Players can weapon swap between two weapons and still maintain both Mundus Stone Boons as long as they don't drop below 5 pieces total. If a player goes below 5 pieces he/she will lose their last Boon and will have to reacquire it at a Mundus Stone.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
It isn't eh? Sounds to me like you want to be able to get precisely what you want every single time you try for it. Sorry, not gonna happen. RNG is a pain at times, everyone knows that, but we accept it because it is RNG and RNG is part of every single game in existance.
So when can we expect race/appearance changes? If it is coming, will it be a one time thing or will there be a full service for it? The best idea I've seen is an NPC in-game to charge for appearance changes in exchange for gold but a race change would be perfect for a Crown Store service.
Will we ever see lvl scaling in the main story zones? I'm asking because by just questing and killing enemies on my path I hit vr4 just before leaving the first zone of silver content. With enemies being 2-3vr levels below me there isn't much of a challenge anymore. pls, do something to make the main story zones more interesting again, because with it being an already known story to me, and there being no challenge at all. It's just one big drag.
F.Y.I. I didn't even do any of the 4 man group dungeons with this character yet, nor have I ever done any grinding, Cyrodiil PVP or crafting writs. Meaning all the exp I gained was by just progressing through the main story line and side quests. I'm fine with leveling faster this way, but only if it introduces scaled up enemies. Being at least a bit challenging is important otherwise a game is just boring and you might just as well start selling vr16 toons in the crown store.
DON'T actually start selling vr16 toons in the crown store! Just saying.
NightRibon23444 wrote: »Why are nightblades so OP!!! It's ridiculous what they can do. Its sad really.
Scyantific wrote: »Are going to stop ninja nerfing anything that has to do with tanks in this game?
First, ESO is amazing. I back this up with being a subscriber since launch, even though I never used a single crown. ZoS have This Orc's many thanks for the excellent journey in Tamriel, and your awesome ongoing work! More DLCs please!
I have a question about the "Twice-Born Star" crafted set from Craglorn. (9 traits required)
The 5 set bonus gives the wearer the ability to choose 2 Mondus stone effects.
My question is, can this set be changed so the player don't need to reacquire the mondus stone if you weapon swap to a weapon that is not from this set. Or change to another set?
The second effect should be inactive if you don't have 5 active on you. But having to reacquire the mundus again?
I think this set would be far more attractive if the second boon was just inactive if you drop below 5 active parts. And become active when you have 5 active parts again.
Is this something worth considering?
No, it isn't. Sounds like you are putting words in my mouth. The increased drop rate alleviates some of the pain but far from all of it. The system in itself is still flawed.
I don't want to get exactly what I want on the first try. That would be boring. Maybe you haven't tried to get the new sets, maybe you have been extremely lucky with drops and don't understand our frustration. But there are many of us out there that have run WGT and ICP many, many times and still does not have the set we want.
RNG can be good or bad. The RNG in ESO is bad. Not only is the RNG drop rate bad, you have the additional RNG of Traits. The layered RNG in ESO is much, much worse than I have seen in any game before.
For example, I think I've done vWGT at least 40 times since IC was released. I've gotten 4 drops of the Overwhelming set. 2 pants, both reinforced and 2 boots, both infused. That is bad RNG.
Please realize I'm not whining cause "it's hard" or "I want it on the first try", I've done vWGT and vICP many times and have the achievements for hard mode, speed run and no deaths (before the latest nerfs). I'm pointing out a flawed system.
Why is it so long to research trait's?
I understand why if was like this at the start to keep people subed to the game but since it went buy to play why has the research time not been reduced.
I mean i can start to learn a trait that takes 30 days to complete set a note on my calendar and not play the game again until its done.
Here's a fun question for the next time you have a code-writer on Life at ZOS:
Whatever sort of crazy code hiccup causes a quest interactable to start selling produce?
Any chance of a variable drop chance on unique items like monster helms for example, each time the mob is killed the chance to get the item increases if it doesn't drop and resets to normal when it does drop. This would provide a limit on how many times someone would have to clear the same dungeon before getting an item they wanted because at the moment there is no limit, a player could theoretically take forever. Do devs have an idea how long or how many times they'd like players to have to clear the same content before getting specific drops and program accordingly or do you leave it entirely to chance?
Why was it decided to make the Laurels style item bound? Do you plan on offering them in the Crown Store like malachite?
Scyantific wrote: »
This was already answered in a thread, and the answer is pretty much "yes, we made it bound so we can have the opportunity to introduce it to the crown store later on if needed"