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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Animation Canceling good for the game?

  • PKMN12
    uberkull wrote: »
    PKMN12 wrote: »
    I think it's bad for the game. Some said: "Everyone can learn and do it. It's not cheating." NO! It's not about learning to add a light attack before every skills, which everyone can do. It's about a feature that can be use as an exploit. Some people will macro it, and it will give them huge advantage over people who don't use a 3'rd party program. No one can manually hit 10 buttons (5 light attacks and 5 skills) in 1s. It's cheating.

    Macro also cause lag by sending 5 times more actions in 1s, and not just from the person who use it, the person who being hit by it also send x5 more informations to the server. And multiplier it by hundreds players.

    So if ZOS can't handle the macro, then the best way is to remove animation canceling.

    HOWEVER, I agree that BLOCK/DODGE ROLL and some other defensive skills should be able to cancel animation, BUT the animation of these defensive skills should NOT be cancelled. So you can still quickly avoid an attack, but can't add Block after every skill to cut off the animation and immediately cast a new one.

    so....instead of fixing a problem (getting rid of macroes), you just want to get rid of something and change the way combat feels COMPLETELY. besides, macro's do not actually work that way...........

    DCUO and DDO have never had major problems with expliots related to animation canceling, and they have been around MUCH longer.

    LoL, how do you get rid of macros? /facepalm.

    by being harsh against anyone that uses it, unlike what ZOS is doing, which is basically nothing.

  • Dredlord
    No, it's bad for the game
    I voted no because it is bad for the game only in its current implementation.

    You should be able to cancel an animation but only if that cancels the damage or effect of the ability...


    all you are doing is encouraging macroing.
  • PKMN12
    Dredlord wrote: »
    I voted no because it is bad for the game only in its current implementation.

    You should be able to cancel an animation but only if that cancels the damage or effect of the ability...


    all you are doing is encouraging macroing.

    again, DCUO and to some extent DDO both have animation canceling, but have no more problems with macroing then anyone else.
  • TheDarkShadow
    No, it's bad for the game
    PKMN12 wrote: »
    so....instead of fixing a problem (getting rid of macroes), you just want to get rid of something and change the way combat feels COMPLETELY. besides, macro's do not actually work that way...........

    DCUO and DDO have never had major problems with expliots related to animation canceling, and they have been around MUCH longer.

    I said "IF they can't", and it's been a year and seem like they still can't handle it. There are still people complain about macro users everyday on forums.

    So ZOS need to decide what is easier and cost lest: pay for more GM to track down and investigate every one that has been reported for using macro, both software and hardware, from now on till the end of this game, or pay 1 time forever for the developers to remove animation cancel.
    Edited by TheDarkShadow on May 30, 2015 4:56AM
  • Stx
    No, it's bad for the game
    Animation cancelling is unintentional, and as far as I'm concerned, a bug that needs to be fixed. It ruins immersion, takes away from a combat system that was designed a certain way, and encourages macroing.

    If they really wanted combat to be more "skillful", then they could reduce the global cooldown for all abilities and CC breaks, or allow you to slot more than 6 skills per bar.

    They are clearly just taking the lazy way out of this. Either animation cancelling needs to go, or they need to update their tutorials, and state officially they want it to be part of the game.

    Personally, I would be more tolerant of animation cancelling if it didn't look so stupid. I enjoy seeing my character swing his giant sword, I do not enjoy him stuttering around.
  • Alucardo
    Yes, it's good for the game.
    2 of my main builds rely heavily on animation cancelling. I think it's a nice skill, that once you get used to it, you can pull off some amazing stuff. Gives combat a bit more dynamics. Hell, I'm all for it.
  • terrasight
    Yes, it's good for the game.
    I think it's good, because of you need to learn and master ist to be effective with AC.
    Hekat'e / Hel'a Niflheim - Sorc / Necro - PS5 EU
  • kupacmac
    No, it's bad for the game
    Whether ZOS categorizes it "officially" as an exploit or not, it technically is since it's obviously not an intended mechanic. And you know good and well this comes into play with game balance, so we basically have to use it to be competitive. Lazy programming is lazy.
  • nursingninja
    They should increase the global cooldown I think.
  • React
    Yes, it's good for the game.
    Lol, animation cancelling has always, and will always, be skill based. Obviously on PC/MAC there are ways to macro your cancels, however on console that is not the case. Either you learn to animation cancel, or you don't and you get rekt. If you simply can't do it, that is an L2P issue. I have a feeling all of the people voting against it are those who literally cannot do it :)

    Useless poll anyhow, literally everything in the game has evolved around AC being available, without it they would need to rework trials, dungeons, combat mechanics, etc. They won't remove it so I'll keep enjoying the salty tears of all the people that can't keep up :)
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • React
    Yes, it's good for the game.
    kupacmac wrote: »
    Whether ZOS categorizes it "officially" as an exploit or not, it technically is since it's obviously not an intended mechanic. And you know good and well this comes into play with game balance, so we basically have to use it to be competitive. Lazy programming is lazy.

    Lazy gamers who don't want to learn to press another button in between casts are lazy.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • Waffennacht
    Yes, it's good for the game.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • React
    Yes, it's good for the game.

    LMAOO rip didn't see the date on the thread after Nursingninja brought it back from neverland
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • KramUzibra
    Yes, it's good for the game.
    Zenimax has already accepted animation cancelling as part of the game.
  • Darkstorne
    No, it's bad for the game
    KramUzibra wrote: »
    Zenimax has already accepted animation cancelling as part of the game.

    Sure, for exactly the same reasons as they've accepted the slow-fall jumping bug, and the FPS degradation over time bug as part of the game. The team members who put the engine and core mechanics together have long since left ZOS and moved on to greener pastures, leaving a skeleton team behind for core engine and gameplay systems. Most of ZOS' employees will be tasked with content.
  • altemriel
    Yes, it's good for the game.
    yes, ninja-skill you know :smiley:
  • QuebraRegra
    No, it's bad for the game
    this again? short memories?

    ZOS CLEARLY stated it was an unintended "bug" and that tey would fix it. Several attempts to address it they realized they could not "fix it", and declared it a "feature".

    I wish I could do that with my problems...
  • strikeback1247
    Yes, it's good for the game.
    P.A.W.S. - Positively Against Wild Sasquatches - NO TO BIGFOOT!
  • Zinaroth
    Yes, it's good for the game.
    this again? short memories?

    ZOS CLEARLY stated it was an unintended "bug" and that tey would fix it. Several attempts to address it they realized they could not "fix it", and declared it a "feature".

    I wish I could do that with my problems...

    Without animation cancelling the combat in this game would be slow pased and very easy without much room for improvement outside of picking the best skills. Also your character would constantly be caught in *** situations because they couldn't adapt to their situations due to being stuck in some *** animation they couldn't cancel with block. Jabs is a perfect example of this. Animation cancelling adds depth and I am happy ZOS realized that, intended or not. The people that don't like the feature are free to either die at the end of my sword, suck at the game or stop playing. Continously bringing it up and complaining about it serves no purpose. If you think you can remove animation cancelling by having enough people voice their unknowledgeable opinions you're being delusional since the players ZOS are actively in touch with and taking feedback from all agree that it is a good feature, and with good reason.
  • QuebraRegra
    No, it's bad for the game
    Zinaroth wrote: »
    this again? short memories?

    ZOS CLEARLY stated it was an unintended "bug" and that tey would fix it. Several attempts to address it they realized they could not "fix it", and declared it a "feature".

    I wish I could do that with my problems...

    Without animation cancelling the combat in this game would be slow pased and very easy without much room for improvement outside of picking the best skills. Also your character would constantly be caught in *** situations because they couldn't adapt to their situations due to being stuck in some *** animation they couldn't cancel with block. Jabs is a perfect example of this. Animation cancelling adds depth and I am happy ZOS realized that, intended or not. The people that don't like the feature are free to either die at the end of my sword, suck at the game or stop playing. Continously bringing it up and complaining about it serves no purpose. If you think you can remove animation cancelling by having enough people voice their unknowledgeable opinions you're being delusional since the players ZOS are actively in touch with and taking feedback from all agree that it is a good feature, and with good reason.

    Yer delusional... The pauses for animation were meant to be a balancing factor of the power according to the devs. But I guess it doesn't matter since they will never figure out how to balance this mess. Wait for the next pendulum meta...

    Not a problem for me tho, I'll just macro like the rest. :pensive:

  • ZombieZig
    No, it's bad for the game
    No, this is abused by macro users in Cyro PvP.
  • zaria
    Zinaroth wrote: »
    this again? short memories?

    ZOS CLEARLY stated it was an unintended "bug" and that tey would fix it. Several attempts to address it they realized they could not "fix it", and declared it a "feature".

    I wish I could do that with my problems...

    Without animation cancelling the combat in this game would be slow pased and very easy without much room for improvement outside of picking the best skills. Also your character would constantly be caught in *** situations because they couldn't adapt to their situations due to being stuck in some *** animation they couldn't cancel with block. Jabs is a perfect example of this. Animation cancelling adds depth and I am happy ZOS realized that, intended or not. The people that don't like the feature are free to either die at the end of my sword, suck at the game or stop playing. Continously bringing it up and complaining about it serves no purpose. If you think you can remove animation cancelling by having enough people voice their unknowledgeable opinions you're being delusional since the players ZOS are actively in touch with and taking feedback from all agree that it is a good feature, and with good reason.

    Yer delusional... The pauses for animation were meant to be a balancing factor of the power according to the devs. But I guess it doesn't matter since they will never figure out how to balance this mess. Wait for the next pendulum meta...

    Not a problem for me tho, I'll just macro like the rest. :pensive:
    The original purpose of animation canceling was that you could block, interrupt or dodge while casting.
    Players found that you could animation cancel light attacks with abilities and doing an bar swap after an instant cast ability
    Outside of this its an global cool-down on any abilities on 0.9 seconds, you notice this if you make an macro :)
    if no cooldown the spamable abilities would be interesting but sustain would be an major issue :)

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Oompuh
    Yes, it's good for the game.
    Animation Cancelling to me is like Prayer Flicking in Old School RuneScape (if any of you are avid RS players you know what I'm talking about) It wasn't intended when they made prayer, but it's become considered a legitiment mechanic because A) the community has embraced it and one thing Jagex knows is how to treat their community (All patches are up to community polls) and it would change how the game works way too much to fix it. ESO is in the same place, the end game pve and pvp community has embraced animation cancelling and it has become a game mechanic, also you would have to change the entire combat system because instant cast abilities instantly hit and are separate from the animation they do, so you would have to let the animation hit before the damage was calculated and then instant cast wouldnt be so instant.

    All in all, animation cancelling has become part of the game, intended or not, and should stay the way it is. Just because it was unintended, doesnt mean it cant be embraced
    Xbox NA - Oompa
    Khajiit DK Tank
    Founder of Major Aegis
    Main Tank of Dissonant Crusade Uprising Savages
  • Autolycus
    Yes, it's good for the game.
    *Enters thread, sees all the toxicity...

    ...slowly backs away.*
    Edited by Autolycus on March 30, 2017 8:14PM
  • Yubarius
    Yes, it's good for the game.
    It's something to differentiate the amazing from the good in this game. If there wasn't AC, there wouldn't be anything.
    • Yubarius - Magicka NB - Flawless Conqueror
    • YubariusX - Magicka Warden - Flawless Conqueror
    • Lord Yubarius - Stamina Sorc - Stormproof - Centurion
    • 'Rubick the Grand Magus - Magicka Sorc
    • Fair Child Tank - Stamina DK
    • Jaruko - Magicka Templar
    • Selthyn Bavailo - Mag DK
    • Bandit-The-Great - Stam Temp

  • AtraisMachina
    Thats called light weaving. Animation cancelling doesnt have anything to do with light weaving. Animation cancelling is just blocking in the middle of a cast.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    No, it's bad for the game
    Who poped the cork on this vintage 2015 bottle ? We were saving it for 2019 .
    Edited by Rohamad_Ali on March 31, 2017 12:12AM
  • JDC1985
    Its great and super easy
  • technohic
    No, it's bad for the game
    Who poped the cork on this vintage 2015 bottle ? We were saving it for 2019 .

    This will go on forever just like premade threads in SWTOR.

    At this point; this game has way more problems than AC that should be addressed first. To hell with AC! Learn to use it or just deal. Its been here forever and is going nowhere for the foreseeable future.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    No, it's bad for the game
    Development have talked about lowering the ceiling and raising the floor. So far the white elephant in the room regarding this seems to be animation canceling for them (from what they've shared with us anyways). If they really want to address the huge variance in damage-dealing etc, animation canceling is where they should begin.

    Skill and success in battle I believe should be about how you react your character to what's going on in battle. Not how good your typing skills are.

    Edited by Rev Rielle on March 31, 2017 1:35PM
    If you can be anything, be kind.
This discussion has been closed.