Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Your Champion Rank

  • squidgod2000b14_ESO
    Khaldar wrote: »
    They are waiting for everyone to sink hours of time and effort into the CP system before they completely overhaul it again to make everyone start over.

    Nah, they'll decide that some players have pulled too far ahead and either cut the XP requirement per point or put it on a curve so the casuals can catch up.
  • Winnamine
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    Swarog wrote: »
    Does it means Champions Points reset for all players or just for Nivzruo_ESO?

    It means the highest CP anyone has earned on the live megaservers as of today is approximately 151.

    151 is still an insane amount of CP.
    TehMagnus wrote: »
    Swarog wrote: »
    Does it means Champions Points reset for all players or just for Nivzruo_ESO?

    It means the highest CP anyone has earned on the live megaservers as of today is approximately 151.

    And many of us succumbed to unfounded rumors :expressionless: then again, I really wonder how it's possible I saw a guy earning 10K exp per mob kill on youtube, maybe he was trolling with a modified addon...

    She said approximately. Many could have 500 whilst others only have 10 or 20. There you got your approximately.

    I think you are confusing "approximately" with "average."
    It's ok, words are hard.
  • Elijah_Crow
    It's clear that in a matter of days, some individuals have earned an amount of Champion Points which in my opinion is too much. It completely destroys what the Enlightenment system is supposed to help keep in check. Though I understand that eventually large disparities will exist, it is way too soon for that.

    This rate which this is occurring if left unchecked is ultimately going to be a detriment to the game. I am really seeing a need for a daily cap. Not only is it good for the game, but it's probably good for the health of your players.

  • Islyn
    74 but started w 65 on EU
  • hazune
    156 CP
    Polska Gildia - Ebonheart pact
  • WarrioroftheWind_ESO
    75 as of tonight. I've been taking it fairly slow. There's some crag delves I can solo the trash to get a nice chunk and while its time consuming I get decent loot as well. It'd be nice if I could get a dedicated group of friends to do the repeatable quests but everyone does their own thing.
  • ElliottXO
    It's clear that in a matter of days, some individuals have earned an amount of Champion Points which in my opinion is too much. It completely destroys what the Enlightenment system is supposed to help keep in check. Though I understand that eventually large disparities will exist, it is way too soon for that.

    This rate which this is occurring if left unchecked is ultimately going to be a detriment to the game. I am really seeing a need for a daily cap. Not only is it good for the game, but it's probably good for the health of your players.

    No you are wrong. Some earned a good amount of CP, that's true. But the much bigger problem is that the majority did not get enough CP because ZOS fails to implement fair gains of CP with 'normal' activities.
  • DeLindsay
    ElliottXO wrote: »
    No you are wrong. Some earned a good amount of CP, that's true. But the much bigger problem is that the majority did not get enough CP because ZOS fails to implement fair gains of CP with 'normal' activities.
    ^ This exactly, and it was brought to ZoS's attention multiple times throughout PTS and they ignored it completely.
  • Etaniel
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • Zimnel

    In three days of gaming XD Not really farming this, just started my first vet rank : ) Less than a quarter of level to be vet2, perhaps 5 points per vet rank for me. 6 as much.
  • byrom101b16_ESO
    DeLindsay wrote: »
    ElliottXO wrote: »
    No you are wrong. Some earned a good amount of CP, that's true. But the much bigger problem is that the majority did not get enough CP because ZOS fails to implement fair gains of CP with 'normal' activities.
    ^ This exactly, and it was brought to ZoS's attention multiple times throughout PTS and they ignored it completely.

    I have 86, and have grinded vet 10 humnoids to get the vast majority of it.

    It's boring, ridiculous and game-ruining. But I want the 12% crit buff to help justify my guild taking me on trial runs. I play magicka Sorc so I have to run to keep up with what other classes and builds manage without the same level of effort dps and survivability-wise...

    ... and yes, BOTH those thing rely on crit with Surge procs, so...

    In any case - TRIAL CP XP - wow, how utterly pathetic!

    My guild did a full Hel Ra run last night. We killed everything, and I got the coffer quest completion as it was my first run of the week.

    I got 12K CP XP WITH Enlightenment for the whole thing.

    I can get this in under 2 minutes grinding Vet 10 humanoids... hell, in under one minute on occassion.

    I'm not going to make some cynical remark about Zenimax at this point - that's as pointless as asking them to fix magicka Sorcs.

    I will say, why would anyone pay for such awful quality in a game?

    Edited by byrom101b16_ESO on March 12, 2015 9:21AM
  • McDoogs
    Winnamine wrote: »
    Seraphyel wrote: »
    Swarog wrote: »
    Does it means Champions Points reset for all players or just for Nivzruo_ESO?

    It means the highest CP anyone has earned on the live megaservers as of today is approximately 151.

    151 is still an insane amount of CP.
    TehMagnus wrote: »
    Swarog wrote: »
    Does it means Champions Points reset for all players or just for Nivzruo_ESO?

    It means the highest CP anyone has earned on the live megaservers as of today is approximately 151.

    And many of us succumbed to unfounded rumors :expressionless: then again, I really wonder how it's possible I saw a guy earning 10K exp per mob kill on youtube, maybe he was trolling with a modified addon...

    She said approximately. Many could have 500 whilst others only have 10 or 20. There you got your approximately.

    I think you are confusing "approximately" with "average."
    It's ok, words are hard.

    There are like, too many of them and stuff.
  • AlnilamE
    DrOrpheus wrote: »
    I started at like 56, got up to 71 in a few days earning ~4 CP a day on enlightenment, then they hot fixed it and i can only get 1 CP a day now on enlightenment, and the toons i haven't been earning exp on and just log in to get hireling mails never acquire enlightenment, or haven't been since the hot fix. I thought it was based off the last time you earned exp, but i guess its when you log in based off my alts who aren't storing enlightenment.

    Enlightenment accrues on your account at a fixed rate (so every 24 hours you get enough enlightenment for 1CP). It doesn't matter if you were logged on, what you were doing or on what character.

    If your account is enlightened, then logging onto any Vet level character should give you the Enlightenment message. When you run out, it's the full account that runs out, so switching to another alt is not going to give you more enlightenment.

    The other thing to keep in mind is that CP experience (whether enlightened or not) is accured per character, so if one of your characters is 70% of the way to a CP, then it makes more sense to keep playing that character to earn the full CP before switching to an alt that may be only about 10% in.

    Does that make sense?
    The Moot Councillor
  • Phinix1
    I will say...

    I do not think you are meant to light the Moon Sugar on fire that way...

    Seriously, the games strengths FAR exceed its flaws, so as a community we should strive for the same in our posts. Constructive criticism is fine, especially when actually offering suggestions on how to fix things.

    Believe me, I understand where you're coming from. If I went on a binge grind for hours on end my nerves would be really frazzled as well. A good rule of thumb is, when you are about to make an angry or emotional post, sleep on it. Seriously, it sounds cliché, but there is this whole mental cascade of hopscotch or frogger or multi-dimensional monkey bars or something that takes place to culminate in emotional critical mass, and simply saving a typed message, then coming back the next day and editing it BEFORE you post it will make you feel like a Zen boss.

    I wouldn't be in too big a hurry to grind it out, or about the people that do and falling behind. I do recommend staying focused on getting 90 for the crit but after that, just do whatever you enjoy and they come. I do believe they will end up doing something like this in the future to keep things evened out.
  • Skjoldur
    Since I have seen how unplayable PvP has become, I don't care about CP that much anymore... I which they would have removed the stupid VR though...
  • OrphanHelgen
    PC, EU server, Ebonheart Pact

    Finally a reason not to play League of Legends
  • Ace_SiN
    109.5 cp and I've been slacking the last 5 days or so. ZOS I need those xp pots.
    King of Beasts

  • neueregel
    Are you not entertained?
    On my command, unleash hell!
    What we do in life echoes in eternity
  • djnapstyb14_ESO
  • Iduyenn

    Wow... 150+ Cp?
    Envy inc.

    They are like 150 playhours ahead
  • Knootewoot
    I have 90 now. I do 1 per day. Not by grinding or by setting it as a goal. I just PvP for 3 hours a day and most of the times (if I get all kill quests) I get 1 cp while enlightened. Although sometimes I don't make it because I do not always deliver my kill quest. (mostly only when I die and I can transport back to the battle quick. else I wait for revive, or I get up in keep if not linked to start area)
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Surfinginhawaii
  • nothing2591
    111 from grinding my sorc from v1 to v9, dont even care about cp anymore every now and then i open them up and wow 2 unspent points, nice.
    VR16 nb rank 28 svampenn
  • olsborg
    103 now, only doing pvp, and lots of it, but I get max 1 per day. Wich is much less then what I get from grinding (tested once to compare)

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • azoriangaming
    120 and feeling like I'm losing the will to live
  • Folkb
    82; taking muh sweet time.
  • Kragorn
    I got to 90 over the weekend and that was my target, I'm done with the grind for now, I want to enjoy the game not spend all my time mindlessly grinding CPs.

    It means I can unlock 3 30-point perks and get a decent spread of small buffs or one or two higher ones, IMO the DR is far to severe and actually means getting 225 which means you can unlock 3 x 75 perks is simply not worth it IMO as the buffs you'll get by then are likely trivial in improvement and the 75-point perks in the trees where I think 30-pointers are useful in all but one case seem just not worth it.

    But then I'm not an end-game min/maxer so I guess it helps that I'm prepared to be, as some min/maxing V R14s will call me, gimp. :p
    Edited by Kragorn on March 23, 2015 8:15AM
  • eldermpsmithrwb17_ESO
    Selcouth Nexus V16 Templar Magika Healer/Dps
    Mrs Schadenfreude V16 Magika Sorc Dps/off heals
    Malevolent Lust v16 DK Stam Dps/tank
    Mephala's Rage v16 NB Magika Dps
    Lara Nipplestorm v16 DK Magika DPS
  • byrom101b16_ESO
    I will say...

    I do not think you are meant to light the Moon Sugar on fire that way...

    Seriously, the games strengths FAR exceed its flaws, so as a community we should strive for the same in our posts. Constructive criticism is fine, especially when actually offering suggestions on how to fix things.

    Believe me, I understand where you're coming from. If I went on a binge grind for hours on end my nerves would be really frazzled as well. A good rule of thumb is, when you are about to make an angry or emotional post, sleep on it. Seriously, it sounds cliché, but there is this whole mental cascade of hopscotch or frogger or multi-dimensional monkey bars or something that takes place to culminate in emotional critical mass, and simply saving a typed message, then coming back the next day and editing it BEFORE you post it will make you feel like a Zen boss.

    I wouldn't be in too big a hurry to grind it out, or about the people that do and falling behind. I do recommend staying focused on getting 90 for the crit but after that, just do whatever you enjoy and they come. I do believe they will end up doing something like this in the future to keep things evened out.

    The vast difference between top end content CP xp gain and grinding lower level mobs is ridiculous.

    That is to say - worthy of ridicule.

    Every MMO I have ever played has more xp for harder challenges. It is a standard that is both fair and universal in games.

    ESO is somehow an exception to this inherently logical way of doing things, and this constitutes fundamentally bad game design.

    I enjoy more challenging content. I do not however enjoy having my favourite character's class and build wacked with the nerfbat more than once and the game turned into a grindfest purely because I want to remain reasonably competitive.

    Zenimax are the ones constantly 'lighting the moonsugar their way...' and I reserve the right to complain every time I get my fingers burned due to their inexplicable choices and/or negligence.
  • VincentBlanquin
    nice 8 )))

    even if i get to vr14 in 3 weeks or month and i will have about 40+ CP .... dont know how to compete with players with top gear and 150+ CP (((((((
    Edited by VincentBlanquin on March 23, 2015 8:35AM
    Irwen Vincinter - Nord - Dragonknight
    Irw´en - Bosmer - Nightblade
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