**Updating to be Accurate as of Live build 2.0.4**
Legerdemain is the new World Skilline line dedicated to those of us who wish to live in the shadows. You access this skill tree by successfully committing your first crime or Lockpicking a Chest. I did it by Pickpocketing an NPC (not all are able to be Pickpocketed). I had a 30% chance of success and bam, '
gained the Legerdemain skillline' popped up. The item was flagged as stolen in my inventory so I checked my map and sure enough there was a new icon on it (Trident, see below). I headed over and went into an underground lair of sorts with many vendors, a Guild Kiosk and some Vampires.
Legerdemain Passives
- Improved Hiding
- 1/4 (Rank 1): Reduces the Stamina cost of sneaking by 10%.
- 2/4 (Rank 6): 20%
- 3/4 (Rank 11): 30%
- 4/4 (Rank 16): 40%
- Light Fingers
- 1/4 (Rank 2): Increases your chance of successfully Pickpocketing by 10%.
- 2/4 (Rank 7): 20%
- 3/4 (Rank 12): 35%
- 4/4 (Rank 17): 50%
- East Target = Up to 100% chance on all attempts.
- Medium Target = Up to100% chance on first attempt.
- Hard Target = Up to 90% chance on first attempt.
- Trafficker [50/day to start]
- 1/4 (Rank 3): Increases the number of fence interactions you can use each day by 120% [110/day].
- 2/4 (Rank 8): [120/day].
- 3/4 (Rank 13): [130/day].
- 4/4 (Rank 18): [140/day].
- Locksmith (Forcing Lock gives no XP nor raises Legerdemain Rank)
- 1/4 (Rank 5): Improves your chances of forcing locks by 10%.
- 2/4 (Rank 9): 25%
- 3/4 (Rank 14): 45%
- 4/4 (Rank 19): 70%
- Simple = 85% chance to Force Lock
- Intermediate = 80% chance to Force Lock
- Advanced = 75% chance to Force Lock
- Master = 70% chance to Force Lock
- Kickback
- 1/4 (Rank 6): Reduces bounties you willingly pay to guards and fences by 10%.
- 2/4 (Rank 10): 20%
- 3/4 (Rank 15): 30%
- 4/4 (Rank 20): 40%
It's gonna take 16 Skill Points to invest fully in this tree so make sure you have some available. You advance level in the tree by Fencing goods, Pickpocketing or Picking locks and gaining Achievements within the Justice System at 1/2/4/8 points per task. Hope this info helps. Also Sneaking has a new graphic, kinda looks more sneaky to me.
Achievements associated with the Justice System
- Ill-Gotten Gains 5/15/50 pts: Earn 1K/100K/1M Gold Fencing stolen goods.
- Cut and Run 5/15 pts: Successfully escape a Guard after choosing Flee 1/100 times.
- Home Trespasser 5/10/15 pts: Successfully pick locked doors 1/50/100 times.
- Discriminating Plunderer 10 pts: Steal an item of Superior quality (Blue).
- Safebox Pilferer 5/10/15 pts: Break into and loot Safeboxes 1/10/100 times.
- Discerning Pilferer 5 pts: Steal an item of Fine quality (Green).
- Pocket Picker 5/10/15 pts: Successfully Pickpocket citizens 1/100/1000 times.
- Felonious Recompense 15 pts: Pay 100K to the Fence -OR- Pay 100K gold to the Guards to clear criminal record.
- Loot Cleaner 5/10/15 pts: Spend 100/1000/10K gold to Launder stolen goods.
- Make Amends 15 pts: Pay a 1 time bounty of 1K gold or more.
- Murderer 5/5/5 pts: Kill 1/50/100 Citizens.
- Grand Larcenist 5 pts: Steal an item of Epic quality (Purple).
- Disrobed Discipline 5 pts: A Guard repossess an article of stolen clothing that you are wearing.
- Indecent Exposure 10 pts: A Guard repossess stolen clothing from all you armor slots at the same time.
- Butcher 5/5/5 pts: Kill 10/100/500 Livestock.
- Ground Beef 5 pts: Kill a livestock cow, bull or ox.
- Guar Slayer 5 pts: Kill a livestock guar.
- Hog Kill 5 pts: Kill a livestock pig.
- Poultry Assassin 5 pts: Kill a livestock chicken, or bantam guar.
- Wicked Shepherd: Kill a livestock goat or sheep.
Legerdemain Levels
- Rank 1 = 40 Points (You can get to Rank 6 pretty easy on Day 1).
- Each subsequent Rank increases by 20 points.
- Rank 19 = 400 Points.
- Rank 20 = Level cap.
Advancing Legerdemain
- 1 Point
- Pickpocketing an Easy Target.
- Picking a Simple Door or Chest/Safebox.
- Laundering items of any quality, White - Purple.
- Fencing items of any quality, White - Purple.
- Gaining Achievements under The Justice System section.
- 2 Points
- Pickpocketing a Medium Target.
- Picking an Intermediate Door or Chest/Safebox.
- 4 Points
- Pickpocketing a Hard Target.
- Picking an Advanced Door or Chest/Safebox.
- 8 Points
- Picking a Master Chest/Safebox (I haven't found any Master Doors yet).
Who cares, show me the Money!!
While out and about in Towns you will find literally a metric ton of items to steal and then Fence for Gold or Launder for personal use. Iirc they said there's somewhere over 2000 unique items to be stolen. Even though it seems like a bunch of small numbers keep in mind while on PTS I've made ~45K in 4-6 hours of just Thieving. I also got no Epic Motifs since 1.6.2 (got AE in 1.6) so that would add even more if this were Live. Here's the basics of what you'll see from a monetary standpoint.
- 1 Gold each: Ingredients, Racial Stones.
- 9 Gold each: Green Provision Recipes.
- 10 Gold each: Blue Provision Recipes/**Standard Motifs.
- 13 Gold each: Purple Provision Recipes/**Epic Motifs.
- 30 Gold each: White items.
- 100 Gold each: Green items.
- 250 Gold each: Blue items.
- 750 Gold each: Purple items.
Almost everything stacks in your bags (this changed in PTS Patch 1.6.4*) so while you're Ranking up Legerdemain it's best to steal Ingredients/Racial Stones for your daily Launder limit, disregard the 30 gold White items and Fence all Green/Blue/Purple items until your daily limit. What I'm finding is that items that are very common for the new Provisioning changes tend to be all over, regardless of Zone level and it's a good way to manage inventory since you cannot get flagged items out of your bags without Fencing/Laundering or Destroying them, they will not go into your Bank or GB.
*In 1.6.4 White items stack to 100, Green items to 20, Blue items to 5 and Purple items no longer stack.
Very common items I found to stack up to save inventory space are
Isinglass, Greens, Rice, Rose, Metheglin, Rye, Seaweed, Wheat, Surilie Grapes and Yeast. I'll just take a look in Barrels, Crates and Sacks and only steal those while I'm working on Ranking up.
You will be Picking MANY Chests/Safeboxes so it's worth your time to invest 10 points in
The Shadow to get the Passive
Fortune Seeker which increases how much Gold you get from Treasure Chests by 50%. Yes it counts for Safeboxes too.
**Motifs that are stolen can be Laundered for a very small fee and then sold just like you do on Live right now. In 1.6 that fee was 20g or less. It won't change Motif farming other than it adds 1 more step in the process and a little more care taken while farming them so you aren't caught.
Bounties and Heat
Everything here will be listed based on a
VR14 Character. There literally isn't enough time each week to test every Level form 3-50 + 14 Vet Ranks to find out all the various costs involved per Level. You can enter an Outlaw's Refuge while in combat either from an angry Innocent that you tried to Pickpocket or attacked and Guards. It's a way to escape the "Heat" from your Criminal act.
Cost of being a Criminal in Tamriel
- Theft: 89.5 Gold Bounty per unique item stolen when caught (or even trying to Lockpick a Safebox) as well as any failed Pickpocketing attempt. If there's 2 different items in a container you get a 179g fine, but if it's a stack of (2) identical items you get only get fined once.
- Attacking an Innocent/Vampire Feeding in Town: 269 Gold Bounty. Note, you gain this Bounty the moment you attack an NPC, Murdering them and stealing their possessions doesn't incur a higher penalty.
Criminal Reputation
- Upstanding: You have committed no Crimes, or been caught doing so. Guards have no reaction to you.
- Disreputable: [1 - 267 Gold Bounty] Caught Stealing or Pickpocketing once. Guards will Accost you if you get too close to make you pay the fine and take your stolen items or you can try and Flee.
- Notorious: [268 - 536 Gold Bounty] Caught stealing 3 times or attacking an Innocent once. Guards will Accost you.
- Fugitive From Justice: [537 Gold Bounty or higher] Caught stealing 6 times, attacking Innocents twice or Feeding on Innocents in Town once. Guards will attack you on site with the only options being your death or your escape. This is also the level that Players will be able to kill you once that part of the Justice System has been introduced.
- Failure to Pickpocket a guard even one time immediately makes you a Fugitive from Justice, even with only an 89g Bounty.
- Feeding on a Guard immediately makes you a Fugitive from Justice and gains you a 201g Bounty.
**Bounty Decay - VR14:
- 22.5 Gold every 3 Minutes while Online or Offline.
- 450 Gold every 1 Hour.
- 10,800 Gold every 1 Day.
- Yes, it decays all the way to 0.
ProTip: Loot only Green/Blue/Purple items to Fence and Launder all the cheap White stuff to your cap each day. This will level Legerdemain the fastest while making you the most Gold possible.
ProTip 2: Check out these sets for a slightly superior Thieving experience:
VR 6-14 Character
Levels 4-22 Character
- Night's Silence: Craft 5pcs Medium, preferably with Training on them.
- Whatever else: I would suggest 1H/Shield though to add 1 more pc for set bonuses and another Glyph. Fleeing from the Guards is hard at lower levels. Also get 2 more Medium with Training for 7/7 Medium so that you hit Level 14 in Medium Armor asap for the Improved Sneak Passive, you will need it at lower levels.
EDIT: The new "safeboxes" that are placed close to NPC's have quite valuable items in them for the risk that you then sell to the local fence.
EDIT 2: You can see a growing list and picture set of the new Everyday Clothes
HERE thanks to
Video Tutorials
EDIT 3: Check out
@angelyn's post
HERE that is detailing all the various goodies you get while Thieving.
Safebox/Chest locations by Faction/Zone/City *work in progress*
// ALDMERI DOMINION // - Average for Safeboxes / Best for Containers
Vulkhel Guard in Auridon (Best place in the game for Containers)

Elden Root in Grahtwood (Plus Safeboxes inside by the Bankers, FG and MG)

Redfur Trading Post in Grahtwood (No Outlaw's Refuge)

Marbruk in Greenshade

Baandari Trading Post in Malabal Tor (no Outlaw's Refuge)

Rawl'kha in Reaper's March

// DAGGERFALL COVENANT // - Best for Safeboxes / Average for Containers
Northpoint in Rivenspire (must be unlocked via Quests, MANY Guards and oh the Livestock, no Outlaw's Refuge)

Shornhelm in Rivenspire
*Updated* (Addon bugged and is showing 11 Chests too many, where you see doubles)

Bergama in Alik'r Desert (no Outlaw's Refuge, MANY Guards)

Sentinel in Alik'r Desert

Evermore in Bangkorai

Hallin's Stand in Bangkorai (must be unlocked via Quests, and yes, it DOES have Guards but no Outlaw's Refuge)

// EBONHEART PACT // - Good for Safeboxes and Containers
Fort Amol in Eastmarch
*Updated* (no Outlaw's Refuge)

Windhelm in Eastmarch

- AD: What AD lacks in Safeboxes it seriously makes up for it with Containers, the type you find Motifs and Recipes in.
- DC: DC is Safebox heaven but unfortunately not many people have heard of Wardrobes, Dressers, Nightstands and Backpacks.
- EP: For a good mix of Safeboxes and Containers for Motifs/Recipes, EP is your best bet overall.
Also check out
@Anemonean's post called "Rogue's Folio" which has a growing list of maps that detail more than just Safeboxes