tried logging out and then back in and restarted xbox in hope of getting an instance that wasn't glitched but still no luck. This is more aggravating than the silvenar quest!
  • Codey669
    Soul Shriven
    Please please please please please!!!!! Allow us to display Character names instead of Gamertags and Usernames on console.

    I spent over 20 minuets trying to come up with a name for my awesome character, now all everyone ever sees is Codey 669... =C
  • Drew2KX
    studster87 wrote: »
    ...And possibly keyboard chat? .[/i]

    I speak sign language, and I agree, this would be an IMMENSE improvement, especially for me as a Guildmaster.

  • Drew2KX
    IAmVandy wrote: »

    Lol. I am paying around $300 a month and still have this game lagging out the ass. Tells me all the time I do not have a "valid internet connection" I have all the Xbox One ports on my router open and it still does it. So yes it is the servers.

    I guess I'm more concerned as to why in all of infernal paradise you're paying over $300 for Internet... on your own desert island or something?
    If not...someone's taking your wallet for a ride.
    No hate, just saying.
    Soul Shriven
    Is there any way you can fix the queuing for dungeons. It takes an hour for me to find a group.
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Ever since the last Xbox One NA Megaserver maintenance the game has been laggy as hell.

    It's not my internet as I'm running Google Fiber. But the lag is bad enough that my actions are happening a full 4 seconds behind everyone else in the game.

    You guys definitely need to work on your server stability, Zen.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • studster87
    Soul Shriven
    PLEASE increase the time that enemy's respawn in the next patch. I just got killed after clearing a delve, then a few minutes later while exploring a nearby open room, they ALL revived, and jumped me at once...AND no other players were around, so its not cause someone's nearby and the enemy's are for him...Don't get me wrong, i LOVE this franchise, and i appreciate all the hard work you guy's keep putting into this, but these short-time respawns make the game extremely repetitive.
  • JoshOverby
    Soul Shriven
    I have a very annoying problem. My friends list will not include my angry non-gamer girlfriend no matter what I do. I've deleted her and re added her from my Xbox friends list, tried to invite her to a group, as well as trying to invite her to our guild. It tells me things like "character not found" PLEASE HELP
  • IAmVandy
    Soul Shriven
    JoshOverby wrote: »
    I have a very annoying problem. My friends list will not include my angry non-gamer girlfriend no matter what I do. I've deleted her and re added her from my Xbox friends list, tried to invite her to a group, as well as trying to invite her to our guild. It tells me things like "character not found" PLEASE HELP

    lol. This post was so funny
  • ctdubb
    Soul Shriven
    Unable to content to game server, make sure your Internet connection is valid . My connection is valid.I have been asking for Help since day one with this and nothing at all from your end! I get kicked every2-5 minutes i love this game .But i Can't play. I paid alot of money to play this game. So please help
  • dukedy
    Imperial edition... crowns... explorer pack...?
    Recently ive been getting the 318 error. Now its just saying server connection timed out. 3rd time ive been kicked all day. Im going to sleep now instead of playing, thank you i guess...? Hopefully its fixed in the mornin. XboxOne NA.
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