sixuponthelot wrote: »This is a buff server now. Everyone should consider it as such and expect normal buff server reactions by AD. Decibel is there just to defend emp (We will be on different servers unless there seems to be a push for dethrone). A competent group with some pug support should be able to make a dent as DC showed last night. It's going to take off hour coordination; or DC doing what they did last night at the same time as EP guilds making a legitimate dethrone push to get us off the server.
sixuponthelot wrote: »This is a buff server now. Everyone should consider it as such and expect normal buff server reactions by AD. Decibel is there just to defend emp (We will be on different servers unless there seems to be a push for dethrone). A competent group with some pug support should be able to make a dent as DC showed last night. It's going to take off hour coordination; or DC doing what they did last night at the same time as EP guilds making a legitimate dethrone push to get us off the server.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
Is that the official Decibel response? "This is a buff server."
This is a buff server so expect massive zerg ball of AD, totally appropriated for a "buff server". Because hey, buff servers are adequate and should be supported. We need dem buffs!
EP does it on Thornblade so why shouldn't we ???
Politicians use the money from ratepayers to buy themselve 1million dollars boats, why shouldn't I steal money aswell when I have the occasion to?
sixuponthelot wrote: »
WarrioroftheWind_ESO wrote: »
Then they can un-home themselves to a server that actually NEEDS AD. Last night in the brief period I was online I saw EP with poplock, DC with poplock on Chill, and one measly little bar of AD. Factions totally refuse to engage each other openly. It's PVE *** disneyland or nothing hmm? I hope this spurs EP and DC into action. The sheer arrogance of it all. I find it repulsive that instead of taking the fight to Thorn where people complained that EP dominated and then saying now it was full of PVE babies, instead of going back there and trying to reassert themselves on the map, they decide to go unbalancing other servers. The hypocrisy is just staggering.
I remember offhand that friends told me GOS was leaving Azuras to move to Haderus full time in order to preserve balance and keep EP from being too dominant on Azuras. Apparently all of the 5-6 guilds that joined from thorn followed suit because EP presence on Azuras has just dwindled to nothing. I even had a friend of mine in another guild tell me she threw in the towel because she can't get people to even set foot in Azuras anymore to form a decent raid, and even if they could, *toot* *toot*, here comes the zerg train! I blame inaction by some of the more populous DC and EP guilds as well as the obstinacy of established AD guilds, that it's "their server' now and 'they'll keep everyone away'.
Never has there been a more stark argument for the implementation of floating poplocks than now. As much as people despise the very thought of it, there needs to be some sort of moderation of populations to keep this *** from happening. It keeps happening. Guilds aren't going to step back and look at the big picture. They just want "their" buffs, "their" pve, 'their" AP. I'm assuming a floating lock system would be more feasible to implement within the season at least, because the only other thing I can think of is a "Cyrodiil megaserver' where it quietly slots people into separate phases of the battlefield. I don't know if such a thing would be possible, but something needs to be done and it's not getting done by the people that have the most power to preserve the balance of the game.
And I'm not talking about ZOS.
This is a buff server so expect massive zerg ball of AD, totally appropriated for a "buff server". Because hey, buff servers are adequate and should be supported. We need dem buffs!
EP does it on Thornblade so why shouldn't we ???
Politicians use the money from ratepayers to buy themselve 1million dollars boats, why shouldn't I steal money aswell when I have the occasion to?
See there is a bit of a flaw in what you've said. It's the PvE guilds that are homing there now for "their" buffs, not the PvP guilds. Misfitz has moved to Chillrend, Decibel is in Thornblade now. AFAIK, but I can only speak to the two PvP guilds that I run with, are doing our best to spread out and create competition. Decibel came back to Azuras last night when there was a dethrone attempt for the sole reason that WRX is emperor currently. Misfitz didn't even have a group as the majority ahd logged off for the night. Otherwise we would have stayed away from Azuras.
The PvE guilds don't want to PvP, they want to reap the rewards of the PvP guilds and only come in when "their" buffs start to slip away. We can't make the PvE guilds switch, the only way to get rid of them, is to get rid of PvP buffs in PvE. We don't care about having a buff server, we don't want one. Unfortunately, there are some AD that do, and they clearly don't care if it means that PvP is ruined...
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »I will go on the record, again, to say that I think that PVP buffs shouldn't apply outside of Cyrodiil anymore.
Let the devs rebalance PVE encounters to take that into account, but for God's sake, get rid of this carebear malarkey.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
I will go on the record, again, to say that I think that PVP buffs shouldn't apply outside of Cyrodiil anymore.
Let the devs rebalance PVE encounters to take that into account, but for God's sake, get rid of this carebear malarkey.
AnteCoyote wrote: »I'm hearing a lot of blame slung at Decibel. It's not our fault for capping emp twice. It's not our fault most of EP was on Azura's when we did, causing guilds like GoS to move. It's not our fault that, upon seeing AD winning a campaign, pugs swarmed to the server. It's not our fault that even while we're playing on the EP and DC buff servers when Azura's is dead there is still a massive zerg of pugs.
Take a hint from us. Leave your own buff campaigns and go farm AD pugs on Azura's. Bring your friends. Yes, we may show up to defend emp, but otherwise we'd rather go to Thornblade or Chillrend and fight larger numbers. You can't blame us for defending emp, considering the kind of stuff that'll be said on the forums when we do finally lose it, but we can't help that lots of AD is going to be there with us. The solution? Bring lots of DC and EP. They both did pretty well yesterday before they saw opposition and gave up. If one thing on the map is flagged and AD has been sitting around waiting for action, of course they'll flock in. You can't blame them. You have to get tactical. In the mean time, DB is mostly playing in other campaigns and when we are in Azura's, WRX is playing on his DK, not his emp sorc. We're not going to just hand the crown over, but we're honestly not making it very hard.
PainfulFAFA wrote: »So reds have thornblade dominated and under watch and reds just crowned EMP in chillrend where they are also dominating the server. Why are we still pointing fingers at AD players?
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »Last night myself and a small group of less then 10 poked around on Azura's star. I had been away from Vet pvp for a few weeks, and had been leveling an alt. I was surprised that every time we so much as took a resource AD would show up with 25+ to wipe a group of less then 10...multiple times. Before i logged, the taking of 1 ring keep resulted in AD being poplocked pretty much immediately. That must be fun.
i gotta say.
Well played
AbraXuSeXile wrote: »Stop deleting posts, forum pvp is better than ingame.
Same thing reds do in thornblade and they've been pulling that since forever.RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »Last night myself and a small group of less then 10 poked around on Azura's star. I had been away from Vet pvp for a few weeks, and had been leveling an alt. I was surprised that every time we so much as took a resource AD would show up with 25+ to wipe a group of less then 10...multiple times. Before i logged, the taking of 1 ring keep resulted in AD being poplocked pretty much immediately. That must be fun.
i gotta say.
Well played
PainfulFAFA wrote: »Same thing reds do in thornblade and they've been pulling that since forever.
Im not saying an eye for eye but I just dont like forum pvp directed at AD and only AD when its everyone doing it especially reds. Thornblade is down, Chillrend is down, and its only matter of time between Azuras would fall to red ( it almost did) until AD showed up and conquered everything there.
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »
Fair enough, and your right Red has done it too. I just don't see how doing that at all, regardless of faction, can possibly be good for the state of the game.
So Ad is going to sit there pop locking a basically empty campaign night after night just like ep does on Thorn and you all will continue to bash ep for it? Looks to me like neither ad nor ep want to pvp anymore. They just want to stranglehold the two 30 day campaigns and bop into random campaigns every now and then and upset the population balances wherever they go. Pvp is officially dead.
sixuponthelot wrote: »
This should have happened before they even started focusing on console release.
Won't see anything but forum moderation for a few months in my estimation. Now's a good time to catch up on some of those old steam games you haven't gotten around to.