Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

100 crowns for each prior month for subscribers. (WOW! 250+ AGREES!)

  • OrangeTheCat
    I would probably stay with this game if those of us who have stayed subscribed since release (actually, since beta for me), and have put up with all this broken and lackluster BS for the last 9+ months, gave us free subscription (with no time limitations) access to the game as a reward for what we've been through. Anything less, then no, I for one am out of here. It's just not worth it anymore for me (someone who has had to deal with all the crap over the last 9 months), both in time and money.
  • Vunter
    Cool that we will never get an official reply of @ZOS here.
  • Jando
    Gidorick wrote: » insulting!

    I was thinking the exact same thing.

    I do think 1500 Crowns for each prior month is probably excessive though. But maybe somewhere in the 300-500 range would be appropriate.

    Edited by Jando on January 24, 2015 12:15AM
    Dear ZoS - Sell us great content at a reasonable price. Stop the Grind!!
  • Bouvin
    Everyone is now QQ'ing about crowns, without even knowing what exactly your going to be able to buy with them nor how much things will cost.

    Well we do know you'll get 1,500 a month.

    So we can pretty well insinuate that 1,200 isn't going to buy that much.
  • Jiigen
    I do think 1500 Crowns for each prior month is probably excessive though. But maybe somewhere in the 300-500 range would be appropriate.

    Say you had been playing and subscribing from day 1 until now. Your current subscription ends on March 16, that would mean that starting March 17 you can play again. And you're awarded with 1600 crowns, 500 for purchasing the game, 100 for every month you were previously subscribed.
    Then a new player comes along, first time he plays is March 17, he decides to buy ESO Plus for a month just to get a full start. That player is awarded 2000 crowns, 500 for purchasing the game and 1500 for his first month of subscription.
    Day 1 player 11 months subscription: 1600 crowns
    New player 1 months ESO Plus: 2000 crowns

    And that is how loyal subscribers are screwed over. Regardless of any value put on crowns vs prices in the store.
    Edited by Jiigen on January 24, 2015 12:46AM
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Gidorick
    Jiigen wrote: »
    Day 1 player 11 months subscription: 1600 crowns
    New player 1 months ESO Plus: 2000 crowns

    Seems fair :unamused: ... anyone @ZOS willing to comment?
    Edited by Gidorick on January 24, 2015 3:08AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    I would probably stay with this game if those of us who have stayed subscribed since release (actually, since beta for me), and have put up with all this broken and lackluster BS for the last 9+ months, gave us free subscription (with no time limitations) access to the game as a reward for what we've been through. Anything less, then no, I for one am out of here. It's just not worth it anymore for me (someone who has had to deal with all the crap over the last 9 months), both in time and money.

    Yesterday, I was pretty much sure I was going to remain subscribed... but honestly... There's just no reason. I'm not interested in aprons, dresses or pretty horses. I won't likely use the cash shop and I really don't care about the bonuses received.

    There's just no reason for me to stay subscribed. I'll just buy the DLC as I want it.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Iago
    Vunter wrote: »
    Cool that we will never get an official reply of @ZOS here.

    It's my guess that the people who could answer these questions Have been given orders not to.
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • Jiigen
    Iago wrote: »
    It's my guess that the people who could answer these questions Have been given orders not to.

    That does indeed seem very likely, the ESO Live show discussing this did give more light on everything, but also seemed to have set things in stone more.
    There were already little to no grounded questions given on these kinds of topics.
    Edited by Jiigen on January 25, 2015 12:40AM
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Mathius_Mordred
    It would be nice for those of us in closed beta that tested this game and submitted detailed reports as requested to get a little extra too other than a monkey hehe. Come on ZOS don't be tight arses!
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  • FordPrefect
    Enough comments were made re: Champion Points that lead ZoS to change their stance to increase it, and I think we should continue to put pressure on them to do the same for the Crown Rewards. 1200 crowns +500 purchase = 1700 for playing since launch, and someone brand new will have that same amount next month. If you want to "reward" someone, make the reward COUNT, not be an insult.
    If they didn't want to "reward" us, that would be a different story, and we wouldn't have 100+ comments in just this thread alone. But they *do* want to reward us. So it is now our responsibility to make sure they know this "reward" is stale and needs to be rethought.
    300 per month since launch would probably be a better amount to agree on.
  • nerevarine1138
    Ok, let's try and do some real math here, people.

    1st month for an ESO Plus subscriber who was around since launch: 1500 Crowns for their ESO Plus month, and 1700 Crowns (more or less) for their subscription time plus the 500 Crown game credit. That's 3200 Crowns total.

    1st month for an ESO Plus member who just bought the game: 1500 Crowns for ESO Plus and 500 Crowns for getting the game. That's 2000 Crowns total.

    So no matter how you slice it, long-time subscribers will be getting about 1200 free Crowns.

    All that said, you don't deserve anything else because you paid for a subscription. Your subscription gave you access to the game for the months you paid it. Giving us extra bonuses is a reward, not compensation.
  • Jiigen
    It'll be 11 months by the time it goes live. So to do real math; it's 1600 crowns we get if the subscription runs out before March 17 2015.
    They were going to reward people for their long time subscription to the game by giving crowns. Which costed us, I am doing this in euros: €193, at least.
    Which, for the same amount, would be 16500 crowns for 11 months if we started after March 17 with our subscription. That's the disappointment people are having with this "reward".
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • FordPrefect
    Ok, let's try and do some real math here, people.


    All that said, you don't deserve anything else because you paid for a subscription. Your subscription gave you access to the game for the months you paid it. Giving us extra bonuses is a reward, not compensation.

    I agree, we don't deserve anything. I think I even said as much. BUT, if they are going to give us something, it should be something meaningful, not 1200 crowns.

    VR14s didn't deserve any additional CP in the conversion to 1.6. They could have just told us, "okay, start over with gaining some CP, have a great day in Tamriel!" but they didn't. They said "Yes, you deserve something for your hard work", and the VR14s said "No, that's bogus, we deserve more!" and they decided, "yup, you're right, here's more".

    All I'm saying is that if we feel we deserve more, we need to keep saying it. Over and Over and Over again.
  • ItsGlaive
    Agree, 100 is nothing compared to what we'll get for future months of sub. They should raise it, at least to 500 if not to the 1500 we'll be getting post-b2p for paying the same price.
    Allow cross-platform transfers and merges
  • Vunter
    Ok, let's try and do some real math here, people.

    1st month for an ESO Plus subscriber who was around since launch: 1500 Crowns for their ESO Plus month, and 1700 Crowns (more or less) for their subscription time plus the 500 Crown game credit. That's 3200 Crowns total.

    1st month for an ESO Plus member who just bought the game: 1500 Crowns for ESO Plus and 500 Crowns for getting the game. That's 2000 Crowns total.

    So no matter how you slice it, long-time subscribers will be getting about 1200 free Crowns.

    All that said, you don't deserve anything else because you paid for a subscription. Your subscription gave you access to the game for the months you paid it. Giving us extra bonuses is a reward, not compensation.
    As you said, they give 1200 crowns to the old subscribers (if they were subscribers for all the months).
    Well actually, if our sub is active when Tamriel Unlimited launches, it'll be converted to a ESO plus sub and you'll get 1500 crowns. We will get only 100 crown and since you get 1500 crowns with a month of sub of ESO plus 1100 crowns aren't worth much.

    Personally, I would have taken it better if they actually decided to give us nothing but I got a little pissed off because it looks like they put that 100 crowns * month to keep us quiet while they change the game to B2P.

    EDIT: I can't write :v
    Edited by Vunter on January 24, 2015 3:08PM
  • Elsonso
    I am sure that some Champion Point thinking has gone into the 100 Crown decision. They may not want a BIG Crown Gap between the existing players, who are already rich, and new players, who are poor.

    They can't get rid of our gold, not even the gold that remains from the exploits earlier in the game's history. They can definitely limit how many Crowns we can get for past subscriptions.

    Since Crowns = $, any Crown payment to existing subscribers based upon how much they subscribed is a partial REFUND, as "in-store credit", of the subscription cost.

    It may mean other things to other people, but that is what it means to me.
    Edited by Elsonso on January 24, 2015 4:52PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
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  • Ray22
    I wouldn't mind keeping the reward at 100 crowns if they were to give us the previously promised content (Thieves Guild/ Dark Brotherhood for example) for free.

    That would be fair enough. I'll keep my sub anyway, but I'd like all that content to be mine, and not rented, just in case I drop my sub for some other reason later on.
    Edited by Ray22 on January 24, 2015 4:15PM
  • AlexDougherty
    I am sure that some Champion Point thinking has gone into the 100 Crown decision. They may not want a BIG Crown Gap between the existing players, who are already rich, and new players, who are poor.

    They can't get rid of our gold, not even the gold that remains from the exploits earlier in the game's history. They can definitely limit how many Crowns we can get.

    Since Crowns = $, any Crown payment to existing subscribers based upon how much they subscribed is a partial REFUND, as "in-store credit", of the subscription cost.

    It may mean other things to other people, but that is what it means to me.

    They won't put limits on how many crowns we can have, the whole point is to get us to buy them. They will put limits on how many they give us, and will probably have to limit how much and how often we can buy them, but no limits on the total.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
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    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • starkerealm
    Lynx7386 wrote: »
    I agree, an entire year's worth of subscription should not be granted less crowns than a single month after unlimited.

    Which is a lot better than most conversions like this. You know how many Cryptic points I got when they converted to F2P and added a 400CP per month Stipend to subscriptions? 0

    You know how many Funcom Points I got when Secret World went buy to play? For having an active subscription since launch? 0

    Could it be more? Yeah, sure, and I wouldn't turn it down. But, this kind of pay out is really unusual.
  • starkerealm
    Selique wrote: »
    I thought DLC's were going to be free to subscribers?

    They are. But, if you cancel your sub, that access goes away.
  • Elsonso
    I am sure that some Champion Point thinking has gone into the 100 Crown decision. They may not want a BIG Crown Gap between the existing players, who are already rich, and new players, who are poor.

    They can't get rid of our gold, not even the gold that remains from the exploits earlier in the game's history. They can definitely limit how many Crowns we can get.

    Since Crowns = $, any Crown payment to existing subscribers based upon how much they subscribed is a partial REFUND, as "in-store credit", of the subscription cost.

    It may mean other things to other people, but that is what it means to me.

    They won't put limits on how many crowns we can have, the whole point is to get us to buy them. They will put limits on how many they give us, and will probably have to limit how much and how often we can buy them, but no limits on the total.

    Thanks. That was not what I intended, so I fixed my original comment.

    Edited by Elsonso on January 24, 2015 4:53PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Gidorick
    Iago wrote: »
    All that said, you don't deserve anything else because you paid for a subscription. Your subscription gave you access to the game for the months you paid it. Giving us extra bonuses is a reward, not compensation.

    We understand this... and the reward doesn't match what we are being rewarded for. This is why a lot of people say "eh... 500 per month would be good" .

    It's like... lets say you have a friend that's renovating an apartment complex and you start helping him on the 1st of the month. You help him all day, every single day, and on the 11th day, to thank you, he takes you to McDonalds for dinner. You appreciate that Big-Mac and fries and you think it was a nice gesture.

    Then on the 12th day, another one of your friends comes to help out... you three work all day and to thank you both, he takes you both to Chili's and he tells you that for every day that either of you helps him... he will take you to Chili's.

    It's not that you wouldn't appreciate the McDonalds that you got on that 11th day. It's that you would feel as if your friend didn't truly appreciate your help and that they appreciated the other guys help more than yours. Especially since the other guy would get two Chili's dinners if he helps your friend for one more day and if you stop helping, you get nothing.

    It IS a nice gesture, but It's an insult from someone who is being inconsiderate.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    I am sure that some Champion Point thinking has gone into the 100 Crown decision. They may not want a BIG Crown Gap between the existing players, who are already rich, and new players, who are poor.

    They can't get rid of our gold, not even the gold that remains from the exploits earlier in the game's history. They can definitely limit how many Crowns we can get for past subscriptions.

    Since Crowns = $, any Crown payment to existing subscribers based upon how much they subscribed is a partial REFUND, as "in-store credit", of the subscription cost.

    It may mean other things to other people, but that is what it means to me.

    I would have rather not been offered ANY "refund" than be offered what likely amounts to $1 per month. I didn't ask for a refund, but giving me a dollar is kind of like...


    When we are the ones that provided them with those stacks of cash.

    If this makes me sound unappreciative that's probably because I don't appreciate being offered less than one month worth of Crowns for the past year of loyalty.
    Edited by Gidorick on January 24, 2015 7:01PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    Ray22 wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind keeping the reward at 100 crowns if they were to give us the previously promised content (Thieves Guild/ Dark Brotherhood for example) for free.

    That would be fair enough. I'll keep my sub anyway, but I'd like all that content to be mine, and not rented, just in case I drop my sub for some other reason later on.

    Because we AREN'T going to "own" the DLC for subscriptions... I'm not subscribing. I'd rather buy the DLC and own it.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • FordPrefect
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I would have rather not been offered ANY "refund" than be offered what likely amounts to $1 per month. I didn't ask for a refund, but giving me a dollar is kind of like...


    When we are the ones that provided them with those stacks of cash.

    Yes! This is my mindset 100%! Don't be R Kelly and tell me we're in a Gene Kelly movie (obscure reference is obscure!)
  • Grileenor
    It just doesn't feel right. We, who put faith in the game since beta and paid each month will not only have to same content to use after march the 17th as the no subbers, we will get less for a full year of loyality than a new one month subber in crowns. We don't deserve something, right, but as a loyal customers this just doesn't feel right.

    Give those who paid since release and are still subbed the first DLC for free! Show us you care for loyal customers.
  • Ray22
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Ray22 wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind keeping the reward at 100 crowns if they were to give us the previously promised content (Thieves Guild/ Dark Brotherhood for example) for free.

    That would be fair enough. I'll keep my sub anyway, but I'd like all that content to be mine, and not rented, just in case I drop my sub for some other reason later on.

    Because we AREN'T going to "own" the DLC for subscriptions... I'm not subscribing. I'd rather buy the DLC and own it.

    A lot of people are actually on that side too, I totally respect it. I'm not going into the reasons I'll keep my sub (off-topic) at least for the first few months, but I truly hope that the promised content, now turned into DLC, is given to early-adopters (not the new or all content, just the promised).

    Anyhow, people are already going a little crazy for crowns, so the option I'm defending is far from becoming a possible reality.
  • Valen_Byte
    I would like some sort of 'founder' status.

    A symbol next to our names on the forums, and a colored name in game chat. Something that says, we have been here from day one. That would be more meaningful to me than 100 crowns per month.

    I would also like something similar for 'Premium' subscribers. There should be a 'visual' difference between a subscriber and a free account. This is done in many other games and would also be a great incentive to subscribe. People would see a colored name in chat, and ask how to get that.
    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • Gidorick
    Well, let's just keep talking about how we're dissatisfied. I guarantee they've seen this thread, even though they haven't responded. I guarantee it's creating discussions at ZOS.

    They KNOW we aren't happy. They know we feel insulted. Now let's see if they respect us enough to change what they're giving us.

    I believe they do. Look at what they did with the CPs. They didn't HAVE to do that, just like they don't HAVE to give us more Crowns. It's just that they will realize it's the right thing to do.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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