Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

100 crowns for each prior month for subscribers. (WOW! 250+ AGREES!)

  • Rustyfaw
    There are very few things that will reward you or pay you retroactively. I've been here since the start and it's generous enough that they are giving us anything at all for previous time played/paid. We paid for the enjoyment during that time and in return we got access to the game. Is that not good enough?

    You invested early on in game that was new. They felt the need to change things in order to continue being successful. I personally think that any sort of retro-payment is not necessary, though I come from a different understanding.
    Edited by Rustyfaw on January 22, 2015 10:20AM
  • MornaBaine
    Whether or not it's "enough" is going to depend on what is in the store and how much it costs. IF I have access to the vast majority of the goodies WITHOUT having to purchase additional "crowns" then it's fair. If it's just enough to tease me and make me go, "Ohhhh I can haz panther if only I buy X amount more crowns..." then it's not enough. Guess we'll see soon.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • killedbyping
    Yat another spit in the face of loyal customers. Still remember that ’’teso is the only game that panalies players for investing their time into the game’’ topic.

    You feel cheated for investing your $ and time into the game? Here, have a dwemer sphere. (c) ZOS
    Edited by killedbyping on January 22, 2015 11:28AM
  • LordTareq
    Agreed, it is rather insulting.
  • ArconSeptim
    Now lets see how big the prices will be in Crown store ;)
  • eserras7b16_ESO
    Will be high prices for sure :/ but i don't see it that terrible!
    Eptackt - Argonian Templar
    Belegrand - Redguard Nightblade
  • Aiko
    I agree aswell.
    We deserve more than that.
    Fast is fine, but accurate is final.
  • Inubis
    Hello Forum,

    It is I, the ever wise Inubis! It takes quite a bit for me to actually post on this forum as most of it is bickering amongst grown men (sometimes women) about the injustices they have been subjugated to by the devs of this wonderful yet lackluster MMO. So deciding where to begin my rant is difficult. Prepare yourself for this will be a long post.

    To start I have been around since beta and subscribed since launch despite the MMOs shortcomings I have remained a fan and loyal subscriber as have many others. The first tid-bit I want to mention is someone made reference to other games going F2P/B2P and there being nothing given to the original subscribers. This statement is false. Most games that undergo a transition like this do in fact reward the original subscribers.

    Secondly, this “100 crowns per subbed month” is probably one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. Do not misunderstand I am a sucker for microtransaction systems in games. I have admittedly spent hundreds of dollars in them. I do like the idea of being able to seriously customize my character and am more than willing to spend some real money to do so. I also strongly advocate that these stores should NOT be pay2win.

    At least 60% of the current player base (except those on the forums) could give two *** if it was 100 crowns or 1500 crowns UNLESS they can buy DLC or something that gives them an in game advantage. Giving us “crowns” 100 is however a slap in the face and as others have said clearly shows us “how much you care” about us holding onto our subs as long as we did. To those saying that they understand prorating us 1500 per month is a bit much and would be happy with 300-500… You are fools. There is nothing to “understand” and there is no real excuse. They are using the new “crown shop” to pacify investors/shareholders (because it’s a proven system). Do I work at ZO and have insider information? No. Am I business man and see blatant business tactics? Yes. Giving the current subscribers the full 1500 is perfectly acceptable, sure it may devalue the store a bit and sure people may just stockpile them for some reason… Whatever that may be. But in reality going B2P is going to flood their servers with more users. The IP is so popular that the probability of this happening is very high as is the probability of many people who left the game returning. Now one thing you probably didn’t discuss during your meeting is how the effects of giving someone 1500 crowns per subbed month would BENEFIT your new model. Please take a moment (and this is directed to ZO) and think about how many players will be loaded with crowns now? Now if you plan to have some pretty “cool ***” in this crown shop you do realize that us veteran players will be decked out on the “coolest” looking stuff in the crown shop essentially promoting its use off the bat. New users will see VR14 characters looking awesome as hell and will be more likely to spend some money in the crown shop. Giving us the 1500 per month would serve you just as much as it would make some of these people happy.

    However! I don’t care. I was just pointing out some fairly obvious stuff. I would much prefer you gave us long term subscribers something of true value. It doesn’t have to be a competitive advantage but stuff of convenience would be nice. Like additional bank/inventory space, +10 speed on mounts, or any additional functionality that just makes our lives easier. It wouldn’t give us an “unfair advantage” but just be a nice way of hooking up those of us who have been here since the beginning.
  • Naivefanboi
    Everyone is now QQ'ing about crowns, without even knowing what exactly your going to be able to buy with them nor how much things will cost.

    dont need to, wont ever be spending any crowns. instead ill probably just vomit everytime i see a mount or pet i always wanted, that is now not in game but, in a cash shop.
    but hey guess now we know where all the pets and unique mounts were at right? saving the variety for the cash shop.
    bet you all cant wait to get those wallets open rofl.
  • Jiigen
    Yes, it is indeed a blow.
    It is too low.
    1500 is not too much, but in the eyes of ZOS it may be so. Yet 100 is saying, thanks for your money, thanks for giving us the ability to not go f2p/b2p as quickly as we did. Here is a coin my dear grandchild, now go buy a candy at the store.
    Even if prices in the store will be low in costs, it's too low. Even if we don't even want to spend them, because spending them is supporting them, it's too low.
    In every case 100 is too low.
    1500 would be fair, more would be a reward for loyal subscribers. Any less would be an insult where as 100 is even less than that.
    Giving 100 means that there will be a system in place that rewards us these points, so money had been put into a simple algorithm that'll go through everyone's account and put the proper amount to allocate to each player. Making that algorithm and then giving players only 100 is even an insult to the person that made it.

    More than 1500 would mean every loyal player has a one time complementary thankful donation of currency that can be spend in the game they have been playing for the last year.

    What's the point of 100 crowns / currency?

    The introduction of a in-game cash shop is solely for new players to get the boosts they would've missed otherwise, meaning that long time subscribers are not their focus group here. They already had us playing and paying the game, so why not give the dedicated players more, it gives them more incentive to keep playing, because they feel appreciated.
    "To a thing like me, a thing like you, well... Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky." -Death

    PC EU
  • Vunter
    People, remember to use /feedback in game too.
  • AlexDougherty
    Gidorick wrote: » insulting!

    Once the game goes F2P, subscribers will receive 1500 Crowns a month.

    We should receive the same 1500 crowns for each month we've subscribed. To give us less than that suggests that the time we've spent in ESO is worth LESS than future subscriptions.

    EDIT: A concession would be to give us less than 1500 crowns for each month (500?) we have been subscribed since we understand the desire not to give away the farm on day one.... but 100 per month? Come-on!

    Kind of reminds me of the whole 30 CP option they were going to give. They changed the CP distribution.... They need to change this.

    They more they give you, the less each one will be worth.

    Remember these have no set value at the moment, they will only have value for what you can buy witth them. So if they give you 1500 per month instead of 100, the prices in the cash shop will rise 15 fold.

    The overall value will be the same.
    Edited by AlexDougherty on January 22, 2015 1:52PM
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Vunter
    Gidorick wrote: » insulting!

    Once the game goes F2P, subscribers will receive 1500 Crowns a month.

    We should receive the same 1500 crowns for each month we've subscribed. To give us less than that suggests that the time we've spent in ESO is worth LESS than future subscriptions.

    EDIT: A concession would be to give us less than 1500 crowns for each month (500?) we have been subscribed since we understand the desire not to give away the farm on day one.... but 100 per month? Come-on!

    Kind of reminds me of the whole 30 CP option they were going to give. They changed the CP distribution.... They need to change this.

    They more they give you, the less each one will be worth.

    Remember these have no set value at the moment, they will only have value for what you can buy witth them. So if they give you 1500 per month instead of 100, the prices in the cash shop will rise 15 fold.

    The overall value will be the same.
    Ehrm pretty sure that's not how it works.

    Firstly we can't know this:
    Remember these have no set value at the moment, they will only have value for what you can buy witth them
    They didn't decide to switch to B2P in one day and also they decided already what you'll get * month, the blasted 1500 crowns.

    Also, the crowns will be bond to you and you can't give them to other people: there will be no inflation.

    But anyway, just consider this: in one month you get 1500 crowns.. Is it fair that we will get about 1200 crowns for 12 months?
  • Gidorick
    Jiigen wrote: »
    Yes, it is indeed a blow.
    It is too low.
    1500 is not too much, but in the eyes of ZOS it may be so. Yet 100 is saying, thanks for your money, thanks for giving us the ability to not go f2p/b2p as quickly as we did. Here is a coin my dear grandchild, now go buy a candy at the store.
    Even if prices in the store will be low in costs, it's too low. Even if we don't even want to spend them, because spending them is supporting them, it's too low.
    In every case 100 is too low.
    1500 would be fair, more would be a reward for loyal subscribers. Any less would be an insult where as 100 is even less than that.
    Giving 100 means that there will be a system in place that rewards us these points, so money had been put into a simple algorithm that'll go through everyone's account and put the proper amount to allocate to each player. Making that algorithm and then giving players only 100 is even an insult to the person that made it.

    More than 1500 would mean every loyal player has a one time complementary thankful donation of currency that can be spend in the game they have been playing for the last year.

    What's the point of 100 crowns / currency?

    The introduction of a in-game cash shop is solely for new players to get the boosts they would've missed otherwise, meaning that long time subscribers are not their focus group here. They already had us playing and paying the game, so why not give the dedicated players more, it gives them more incentive to keep playing, because they feel appreciated.

    This is EXACTLY how I feel.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • Laerwen
    I bet they put up 100 knowing it is not enough. Depending how many people complain they will rise it to maybe 300. And then they will stand there, claiming to listen to their customers...

    Vunter wrote: »
    But anyway, just consider this: in one month you get 1500 crowns.. Is it fair that we will get about 1200 crowns for 12 months?

    Nope. And I don't understand those saying we should feel lucky that we are getting anything retroactive at all. If they want to keep their current player base they should be casting piles of crowns at our feet, along with other small vanity incentives to say thanks for sticking with us and helping to work out a lot of the kinks, build addons, promote, pull in all your buddies, etc. The players here now are the die hard fans, don't insult us with pocket change and make us feel disposable because we can be replaced with new players when the game goes B2P.

    Is it going to cost them a dime to up the retroactive crowns to an acceptable amount? Nope, it will earn them more cash in the long run. You'll have veteran players shopping til they drop in the store and be walking advertisements to all the new incoming players...who will want the same and spend their money to get it - competitive human nature. And once our retroactive crown pile is depleted...we'll continue to buy stuff, because shopping is fun and we've gotten a good taste for it. Also, they'll have made their current player base happy, taken away one of their big reasons to b*tch and become more supportive of the changes. Happy supportive people give good advertisement and bring in more friends which equals more money. It's a good investment that costs them nothing!
  • Gidorick
    Laerwen wrote: »
    If they want to keep their current player base they should be casting piles of crowns at our feet, along with other small vanity incentives to say thanks for sticking with us and helping to work out a lot of the kinks, build addons, promote, pull in all your buddies, etc.

    I totally agree with this. I was originally going to say "they SHOULD be giving us 20,000 crowns for our loyalty!" But thought people would just say I was being greedy. Lol.
    Edited by Gidorick on January 22, 2015 2:56PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • Varicite
    Super glad I paid an extra 200 bucks for the privilege to bug test ESO for past year so the future subscribers can receive far more benefits per month than we did.

    Next loyalty reward: Eff you, pay us.
  • Shuichi
    Completely unacceptable, it needs to be raised to a much higher number. After hearing ESO live last night I'm majorly relieved with the business model, and am forming a plan to remain a subscriber but pay for my dlc with crowns. This system is only going to allow me less than ONE purchase; considering all we've done for Zeni over this year Im flabbergasted as to why they keep giving us the boot.
    Hand of Sithis - Daggerfall Covenant
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Whats insulting is people crying that theyre getting ANYTHING AT ALL.

    How many MMOs have gone F2P/B2P in the past and gave you ANYTHING as far as a cash equivilent for your prior time in the game?

    Ill wait.

    SWTOR did.

    Also 1500 is not asking too much. That seems rather fair since we like, you know, Beta Tested the game for them.

    but it would be a total of 16,500 clowns if we got 1500 for each month (if 11 months is the number).


    1) Despite my innate fear of clowns from being kidnapped by one as a child and Stephen King's "It", I still laughed at this.

    2) Good, give us 16k crowns god damn it, we *** earned it by beta testing this *** for you and your *** little console plebians (I don't mean that, I actually love consoles and their gamers, they're good people, but they are merely mortal. Silly Mortals) and we should be compensated for that.

    Like seriously, think about it, 100 crowns? SWTOR gave each player the full months value for all the months backed up, and that's no joke/nothing to shake a stick at. I logged in after inactivity and saw like 10k Cartel Coins just waiting for me, and I was like "Well damn, guess holding that sub a little while longer paid off a little". In this case, we did more for the company that made the game and are getting less.

    That ***'s not cool man, not cool at all.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Nazon_Katts
    I bet they put up 100 knowing it is not enough. Depending how many people complain they will rise it to maybe 300. And then they will stand there, claiming to listen to their customers...

    Now, that sounds strangely familiar, doesn't it?!
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Enodoc
    Posted this somewhere else:
    Enodoc wrote: »
    500 free +100 per month subscribed is pretty good I think; considering there has been nothing to spend them on up until now, I don't think we need a direct conversion.

    It'll come down to how many Crowns each item costs when considering whether 100 is good value; you shouldn't be able to buy out the store, but considering some of the purchases as an extended loyalty reward is a good direction for ZOS to take. Item prices should be viewable on PTS, so we'll be able to determine whether it's good value.
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  • Gidorick
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Posted this somewhere else:
    Enodoc wrote: »
    500 free +100 per month subscribed is pretty good I think; considering there has been nothing to spend them on up until now, I don't think we need a direct conversion.

    It'll come down to how many Crowns each item costs when considering whether 100 is good value; you shouldn't be able to buy out the store, but considering some of the purchases as an extended loyalty reward is a good direction for ZOS to take. Item prices should be viewable on PTS, so we'll be able to determine whether it's good value.

    We're not basing our dissatisfaction with how much 100C will buy, we're basing it off of the comparative VALUE of one month of ESO Plus. If a new player subscribes to ESO+ they will receive 1500C for their $15 or... 100C per $1. Another player that's been a subscriber for the past 11 months and has paid $165 receives 1600C (100 per month +500)... that's less than 10C per dollar.

    Not giving equal crowns for time spent is insulting. The fact that they're acknowledging that our time is worth something but that it's only worth 1/10 of a future subscription isn't showing that they appreciate their loyal customers. It's showing that they're more concerned with "roping us in" to the new system.

    I would have rather they not offer anything and just say "starting this date, this is what the subscription will give you." Offering 100C per month for "services rendered" makes me feel used and unappreciated.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

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  • SantieClaws
    It is hard to put a price on my love over the past year ZoS but if I did I would put it at 350 to 500 crowns a month - more over Xmas because I really put in the hours then.

    I'm no cheap 100 crowns a month girl. I saved your world from Molag Bal remember - several times over!

    If I hadn't saved Tamriel again and again where would your game be now?

    Anyway I have eight alts to feed and clothe and level horses for so you can pay your share of their upkeep.
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
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    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Rumba1
    My guess is that Zos figures this:

    If we give 1500 per month of past subscription to our subscribers they will have enough Crowns to buy every single DLC we offer at the launch of Unlimited and then UNSUBSCRIBE

    just a guess. And I do agree 100 per month is a **** you very much.
  • Gidorick

    If the "conversion" is $1=100C then I expect DLC to cost between 2,000C and 3,000C. If potions cost 100C, costumes cost 500C, and mounts cost 1000C then 16,500C would give those players a LOT of buying power but I ask why this is a bad thing. The Legacy Players get some "free" stuff, they get comfortable with the crown store and they will essentially be advertising the items in the crown store day one.

    I honestly don't think there's a downside here. Everyone's happy. Everyone feels valued. Legacy Players feel warm and cozy. Could a legacy player horde their C to just buy expansions? Sure, let them! They've earned it.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    Rumba1 wrote: »
    My guess is that Zos figures this:

    If we give 1500 per month of past subscription to our subscribers they will have enough Crowns to buy every single DLC we offer at the launch of Unlimited and then UNSUBSCRIBE

    just a guess. And I do agree 100 per month is a **** you very much.

    That's why they need to fill the crown store with awesome stuff to suck up those crowns.

    2,000C to be able to sit in chairs? I'd pay it. Lol
    Edited by Gidorick on January 22, 2015 4:24PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Laerwen
    Gidorick wrote: »

    If the "conversion" is $1=100C then I expect DLC to cost between 2,000C and 3,000C. If potions cost 100C, costumes cost 500C, and mounts cost 1000C then 16,500C would give those players a LOT of buying power but I ask why this is a bad thing.

    I think the cost of DLC is being low-balled. Would be shocked to see it cheaper than 40 per expansion and closer to 80 for collector's editions much like the Imperial markup. Also, I highly doubt the 1500 crown per month will buy an entire horse. Which is why the 100c per month retroactive is preposterous.
  • AlexDougherty
    Vunter wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: » insulting!

    Once the game goes F2P, subscribers will receive 1500 Crowns a month.

    We should receive the same 1500 crowns for each month we've subscribed. To give us less than that suggests that the time we've spent in ESO is worth LESS than future subscriptions.

    EDIT: A concession would be to give us less than 1500 crowns for each month (500?) we have been subscribed since we understand the desire not to give away the farm on day one.... but 100 per month? Come-on!

    Kind of reminds me of the whole 30 CP option they were going to give. They changed the CP distribution.... They need to change this.

    They more they give you, the less each one will be worth.

    Remember these have no set value at the moment, they will only have value for what you can buy witth them. So if they give you 1500 per month instead of 100, the prices in the cash shop will rise 15 fold.

    The overall value will be the same.
    Ehrm pretty sure that's not how it works.

    Trust me that's how it works, they want you to be spending, so they determine how much your monthly stipend will buy. If you increase how many coins that stipend contains, then they will increase the prices so you still only get the same value for them.

    Remember they want us buying in the cash shop, so the amount will be enough to tempt us, but not so much that we get everything for nothing.
    Firstly we can't know this:
    Remember these have no set value at the moment, they will only have value for what you can buy witth them
    They didn't decide to switch to B2P in one day and also they decided already what you'll get * month, the blasted 1500 crowns.

    Also, the crowns will be bond to you and you can't give them to other people: there will be no inflation.

    But anyway, just consider this: in one month you get 1500 crowns.. Is it fair that we will get about 1200 crowns for 12 months?

    Yes, they decided some time ago, sadly, and just didn't tell us. But my point was the crowns themselves have no value until we can spend them, which means they have set their prices. Until the prices are set a crown has no value what so ever, because you can't use it, and won't until they set the prices, and how many crowns you get for £1 (or $1 or one euro (I don't have a symbol for that on my Keyboard)).
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Shinozuka

    2,000C to be able to sit in chairs? I'd pay it. Lol

    Edited by Shinozuka on January 22, 2015 4:43PM
  • Saturn
    I concur.

    The players that have played since early access and rightly felt ripped off from the start, because half the time the game wouldn't work or you couldn't progress through quests or other content due to bugs, definitely deserve more. I think the game works a lot better now and I have enjoyed playing it every week since they started it, even before the game came out I really looked forward to it, because I hoped that it would be different.

    I still think the game has a lot of potential with the Champion System coming out and Spellcrafting too. There are no classes bound to a certain role, which is something I absolutely love, even if it is not yet fully balanced *cough* healers *cough*.

    If they want all the loyal and devoted fans to keep subscribing or at least feel appreciated they should not *** us with this obviously miniscule compensation. We have all attributed to the game in some way and had it not been for the many players who had done that, the game would probably still be as buggy as it was at launch.

    It is hard to feel happy about this change, but I remain optimisitic since the developers sound like they have good intentions. They do need to show some more appreciation for their loyal fans though.
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
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