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• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

A Call to Haderus!

  • Darlgon
    Point is now moot, or was 45 min ago when I looked. Entire map was yellow, up to Blue and Red gates. Guess we all need to start working again boys, girls, lizards and cats.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • yodased
    I really don't enjoy the connotation of 'you people' and 'actual pvp' in this post
    Cody wrote: »
    If you people want to do better, then stop camping the gates, stop nightcaping everything, stop zerg blobing everything to death, and do some ACTUAL PvP. I promise, y'all will be better off for it

    It quite derogatory and inflammatory really. Hey guy, not all these people are those people so let's lay off the generalizations huh?
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Telel
    Quite a lot of us yell at the gate, and spawn campers. Sadly there's not much anyone can do beyond fill zone chat with derisive comments that they're likely not reading anyways.

    Hell some of us even thought about not defending the emperor keeps when we realized one of the recent ones had not only gotten ALL her AP from spawn camping, but was no where to be found after the night they got their happy pants outfit. But meh, a good fight was being had so we stuck it out.

    EDIT: That GIF of jack Sparrow being chased by a pack of shield carrying savages reminds me of when I'm solo against the EP. Just add lava whips and roll dodges and it'd be even more accurate.
    Edited by Telel on January 2, 2015 6:47PM
    Character: Telel
    Class: Night Blade-Werewolf-viking-ninja-catgirl-mallet wielder
    Past times: Refusing to go full magika spec, hitting things with a big hammer, sniping, and speaking in khajiit
    Also: Gelel the Derp Knight, Altsel the streaker, and Filafel the temp temp.

    Khajiit has a twitch stream! https://twitch.tv/telel_khajiit feel free to come see how truly unskilled Telel is.
  • Cody
    yodased wrote: »
    I really don't enjoy the connotation of 'you people' and 'actual pvp' in this post
    Cody wrote: »
    If you people want to do better, then stop camping the gates, stop nightcaping everything, stop zerg blobing everything to death, and do some ACTUAL PvP. I promise, y'all will be better off for it

    It quite derogatory and inflammatory really. Hey guy, not all these people are those people so let's lay off the generalizations huh?

    you do realize I make that generalization based off of things I have seen right...

    idc if its derogatory or not: it is not as bad as ruining the server over buffs that y'all don't even need
    Edited by Cody on January 2, 2015 7:41PM
  • yodased
    @Cody irony is lost on you? You quote someone being arrogant in your signature while being just as arrogant.

    You observed what exactly? You are the watchful eye over all Haderus that can sit above us and pass judgement of the 'actual pvp' going on there?

    I believe you need to get off the high horse for a second and rethink your take on arrogance.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • HeroOfNone
    Camping the gate takes too long for me to run to and involves too much patience. I'll just stick to my risky sniping near keeps I can respawn in. EP & DC please make sure to push forts during prime time otherwise it's another night on thornblade =/.

    Oh, and EP & DC wouldn't help me making a "I believe I can fly" montage video, please stop holding block so much and stand closer to ledges =(
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • Cody
    yodased wrote: »
    @Cody irony is lost on you? You quote someone being arrogant in your signature while being just as arrogant.

    You observed what exactly? You are the watchful eye over all Haderus that can sit above us and pass judgement of the 'actual pvp' going on there?

    I believe you need to get off the high horse for a second and rethink your take on arrogance.

    alright. I guess the 3+ months of gate camping and trash talk by the AD accusing us of zerging just does not exist.

    I have seen and dealt with the exact same thing on hopesfire. The only thing here, is its a different guild. That is it.

    PvP is not camping the gates and waiting until your opponents go to sleep to cap everything. Last i checked, PvP translates to, roughy, "player vs player" not "player vs NPC" camping the gates enough will get all of your enemies to log off, therefore, you will have no players to fight; therefore, it would no longer be PvP" fighting the NPCs after your opponents log off every time you get your butt kicked is not fighting other players, Therefore, it is not PvP. Not all the AD on had camp the gates and wait until everyone goes to sleep to cap everything, but it's enough to the point I may as well just say things like "you people". What else can I say?? Do you want me to stay up all night and keep a record of the very few that don't stay up and cap everything while everyone sleeps? do you think I enjoy calling out an entire alliance like I just did? I do it because I call crap when I see it, not because I enjoy doing it. If that is arrogance to you, then fine.
    Edited by Cody on January 2, 2015 8:20PM
  • OtarTheMad
    All I can say is I can't do Thornblade anymore. It's a zergfest and 99% of the time AD is getting hammered by both DC and EP and it's just frustrating. We need this campaign to be competitive and active.
  • yodased
    @Cody and therein lies my entire point here.

    I was not there during that time. From what I have seen people actively try to stop people from gate camping you guys on AD. Did it happen? I'm sure. Does it happen now? Probably/

    The generalization of lumping everyone within that scope of people is what bothers me.

    You 'judge' me and everyone else who is actively trying to pvp the way you do by association, when in fact we actually have no association at all.

    Stereotypes are wrong in game just as in life sir.

    Edit: bothers is not possessive.
    Edited by yodased on January 2, 2015 8:20PM
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Cody
    yodased wrote: »
    @Cody and therein lies my entire point here.

    I was not there during that time. From what I have seen people actively try to stop people from gate camping you guys on AD. Did it happen? I'm sure. Does it happen now? Probably/

    The generalization of lumping everyone within that scope of people is what bothers me.

    You 'judge' me and everyone else who is actively trying to pvp the way you do by association, when in fact we actually have no association at all.

    Stereotypes are wrong in game just as in life sir.

    Edit: bothers is not possessive.

    then congratulations, you do not nightcap everything nor gate camp us to death. I have no problem with saluting you. Same goes to Telel and everyone else that does not sit at the gates and nightcap everything every night.

    Trust me, I am willing to give credit where it is due.

    It's the people that only log on when we are getting gate camped([snip]) and the people that want to wait until we go to sleep and nightcap everything, instead of fight us, that I have a problem with. It's the people that log on only when their precious buffs are threatened, that I have a problem with. Its a great deal of them,
    and sometimes it gets me to generalize and prejudice a bit too much, and for that I am sorry. I will try to not act like the [snip] I have quoted in my signature

    and there is no need to be grammar conscious when speaking with me, idc about grammar:)

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Naming-and-Shaming as well as offensive language.
    Edited by ZOS_JanS on January 3, 2015 1:39PM
  • OtarTheMad
    Cody wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    @Cody and therein lies my entire point here.

    I was not there during that time. From what I have seen people actively try to stop people from gate camping you guys on AD. Did it happen? I'm sure. Does it happen now? Probably/

    The generalization of lumping everyone within that scope of people is what bothers me.

    You 'judge' me and everyone else who is actively trying to pvp the way you do by association, when in fact we actually have no association at all.

    Stereotypes are wrong in game just as in life sir.

    Edit: bothers is not possessive.

    then congratulations, you do not nightcap everything nor gate camp us to death. I have no problem with saluting you. Same goes to Telel and everyone else that does not sit at the gates and nightcap everything every night.

    Trust me, I am willing to give credit where it is due.

    It's the people that only log on when we are getting gate camped(lacidon) and the people that want to wait until we go to sleep and nightcap everything, instead of fight us, that I have a problem with.

    and there is no need to be grammar conscious when speaking with me, idc about grammar:)

    Sorry that happens, I mean honestly. I am not a fan of either as well, hell usually I don't even show up to Haderus unless DC pushes past Glademist or EP pushes past Arrius. I remember getting gate camped by a now dead DC guild back in the original campaign of Chyrsamere and we all hated it... in fact we left Chyrsamere because of it.

  • HeroOfNone
    Cody wrote: »
    Trust me, I am willing to give credit where it is due.

    Yet you and your king is still not willing to give into our queen's demands for fish sticks and cold milk Fredas.

    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • Cody
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    Cody wrote: »
    yodased wrote: »
    @Cody and therein lies my entire point here.

    I was not there during that time. From what I have seen people actively try to stop people from gate camping you guys on AD. Did it happen? I'm sure. Does it happen now? Probably/

    The generalization of lumping everyone within that scope of people is what bothers me.

    You 'judge' me and everyone else who is actively trying to pvp the way you do by association, when in fact we actually have no association at all.

    Stereotypes are wrong in game just as in life sir.

    Edit: bothers is not possessive.

    then congratulations, you do not nightcap everything nor gate camp us to death. I have no problem with saluting you. Same goes to Telel and everyone else that does not sit at the gates and nightcap everything every night.

    Trust me, I am willing to give credit where it is due.

    It's the people that only log on when we are getting gate camped(lacidon) and the people that want to wait until we go to sleep and nightcap everything, instead of fight us, that I have a problem with.

    and there is no need to be grammar conscious when speaking with me, idc about grammar:)

    Sorry that happens, I mean honestly. I am not a fan of either as well, hell usually I don't even show up to Haderus unless DC pushes past Glademist or EP pushes past Arrius. I remember getting gate camped by a now dead DC guild back in the original campaign of Chyrsamere and we all hated it... in fact we left Chyrsamere because of it.

    hence we see the death of PvP.
  • Cody
    Cody wrote: »
    Trust me, I am willing to give credit where it is due.

    Yet you and your king is still not willing to give into our queen's demands for fish sticks and cold milk Fredas.

    My fish sticks!!!!! Sithis demanded many sacrifices for these delicious fish sticks.

    If your queen wants them, she can come find me in haderus and take them from my cold dead hands.
    Edited by Cody on January 2, 2015 10:11PM
  • Darlgon
    Cody wrote: »
    Cody wrote: »
    Trust me, I am willing to give credit where it is due.

    Yet you and your king is still not willing to give into our queen's demands for fish sticks and cold milk Fredas.

    My fish sticks!!!!! Sithis demanded many sacrifices for these delicious fish sticks.

    If your queen wants them, she can come find me in haderus and take them from my cold dead hands.

    How many times a night can she come (to do that)?
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Cody
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Cody wrote: »
    Cody wrote: »
    Trust me, I am willing to give credit where it is due.

    Yet you and your king is still not willing to give into our queen's demands for fish sticks and cold milk Fredas.

    My fish sticks!!!!! Sithis demanded many sacrifices for these delicious fish sticks.

    If your queen wants them, she can come find me in haderus and take them from my cold dead hands.

    How many times a night can she come (to do that)?

    not tonight. I have a project for School to work on and I plan to play my low level sorc after im done for the night.

    She can come tomorrow: I will have my Axes ready. I will not start the battle with a stealth snipe: I will charge her head on.
  • Telel
    Telel tried charging head on once. They even said 'here comes khajiit!' in a fairly loud manner someone may have heard.

    Of course the opponent claims that it was not a fair fight, and that hitting the outhouse off of the cliff was not a duel. But as this one pointed out they had claimed they were always ready for combat, and thus if it was not a fair fight then they were a big fat liar.
    Character: Telel
    Class: Night Blade-Werewolf-viking-ninja-catgirl-mallet wielder
    Past times: Refusing to go full magika spec, hitting things with a big hammer, sniping, and speaking in khajiit
    Also: Gelel the Derp Knight, Altsel the streaker, and Filafel the temp temp.

    Khajiit has a twitch stream! https://twitch.tv/telel_khajiit feel free to come see how truly unskilled Telel is.
  • Darlgon
    Telel wrote: »
    Telel tried charging head on once. They even said 'here comes khajiit!' in a fairly loud manner someone may have heard.

    Of course the opponent claims that it was not a fair fight, and that hitting the outhouse off of the cliff was not a duel. But as this one pointed out they had claimed they were always ready for combat, and thus if it was not a fair fight then they were a big fat liar.

    While my werewolf DK would love to run with you, sadly, you are the wrong color.

    On the other hand, it was funny watching AD running off the cliff by Bloodmayne while the emp fought them. At least until one of them noticed that they died from landscape, not combat, so they rezed on top of us healers below. Then I wished I would have had some offensive skills up.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Gankimus
    Why is it that one of the guys I was playing with last night was being threatened by his AD toons guild that they were going to kick him because he was playing on his DC toon?

    They allow you to make multiple characters on different factions and play with your friends from different zones. Is having that one extra player to you already pop locked faction going to make that big of a difference?

    Its pathetic moves like this why the PvDoor lords of Haderus are hated so much by others.

    Good question, I'm glad you asked. The character in question was informed that his actions, working against his guildmates were not sitting well with a number of guildies. I guess some folks like it when their friends don't actively work against the guild goals. This individual also likes to talk trash when he is working against guildies, this also upsets some people. The individual was warned that his actions were not being received well in the guild through private whispers, that is to say, not the public forums. Whereupon the individual remarked that he would be right over to join his guild. Two hours later he was still running against his guild and another private whisper was sent to him letting him know that he was truly upsetting a number of his friends. At this point the person in question elected to quit the guild. He is a fine PvPer with a great deal of experience, we wish him well and hope he shows you more loyalty than he showed us.
    Edited by Gankimus on January 2, 2015 11:41PM
    AD NB AR Volunteer
    Former Mayor of Cropsford
    Former GM of Dominion Imperial Guard
    Current GM Shi No Dojo
  • Cody
    Gankimus wrote: »
    Why is it that one of the guys I was playing with last night was being threatened by his AD toons guild that they were going to kick him because he was playing on his DC toon?

    They allow you to make multiple characters on different factions and play with your friends from different zones. Is having that one extra player to you already pop locked faction going to make that big of a difference?

    Its pathetic moves like this why the PvDoor lords of Haderus are hated so much by others.

    Good question, I'm glad you asked. The character in question was informed that his actions, working against his guildmates were not sitting well with a number of guildies. I guess some folks like it when their friends don't actively work against the guild goals. This individual also likes to talk trash when he is working against guildies, this also upsets some people. The individual was warned that his actions were not being received well in the guild through private whispers, that is to say, not the public forums. Whereupon the individual remarked that he would be right over to join his guild. Two hours later he was still running against his guild and another private whisper was sent to him letting him know that he was truly upsetting a number of his friends. At this point the person in question elected to quit the guild. He is a fine PvPer with a great deal of experience, we wish him well and hope he shows you more loyalty than he showed us.

    Xylena talked crap about you when you got that scroll. lol
  • Gankimus

    I'd point out the flaw in that line of thinking using a offshoot of one of the native guilds as an example.

    EP's main raid group was converging on Sejanus after a earlier siege had been repulsed by said native guild. We lay stealthily in wait waiting for more to arrive so we could attempt the siege again. Occasionally the presumed raid leader for the AD raid would sneak up and try to attack, misting away and escaping before he could be killed. We thought him a sissy.

    On the contrary he merely gauged our numbers so his raid could sneak up from behind, flank us, and crush us thoroughly. That was a good tactic. That showed that instead of them being 'farmed' or 'farming us' they employed strategy and patience. Instead of just rushing into the open field thinking they could steamroll us, they played it safe and caught us legitimately off guard.

    If more AD played like that instead of shrieking in zone chat (which I can only imagine sounding like) "DEM DURN EP DUN TOOK ARRR BUFFZ!" "THEY'RE EXPLOITING KEEPS!" "ZERGBALL!" when it's quite literally 150+ of them against at most 30 of us, EP and probably DC would have a higher opinion of them.

    T_T Had the questionable honor of running into Ariana at the Chalman and BRK sieges. 1 woman army too stronk. I need to get some sleep for work dammit. Why do I have to earn money to pay bills instead of being able to pvp all day and night...

    This one thanks you for your kind words and salutes you for a good fight. We were pleased to have the challenge at Sejanus and look forward to many more good dances!
    AD NB AR Volunteer
    Former Mayor of Cropsford
    Former GM of Dominion Imperial Guard
    Current GM Shi No Dojo
  • Asgari
    JTorus wrote: »
    Doing really well tonight, 310 kills and 15 deaths. over 160k AP all in 3 hours. Nothing like having 20+ players drop all their ulties on you and still lose.

    Considering that you were running in what was I saw to be a full group, getting credit for all of their kills isn't impressive. However, getting dropped 15 times while huddled up in that ball, well, that's saying something.

    yes after 6 hours on Haderus I had 15 deaths. Some from me rolling off a wall by accident and blood porting as well. I also rarely stick with crown which many if not all DC who have played with me can say is true. I'm usually off somewhere laughing incredibly hard in TS how many I'm tanking and posting my DOs while doing it to anoy my group.

    Just ask Grunt. He can tell you how after a while I just say ok there is my permanent banner since I always have one or how I'm never near them off fighting my own army. I come to goof around in TS and get AP nothing more.

    I can try hard just for you if you'd like. But you probably won't be happy.
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
  • Akiija
    I can try hard just for you if you'd like. But you probably won't be happy.

    I wasn't even the target of that, and I feel like someone's walking on my grave.
  • Cody
    JTorus wrote: »
    Doing really well tonight, 310 kills and 15 deaths. over 160k AP all in 3 hours. Nothing like having 20+ players drop all their ulties on you and still lose.

    Considering that you were running in what was I saw to be a full group, getting credit for all of their kills isn't impressive. However, getting dropped 15 times while huddled up in that ball, well, that's saying something.

    yes after 6 hours on Haderus I had 15 deaths. Some from me rolling off a wall by accident and blood porting as well. I also rarely stick with crown which many if not all DC who have played with me can say is true. I'm usually off somewhere laughing incredibly hard in TS how many I'm tanking and posting my DOs while doing it to anoy my group.

    Just ask Grunt. He can tell you how after a while I just say ok there is my permanent banner since I always have one or how I'm never near them off fighting my own army. I come to goof around in TS and get AP nothing more.

    I can try hard just for you if you'd like. But you probably won't be happy.

    I still have to kill you:)
  • Asgari
    Cody wrote: »
    JTorus wrote: »
    Doing really well tonight, 310 kills and 15 deaths. over 160k AP all in 3 hours. Nothing like having 20+ players drop all their ulties on you and still lose.

    Considering that you were running in what was I saw to be a full group, getting credit for all of their kills isn't impressive. However, getting dropped 15 times while huddled up in that ball, well, that's saying something.

    yes after 6 hours on Haderus I had 15 deaths. Some from me rolling off a wall by accident and blood porting as well. I also rarely stick with crown which many if not all DC who have played with me can say is true. I'm usually off somewhere laughing incredibly hard in TS how many I'm tanking and posting my DOs while doing it to anoy my group.

    Just ask Grunt. He can tell you how after a while I just say ok there is my permanent banner since I always have one or how I'm never near them off fighting my own army. I come to goof around in TS and get AP nothing more.

    I can try hard just for you if you'd like. But you probably won't be happy.

    I still have to kill you:)

    I'm sure we will see each other soon! Maybe we can even dine on some AD together.
    Edited by Asgari on January 3, 2015 1:57AM
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
  • kijima
    I was happy last night, had killed Sypher in my logs twice which would be good if it wasn't for the fact I killed him with my bow :/

    You know, I never used to think the bow was a cheap shot until I started reading the forums.
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • PenguinInACan
    Reverb wrote: »

    This is a serious post. Just because you are outnumbered doesn't mean you are outclassed. This thread is full of people bragging about the AP gains and KD counts on this server, where the only thing that happens is AP farming of the horde of unorganized AD players. (of course you are going to get tons of AP)

    If you are happy at the end of the day knowing you farmed the most farm-able players currently on NA then more power to you. And yes AD NA is the most farm-able faction. If they weren't we would have more fun when we play on Azura's and red would have an actual presence on Chillrend.

    People are going to PvP however they want. I just don't agree with all of the "PvP is dying" and "population imbalance" posts. Clearly pop numbers mean nothing when a poplocked faction can get rolled over so easily.

    Still a little unclear, are you saying that because Haderus AD aren't good that it's unfair to fight their hordes and that DC and EP should leave them alone? That seems to be your point, but that just can't be right.

    Never said it was unfair. Sorry if that wasn't clear. I was addressing the bragging. People will flock to easy AP gains. I do it all the time. I just don't post my KD on a forum when I farm EP at a scroll temple.
    Cody wrote: »
    Cody wrote: »
    This is whats wrong with PvP and why buff servers are a joke.... AD you are Terabad on this server and tactics like this is why i will continue to farm you with the rest of DC here and EP doing the same to you. L2P.


    Sorry, but farming on a buff server is what is wrong with PVP. You are only encouraging the zerg mentality by doing so.

    Maybe fight another faction rather then gang up on the horribly outclassed poplocked faction. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the point of pvp to gain emperor-ships and whatnot? Easily could have been done AND crowned a DC emp within the last few hours with how bad AD was playing.

    All that is going to come of this is more inexperienced AD players coming on to haderus and the pvp community will be worse off for it.

    a POP LOCKED AD against a ONE BAR EP and a ONE BAR DC, and you are surprised we attacked AD? are you serious? Is attacking the most populated faction not a smart thing to do?

    And do you really think we EP attack AD simply cause we want to? I have news for you, we don't want to, we have to. AD ALWAYS outnumbers us 2:1. If we were to attack DC, AD would hit us in the back and cap the whole dang map back. Do you have any idea how much I want to fight Ariana Kishi? Or fixate? Trust me, if I did not have to worry about AD zerging us to death, I would happily go to bleakers/chal and fight DC instead. If I did not have to worry about AD zerging us to death with twice our numbers: I would happily stop chasing Telel and Stacey and Vjulk and go after Ariana or fixate or some other DC person.

    Y'all have a much higher score than EP and DC, and y'all consistently nightcap everything back: whether or not y'all are the most farmable faction means nothing: you are always in the lead. Constantly nightcaping everything and mindlessly zerg blobing into the meatgrinder will not make you good at PvP.

    If you want the AD of had to not be "outclassed" then tell them to not nightcap everything back tonight. Tell them to not rage quit when they get beat, but to stay and learn from their mistakes. Tell them to get organized and work as a team, not be scattered across the map. And don't yell at and insult everyone(I have heard reports of the AD zone chat tonight, don't know if they are true, but still)

    All you are doing by pounding on AD is encouraging them to nightcap more. 2/3's of the Haderus AD are people new to pvp. They see something light up on the map and they react to it regardless of what or how much real estate they already own. They are doing the capture quests and enjoying the limited Cyrodiil PvE content.

    I play on Azura's. We are always outnumbered. The longest we have had an emperor is like 2 days and we didn't even get the hp buff because the server bugged out. Then we go to sleep and surprise...EP nightcaps the map. Used to play on Chillrend. We'd take one resource and the pop would jump to 2 bars DC and we would get swarmed back to the gate.

    Night capping happens. Some people don't play on your schedule. Some people live in other countries. Some people work different hours. Some people probably just like the siege mechanics and PvE keeps. The community is diverse.

    Playing tactically and playing begrudgingly are two pretty different things. Farm AD because they night cap...oh wait...its not farming, we are attacking them because they have the most pop and it makes sense. You aren't going to win a buff campaign by Thorn guesters and day pushes, so don't bring up score. You need a constant presence and pressure which right now neither DC nor EP has.

    My main point here is most of the Haderus AD players are LEARNING PvP. And what are they learning? EP and DC farm them and hit them at the same time. That can be overwhelming. So what do they do? They PvP when they get the least resistance.....at night. Is attacking when the least resistance is present not the thing to do?

    Well tell the AD on had to stop gate camping and to stop whining on the forums when they get beat, and maybe people will respect y'all enough to not come farm you at alessia for 2 hours. the fact you people came with a POP LOCKED FORCE against ONE BAR of EP and DC, throws your entire "works during different time zones" out the window. Its not a matter of time zones: the AD people don't want to lose their buffs, and they do whatever they deem necessary to get them back, even if it's something as low and despicable as gate camping.

    And like I may have stated, It has nothing to do with time zones. If y'all can keep had pop-locked for your alliance most of the day, that means y'all do have the time and the numbers to come PvP. You people just wait until EP and DC go to sleep, then cap everything back with no resistance; and some of you really wonder why the AD on had don't do really well.

    If you people want to do better, then stop camping the gates, stop nightcaping everything, stop zerg blobing everything to death, and do some ACTUAL PvP. I promise, y'all will be better off for it

    As it has been said, generalizing a faction based on the actions of a couple people is cowardly and in bad form. If you want to do that then ya'll do the same thing on Azura's. DC does worse on Chillrend. Everyone knows what it feels like to get gate camped. You just complain about it the loudest.

    I have seen more posts from you whining about campaigns then I have from AD SPECIFICALLY regarding Haderus. The holidays are over now, be prepared for a lot of moderation coming your way.
  • Gankimus
    Cody wrote: »

    Xylena talked crap about you when you got that scroll. lol

    Oh! Um... cool? This one supposes. Who's Xylena? Is he/she anybody this one should care about caring enough about this one to notice and be annoyed enough to talk crap in the mouth? This one advises brushing one's teeth after talking crap in the mouth. It seems a strange custom, but this one does not judge.

    AD NB AR Volunteer
    Former Mayor of Cropsford
    Former GM of Dominion Imperial Guard
    Current GM Shi No Dojo
  • Cody
    Reverb wrote: »

    This is a serious post. Just because you are outnumbered doesn't mean you are outclassed. This thread is full of people bragging about the AP gains and KD counts on this server, where the only thing that happens is AP farming of the horde of unorganized AD players. (of course you are going to get tons of AP)

    If you are happy at the end of the day knowing you farmed the most farm-able players currently on NA then more power to you. And yes AD NA is the most farm-able faction. If they weren't we would have more fun when we play on Azura's and red would have an actual presence on Chillrend.

    People are going to PvP however they want. I just don't agree with all of the "PvP is dying" and "population imbalance" posts. Clearly pop numbers mean nothing when a poplocked faction can get rolled over so easily.

    Still a little unclear, are you saying that because Haderus AD aren't good that it's unfair to fight their hordes and that DC and EP should leave them alone? That seems to be your point, but that just can't be right.

    Never said it was unfair. Sorry if that wasn't clear. I was addressing the bragging. People will flock to easy AP gains. I do it all the time. I just don't post my KD on a forum when I farm EP at a scroll temple.
    Cody wrote: »
    Cody wrote: »
    This is whats wrong with PvP and why buff servers are a joke.... AD you are Terabad on this server and tactics like this is why i will continue to farm you with the rest of DC here and EP doing the same to you. L2P.


    Sorry, but farming on a buff server is what is wrong with PVP. You are only encouraging the zerg mentality by doing so.

    Maybe fight another faction rather then gang up on the horribly outclassed poplocked faction. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the point of pvp to gain emperor-ships and whatnot? Easily could have been done AND crowned a DC emp within the last few hours with how bad AD was playing.

    All that is going to come of this is more inexperienced AD players coming on to haderus and the pvp community will be worse off for it.

    a POP LOCKED AD against a ONE BAR EP and a ONE BAR DC, and you are surprised we attacked AD? are you serious? Is attacking the most populated faction not a smart thing to do?

    And do you really think we EP attack AD simply cause we want to? I have news for you, we don't want to, we have to. AD ALWAYS outnumbers us 2:1. If we were to attack DC, AD would hit us in the back and cap the whole dang map back. Do you have any idea how much I want to fight Ariana Kishi? Or fixate? Trust me, if I did not have to worry about AD zerging us to death, I would happily go to bleakers/chal and fight DC instead. If I did not have to worry about AD zerging us to death with twice our numbers: I would happily stop chasing Telel and Stacey and Vjulk and go after Ariana or fixate or some other DC person.

    Y'all have a much higher score than EP and DC, and y'all consistently nightcap everything back: whether or not y'all are the most farmable faction means nothing: you are always in the lead. Constantly nightcaping everything and mindlessly zerg blobing into the meatgrinder will not make you good at PvP.

    If you want the AD of had to not be "outclassed" then tell them to not nightcap everything back tonight. Tell them to not rage quit when they get beat, but to stay and learn from their mistakes. Tell them to get organized and work as a team, not be scattered across the map. And don't yell at and insult everyone(I have heard reports of the AD zone chat tonight, don't know if they are true, but still)

    All you are doing by pounding on AD is encouraging them to nightcap more. 2/3's of the Haderus AD are people new to pvp. They see something light up on the map and they react to it regardless of what or how much real estate they already own. They are doing the capture quests and enjoying the limited Cyrodiil PvE content.

    I play on Azura's. We are always outnumbered. The longest we have had an emperor is like 2 days and we didn't even get the hp buff because the server bugged out. Then we go to sleep and surprise...EP nightcaps the map. Used to play on Chillrend. We'd take one resource and the pop would jump to 2 bars DC and we would get swarmed back to the gate.

    Night capping happens. Some people don't play on your schedule. Some people live in other countries. Some people work different hours. Some people probably just like the siege mechanics and PvE keeps. The community is diverse.

    Playing tactically and playing begrudgingly are two pretty different things. Farm AD because they night cap...oh wait...its not farming, we are attacking them because they have the most pop and it makes sense. You aren't going to win a buff campaign by Thorn guesters and day pushes, so don't bring up score. You need a constant presence and pressure which right now neither DC nor EP has.

    My main point here is most of the Haderus AD players are LEARNING PvP. And what are they learning? EP and DC farm them and hit them at the same time. That can be overwhelming. So what do they do? They PvP when they get the least resistance.....at night. Is attacking when the least resistance is present not the thing to do?

    Well tell the AD on had to stop gate camping and to stop whining on the forums when they get beat, and maybe people will respect y'all enough to not come farm you at alessia for 2 hours. the fact you people came with a POP LOCKED FORCE against ONE BAR of EP and DC, throws your entire "works during different time zones" out the window. Its not a matter of time zones: the AD people don't want to lose their buffs, and they do whatever they deem necessary to get them back, even if it's something as low and despicable as gate camping.

    And like I may have stated, It has nothing to do with time zones. If y'all can keep had pop-locked for your alliance most of the day, that means y'all do have the time and the numbers to come PvP. You people just wait until EP and DC go to sleep, then cap everything back with no resistance; and some of you really wonder why the AD on had don't do really well.

    If you people want to do better, then stop camping the gates, stop nightcaping everything, stop zerg blobing everything to death, and do some ACTUAL PvP. I promise, y'all will be better off for it

    As it has been said, generalizing a faction based on the actions of a couple people is cowardly and in bad form. If you want to do that then ya'll do the same thing on Azura's. DC does worse on Chillrend. Everyone knows what it feels like to get gate camped. You just complain about it the loudest.

    I have seen more posts from you whining about campaigns then I have from AD SPECIFICALLY regarding Haderus. The holidays are over now, be prepared for a lot of moderation coming your way.

    ok. I will be prepared for the moderation coming my way.

    and I hope you saw the post where I apologized for generalizing AD like I did. just scroll up and you are bound to see it. If you are going to call me a coward over the forums, you could at least read the post where I did what most people would not have the guts to do. you talk to me about generalization... yet you just misjudged me so severely and you don't even realize it.

    screw off would you? cool. have a good one:)
    Edited by Cody on January 3, 2015 4:56AM
  • PenguinInACan
    Cody wrote: »
    Reverb wrote: »

    This is a serious post. Just because you are outnumbered doesn't mean you are outclassed. This thread is full of people bragging about the AP gains and KD counts on this server, where the only thing that happens is AP farming of the horde of unorganized AD players. (of course you are going to get tons of AP)

    If you are happy at the end of the day knowing you farmed the most farm-able players currently on NA then more power to you. And yes AD NA is the most farm-able faction. If they weren't we would have more fun when we play on Azura's and red would have an actual presence on Chillrend.

    People are going to PvP however they want. I just don't agree with all of the "PvP is dying" and "population imbalance" posts. Clearly pop numbers mean nothing when a poplocked faction can get rolled over so easily.

    Still a little unclear, are you saying that because Haderus AD aren't good that it's unfair to fight their hordes and that DC and EP should leave them alone? That seems to be your point, but that just can't be right.

    Never said it was unfair. Sorry if that wasn't clear. I was addressing the bragging. People will flock to easy AP gains. I do it all the time. I just don't post my KD on a forum when I farm EP at a scroll temple.
    Cody wrote: »
    Cody wrote: »
    This is whats wrong with PvP and why buff servers are a joke.... AD you are Terabad on this server and tactics like this is why i will continue to farm you with the rest of DC here and EP doing the same to you. L2P.


    Sorry, but farming on a buff server is what is wrong with PVP. You are only encouraging the zerg mentality by doing so.

    Maybe fight another faction rather then gang up on the horribly outclassed poplocked faction. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the point of pvp to gain emperor-ships and whatnot? Easily could have been done AND crowned a DC emp within the last few hours with how bad AD was playing.

    All that is going to come of this is more inexperienced AD players coming on to haderus and the pvp community will be worse off for it.

    a POP LOCKED AD against a ONE BAR EP and a ONE BAR DC, and you are surprised we attacked AD? are you serious? Is attacking the most populated faction not a smart thing to do?

    And do you really think we EP attack AD simply cause we want to? I have news for you, we don't want to, we have to. AD ALWAYS outnumbers us 2:1. If we were to attack DC, AD would hit us in the back and cap the whole dang map back. Do you have any idea how much I want to fight Ariana Kishi? Or fixate? Trust me, if I did not have to worry about AD zerging us to death, I would happily go to bleakers/chal and fight DC instead. If I did not have to worry about AD zerging us to death with twice our numbers: I would happily stop chasing Telel and Stacey and Vjulk and go after Ariana or fixate or some other DC person.

    Y'all have a much higher score than EP and DC, and y'all consistently nightcap everything back: whether or not y'all are the most farmable faction means nothing: you are always in the lead. Constantly nightcaping everything and mindlessly zerg blobing into the meatgrinder will not make you good at PvP.

    If you want the AD of had to not be "outclassed" then tell them to not nightcap everything back tonight. Tell them to not rage quit when they get beat, but to stay and learn from their mistakes. Tell them to get organized and work as a team, not be scattered across the map. And don't yell at and insult everyone(I have heard reports of the AD zone chat tonight, don't know if they are true, but still)

    All you are doing by pounding on AD is encouraging them to nightcap more. 2/3's of the Haderus AD are people new to pvp. They see something light up on the map and they react to it regardless of what or how much real estate they already own. They are doing the capture quests and enjoying the limited Cyrodiil PvE content.

    I play on Azura's. We are always outnumbered. The longest we have had an emperor is like 2 days and we didn't even get the hp buff because the server bugged out. Then we go to sleep and surprise...EP nightcaps the map. Used to play on Chillrend. We'd take one resource and the pop would jump to 2 bars DC and we would get swarmed back to the gate.

    Night capping happens. Some people don't play on your schedule. Some people live in other countries. Some people work different hours. Some people probably just like the siege mechanics and PvE keeps. The community is diverse.

    Playing tactically and playing begrudgingly are two pretty different things. Farm AD because they night cap...oh wait...its not farming, we are attacking them because they have the most pop and it makes sense. You aren't going to win a buff campaign by Thorn guesters and day pushes, so don't bring up score. You need a constant presence and pressure which right now neither DC nor EP has.

    My main point here is most of the Haderus AD players are LEARNING PvP. And what are they learning? EP and DC farm them and hit them at the same time. That can be overwhelming. So what do they do? They PvP when they get the least resistance.....at night. Is attacking when the least resistance is present not the thing to do?

    Well tell the AD on had to stop gate camping and to stop whining on the forums when they get beat, and maybe people will respect y'all enough to not come farm you at alessia for 2 hours. the fact you people came with a POP LOCKED FORCE against ONE BAR of EP and DC, throws your entire "works during different time zones" out the window. Its not a matter of time zones: the AD people don't want to lose their buffs, and they do whatever they deem necessary to get them back, even if it's something as low and despicable as gate camping.

    And like I may have stated, It has nothing to do with time zones. If y'all can keep had pop-locked for your alliance most of the day, that means y'all do have the time and the numbers to come PvP. You people just wait until EP and DC go to sleep, then cap everything back with no resistance; and some of you really wonder why the AD on had don't do really well.

    If you people want to do better, then stop camping the gates, stop nightcaping everything, stop zerg blobing everything to death, and do some ACTUAL PvP. I promise, y'all will be better off for it

    As it has been said, generalizing a faction based on the actions of a couple people is cowardly and in bad form. If you want to do that then ya'll do the same thing on Azura's. DC does worse on Chillrend. Everyone knows what it feels like to get gate camped. You just complain about it the loudest.

    I have seen more posts from you whining about campaigns then I have from AD SPECIFICALLY regarding Haderus. The holidays are over now, be prepared for a lot of moderation coming your way.

    ok. I will be prepared for the moderation coming my way.

    and I hope you saw the post where I apologized for generalizing AD like I did. just scroll up and you are bound to see it. If you are going to call me a coward over the forums, you could at least read the post where I did what most people would not have the guts to do. you talk to me about generalization... yet you just misjudged me so severely and you don't even realize it.

    screw off would you? cool. have a good one:)
    Cody wrote: »
    Reverb wrote: »

    This is a serious post. Just because you are outnumbered doesn't mean you are outclassed. This thread is full of people bragging about the AP gains and KD counts on this server, where the only thing that happens is AP farming of the horde of unorganized AD players. (of course you are going to get tons of AP)

    If you are happy at the end of the day knowing you farmed the most farm-able players currently on NA then more power to you. And yes AD NA is the most farm-able faction. If they weren't we would have more fun when we play on Azura's and red would have an actual presence on Chillrend.

    People are going to PvP however they want. I just don't agree with all of the "PvP is dying" and "population imbalance" posts. Clearly pop numbers mean nothing when a poplocked faction can get rolled over so easily.

    Still a little unclear, are you saying that because Haderus AD aren't good that it's unfair to fight their hordes and that DC and EP should leave them alone? That seems to be your point, but that just can't be right.

    Never said it was unfair. Sorry if that wasn't clear. I was addressing the bragging. People will flock to easy AP gains. I do it all the time. I just don't post my KD on a forum when I farm EP at a scroll temple.
    Cody wrote: »
    Cody wrote: »
    This is whats wrong with PvP and why buff servers are a joke.... AD you are Terabad on this server and tactics like this is why i will continue to farm you with the rest of DC here and EP doing the same to you. L2P.


    Sorry, but farming on a buff server is what is wrong with PVP. You are only encouraging the zerg mentality by doing so.

    Maybe fight another faction rather then gang up on the horribly outclassed poplocked faction. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the point of pvp to gain emperor-ships and whatnot? Easily could have been done AND crowned a DC emp within the last few hours with how bad AD was playing.

    All that is going to come of this is more inexperienced AD players coming on to haderus and the pvp community will be worse off for it.

    a POP LOCKED AD against a ONE BAR EP and a ONE BAR DC, and you are surprised we attacked AD? are you serious? Is attacking the most populated faction not a smart thing to do?

    And do you really think we EP attack AD simply cause we want to? I have news for you, we don't want to, we have to. AD ALWAYS outnumbers us 2:1. If we were to attack DC, AD would hit us in the back and cap the whole dang map back. Do you have any idea how much I want to fight Ariana Kishi? Or fixate? Trust me, if I did not have to worry about AD zerging us to death, I would happily go to bleakers/chal and fight DC instead. If I did not have to worry about AD zerging us to death with twice our numbers: I would happily stop chasing Telel and Stacey and Vjulk and go after Ariana or fixate or some other DC person.

    Y'all have a much higher score than EP and DC, and y'all consistently nightcap everything back: whether or not y'all are the most farmable faction means nothing: you are always in the lead. Constantly nightcaping everything and mindlessly zerg blobing into the meatgrinder will not make you good at PvP.

    If you want the AD of had to not be "outclassed" then tell them to not nightcap everything back tonight. Tell them to not rage quit when they get beat, but to stay and learn from their mistakes. Tell them to get organized and work as a team, not be scattered across the map. And don't yell at and insult everyone(I have heard reports of the AD zone chat tonight, don't know if they are true, but still)

    All you are doing by pounding on AD is encouraging them to nightcap more. 2/3's of the Haderus AD are people new to pvp. They see something light up on the map and they react to it regardless of what or how much real estate they already own. They are doing the capture quests and enjoying the limited Cyrodiil PvE content.

    I play on Azura's. We are always outnumbered. The longest we have had an emperor is like 2 days and we didn't even get the hp buff because the server bugged out. Then we go to sleep and surprise...EP nightcaps the map. Used to play on Chillrend. We'd take one resource and the pop would jump to 2 bars DC and we would get swarmed back to the gate.

    Night capping happens. Some people don't play on your schedule. Some people live in other countries. Some people work different hours. Some people probably just like the siege mechanics and PvE keeps. The community is diverse.

    Playing tactically and playing begrudgingly are two pretty different things. Farm AD because they night cap...oh wait...its not farming, we are attacking them because they have the most pop and it makes sense. You aren't going to win a buff campaign by Thorn guesters and day pushes, so don't bring up score. You need a constant presence and pressure which right now neither DC nor EP has.

    My main point here is most of the Haderus AD players are LEARNING PvP. And what are they learning? EP and DC farm them and hit them at the same time. That can be overwhelming. So what do they do? They PvP when they get the least resistance.....at night. Is attacking when the least resistance is present not the thing to do?

    Well tell the AD on had to stop gate camping and to stop whining on the forums when they get beat, and maybe people will respect y'all enough to not come farm you at alessia for 2 hours. the fact you people came with a POP LOCKED FORCE against ONE BAR of EP and DC, throws your entire "works during different time zones" out the window. Its not a matter of time zones: the AD people don't want to lose their buffs, and they do whatever they deem necessary to get them back, even if it's something as low and despicable as gate camping.

    And like I may have stated, It has nothing to do with time zones. If y'all can keep had pop-locked for your alliance most of the day, that means y'all do have the time and the numbers to come PvP. You people just wait until EP and DC go to sleep, then cap everything back with no resistance; and some of you really wonder why the AD on had don't do really well.

    If you people want to do better, then stop camping the gates, stop nightcaping everything, stop zerg blobing everything to death, and do some ACTUAL PvP. I promise, y'all will be better off for it

    As it has been said, generalizing a faction based on the actions of a couple people is cowardly and in bad form. If you want to do that then ya'll do the same thing on Azura's. DC does worse on Chillrend. Everyone knows what it feels like to get gate camped. You just complain about it the loudest.

    I have seen more posts from you whining about campaigns then I have from AD SPECIFICALLY regarding Haderus. The holidays are over now, be prepared for a lot of moderation coming your way.

    ok. I will be prepared for the moderation coming my way.

    and I hope you saw the post where I apologized for generalizing AD like I did. just scroll up and you are bound to see it. If you are going to call me a coward over the forums, you could at least read the post where I did what most people would not have the guts to do. you talk to me about generalization... yet you just misjudged me so severely and you don't even realize it.

    screw off would you? cool. have a good one:)

    Sorry hoss, didn't see your public apology. But I'll just screw off anyway since obviously I don't have anything constructive to add to the discussion.
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