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1.6 PTS Bugs and Issues Thread

  • Roselle
    Aedric Spear tree
    - it appears the Luminous Shards (morph of Spear Shards) synergy should be returning 2500 stamina and magicka, not 250

    Still waiting to hear if the converters forgot a 0 or not.
    This one was rekt by Zenimax
  • Medieval_Miss81
    On the PTS, the Burning Spellweave light armor now has weapon crit instead of spell crit. The medium set, Sunderflame, also has weapon crit. This would seem to be unintended. Please tell me the hours I have put in farming this set are not wasted if it is now a weapon crit light armor.
    Co-GM of Cor Leonis
  • starkerealm
    Amarynth wrote: »
    When I log in to a character that had been using a horse to increase bag capacity, that character is not using the horse, and items that were above their personal storage capacity are gone.

    Yeah, this happened to me on multiple characters. It also happened multiple times on a few until I purchased a cheap horse separately.
  • angelyn

    In ESO live they discussed Conjured Ward and perhaps I got the wrong impression but I thought that it was being changed? Nothing in patch notes about this skill.

    Or were they just saying that it would now work well because pets are getting a buff?
    Edited by angelyn on January 28, 2015 10:09PM
  • Soulshine
    helediron wrote: »
    Too many stealable containers versus normal lootable containers. This just an irritation for crafters. Even areas occupied by hostiles have stealable containers or they are completely empty. Make castles and open areas lootable and only market places stealable.

    I have similar thoughts on this. Especially for how it affects provisioning purposes. We've had enough issues with mats to now note that nearly every lootable item is alomst always "stealing" - really overkill. Towns and cities? Abso-you-know-what-lutely make them stealing, but not out in the middle of nowhere for Pete's sake.
    Edited by Soulshine on January 28, 2015 10:51PM
  • Rebeccas04nub18_ESO
    The horses seem to have bugs in their speed or at least mine does. I bought the fast horse in PTS today and put one (riding skill?) point into speed. When I make the horse sprint it immediately goes into a warp for about 1 second, then it slows down to about the same speed as a normal canter, with mine and the horses postures as if galloping, in other words the sprint is the same speed as non-sprint but looks like a sprint. Then sometimes while sprinting the horses' legs move unusually fast but my posture looks like a normal gait. Sometimes my regular gait is slow and looks like a controlled slow lope, almost slow motion.
    I like the warp speed, BTW. It reminds me of the enterprise when Scottie would "give it all she's got."
    Wicked Felina/ Khajiit NB DC
  • McDoogs
    Damage is waay too high in Pvp. Just all around.
    XEVENEX wrote: »
    MAGICKA REGEN BUG 150127-001687
    Edit: This might be a hidden werewolf effect. I'll need a few minutes to confirm.
    It appears that WW received an in combat magicka regen bonus on the PTS. There is still a discrepancy between live non ww regen and pts non ww regen. It's higher on live than on pts:

    OUT OF COMBAT magicka regen appears to be lower than IN COMBAT magicka regen, which does not jive with what's on the live server.

    Magicka Regen Per Character Screen: 1602
    In Combat Magicka Regen: 1602
    Out Of Combat Magicka Regen: 1440

    PTS WW:
    Magicka Regen Per Character Screen: 1731
    In Combat Magicka Regen: 1731
    Out Of Combat Magicka Regen: 1398

    Magicka Regen Per Character Screen: 163
    In Combat Magicka Regen: 163
    Out Of Combat Magicka Regen: 212
    not just a pts bug. This screen is from the 11.11.2014 on live:

  • cote-bmsb16_ESO
    Justice system feedback - must make the guards mortal, too OP. I'd have fun killing them. Costumes & disguises should help evade the guards as well, cause they recognized my skeleton 10 zones apart. Crime should be localized to the zone, how do the guards in wayrest & guards in Belkarth know Im a fugitive?
    - Edit:typo
    Edited by cote-bmsb16_ESO on January 28, 2015 11:59PM
  • Vicodine
    Just a small issue added to the mentioned above with the justice system:

    I find it annoying that clearing your bounty at Fences closes the interface, so I have speak with the NPC again to launder and sell.

    Thaometh V16 Altmer Templar AD/EU
    Thaometh Ashbringer V10Altmer Dragonknight AD/EU
  • fethry8oeb17_ESO
    oa7zh2.png there's a texture bug in devon's watch mage guild corridor,that should go to the out door, from other direction it's normal, this propably just effects on some gpus thou, all settings high

    have to test other drivers etc, atm gforce 760 gtx
    and it's not because of ftc cause it did with clean too
    Edited by fethry8oeb17_ESO on January 29, 2015 12:13AM
  • F7sus4
    Soulshine wrote: »
    Not sure if this was intentional or not but.... template chars created on the PTS have no morphs available for testing purposes, so short of taking the time level up the morph you cannot test the changes right away. If this is WAI, I for one do not find it a practical use of testing time to have to level up the base skill just to get to the morph in the given skill tree.
    It is indeed intentional. The idea was to test the base abilities, and eventually their morphs as well.
    Yeah, great idea to test the abilities. Brilliant as always.
  • Lykurgis
    Cannot use a potion that gives you a major buff if you already have that major buff active from another ability.

    For example, use Entropy on a mob. Then try to activate a Spell Power potion. It won't let you use the potion.

    The same also happens with Rally/Momentum and Panacea of Weapon Power.

    You can use the potion then cast the ability, but you cant use the potion while the buff from the ability is already active.
    We Kill Bosses (NA Server, AD)
    The Purple Guild (NA Server, AD)
    world first naked AA run
  • F7sus4
    how do the guards in wayrest & guards in Belkarth know Im a fugitive?
    They text each other, obviously.
  • Roechacca
    Animation bug . After dodge rolling during pvp match , character bugged to a standing position and just floated every where with no leg movement . Did not go away till death re spawn .

    Forgot to copy ticket numbers but I'll get them listed on future posts
  • LonePirate
    150128-002085 - There is some stray "Accost dialogue window" text in the description for the Cut and Run achievement for the Justice System.
  • Grim13
    The Guards may need Guards to guard against them... because I was murdered by one.

    I'd just entered the pts, and was looking in my inventory, when a riled up Guard murdered me for being in the general vicinity of a crime(?).

  • Xsorus
    Brawler in the two hander line is stacking with itself.. The shield that is... It's not just refreshing its stacking on top of each other
  • themizario
    Issue: If you make a stack of drinks use one and teleport - the stack of drinks you make disappear from your inventory.
  • themizario
    Issue: If you wear twins sisters and remove you still keep the set bonus.
  • onlinegamer1
    Horse riding bug:

    Patch notes say something about horses passing over small obstacles more easily - the opposite is true. Horses now "halt movement" at seemingly random times on utterly flat ground, as if they just hit an obstruction. Happens every 10-20 seconds or so.
  • Domander
    aco5712 wrote: »
    - Pots not working due to the major buffs being active on your character already and cant be overwrited. (spell power and wep power pots)

    - Disorient skills go through block: Petrify, Streak, Luminous Shards and Agony all work through block. You will always get CCed.

    - Tooltips need to be done in regards to criticals. Some of them say 2090 and khajiit passive says 125% and it gives 6%. You need to redo them.

    - Inferno: unmorphed has no 15% reduce magicka

    - Inferno + Magelight stacks

    I'm thinking they made all disorients go through block, so it could be intended.
    Edited by Domander on January 29, 2015 3:14AM
  • Wabice
    I practically get one-shot by the guards (I don't get over 23k HP even with Structured Entropy, Food Buffs, and 62 points in Health factored in). Plus you die so hard the game freezes for about 5 seconds. I know getting caught by the guards is supposed to be avoided, but trying to escape if caught is impossible if you can get one-shot after getting pulled in with fiery chains. Is this intended?
    Wabice - Brotherhood of Tartarus (BOT)
    - In times lost to history, was a Namira of the 0.016%. Now a First Generation Werewolf for the Daggerfall Covenant.

    And Never Forget: Credits Text 1, Credits Text 2, and Credits Text 3 of the Credits Header team for their unacknowledged part in the glorious history of ESO development!
  • Palidon
    From what I have read so far, update 6 will need to stay on the PTS for some time with most likely numerous patches before it is ready to be released. There have been too many bugs and issues reported and the list just continues to grow. I hope ZOS has learned a lesson from prior updates being released before they were ready. However, if ZOS decides to follow their pattern of releasing updates prior to being completely tested and issues found fixed then I see a total nightmare in the making with update 6.
  • tonemd
    Reactivating shadowy disguise within 2.9 seconds take you out of hidden and still costs magicka.
  • Enodoc
    Soulshine wrote: »
    helediron wrote: »
    Too many stealable containers versus normal lootable containers. This just an irritation for crafters. Even areas occupied by hostiles have stealable containers or they are completely empty. Make castles and open areas lootable and only market places stealable.
    I have similar thoughts on this. Especially for how it affects provisioning purposes. We've had enough issues with mats to now note that nearly every lootable item is alomst always "stealing" - really overkill. Towns and cities? Abso-you-know-what-lutely make them stealing, but not out in the middle of nowhere for Pete's sake.
    Agreed. Oblivion handled this quite well I think, where there were quite a few unowned containers dotted around and about the place (particularly in Imperial City Market District). Everything in a house and near the marketplace stalls should be owned, but nothing in a hostile area or the middle of nowhere should be.
    Amarynth wrote: »
    When I log in to a character that had been using a horse to increase bag capacity, that character is not using the horse, and items that were above their personal storage capacity are gone.
    Yeah, this happened to me on multiple characters. It also happened multiple times on a few until I purchased a cheap horse separately.
    This is a killer bug which absolutely must be fixed before Live... otherwise people are going to be losing up to 50 items per character. Hopefully many people are encountering this and putting it in through /bug in-game.
    Justice system feedback - must make the guards mortal, too OP. I'd have fun killing them. Costumes & disguises should help evade the guards as well, cause they recognized my skeleton 10 zones apart. Crime should be localized to the zone, how do the guards in wayrest & guards in Belkarth know Im a fugitive?
    - Edit:typo
    What would killing guards give you, other than a larger bounty which you'd have even less chance of paying off? Trying to evade them should be quite interesting. Crime used to be localized to the zone; I saw in the early video "Stormhaven bounty". I wonder why they decided to make it global? It should at least not carry between Alliance territories/Neutral zones.
    Edited by Enodoc on January 29, 2015 9:51AM
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  • fethry8oeb17_ESO
    and who the hell decided to put guard on refugee camps door in belkhart??? it's not a bug but...
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Thanks so much for this list, guys! It's been super helpful, and we are documenting each issue you're reporting.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • DeathDealer19
    issue- prodigy under light armor is requiring a whole set of light armor and not 5 pieces like normal. or at least that's what the tooltip is saying. same for evasion under medium armor

    Infallible Aether set crit bonuses are now 2%.... not sure why


    GM of We Wipe On Trash
    NA Server AD Faction
    VR14 High Elf Templar
    VR14 High Elf Dragonknight
    VR14 High Elf Sorcerer
    VR14 Imperial Dragonknight
    VR9 Bosmer Nightblade
  • kungmoo
    just about all the set bonuses on the pvp gear from the "rewards for the worthy" are way too low, the 2h sword set is giving something like 130 health for 2 piece, and .5% crit for 3 piece set... same for the other weapons
    Some men are alive simply because it is against the law to kill them. -Edward W. Howe
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