Hi ZOS devs,
I had an idea that it would be cool to create new racial specific questlines - for each race one, which would for example deal with racial history, racial specific lore, skills and areas. It would make the relationship between the player and his/her character even closer. It could for example include even timetravel to some racial specific events in history, which are important for each race, maybe also battles or spiritual events, which greatly contributed to the racial social development.
How cool it would be to explore the history or main events for my character`s ancestors?
For example for Khajiit it could be in Elsweyr, for Orcs in Orsinium (maybe some new free locations, provinces apart from the DLC), for Altmer Summerset Isle, etc...
It could be added as free content and could include racial specific homelands and quests. Or maybe even as a paid dlc, I would definitelly buy that one!
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Your welcome
I honestly think it's justified. The heal is strong and the synergy is there. Who would run Templar if Soul Siphon did heal the user?
And do you know how flooded said chat would be? No, E-mail is definitely more effective since the flood in the chat could cause some people's requests to be missed.
RenhardtESO wrote: »So question with what Eric Robel said about the grouping tool now forming groups where it will always put a tank, healer and 2 dps into a group. I am a healer but I also have DPS checked as my job just in case there is another healer and they feel better healing than DPSing. Will that make it harder for me to find a group if I have both selected now and should I just select the role I want to fill each time I queue?
3) This may be answered after the DLC is released (so the question is pointless if it is) when I played through some of the new DLC I didn't like the idea that my pact solider was off to help the orcs just because he likes helping orc children and is a nice person (he doesn't and his not). Will we be seeing story reasons to do quests and to progress or is this basically - play with the orcs or grind in the sewers who cares about story, character development and role play?
5) Will Sorc pets every get bonuses that actually make them useful. Right now to use a PET I have to have it on both action bars so I can quickly swap bars and use all my skills and not lose the pet mid fight if I want 2 pets I am in effect losing 4 out of 10 slots. Their damage is also terrible and they have no use in PvP at all. Even the ultimate is a bit crap these days.
7) SWTOR has recently made a change where they have released that getting groups to do older content and lower level content and have made most content (even what they now call heroic 2+) solo-able. Will we start to see the same where we will get solo versions of the delves so I can play them when I get to them rather than have to wait till Vet16 and enough people want to do them?
8) A long time ago a question was answered saying that you would consider making AP (alliance points, ranks, titles and achievements) account wide so people could play alts without being at a disadvantage to people who just played one character. Is there any progress on this? What about making Skyshards and lore books account wide so I don't have to repeat the same content on every alt?
9) Will we ever see roleplay improvements, e.g the ability to write a bio others can see. Titles which go in front of the character name, will we ever see the chance of becoming a lord/lady and getting our own land (basically player housing). Will we see better titles for playing the main story. The player basically saves all 3 alliances and yet the only rank he has is that from PvP?
One other thing, can you please remove the health, stamina, magicka potion cool down effect in a next patch or something because it's really stupid when fighting a boss in a solo or team instance dungeon and getting your ass kicked and die when it could all have been avoided if there was no cool down on the potion use. Just like diablo 3 it's really stupid please remove it or make it available to purchase in the Crown Store.
RenhardtESO wrote: »Will we ever get customizable quick chat bubbles for the console? I've grouped with a lot of PUG's who don't use their mic's and it would be nice to have some visual way of communicating with them something short and sweet like "Stop standing in the red!" Or "Archer want this bow I just looted?" Or "Don't pull, I gotta pee!!" Well... I guess I could just say "Don't pull, brb"
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
So many people run DPS it's not even funny... If you can fill an alternate role I'd sign up for that instead, which in this case would be healer. Also I do not believe this question belongs in this thread lol
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
I have asked this one already actually. Feel free to refer to my questions list for anything else you may be wondering I have already asked about: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/2294108/#Comment_2294108
If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.
RenhardtESO wrote: »
All due respect, you have posted this once or twice before in a reply to a question I asked and no, I didn't go digging back through the 115 pages to see if anyone else asked the same thing. If you don't have something to contribute to or argue against my "version" of this question, then please stop telling me you already posted it in another part of this thread. Thank you
Player housing on the elder scrolls online? How much is that going to cost? I mean getting some cheddar is already so hard, could only buy Mr. SWEETROLL (cheapest mount) from the stables for 10000 gold. Getting all that gold took me 5 million years
RenhardtESO wrote: »Will we ever have the ability to custom keybind our controller for PS4 and Xbox? I play on PS4 and would love to exchange the swap weapon bar button on the left directional pad to be on the touch pad in the middle. I feel it would be so much faster and efficient for me to weapon swap when I am healing a dungeon if I could just quickly reach down with my right thumb and hit a giant touch pad than to fumble around trying to hit the left directional button and instead accidently hit the down button which sends me into first person or the up button and accidently consume a potion or food... And I barely use the map, so I wouldn't mind having that on the left button instead of the giant touch pad that could be used for way more useful things!
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
It's the same question no matter how you slice it, but I suppose people repeating the same question only increases the chances of mine getting answered That said it also serves to remind Zenimax I have unanswered questions still without repeat posting. You can get salty all you want but the fact I have posted the question already is why I replied so. I don't blame you for not digging through this thread considering how large it is which is all the more reason I mention my list just in case...
timtbag123ub17_ESO wrote: »Will we be seeing an Overhaul update that could possibly add more events, more variety of monsters, Npc's, and other items?
RenhardtESO wrote: »
Sorry didn't mean to sound like I was that angry about it after reading what I wrote. It just comes off like I shouldn't be asking it since you already did. I was more annoyed with the comment about my other question not belonging in this thread. Whatever. All good man. Water under the bridge.
Maby in the long run? I believe we will.
RenhardtESO wrote: »Will we ever get customizable quick chat bubbles for the console? I've grouped with a lot of PUG's who don't use their mic's and it would be nice to have some visual way of communicating with them something short and sweet like "Stop standing in the red!" Or "Archer want this bow I just looted?" Or "Don't pull, I gotta pee!!" Well... I guess I could just say "Don't pull, brb"
If they do this, why not just put in text chat?
I wish they would change the quick chat for joining group to "Join Group?" This would be more universal and could be used to start a group or to ask to join a current group.
Jump around like a idiot spamming "Join Group", that's basically where we are at on console.
If they do this, why not just put in text chat?
I wish they would change the quick chat for joining group to "Join Group?" This would be more universal and could be used to start a group or to ask to join a current group.
Jump around like a idiot spamming "Join Group", that's basically where we are at on console.