ESOTU Console Launch - Known Issues

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Community Manager
Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited on Xbox One and PS4! We’re extremely excited to finally bring our game to consoles, and can’t wait to share this experience with you! We want to call out a few known issues that you may run into during your adventures. These will be addressed in future patches and updates.

  • [Updated 6/15] Queuing System Display: Our login queuing system will still occasionally display the incorrect wait time and queue placement. This is purely a visual display bug that will be continually improved throughout the week—the queuing system does work, though. Once you're in the queue, please do not leave the queue, close the game client, or otherwise navigate away from this screen. You will load into Tamriel as soon as you reach the front of the queue.
  • [Largely Resolved] Error 318: Some of you have been running into Error 318, stating that you have been dropped from the server because you hit the message rate limit. This message is a bit misleading, and is nothing you’re doing; it has to do with data being sent from the client to the server, not actual in-game messages. We are actively investigating why some of you may be receiving this error repeatedly.
  • Friends list not is populating in-game: We’re aware that there’s an issue where your friends list from Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network is not properly populating in-game, and are working on a fix for this. We have two workarounds that you can try while we work on fixing the issue:
    • You can create a guild and invite your friends. This way, you can still easily group together, see when they’re online, send mail, etc. Note that you need to be at least level 10 to create a guild.
    • You can try removing your friend completely from the Xbox One or PlayStation 4 friends list, then re-adding them through the ESOTU UI.
    • In the event you’re having trouble grouping with friends due to this issue, go to Menu – Social – Group – Invite Player, then enter the respective Xbox Gamertag or PSN ID.
  • Explorer’s Pack or Imperial Edition items not being delivered: We are aware of this issue, and are working on a fix. We do not have any workarounds at this time.
  • Issues receiving crowns: We’re aware there’s an issue where you are not receiving your crowns after purchasing an ESO Plus membership, or seeing a significant delay after purchasing a crown pack. We’re working on a fix for both of these issues.
  • Getting kicked from queue: In the event that you got kicked from the queue, you should immediately log back in. You will be placed back into the same place you were in prior to getting booted.
  • Login Errors: If you are continually experiencing login errors and have not been able to log into the game at all, please contact our Support Team at so they can begin troubleshooting with you.

  • Other player characters will occasionally appear as black silhouettes while either fighting in large battles in Cyrodiil, or when jumping repeatedly within two wayshrines.

Combat & Gameplay
  • [Will be fixed in the next patch] Attempting to destroy an item and simultaneously clicking the Back option will result in loss of Y-axis functionality. Relogging will fix this issue.
  • Holding the D-Pad in any direction during a loading screen will occasionally prevent you from moving your camera. Pressing the D-Pad again after loading will resolve this issue.
  • [Will be improved in the next patch] You may encounter some invisible NPCs during your play. Completely closing the game and/or rebooting your system will make them appear in some cases.

Quests & Zones
  • [Will be fixed in the next patch] You may encounter loading times up to two minutes when reviving at the wayshrine in Razak’s Wheel.
  • [Will be fixed in the next patch] Although rare, you may become stuck in place when interacting with the symbol of Arkay while on the Blood Matron quest. Relogging will fix this issue.

  • Character names are currently displayed on all leaderboards instead of the appropriate PSN Online ID or Xbox Live gamertag.
  • [Will be fixed in the next patch] A UI error will occasionally be displayed when attempting to view the Guild History window.
  • Pressing Select on the character selection screen will sometimes cause a UI error. This only affects those that have an Imperial Edition of the game.
  • [Will be fixed in the next patch]If you attempt to delete a character then cancel the delete, you will lose the ability to zoom or rotate your character at the Select Character and Character Creation screens. Relogging will fix this issue.
  • If you ignore another player who is not online at that moment, or try to remove them from ignore while they’re not online, the action may not immediately occur. Simply viewing your ignore list will fix this issue.
  • If you ignore another player who is on your friends list, they may become unignored the next time they log in. This is a rare case, and relogging will fix this issue.

PlayStation 4
  • [Updated 6/12] If you participated in the PS4 console beta, you may not be able to log in due to your account being linked to another PS4 account. Please contact Customer Support for help with this.
  • [Will be fixed in the next patch] You may run into issues getting on your mount while in Remote Play. As a temporary workaround, quickly tap the Vita screen 5 times.
  • The icon for new mail will still be displayed if you have chat or message restriction turned on. You will not actually receive mail; this is just a UI error.

Xbox One
  • [New 6/15] Unable to send mail: We've seen reports that you sometimes cannot send or receive mail. This appears to be caused by spaces in a player's Xbox Gamertag. We're actively working on a fix for this.
  • You cannot currently view the option to purchase an ESO Plus membership through the Xbox Marketplace. It can still be purchased by visiting the Crown Store in-game and pressing the right analog stick. You can read more details about this here.
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
Staff Post
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Thanks...any chance you will post a link to this on the XboxOne Game hub so all can see and be updated?
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • MissBizz
    Awesome! Now that I've been warned, can we get those shiny codes so we can start download? ;)

    [EDIT] PS - none of these seem all that bad. I just won't go to razak's wheel. Woo!
    Edited by MissBizz on June 8, 2015 1:23PM
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • ItsRejectz
    How about crippling fps issues on xbox one?
    Xbox EU - GT: o69 Woody 69o

    VR16 Sorc: Vlad V Impaler
    VR16 Sorc: Yes it's Woody
    VR16 NB: Prince of Wallachia
    VR16 Templar: Sir Lancelot the Brave
    VR16 DK: I'm Better Than You

  • Konzetsuu
    Soul Shriven
    what about invisible NPCs on Xbox one? we can't interact with them
  • LadyDestiny
    Anyone having problems with adding people to friends in game? I can input name but it wont let me search for them or give me a way to add them :(
  • Symplexity
    Soul Shriven
    Also "account type is not set to create groups". Can't withdraw money from my bank (Banking disabled, check forum).
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Symplexity wrote: »
    Also "account type is not set to create groups". Can't withdraw money from my bank (Banking disabled, check forum).

    This issue should have been fixed hours ago. Are you still running into it?
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Phoenixcooper
    Soul Shriven
    Konzetsuu wrote: »
    what about invisible NPCs on Xbox one? we can't interact with them
    Can confirm. Some NPCs (especially enemies) are invisible to the player and are not intractable. Enemies are able to attack the player and show up on the compass, but they player can not fight back or see them. I've seen this mostly in VR and 40+ zones (Aldmeri Dominion at least).
  • ZOS_AmeliaR
    Konzetsuu wrote: »
    what about invisible NPCs on Xbox one? we can't interact with them
    If you're encountering invisible NPCs, can you provide us with the following info so that we can investigate further?
    • Where are you when this occurs?
    • Which NPC is missing (if it's possible for you to tell)?
    • What exactly do you experience (for example, can you see the NPC's name, are you getting attacked by invisible things)?
    • How long were you playing the game before this happened?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Just added the issue with invisible NPCs to our list of known issues. You can try completely closing the game or rebooting your system, which should help with this until it gets fixed in the next patch.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Fire_A55A55IN
    Soul Shriven
    My ESO plus purchase didn't give me the 1500 crowns
  • BlockMate
    My ESO plus purchase didn't give me the 1500 crowns

    Same thing happened to me - is this a known issue?
  • Devin_Holiday
    Soul Shriven
    -NPCs started disappearing about 5 hours into gameplay
    -During Daggerfall Covenant mission, specifically when attempting to kill Drusilla Nerva (unable to see her)
    -I am also getting attacked by invisible enemies

    Logging out of the network and restarting the game seemed to fix the issue.

    Edited by Devin_Holiday on June 9, 2015 9:27PM
  • HoBo45
    Soul Shriven
    How about not being able to join friends game?
  • cromahn
    Has the friends list on Xbox been looked at? I added someone to my friends, but they don't appear on ingame list but they do on my Xbox live friends list
  • HoBo45
    Soul Shriven
    Someone has to be checking into this...
  • AlphaSolarisX99
    Soul Shriven
    I'm also having the issue with the friends list, 8 of my friends have this so far but I only see two on the in-game friends list. One of which appears offline even though he is online. I'm also unable to search for any of my friends in-game. I've tried both their psn Id and the name of their eso character. Really hoping this gets fixed soon. Besides that great game so far, I've had some lag here and there but not too much.
  • AlphaSolarisX99
    Soul Shriven
    Oh one other issue, not sure if this is the place to put it or not. When I was doing the tutorial in coldharbour, the lady that was with me (Lyrsil?) Glitched when trying to get the prophet outbox his cell. We enter the room, then she starting floating near the door, an enemy appeared but it just stood there and I was unable to hit it. Logging out and then back in fixed it.
  • leemather
    Er, Ive just bought ESO plus on Xbox, but no extra crowns in the store.....whats going on? :wink:


  • leemather
    also, Ive logged off and on, hard rebooted the lot


  • bursolarus
    Soul Shriven
    I got the Imperial edition dont have th dlc ??
  • HoBo45
    Soul Shriven
    Let's focus on the social stuff here...
  • dorvileholmes
    Soul Shriven
    Love this game, runs perfect for me great job zos. Could you please make it so I can turn the compass and crossbar off completely, I know this is an odd request and nobody wants it but it would make my experience so much more rewarding as I enjoy getting "lost" the in game map is more than enough info for me, thanks again and we'll done.
  • Leomoon
    Soul Shriven
    Is there any plan to make a chat system?
  • zigwiglig
    Soul Shriven
    I know there are issues today, but I was just kicked off with error code 318 for excessive messaging which is completely bogus seeing as how i dont care to message anybody and i turn off the chat channels.
  • Shazbanger
    I have the same issue (PS4, Australia, North America Megaserver).

    When I go to add friends to my group, it just comes up with 0/0 friends. However, if I manually type their PSN ID in, and hit request, the request goes through that way and they are able to join. It would be nice to not have to type their name in every single time to invite, but I'm sure that's something that will be worked on in the coming weeks. Its only day 1, so not a huge drama. All in the same alliance, all on the same server, both tried restarting, both tried making sure our friends list wasn't full, (maybe 30 friends each)

    Also, no idea if its planned or not, but any idea if there is a change coming up that allows friends in your group to be more easily distinguishable on the little minimap, so I can run toward them? Its a bit hard with just a little white arrow above their head. Maybe a GREEN arrow on the map or something for every member that you are grouped with? I keep getting lost from my group, and then my group is just all over the shop.

  • P4R4M3DIC
    Soul Shriven
    DEV's Please look into this. This seems to be the next arising problem.
  • bigjohnson54
    Soul Shriven
    What about the log in issue? Any chance you will up date the server to handle the amount of games you sold?
  • Puppy3211
    Soul Shriven
    I still have login errors on the ps4
  • welren
    Soul Shriven
    When will something be done about the Xbox one login errors. I've been at this all day and I'm tired of being told to turn. My console on and off
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