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We would like more feminine armors

  • liammozzb16_ESO
    And to think...all this would have been solved if Zenimax had simply designed the game to allow cosmetic only modding of armor. Y'know...kinda like Morrowwind, Oblivion and Skyrim.

    Then people would have complained because no one else can see how fabulous they look.
  • MornaBaine

    Omg, I would farm motifs infinitely or shell out however many crowns necessary for armor like this. ^^ Love the way there is an obvious chest space, but it's not the ridiculous defined "cups". It looks more like the way an actual shirt looks in RL. Love the accents, the details, it's feminine, but not slutty (which is the word I think the OP was really looking for - based on the image examples he linked). Only issue I would have is with the heeled boots - fighting and running around in high heels - please no. But, I would take heels any day over slutty revealing armor.

    People keep bringing up all the mods available for Skyrim as if that is some kind of valid argument for ZoS to make this slutty armor. But I think it's a rather faulty argument - those are MODS - they were not made by the maker of the game (afaik). The makers have created a game where slutty armor is not part of this world. It wasn't a part of the maker's creation in Skyrim either. People don't want slutty armor b/c it's not part of what these games are. But even moreso than that...

    I think the real issue is that these requests are almost always targeted at female characters. It hits on a much deeper issue - men wanting to objectify women. I know it is not the case 100% of the time, but this is really why you have so many people (a lot of whom are women) so vehemently opposed to it. Maybe it wasn't such a big deal in the past because there were less women playing games. Maybe back in the 90's that ghastly Arena cover that has been linked so many times would be ok. I wonder the ratio of male/female players in those games back then versus today. But as gaming has become more mainstream and attracted a larger female audience, there is a much larger resistance to the p*rn armor, and for good reason. Sorry guys, but this is no longer a man's world. To all those guys who keep arguing "but I play a female character and I want to [be turned on when I] look at her"...tough sh*t. There are plenty of other outlets where you can get your T & A fix - by yourself, where the rest of the world doesn't have to see it also. Unless of course you'd like to see male characters also running around in speedos and codpieces... but I don't see too many requests here for that.

    I'm actually one of the female players who finds the cloth armor painfully nun-like. So do I want the painted on stripes of that horrible Arena cover? Gods, no. But why can't we have a cloth robe with THIS neckline?


    Why is this reserved for only Medium leather armor? And heck, how long will it be before they take that away as well?
    Edited by MornaBaine on April 10, 2015 5:30AM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Brodycanuck
    I find this a little interesting. If they made feminine sets of armor from the beginning, people would probably be crying out that its sexest that they made females armor more skimpy and feminine. They made them neutral, and people want more feminine.

    Im not calling anyone out...but I know this would happen, because its happening in WoW.
  • Jice
    MornaBaine wrote: »

    I'm actually one of the female players who finds the cloth armor painfully nun-like.

    And I'm one of the Gay Male players who would love the same thing for his Male Khajiit.

    It's pretty upsetting to me that people are totally ok with Argonian guards in Shadowfen walking around mostly naked and being unkillable, but I want to wear the same outfit at vr14 and it's all 'that's not realistic, you should like what I like instead'

    They forget that 'skin' applies to Fur and Scales in this game as well, males and females.

    But no, ask to show a bit of chest cause you have the awesome looking spots no one ever gets to see and suddenly my giant, two legged talking cat is subject to 'realisim'.
  • Revenant_Spartan
    How about this - you can craft a skimpy and non-skimpy version of all armours BUT the skimpy versions all have 10-15% less armour. You gotta pay for them boobwindows bub. Oh and that said - both for male and female. I want to see more Conan/300. Even history had the berserks (berserkers) which were semi naked wolf-skin wearing warriors that were feared for their ferocity and fearlessness (evident by the lack of armour). Yes they were likely on drugs but aren't our characters with all those potions and magical food they consume?
    Edited by Revenant_Spartan on April 10, 2015 7:19AM
  • curlyqloub14_ESO
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    I'm actually one of the female players who finds the cloth armor painfully nun-like. So do I want the painted on stripes of that horrible Arena cover? Gods, no. But why can't we have a cloth robe with THIS neckline?


    Why is this reserved for only Medium leather armor? And heck, how long will it be before they take that away as well?

    That neckline in itself is fine by me... if, like others have said, it has reduced armor rating to go along with it. But I'm curious what armor that is - never seen any med armor that looked like that in the game.
    Edited by curlyqloub14_ESO on April 10, 2015 7:26AM
  • liammozzb16_ESO
    I would like to point one thing about the whole armour issue.

    Skilled Woman warrior ready for combat.


    Silly woman who thinks she's wearing armour that will protect her

  • Keron
    Yeah. Let's bring in the revealing armor and make it half effective, but also lets halve the stamina and stamina regeneration (after applying all bonuses) for everyone who wears constricting armor, why don't we? After all, it needs to be realistic.
    Edited by Keron on April 10, 2015 7:53AM
  • liammozzb16_ESO
    Keron wrote: »
    Yeah. Let's bring in the revealing armor and make it half effective, but also lets halve the stamina and stamina regeneration (after applying all bonuses) for everyone who wears constricting armor, why don't we?

    That's already built into the game -_-
  • Jitterbug
    Varicite wrote: »
    Jitterbug wrote: »
    Varicite wrote: »
    Armour isn't a fashion statement

    said no fantasy characters ever

    I didn't write that at all. Why are you quoting me?

    must have been a wrong deletion in the quotes on my part - sorry about that
  • Dragnelus
    Boy you mean something like this?

  • Jitterbug
    I'm male IRL but I main a female Bosmer and I actually like her looking like a "nun" as it's put in this thread, but that's because she's a warrior so it makes sense for her to be armored. I do not understand, however, why those who prefer skimpier outfits can't have that option, and not just in costumes, of which there are some.
    That Argonian option in the Crown Store is kinda skimpy is it not?
    I know for a "fact" that throughout history a lot of armor have been skimpy, both for male and female fighters, so there is no sense in having everything look like a burka in game. At least in my opinion.
  • Eliteseraph
    Keron wrote: »
    Yeah. Let's bring in the revealing armor and make it half effective, but also lets halve the stamina and stamina regeneration (after applying all bonuses) for everyone who wears constricting armor, why don't we? After all, it needs to be realistic.

    Actually, well crafted armor, even the heavy stuff, allows quite a large range of motion and does not fatigue you nearly as much as you might think. But it has to be custom made, much like a tailored suit. The weight is evenly distributed across the entire body for the most part.

    But that means that you couldn't just pick up any ol piece of armor and slap it on and call it good. A good suit of armor was(and still is) VERY expensive. The RPG element of picking up any ol piece of gear you find or steal and equipping it instantly would have to go out the window.
    Edited by Eliteseraph on April 10, 2015 8:58AM
    "What a sad world we live in, where politeness is mistaken for weakness." - Usagi Yojimbo
  • Keron
    Keron wrote: »
    Yeah. Let's bring in the revealing armor and make it half effective, but also lets halve the stamina and stamina regeneration (after applying all bonuses) for everyone who wears constricting armor, why don't we? After all, it needs to be realistic.
    Actually, well crafted armor, even the heavy stuff, allows quite a large range of motion and does not fatigue you nearly as much as you might think. But it has to be custom made, much like a tailored suit. The weight is evenly distributed across the entire body for the most part.

    But that means that you couldn't just pick up any ol piece of armor and slap it on and call it good. A good suit of armor was(and still is) VERY expensive. The RPG element of picking up any ol piece of gear you find or steal and equipping it instantly would have to go out the window.
    While I very much appreciate your taking my post serious, it was more intended to get at the "realism!!!!!!111eleventy" faction. It shows the selectivity of that argument all around.

    Still, a full plate wearer, no matter the customization and craftsmanship, will drop dead after a 100m-run. Give him 500m if he is highly trained. It's no wonder that heavily armed fighters were usually mounted or using war carriages. Every foot soldier was clad in something like "medium armor", even if that consisted of a mail shirt.

    But I refuse to be dragged into the realism discussion. I hate that argument with a passion because it has nothing to do with computer gaming. It's not about realism, it's about a fun environment. A fun environment is usually an environment that allows freedom of choice and this is what I think the political-correctness-faction is removing from life and games alike.

    I love to get up in the morning on a weekend in summer and walk naked onto my balcony and have the first cup of coffee in the sun. It's not allowed anymore. I could bother those that invade my personal space by watching me on my balcony. I have to tolerate this in real life because of laws, but I WILL continue to fight for this freedom in my completely-separate-from-reality-spare-time-fun that is "computer games".

    And to the one guy who brought up the comparison with dragon age: The NPCs' language in those games is exhilaratingly unrestricted. You can also f**k whomever you like no matter the gender, race or anything. It shows not only bewbs but everything else of the female and male anatomy, even though not on the battle field. I would immediately shut my mouth and be more than happy to finally be able to play a gay male diva sorceror like Dorian with the appropriate dialogue choices and clothing options, etc.

    FREEDOM OF CHOICE. If you feel objectified by wearing revealing clothing/armor, don't wear it. If you feel contempt towards the character wearing it, ROLE PLAY it. But leave the CHOICE to the player who wants to run around in revealing clothing. Even if it is a fat hairy Nord man-bear who likes to show his back fur or the out-and-proud punk chick who doesn't give a s**t on political correctness and other people's clothing standards.

    Edited by Keron on April 10, 2015 11:05AM
  • Hexi
    This discussion is pointless beyond stupidity.

    It all boils down to personal preference and no amount of wacky and contrived justification will ever change that fact.

    Maybe I'm a weirdo, but I have no issue with TERA armours, the ones that actually have some style to them, but I also don't mind ESO armours, as long as they have some style to them, which many do (not all).

    But don't worry, they will add revealing outfits into the crown store sooner rather than later. All they have to do is look at SWTOR, that stuff is the number one selling point in their awful RNG boxes and they know it.
  • mokaey
    Soul Shriven
    I vote yes for more skimpy armor. And i vote yes for more armor content and weapons in general.
  • Elara_Northwind
    I believe we already have plenty of choice when it comes to feminine looking armours... I am a girl, and all of my characters are dressed in very feminine attire, even my male Khajiit ;) If they ever did bring 'slutty' armour into the crown store, there is no chance that any of my characters would wear it. My girlies are warriors, they don't want to be dressed like common wenches hah! :p
    Edited by Elara_Northwind on April 10, 2015 10:33AM
    Sorcerer, Templar, Wolf Collector, Housing Addict!

    GM of Salted Wings Tavern and Salted Wings Housing 🏠🌻

    'A House is Built with Boards and Beams, a Home is Built with Love and Dreams'

    Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/ElaraNorthwind
  • MornaBaine
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    I'm actually one of the female players who finds the cloth armor painfully nun-like. So do I want the painted on stripes of that horrible Arena cover? Gods, no. But why can't we have a cloth robe with THIS neckline?


    Why is this reserved for only Medium leather armor? And heck, how long will it be before they take that away as well?

    That neckline in itself is fine by me... if, like others have said, it has reduced armor rating to go along with it. But I'm curious what armor that is - never seen any med armor that looked like that in the game.

    Cloth armor already has a reduced rating compared to plate, as it should. And while it is my personal aesthetic preference that plate LOOK LIKE traditional real world plate armor, in the game you can throw magical enchantments on ANYTHING to improve it in any number of ways, including upping its ability to act AS protective armor.

    Oh, I believe is is the lower (20s) level Bosmer medium top.
    Edited by MornaBaine on April 10, 2015 10:44AM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Hexi
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    I'm actually one of the female players who finds the cloth armor painfully nun-like. So do I want the painted on stripes of that horrible Arena cover? Gods, no. But why can't we have a cloth robe with THIS neckline?


    Why is this reserved for only Medium leather armor? And heck, how long will it be before they take that away as well?

    That neckline in itself is fine by me... if, like others have said, it has reduced armor rating to go along with it. But I'm curious what armor that is - never seen any med armor that looked like that in the game.

    Cloth armor already has a reduced rating compared to plate, as it should. And while it is my personal aesthetic preference that plate LOOK LIKE traditional real world plate armor, in the game you can throw magical enchantments on ANYTHING to improve it in any number of ways, including upping its ability to act AS protective armor.

    This actually works lore-wise too. There is a thing called Alteration magic.

    Also, there is a book called "Reality and other falsehoods" everyone should read. ;)

  • Revenant_Spartan
    Hexi wrote: »
    Cloth armor already has a reduced rating compared to plate, as it should. And while it is my personal aesthetic preference that plate LOOK LIKE traditional real world plate armor, in the game you can throw magical enchantments on ANYTHING to improve it in any number of ways, including upping its ability to act AS protective armor.

    This actually works lore-wise too. There is a thing called Alteration magic.

    Also, there is a book called "Reality and other falsehoods" everyone should read. ;)


    Good point really - we tend to forget alteration magic.
  • bellanca6561n
    Celless wrote: »
    @bellanca6561n I wouldn't say it's impossible to understand re: the quests with the slatterns and the seducers. I think it depends on the person.

    I think if we're trying to understand it through as a player on Earth and not a character from Nirn, it may be tougher to fill in the gaps. Like take a quest where we're taking an enemy's head as proof we slew them. As a player, I don't get to see the details. Envisioning this from my character's point of view? I probably didn't kill the opponent with a decapitation, so I'm severing its head after the battle, packaging it in some layers of cloth, feeling it bob around in one of my bags against my rations, reaching the individual who wanted to see the head as proof, unveiling it, and saying, "Here take this head, I don't want to carry it anymore." And what's individual going to do with the head after I hand it over? Mount it on a pike somewhere?

    Or say another individual who may not appreciate the aesthetics of what pixels, polygons, drawn, painted, or animated figures may be trying to convey. They may not admit that any character in any game or animation is visually attractive, but another may see what was trying to be conveyed and can imagine the scenario through a character's eyes in a different way.

    That what we see in our T-rated or even M-rated versions of the game is not what the character's are experiencing.

    Okay, why do we have boobs and wasp waists on trees? Why a sexual image for a tree? Well, what does the tree represent? You don't put shapely figures and breasts on trees by accident, any more than the artist of image 2 gave the elf a flaccid belly to go with her languid posture out of whim.

    Why does the Boadicea statue show her breasts and belly, albeit through thin cloth? What does Boadicea represent?

    Stories are conveyed through imagery even to people unaware of them. And, yeah, this is another subject entirely.

    When we see something like this from Bernini nobody says it's obscene, unrealistic, low-brow, or aimed at helping the recently pubescent achieve shameful aims ;)


    It's a scene from Greek mythology. What's worse, it's the scene of a ***. Hence Bernini took great pains to show the fingers pressing into the flesh.

    This sculpture was commissioned by a Cardinal of the Catholic church. Early 1600s....a very different time; another set of sensibilities.

    But what matters are the sensibilities in YOUR time. And this topic has certainly illuminated those. There's no right or wrong, good or bad to that though you'd never know from the tone of much of this conversation :p
  • bellanca6561n
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    I'm actually one of the female players who finds the cloth armor painfully nun-like. So do I want the painted on stripes of that horrible Arena cover? Gods, no. But why can't we have a cloth robe with THIS neckline?


    Why is this reserved for only Medium leather armor? And heck, how long will it be before they take that away as well?

    That neckline in itself is fine by me... if, like others have said, it has reduced armor rating to go along with it. But I'm curious what armor that is - never seen any med armor that looked like that in the game.

    I don't think anyone answered your question. It's Bosmer, level 16-24.

  • MornaBaine
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    I'm actually one of the female players who finds the cloth armor painfully nun-like. So do I want the painted on stripes of that horrible Arena cover? Gods, no. But why can't we have a cloth robe with THIS neckline?


    Why is this reserved for only Medium leather armor? And heck, how long will it be before they take that away as well?

    That neckline in itself is fine by me... if, like others have said, it has reduced armor rating to go along with it. But I'm curious what armor that is - never seen any med armor that looked like that in the game.

    I don't think anyone answered your question. It's Bosmer, level 16-24.

    Actually I did. But thanks.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • tallenn
    UrQuan wrote: »
    Don't forget these guys. They're clearly wearing armor, just with the 'Show body Armor" and 'Show Leg Armor' option checked off. xD


    Um ... didn't they die? All of them?

    No. 299 of them died. :p

    Well, 298 died at Thermopylae.

    One was sent as a messenger and didn't get back in time. He hanged himself.

    One was sent home injured. The shame caused him to lead the charge at Platea, and be the first Spartan to die in that battle.

    It didn't end well for any of the 300 :)

    Didn't it? 2500 years later, people are still talking about them. That's essentially immortality. Everyone dies, but the vast majority of us will be completely forgotten within decades.
  • Shunravi
    tallenn wrote: »
    UrQuan wrote: »
    Don't forget these guys. They're clearly wearing armor, just with the 'Show body Armor" and 'Show Leg Armor' option checked off. xD


    Um ... didn't they die? All of them?

    No. 299 of them died. :p

    Well, 298 died at Thermopylae.

    One was sent as a messenger and didn't get back in time. He hanged himself.

    One was sent home injured. The shame caused him to lead the charge at Platea, and be the first Spartan to die in that battle.

    It didn't end well for any of the 300 :)

    Didn't it? 2500 years later, people are still talking about them. That's essentially immortality. Everyone dies, but the vast majority of us will be completely forgotten within decades.
    And that's in addition to their culture, where dying in battle was a honor.
    Edited by Shunravi on April 10, 2015 5:17PM
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • Slurg

    I think the real issue is that these requests are almost always targeted at female characters. It hits on a much deeper issue - men wanting to objectify women. I know it is not the case 100% of the time, but this is really why you have so many people (a lot of whom are women) so vehemently opposed to it. Maybe it wasn't such a big deal in the past because there were less women playing games. Maybe back in the 90's that ghastly Arena cover that has been linked so many times would be ok. I wonder the ratio of male/female players in those games back then versus today. But as gaming has become more mainstream and attracted a larger female audience, there is a much larger resistance to the p*rn armor, and for good reason. Sorry guys, but this is no longer a man's world. To all those guys who keep arguing "but I play a female character and I want to [be turned on when I] look at her"...tough sh*t. There are plenty of other outlets where you can get your T & A fix - by yourself, where the rest of the world doesn't have to see it also. Unless of course you'd like to see male characters also running around in speedos and codpieces... but I don't see too many requests here for that.
    If what the OP and pretty much every male in this thread who defines feminine as skin-baring is requesting comes to pass, I can't wait to create my muscular blond Nord beefcake male and put him a thong chainkini. Any skimpy costumes introduced should be equally revealing on either gender, to stay in line with the spirit of equality that I so appreciate in this game.

    But I would be strongly opposed to changing any of the armor styles to show more skin. If people want to dress their characters less, costuming their own characters is the way to get there. Don't force me and other female characters to cater to the men who want to see more T and A in game by changing our armor. Practically speaking, developing a wider variety of exposure in costumes for the crown store seems like it would be quite profitable based on some of the comments in this thread.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • UrQuan
    Keron wrote: »
    Still, a full plate wearer, no matter the customization and craftsmanship, will drop dead after a 100m-run. Give him 500m if he is highly trained. It's no wonder that heavily armed fighters were usually mounted or using war carriages. Every foot soldier was clad in something like "medium armor", even if that consisted of a mail shirt.
    Um, no. You're very very misinformed on this. Full plate weighs less than the full combat gear of most modern soldiers (you're typically looking at roughly 50-60 lbs for full plate, vs around 90-100 lbs for typical modern infantry combat gear). On top of that, unlike mail or modern gear, the weight is relatively evenly distributed around the body, which makes it much less tiring (as long as you're used to it - if you're not then the very fact that you've got added weight on your arms and legs is going to tire you out faster). During the time period when both mail and plate were common, a man wearing plate could wear his armour for much longer than a man wearing mail before being too tired out by the weight to fight effectively, even though the mail typically weighed somewhat less.

    If a 120 lb female US Army second lieutenant can run a full marathon (that's 42,195m) wearing an 85 lb bomb suit, a trained knight wearing a 60 lb suit of full plate can definitely run over 500m without dropping dead.

    You also have no understanding of medieval warfare if you think that foot soldiers always wore "medium armour" during the era of full plate. Do a little research on the Hundred Years War and the War of the Roses and you'll find that battles often consisted of thousands of men-at-arms on foot in full plate, typically alongside archers and cavalry. Often the majority of the foot were in full plate, and infantry charges (which would be over distances greater than 100m) were common.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Vaerth
    My wife asked me to write to you.

    As women in general, love to dress up. They like the beautiful feminine clothes. This is same in the game.
    Argonian Cloth Lvl1 armor or the Dark Seducer costume is feminine armor.
    It was pretty much the lineup the rest of armors is not feminine.

    Of course this is a subjective opinion with a woman eye.

    So a dress makes for good combat armor? Did you try the crown store dress out yet?
    Pact Bloodwraith
  • Keron
    UrQuan wrote: »
    Um, no. You're very very misinformed on this. Full plate weighs less than the full combat gear of most modern soldiers [...] (which would be over distances greater than 100m) were common.
    Well then, I stand corrected and will do some more research.

    Nonetheless, my point is not that. It is:
    Keron wrote: »
    But I refuse to be dragged into the realism discussion. I hate that argument with a passion because it has nothing to do with computer gaming. It's not about realism, it's about a fun environment. A fun environment is usually an environment that allows freedom of choice and this is what I think the political-correctness-faction is removing from life and games alike.
    Keron wrote: »
    FREEDOM OF CHOICE. If you feel objectified by wearing revealing clothing/armor, don't wear it. If you feel contempt towards the character wearing it, ROLE PLAY it. But leave the CHOICE to the player who wants to run around in revealing clothing. Even if it is a fat hairy Nord man-bear who likes to show his back fur or the out-and-proud punk chick who doesn't give a s**t on political correctness and other people's clothing standards.
    And that stands. So do not expect me to further be a part in this fact-this-misinformation-that-realism-those-discussion.

    Edited by Keron on April 10, 2015 5:25PM
  • UrQuan
    Keron wrote: »
    UrQuan wrote: »
    Um, no. You're very very misinformed on this. Full plate weighs less than the full combat gear of most modern soldiers [...] (which would be over distances greater than 100m) were common.
    Well then, I stand corrected and will do some more research. Nonetheless, my point is not that. It is:
    Keron wrote: »
    But I refuse to be dragged into the realism discussion. I hate that argument with a passion because it has nothing to do with computer gaming. It's not about realism, it's about a fun environment. A fun environment is usually an environment that allows freedom of choice and this is what I think the political-correctness-faction is removing from life and games alike.
    Keron wrote: »
    FREEDOM OF CHOICE. If you feel objectified by wearing revealing clothing/armor, don't wear it. If you feel contempt towards the character wearing it, ROLE PLAY it. But leave the CHOICE to the player who wants to run around in revealing clothing. Even if it is a fat hairy Nord man-bear who likes to show his back fur or the out-and-proud punk chick who doesn't give a s**t on political correctness and other people's clothing standards.
    And that stands. So do not expect me to further be a part in this fact-this-misinformation-that-realism-those-discussion.
    Oh and that's fine, I take absolutely no issue with those points. In fact, I agree with you. It's just that as a former History major with a minor in Medieval Studies, I can't sit by and not correct misconceptions like yours about full plate (which is a very common misconception, so don't feel too bad about it)...
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
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