English is not my native language.So if you feel you have the need to mock my English skills, i feel bad for you.C0pp3rhead wrote: »Excellent video, @x99Needles.
The last fight in the video shows VE's skill: fighting superior numbers, our tactics and teamwork won the battle.
I would love to see some of the haters try to function in a large group. It takes alot of coordination to pull off what we can do - that is, outmaneuver our enemies while taking and defending keeps against superior numbers. We back-cap for fun.
@Da Sandman Find me something to teabag.
Love it.
Please stop saying haters, why i should hate you for? did you killed my family in real life to hate you, i guess no.So there is no any hate toward you. Zerging don't demand any skill , you just executing the order of your leader , you don't need to think for yourself, you just obey and execute that's it.
Bit of advice, perhaps you shouldn't attempt to be a rampant troll on open public forums if it's not your native language. Just ends up looking really pathetic and confusing. Generally I would be respectful about the language disparity, but you brought it on yourself bro.
ad hominem
Yes, it is ad hominem. Or if loosely translated: to attack ones character rather than answer their argument.
While my comment was admittedly rash and rude, you must understand how repeatedly calling myself and my friends no-skill slaves/monkeys might incite this kind of reaction. I implore you to read up and decide for yourself if what this person said was in any way constructive, and whether they even are worthy of your defense.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »All these people talking about how they can't put up a fight when they're not with their group because they aren't set up for it ... it's like they don't know there's an addon that will swap gear and skills with a couple of button pushes & mouse clicks. Stop making excuses.
1) Not every time someone gets separated is it intentional, or for long. (e.g.; Crashed to desktop. Reloaded out of Cyrodiil, now have to traverse from gate to where group is)
2) Not every person has the in game funds to have a set of gear for solo play, as not every gear set compliments both solo and group play.
3) Not every player in the large groups has practice at solo play. As mentioned earlier, practice makes perfect, and they are often far from it.
4) With the rest of the group in combat, as soon as they're back in zone that solo member is often in and out of combat repeatedly and can't change their setup due to the combat bug.
It's like you blatantly go out of your way to condense some rather voluminous explanations down to the basest level of absurdity. Are you just trying to troll, or not get it?
I know Germantrocity, even with his extreme preference towards 1v1 and 1vX gameplay, at least gets it and understands why, yes, there are going to be legitimate reasons those group players are not optimized for 1v1 gameplay.
Oh, I understand completely why there are reasons why folks aren't optimized for 1v1 gameplay, I'm merely pointing out that there are options available to those people to give themselves a fighting chance in those situations. As for you specific points:
1) This is true, and upon returning to Cyrodiil the player should asses the situation & decide whether they want to risk venturing out in their group spec or not. It's lazy game play to just mount up & ride off in a group spec if the group is well away from the closest transport spot. If they get ganked while trying to rejoin the group then that's the result of a choice they made.
2) with the current AP to gold exchange rate I find it hard to believe that a member of an organized group wouldn't have sufficient funds for a solo gear set. Supposing this is possible, why haven't thier guild mates helped them out? I'm in a couple of small guilds and we're always hooking each other up with gear. The gear doesn't have to be all gold (or even purple) to be beneficial, it just needs to give the right bonuses to meet the need. This isn't even much of a gear issue as it is about slotting skills that will help an organized group player rejoin the group.
3) The only way they'll get better is if they experience it. To not even try & make excuses about not being in the right spec is (again) lazy.
4) This is a problem, however in my experience you've got to be pretty close to the fight to get the *in combat* message. I'm in a small group regularly, but I rarely have trouble swapping gear/skills even when my group mates are fighting. Chalk this up as one of ESO's many mysteries.
Here's the flip side to my position on this: people who primarily play in organized groups often respond to complaints from other players by telling them to group up, change thier spec, and get on TS. Why is that response acceptable to you, but mine is "condens[ing] some rather voluminous explanations down to the basest level of absurdity?"
English is not my native language.So if you feel you have the need to mock my English skills, i feel bad for you.C0pp3rhead wrote: »Excellent video, @x99Needles.
The last fight in the video shows VE's skill: fighting superior numbers, our tactics and teamwork won the battle.
I would love to see some of the haters try to function in a large group. It takes alot of coordination to pull off what we can do - that is, outmaneuver our enemies while taking and defending keeps against superior numbers. We back-cap for fun.
@Da Sandman Find me something to teabag.
Love it.
Please stop saying haters, why i should hate you for? did you killed my family in real life to hate you, i guess no.So there is no any hate toward you. Zerging don't demand any skill , you just executing the order of your leader , you don't need to think for yourself, you just obey and execute that's it.
Bit of advice, perhaps you shouldn't attempt to be a rampant troll on open public forums if it's not your native language. Just ends up looking really pathetic and confusing. Generally I would be respectful about the language disparity, but you brought it on yourself bro.
ad hominem
Yes, it is ad hominem. Or if loosely translated: to attack ones character rather than answer their argument.
While my comment was admittedly rash and rude, you must understand how repeatedly calling myself and my friends no-skill slaves/monkeys might incite this kind of reaction. I implore you to read up and decide for yourself if what this person said was in any way constructive, and whether they even are worthy of your defense.
I mean, everybody already knows how skilled you are.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
OTOH, I watched a stream of Sypher trying to help Aetcha push hard for emperor on their AD toons. They got a bunch of Legend guys and people they trusted as good players and formed a near full raid.
And they got wiped over and over and over and over again by the Nexus raid. Why? They didn't have the practice and the tactical experience to handle it. Great players, one and all, but they did not have the builds that complimented each other. They did not have the organization to insure they had those skills firing off, and in the end it didn't work.
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »this a perfect example of how you lag out the server.
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »this a perfect example of how you lag out the server.
Lol. Yeahhhhhh- you're so right. Let's deff not direct our disdain toward the company who runs the servers or 'maintains' the game. Let's point fingers at these people instead.
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »this a perfect example of how you lag out the server.
Lol. Yeahhhhhh- you're so right. Let's deff not direct our disdain toward the company who runs the servers or 'maintains' the game. Let's point fingers at these people instead.
You can't exactly feign ignorance either...
They have a valid point.
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »this a perfect example of how you lag out the server.
Lol. Yeahhhhhh- you're so right. Let's deff not direct our disdain toward the company who runs the servers or 'maintains' the game. Let's point fingers at these people instead.
You can't exactly feign ignorance either...
They have a valid point.
On the contrary.
Their point is entirely invalid. It's not "feigning ignorance". It's called "playing the game"
People want to QQ bc what? We run 24 people? Get over it. Cap is 24.
What else? We use purge? It's a skill and it's available for everyone. You wanna tell me we're all supposed to just burn to death from siege so that the forum warriors can be pleased? Give me a break.
The point is that using skills and grouping should not be enough to lag out a server. When it is, the fault is not with us. It's with the game.
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »this a perfect example of how you lag out the server.
Lol. Yeahhhhhh- you're so right. Let's deff not direct our disdain toward the company who runs the servers or 'maintains' the game. Let's point fingers at these people instead.
You can't exactly feign ignorance either...
They have a valid point.
On the contrary.
Their point is entirely invalid. It's not "feigning ignorance". It's called "playing the game"
People want to QQ bc what? We run 24 people?
Get over it. Cap is 24.
What else? We use purge? It's a skill and it's available for everyone. You wanna tell me we're all supposed to just burn to death from siege so that the forum warriors can be pleased? Give me a break.
The point is that using skills and grouping should not be enough to lag out a server. When it is, the fault is not with us. It's with the game.
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »this a perfect example of how you lag out the server.
Lol. Yeahhhhhh- you're so right. Let's deff not direct our disdain toward the company who runs the servers or 'maintains' the game. Let's point fingers at these people instead.
You can't exactly feign ignorance either...
They have a valid point.
On the contrary.
Their point is entirely invalid. It's not "feigning ignorance". It's called "playing the game"
People want to QQ bc what? We run 24 people? Get over it. Cap is 24.
What else? We use purge? It's a skill and it's available for everyone. You wanna tell me we're all supposed to just burn to death from siege so that the forum warriors can be pleased? Give me a break.
The point is that using skills and grouping should not be enough to lag out a server. When it is, the fault is not with us. It's with the game.
How is it invalid? 24 v 24 spamming skills currently lags the server...are you trying to say that it doesn't?
I'm not arguing the merits of large group metas. You are putting words in my mouth.
Using skills and grouping in general doesn't lag the server. This specific instance of it does though, and that was the point.
It's like this, you drive an 18 wheeler that has a really heavy load. You know that when you drive this along with other people driving the same kind of car, it causes congestion and traffic that everyone else then suffers from. You could blame the infrastructure and say that they should provide more lanes, or you could just accept that the reality is the infrastructure isn't good, and find an alternate route.
You have some fault here, just as ZoS does.
English is not my native language.So if you feel you have the need to mock my English skills, i feel bad for you.C0pp3rhead wrote: »Excellent video, @x99Needles.
The last fight in the video shows VE's skill: fighting superior numbers, our tactics and teamwork won the battle.
I would love to see some of the haters try to function in a large group. It takes alot of coordination to pull off what we can do - that is, outmaneuver our enemies while taking and defending keeps against superior numbers. We back-cap for fun.
@Da Sandman Find me something to teabag.
Love it.
Please stop saying haters, why i should hate you for? did you killed my family in real life to hate you, i guess no.So there is no any hate toward you. Zerging don't demand any skill , you just executing the order of your leader , you don't need to think for yourself, you just obey and execute that's it.
Bit of advice, perhaps you shouldn't attempt to be a rampant troll on open public forums if it's not your native language. Just ends up looking really pathetic and confusing. Generally I would be respectful about the language disparity, but you brought it on yourself bro.
ad hominem
Yes, it is ad hominem. Or if loosely translated: to attack ones character rather than answer their argument.
While my comment was admittedly rash and rude, you must understand how repeatedly calling myself and my friends no-skill slaves/monkeys might incite this kind of reaction. I implore you to read up and decide for yourself if what this person said was in any way constructive, and whether they even are worthy of your defense.
I mean, everybody already knows how skilled you are.
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »this a perfect example of how you lag out the server.
Lol. Yeahhhhhh- you're so right. Let's deff not direct our disdain toward the company who runs the servers or 'maintains' the game. Let's point fingers at these people instead.
You can't exactly feign ignorance either...
They have a valid point.
On the contrary.
Their point is entirely invalid. It's not "feigning ignorance". It's called "playing the game"
People want to QQ bc what? We run 24 people? Get over it. Cap is 24.
What else? We use purge? It's a skill and it's available for everyone. You wanna tell me we're all supposed to just burn to death from siege so that the forum warriors can be pleased? Give me a break.
The point is that using skills and grouping should not be enough to lag out a server. When it is, the fault is not with us. It's with the game.
How is it invalid? 24 v 24 spamming skills currently lags the server...are you trying to say that it doesn't?
I'm not arguing the merits of large group metas. You are putting words in my mouth.
Using skills and grouping in general doesn't lag the server. This specific instance of it does though, and that was the point.
It's like this, you drive an 18 wheeler that has a really heavy load. You know that when you drive this along with other people driving the same kind of car, it causes congestion and traffic that everyone else then suffers from. You could blame the infrastructure and say that they should provide more lanes, or you could just accept that the reality is the infrastructure isn't good, and find an alternate route.
You have some fault here, just as ZoS does.
The fault is in NO. WAY. EQUAL.
The longer people like you perpetuate this, the longer ZOS goes unchecked. All parties, all guilds, all factions need to start pointing the finger at the true perpetrator of this horrendous lag and subsequent terrible gameplay: ZOS.
This is what they marketed their game as:
Remember that every time you get on people who fill 24 group slots.
*Also added lol this trailer being for console. On 4.4.14.
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »this a perfect example of how you lag out the server.
Lol. Yeahhhhhh- you're so right. Let's deff not direct our disdain toward the company who runs the servers or 'maintains' the game. Let's point fingers at these people instead.
You can't exactly feign ignorance either...
They have a valid point.
On the contrary.
Their point is entirely invalid. It's not "feigning ignorance". It's called "playing the game"
People want to QQ bc what? We run 24 people?
Get over it. Cap is 24.
What else? We use purge? It's a skill and it's available for everyone. You wanna tell me we're all supposed to just burn to death from siege so that the forum warriors can be pleased? Give me a break.
The point is that using skills and grouping should not be enough to lag out a server. When it is, the fault is not with us. It's with the game.
You can direct as much dislike at ZOS over the issue as you want. Let us know how that works out for you.
Their point of this is how you 'lag out the server' is accurate. All 48 people there could play on the server without lag. When you put them together in this fashion and fight in that manner, you get lag.
Is it your fault the engineering team cant fix an issue with their netcode? Nope.
Is it your fault these groups fight in packs of 24 every night and lag occurs in huge battles while they all flood purges and the like on each other? Yes, that is your choice. Just dont get mad at people on the forums for pointing out the obvious.
English is not my native language.So if you feel you have the need to mock my English skills, i feel bad for you.C0pp3rhead wrote: »Excellent video, @x99Needles.
The last fight in the video shows VE's skill: fighting superior numbers, our tactics and teamwork won the battle.
I would love to see some of the haters try to function in a large group. It takes alot of coordination to pull off what we can do - that is, outmaneuver our enemies while taking and defending keeps against superior numbers. We back-cap for fun.
@Da Sandman Find me something to teabag.
Love it.
Please stop saying haters, why i should hate you for? did you killed my family in real life to hate you, i guess no.So there is no any hate toward you. Zerging don't demand any skill , you just executing the order of your leader , you don't need to think for yourself, you just obey and execute that's it.
Bit of advice, perhaps you shouldn't attempt to be a rampant troll on open public forums if it's not your native language. Just ends up looking really pathetic and confusing. Generally I would be respectful about the language disparity, but you brought it on yourself bro.
ad hominem
Yes, it is ad hominem. Or if loosely translated: to attack ones character rather than answer their argument.
While my comment was admittedly rash and rude, you must understand how repeatedly calling myself and my friends no-skill slaves/monkeys might incite this kind of reaction. I implore you to read up and decide for yourself if what this person said was in any way constructive, and whether they even are worthy of your defense.
I mean, everybody already knows how skilled you are.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
OTOH, I watched a stream of Sypher trying to help Aetcha push hard for emperor on their AD toons. They got a bunch of Legend guys and people they trusted as good players and formed a near full raid.
And they got wiped over and over and over and over again by the Nexus raid. Why? They didn't have the practice and the tactical experience to handle it. Great players, one and all, but they did not have the builds that complimented each other. They did not have the organization to insure they had those skills firing off, and in the end it didn't work.
I agree with your point about organization and practice being needed for a group to preform well, but I'd like to point out that we invited everyone into our pug group, majority of the group were viewers, non-vets and even a few people who had never pvped before. The amount of experienced pvp players in the group might have amounted to 3-4 people. But even a group of 12 experienced players who aren't organized or tactical won't synergize if they don't adjust their builds and playstyles.
If we had actually hand picked players from legend and players we could rely on and got them in a teamspeak the fights wouldn't have ended the way they did. (not implying that we would have wiped nexus over and over, but we would have had better fights)
English is not my native language.So if you feel you have the need to mock my English skills, i feel bad for you.C0pp3rhead wrote: »Excellent video, @x99Needles.
The last fight in the video shows VE's skill: fighting superior numbers, our tactics and teamwork won the battle.
I would love to see some of the haters try to function in a large group. It takes alot of coordination to pull off what we can do - that is, outmaneuver our enemies while taking and defending keeps against superior numbers. We back-cap for fun.
@Da Sandman Find me something to teabag.
Love it.
Please stop saying haters, why i should hate you for? did you killed my family in real life to hate you, i guess no.So there is no any hate toward you. Zerging don't demand any skill , you just executing the order of your leader , you don't need to think for yourself, you just obey and execute that's it.
Bit of advice, perhaps you shouldn't attempt to be a rampant troll on open public forums if it's not your native language. Just ends up looking really pathetic and confusing. Generally I would be respectful about the language disparity, but you brought it on yourself bro.
ad hominem
Yes, it is ad hominem. Or if loosely translated: to attack ones character rather than answer their argument.
While my comment was admittedly rash and rude, you must understand how repeatedly calling myself and my friends no-skill slaves/monkeys might incite this kind of reaction. I implore you to read up and decide for yourself if what this person said was in any way constructive, and whether they even are worthy of your defense.
I mean, everybody already knows how skilled you are.
How sweet of you Trip.
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »this a perfect example of how you lag out the server.
Lol. Yeahhhhhh- you're so right. Let's deff not direct our disdain toward the company who runs the servers or 'maintains' the game. Let's point fingers at these people instead.
You can't exactly feign ignorance either...
They have a valid point.
On the contrary.
Their point is entirely invalid. It's not "feigning ignorance". It's called "playing the game"
People want to QQ bc what? We run 24 people? Get over it. Cap is 24.
What else? We use purge? It's a skill and it's available for everyone. You wanna tell me we're all supposed to just burn to death from siege so that the forum warriors can be pleased? Give me a break.
The point is that using skills and grouping should not be enough to lag out a server. When it is, the fault is not with us. It's with the game.
How is it invalid? 24 v 24 spamming skills currently lags the server...are you trying to say that it doesn't?
I'm not arguing the merits of large group metas. You are putting words in my mouth.
Using skills and grouping in general doesn't lag the server. This specific instance of it does though, and that was the point.
It's like this, you drive an 18 wheeler that has a really heavy load. You know that when you drive this along with other people driving the same kind of car, it causes congestion and traffic that everyone else then suffers from. You could blame the infrastructure and say that they should provide more lanes, or you could just accept that the reality is the infrastructure isn't good, and find an alternate route.
You have some fault here, just as ZoS does.
The fault is in NO. WAY. EQUAL.
The longer people like you perpetuate this, the longer ZOS goes unchecked. All parties, all guilds, all factions need to start pointing the finger at the true perpetrator of this horrendous lag and subsequent terrible gameplay: ZOS.
This is what they marketed their game as:
Remember that every time you get on people who fill 24 group slots.
*Also added lol this trailer being for console. On 4.4.14.
English is not my native language.So if you feel you have the need to mock my English skills, i feel bad for you.C0pp3rhead wrote: »Excellent video, @x99Needles.
The last fight in the video shows VE's skill: fighting superior numbers, our tactics and teamwork won the battle.
I would love to see some of the haters try to function in a large group. It takes alot of coordination to pull off what we can do - that is, outmaneuver our enemies while taking and defending keeps against superior numbers. We back-cap for fun.
@Da Sandman Find me something to teabag.
Love it.
Please stop saying haters, why i should hate you for? did you killed my family in real life to hate you, i guess no.So there is no any hate toward you. Zerging don't demand any skill , you just executing the order of your leader , you don't need to think for yourself, you just obey and execute that's it.
Bit of advice, perhaps you shouldn't attempt to be a rampant troll on open public forums if it's not your native language. Just ends up looking really pathetic and confusing. Generally I would be respectful about the language disparity, but you brought it on yourself bro.
ad hominem
Yes, it is ad hominem. Or if loosely translated: to attack ones character rather than answer their argument.
While my comment was admittedly rash and rude, you must understand how repeatedly calling myself and my friends no-skill slaves/monkeys might incite this kind of reaction. I implore you to read up and decide for yourself if what this person said was in any way constructive, and whether they even are worthy of your defense.
I mean, everybody already knows how skilled you are.
How sweet of you Trip.
dont worry the hate he spouts at you are just deep inner feelings he knows about himself...some people are just natural support healers and dont know how to kill people...
tordr86b16_ESO wrote: »this a perfect example of how you lag out the server.
Lol. Yeahhhhhh- you're so right. Let's deff not direct our disdain toward the company who runs the servers or 'maintains' the game. Let's point fingers at these people instead.
You can't exactly feign ignorance either...
They have a valid point.
On the contrary.
Their point is entirely invalid. It's not "feigning ignorance". It's called "playing the game"
People want to QQ bc what? We run 24 people?
Get over it. Cap is 24.
What else? We use purge? It's a skill and it's available for everyone. You wanna tell me we're all supposed to just burn to death from siege so that the forum warriors can be pleased? Give me a break.
The point is that using skills and grouping should not be enough to lag out a server. When it is, the fault is not with us. It's with the game.
You can direct as much dislike at ZOS over the issue as you want. Let us know how that works out for you.
Their point of this is how you 'lag out the server' is accurate. All 48 people there could play on the server without lag. When you put them together in this fashion and fight in that manner, you get lag.
Is it your fault the engineering team cant fix an issue with their netcode? Nope.
Is it your fault these groups fight in packs of 24 every night and lag occurs in huge battles while they all flood purges and the like on each other? Yes, that is your choice. Just dont get mad at people on the forums for pointing out the obvious.
Yeah you're right.
Let's do 24 1v1's instead.
Totally sensible. Totally lends itself to the large scale, open world pvp game we all play.
And to be clear, I ain't mad at anyone but ZOS. And maybe slightly at you for getting all serious and not even caring to throw in a LORD FENGRUSH.
He's just salty I rejected his erp advances.
English is not my native language.So if you feel you have the need to mock my English skills, i feel bad for you.C0pp3rhead wrote: »Excellent video, @x99Needles.
The last fight in the video shows VE's skill: fighting superior numbers, our tactics and teamwork won the battle.
I would love to see some of the haters try to function in a large group. It takes alot of coordination to pull off what we can do - that is, outmaneuver our enemies while taking and defending keeps against superior numbers. We back-cap for fun.
@Da Sandman Find me something to teabag.
Love it.
Please stop saying haters, why i should hate you for? did you killed my family in real life to hate you, i guess no.So there is no any hate toward you. Zerging don't demand any skill , you just executing the order of your leader , you don't need to think for yourself, you just obey and execute that's it.
Bit of advice, perhaps you shouldn't attempt to be a rampant troll on open public forums if it's not your native language. Just ends up looking really pathetic and confusing. Generally I would be respectful about the language disparity, but you brought it on yourself bro.
ad hominem
Yes, it is ad hominem. Or if loosely translated: to attack ones character rather than answer their argument.
While my comment was admittedly rash and rude, you must understand how repeatedly calling myself and my friends no-skill slaves/monkeys might incite this kind of reaction. I implore you to read up and decide for yourself if what this person said was in any way constructive, and whether they even are worthy of your defense.
I mean, everybody already knows how skilled you are.
and everyone knows how skilled you are while u sit behind the deciblob trying not to get killed and i /sitchair on a rock in front of 30 of u trying to farm the ash milegate...someone doesnt wanna get killed by a v2 templar...nice job doing what u do best though....support. LOL
English is not my native language.So if you feel you have the need to mock my English skills, i feel bad for you.C0pp3rhead wrote: »Excellent video, @x99Needles.
The last fight in the video shows VE's skill: fighting superior numbers, our tactics and teamwork won the battle.
I would love to see some of the haters try to function in a large group. It takes alot of coordination to pull off what we can do - that is, outmaneuver our enemies while taking and defending keeps against superior numbers. We back-cap for fun.
@Da Sandman Find me something to teabag.
Love it.
Please stop saying haters, why i should hate you for? did you killed my family in real life to hate you, i guess no.So there is no any hate toward you. Zerging don't demand any skill , you just executing the order of your leader , you don't need to think for yourself, you just obey and execute that's it.
Bit of advice, perhaps you shouldn't attempt to be a rampant troll on open public forums if it's not your native language. Just ends up looking really pathetic and confusing. Generally I would be respectful about the language disparity, but you brought it on yourself bro.
ad hominem
Yes, it is ad hominem. Or if loosely translated: to attack ones character rather than answer their argument.
While my comment was admittedly rash and rude, you must understand how repeatedly calling myself and my friends no-skill slaves/monkeys might incite this kind of reaction. I implore you to read up and decide for yourself if what this person said was in any way constructive, and whether they even are worthy of your defense.
I mean, everybody already knows how skilled you are.
How sweet of you Trip.
dont worry the hate he spouts at you are just deep inner feelings he knows about himself...some people are just natural support healers and dont know how to kill people...
English is not my native language.So if you feel you have the need to mock my English skills, i feel bad for you.C0pp3rhead wrote: »Excellent video, @x99Needles.
The last fight in the video shows VE's skill: fighting superior numbers, our tactics and teamwork won the battle.
I would love to see some of the haters try to function in a large group. It takes alot of coordination to pull off what we can do - that is, outmaneuver our enemies while taking and defending keeps against superior numbers. We back-cap for fun.
@Da Sandman Find me something to teabag.
Love it.
Please stop saying haters, why i should hate you for? did you killed my family in real life to hate you, i guess no.So there is no any hate toward you. Zerging don't demand any skill , you just executing the order of your leader , you don't need to think for yourself, you just obey and execute that's it.
Bit of advice, perhaps you shouldn't attempt to be a rampant troll on open public forums if it's not your native language. Just ends up looking really pathetic and confusing. Generally I would be respectful about the language disparity, but you brought it on yourself bro.
ad hominem
Yes, it is ad hominem. Or if loosely translated: to attack ones character rather than answer their argument.
While my comment was admittedly rash and rude, you must understand how repeatedly calling myself and my friends no-skill slaves/monkeys might incite this kind of reaction. I implore you to read up and decide for yourself if what this person said was in any way constructive, and whether they even are worthy of your defense.
I mean, everybody already knows how skilled you are.
How sweet of you Trip.
dont worry the hate he spouts at you are just deep inner feelings he knows about himself...some people are just natural support healers and dont know how to kill people...
I know you are trying to be offensive here, but I truly don't see how.
English is not my native language.So if you feel you have the need to mock my English skills, i feel bad for you.C0pp3rhead wrote: »Excellent video, @x99Needles.
The last fight in the video shows VE's skill: fighting superior numbers, our tactics and teamwork won the battle.
I would love to see some of the haters try to function in a large group. It takes alot of coordination to pull off what we can do - that is, outmaneuver our enemies while taking and defending keeps against superior numbers. We back-cap for fun.
@Da Sandman Find me something to teabag.
Love it.
Please stop saying haters, why i should hate you for? did you killed my family in real life to hate you, i guess no.So there is no any hate toward you. Zerging don't demand any skill , you just executing the order of your leader , you don't need to think for yourself, you just obey and execute that's it.
Bit of advice, perhaps you shouldn't attempt to be a rampant troll on open public forums if it's not your native language. Just ends up looking really pathetic and confusing. Generally I would be respectful about the language disparity, but you brought it on yourself bro.
ad hominem
Yes, it is ad hominem. Or if loosely translated: to attack ones character rather than answer their argument.
While my comment was admittedly rash and rude, you must understand how repeatedly calling myself and my friends no-skill slaves/monkeys might incite this kind of reaction. I implore you to read up and decide for yourself if what this person said was in any way constructive, and whether they even are worthy of your defense.
I mean, everybody already knows how skilled you are.
How sweet of you Trip.
dont worry the hate he spouts at you are just deep inner feelings he knows about himself...some people are just natural support healers and dont know how to kill people...
I know you are trying to be offensive here, but I truly don't see how.
Right? I mean as far as I can tell his comment was genuine? Speaks highly of vehem in TS, etc. But to say the least
Also Jules, lets be real here. Who wouldn't get offended over an erp denial? That *** hurts.
English is not my native language.So if you feel you have the need to mock my English skills, i feel bad for you.C0pp3rhead wrote: »Excellent video, @x99Needles.
The last fight in the video shows VE's skill: fighting superior numbers, our tactics and teamwork won the battle.
I would love to see some of the haters try to function in a large group. It takes alot of coordination to pull off what we can do - that is, outmaneuver our enemies while taking and defending keeps against superior numbers. We back-cap for fun.
@Da Sandman Find me something to teabag.
Love it.
Please stop saying haters, why i should hate you for? did you killed my family in real life to hate you, i guess no.So there is no any hate toward you. Zerging don't demand any skill , you just executing the order of your leader , you don't need to think for yourself, you just obey and execute that's it.
Bit of advice, perhaps you shouldn't attempt to be a rampant troll on open public forums if it's not your native language. Just ends up looking really pathetic and confusing. Generally I would be respectful about the language disparity, but you brought it on yourself bro.
ad hominem
Yes, it is ad hominem. Or if loosely translated: to attack ones character rather than answer their argument.
While my comment was admittedly rash and rude, you must understand how repeatedly calling myself and my friends no-skill slaves/monkeys might incite this kind of reaction. I implore you to read up and decide for yourself if what this person said was in any way constructive, and whether they even are worthy of your defense.
I mean, everybody already knows how skilled you are.
How sweet of you Trip.
dont worry the hate he spouts at you are just deep inner feelings he knows about himself...some people are just natural support healers and dont know how to kill people...
I know you are trying to be offensive here, but I truly don't see how.
Right? I mean as far as I can tell his comment was genuine? Speaks highly of vehem in TS, etc. But to say the least
Also Jules, lets be real here. Who wouldn't get offended over an erp denial? That *** hurts.